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[PbP] INTO THE ODD - Horrific, Rules-Lite D&D

SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
edited May 2013 in Critical Failures
So INTO THE ODD is my D&D-based game.


Here's one page with everything you need to roll up a character and play. The full game document is here.



Each night, this remote, extinct volcano has displayed rapid, white flashes. Like sheet lightning, coming from within the peak itself.

Rumours are flying, but the consensus is that someone brave should lead an expedition inside.


There are six known entrances to the peak, which has long since been abandoned by civilization. They're listed from lowest to highest.


You know that this was once a mine for Black Sugar, which is exactly what it sounds like. It was abandoned because of safety concerns over a century ago.


This is a large, natural cave entrance, but there is a rough track leading toward it. An empty cart is abandoned here. Somebody has stolen the wheels.


This door in the mountain looks ancient in style. It's securely locked and none of the locals know what it's for.


This narrow crack in the mountainside has animal bones scattered outside. You were warned away from this entrance because of "certain death".

A friendly local has described two more entrances near the peak. One near an ancient monolith and one that resembles a blasted crater. You'd have to trek nearly all the way up the peak to get a better look at these.

Standard PbP rules?
Post as often as you can. I don't need to see roll results, just roll and tell me what you got. Don't sweat about the rules, just ask any questions you like and tell me what you want to do.

Is this some old-school grognard crap? Can I make iconic jokes?
The old D&D basic sets were the starting point for the game, but don't get bogged down in whether this is old school or new school. I'm sure we can have fun, whether you're a filthy 4e player or am equally filthy OD&D player. Again, forget the rules and tell me what you want to do.

So what do I need to know about the game?
This game is about keeping the old games' sense of exploring a deadly environment, while hacking off the bits that would lead to unsatisfying deaths by poisoned door-handles and five-minute adventuring days. Your character sheet is less important than your choices and actions. For me, an RPG is all about being presented with interesting choices, making an informed choice and then seeing the consequences.

1d6hp at Level 1? So it's a meatgrinder!
Not at all. HP are a nice buffer, but anyone acting stupid will end up dying, eventually. If you're smart, you can quite easily survive with that 1hp character.

And if I die?
YOU'RE OUT. If someone has a lackey or hireling to spare you can take control of them. If the game goes on for long enough, I'll do a second character drive to beef up the party. Then you can hop back in with a new guy.

Not using an online roller? How do you know I'm not cheating?
I don't. So just don't. In return, you'll offer me the same trust.

Looks like we ended up with quite a large group. How are we going to keep things moving?
I'll assume that generally people will follow the crowd. You'll stay together and we should move through the dungeon at a decent enough pace. If there seems to be a consensus on a decision I'll go with it, without needing confirmation from every last player.

But you love Save or Die. Should I expect them?
Save or Die isn't really a thing in this game, but one false move can get you killed in extreme circumstances. This isn't really any different than other types of D&D where something really nasty can one-shot you for sticking around too long. My rule is that if you die, you should be able to look back and see where you made the mistake. Unless you're walking around with your eyes closed I will tell you about traps, dangerous monsters and black holes. If you choose to engage with those things then you only have yourself to blame.

Well that wouldn't happen with level-appropriate encounters
BLARRGH. We don't do that. There are some things you can kill with your boot. There are others that can kill you with their boot. I'll make it pretty clear what's what, so don't go being terrified of every chicken you meet in case it's a Cockatrice. Whatever you bump into, there'll be a way to survive. There just might not be a way to stab it to death conventionally.

Settings are borrrring. Give me the short version of what I need to know about this one.
Forget about orcs, elves, wizards and all that shit. Here we have industry, guns, sabres, fantastic hats. The Astrals are everywhere in mythology and have left screwy things/people/places all over. Go and find that stuff.

HANSEL Overbrook (Dex Dynamo)
STR 6, DEX 12, WIL 13, 4HP.
Musket (1d6+1), Hatchet (1d6), Crowbar.
Arcanum: Frozen Brain

ZENO Zaboulon (jdarksun)
STR 12, DEX 10, WIL 13, 5HP.
Sword (1d6), Crowbar, Shovel
Arcanum: Obscuring Mist

ALFONSO De'aorja (Grey Paladin)
STR 9, DEX 15, WIL 10, 6HP.
Musket (1d6+1), Crowbar, Sword (1d6)

KAIRON Valerios (Ominous Lozenge)
STR 8, DEX 12, WIL 14, 2HP
Hatchet (1d6), Crowbar, Shovel
Arcanum: Sun Blessed

CENK Ourfler (Bhow)
STR 12, DEX 12, WIL 12, 2HP.
Musket (1d6+1), Crowbar, Bow (1d6)
Arcanum: Miniaturise

TIRIS h'Lier (Am0n)
STR 6, DEX 5, WIL 13, 2HP
Musket (1d6+1), Sword (1d6), Pistol (1d6).
Arcanum: Unbreakable Seal

Treasure Pot (to be divided)
Black Sugar worth 30s
Black pearls from tunnel monster's stomach.



  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    Hansel Overbrook

    STR 6
    DEX 12
    WIL 13 (Arcanum: Frozen Brain)
    HP 4

    Musket (1d6+1)
    Hatchet (1d6)
    Should I wait for other players, or offer my opinion right away?

  • SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    We won't go ahead with any actions until there are 4-5 players, but feel free to give your thoughts in advance.

  • BhowBhow Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away. On my way to where the air is sweet.Registered User regular
    Fun times!
    I can't access the online rollers at the moment, nor do I have dice at hand, but once I resolve one of those issues I'll post a character. In the meantime, I'll begin perusing the PDF.

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    edited April 2013
    Zeno Zaboulon

    Str: 12
    Dex: 10
    Wil: 13 (Obscuring Mist)

    HP: 5

    Equipment: Sword (1d6), Crowbar, Shovel
    Ability Generation: 3#3d6 13 10 12

    Hipoints: 1d6 5

    Equipment: 3#1d6 1 5 6

    Arcanum: 1d20 6

    Also, can't access the full doc.

    jdarksun on
  • Grey PaladinGrey Paladin Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    Alfonso De'aorja

    STR 9
    DEX 15 (!!!)
    WIL 10

    Musket (D6+1)
    Sword (D6)

    Background: Born to a poor factory worker in Bastion, joining the military seemed like the natural path out of the slums to young Alfonso. Being identified with the regime, however, proved to be just as dangerous. After the third time he was attacked by revolutionaries he decided enough is enough. Under the cover of darkness he took his belongings and fled to the docks. There he planned to board the first vessel headed for profit. Explorers - at least those who managed to return - always seemed to be wealthy. How dangerous could exploring some mountain be, anyhow?

    Which kind of muskets do we have, anyhow? How does reloading works? How much ammo do we have? If we need to manually light a shot's fuse in order to fire it, does this means we have access to flint and steel or something else that can start a fire?

    Grey Paladin on
    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." - T.E. Lawrence
  • OminousLozengeOminousLozenge Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    Kairon Valerios

    STR: 8
    DEX: 12
    WIL: 14 (Sun Blessed)

    HP: 2

    Equipment: Hatchet (1d6), Crowbar, Shovel

    Character Creation - Stats: 3#3d6 8 12 14
    Arcana: 1d20 10
    HP: 1d6 2
    Equipment: 3#1d6 4 5 6

    E: Sun Blessed- Until you sleep you count as having Armour 2, but glow and hum faintly.

    OminousLozenge on
    Sometimes I have ideas for things.
  • Grey PaladinGrey Paladin Registered User regular
    I am surrounded by witches.

    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." - T.E. Lawrence
  • OminousLozengeOminousLozenge Registered User regular
    Oh dang! I just went with the straight rolls. I could swap and be Strong Dumb Guy if that would be better!

    Sometimes I have ideas for things.
  • Grey PaladinGrey Paladin Registered User regular
    You rolled a really aweosme superpower though. I don't think we need a strongman. I just thought this was funny.

    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." - T.E. Lawrence
  • OminousLozengeOminousLozenge Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    I haven't even read what it is yet. It sounds like I have an awesome tan.

    E: The full game doc is currently unavailable.

    OminousLozenge on
    Sometimes I have ideas for things.
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but since you brought it up...

    You do have an awesome tan.

  • OminousLozengeOminousLozenge Registered User regular
    Thanks, I replaced all the fluorescents in my office with heat lamps.

    Sometimes I have ideas for things.
  • Grey PaladinGrey Paladin Registered User regular
    Here, lemme post the powers we rolled so far:

    Hansel - Frozen Brain: Target must pass a WIL Save to avoid being dazed for a turn.
    Zeno - Obscuring Mist: Mist surrounds you and all within 20ft. Anyone attacked through the mist has Armour 2.
    Kairon - Sunblessed: Until you sleep you count as having Armour 2 but glow and hum faintly.
    Alfonso - Snazzy uniform: Men want you. Women want to be you. I mean damn this is fancy.

    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." - T.E. Lawrence
  • SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    Something weird going on with the full pdf. I'll get on it.

    Re: muskets. They're like the flintlocks of our history but just different enough to account for me not being a historical firearms expert.

    We don't track ammo so you're good for shot, powder etc. The whole expedition gets basic survival gear as a standard which includes flint and steel as well as some rope and spikes for getting up the mountain.

  • OminousLozengeOminousLozenge Registered User regular
    Wow, that is pretty awesome.


    Sometimes I have ideas for things.
  • Grey PaladinGrey Paladin Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    Obviously you have to actually hum 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life' to maintain the effect.

    Grey Paladin on
    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." - T.E. Lawrence
  • SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    Okay, the full doc should be working now. You don't need to know any of the info in there other than the Powers (page 5), but feel free to take a look.

    There's an example of play that might be handy to look over.

    I see we have four players. I'll do the first post proper tomorrow morning so if anyone else wants to hop in I'm happy to go with a larger group.

    Meanwhile, work out which death-hole entrance you're going in.

  • BhowBhow Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away. On my way to where the air is sweet.Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    If you're still open to another or are filling a list of alternates, I present

    Cenk Ourfler

    S: 12
    D: 12
    W: 12

    HP: 2

    Eq: Musket (1d6+1), Crowbar, Bow (1d6)

    Would I get an Arcanum power if Will is equal to the highest score? If so, Miniaturise!

    Jack of all trades, master of none.

    E: and now I see others have linked their rolls. I used Orokos (because @infidel is a scholar, gentle lover, etc.), so I can edit the links in if desired.

    Bhow on
  • Grey PaladinGrey Paladin Registered User regular
    You are more like 'Queen of all trades'.

    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." - T.E. Lawrence
  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    "Well, the way I see it, friends, is a locked door means a structure, and where there's structure, there's civilization.

    So I vote for Entrance C."

  • SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    Don't need to see die rolls, just roll and I'll trust you.

    And yes, you get an arcanum if WIL is your joint highest score.

  • OminousLozengeOminousLozenge Registered User regular
    "Yes, and it looks like a rather old door. Perhaps if we apply some leverage, we could force the lock."

    Kairon looks around the group and notes with some satisfaction that they all remembered to bring a crowbar.

    Sometimes I have ideas for things.
  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    "Hmm. Yes. Can never have too many crowbars."

  • SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    I can confirm that there is at least one place in this dungeon that will benefit from multiple crowbars.

    Same for shovels. Those items are common for a reason!

  • Grey PaladinGrey Paladin Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    "Before making a hasty decision, wouldn't it be better to fully explore all of our options? Why not examine the two final entrances the rumors spoke of first?" says the soldier while cleaning his musket's muzzle with some enthusiasm. "Name's Alfonso, by the way."

    Grey Paladin on
    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." - T.E. Lawrence
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    I vote B.

  • OminousLozengeOminousLozenge Registered User regular
    "Oh, how rude of me. Kairon Valerios, pleasure to meet you."

    After the pleasantries, Kairon takes a long look toward the mountaintop, where two other mysterious entrances supposedly lie, waiting to be explored.

    "Seems awfully far up..."

    Sometimes I have ideas for things.
  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    "Oh! Pleasantries, of course, forgive me. Hansel Overbrook, at your service!

    Hmm. checking out the rumors is a fine idea--but I'm a bit wary of trekking that high up the mountain and finding nothing... or worse.

    But damn it all, it is quite the tempting idea, isn't it? Sighhhh. I'm in for checking out rumors E and F, if the group decides on it. Otherwise, I keep my vote."

    Dex Dynamo on
  • SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    The rumours you heard point to the ancient monolith at entrance E being something of a warning beacon than would be lit in case of an eruption. You don't get any info about about what's inside either entrance.

    The trek up the mountain would take some time but should be safe, barring any unforseen events. You'd risk losing the first grab on the lower entrances, though. There's at least one other expedition incoming.

  • SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    Okay, I'll make the first post tomorrow (about 11 hours from now) based on the most popular choice of entrance.

    Let's see how many more warm bodies we get before then.

  • Grey PaladinGrey Paladin Registered User regular
    "I'd hate to drag everyone all the way up there if any would rather explore one of the closer entrances, of course, but this seems like the prudent thing to do. If those other fellas beat us to the prize, so be it - you don't live long by taking needless risks. Personally, I am quite fond of living." he concludes with a smile.

    //OOC: Cenk's power is amazing in every possible way.

    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." - T.E. Lawrence
  • OminousLozengeOminousLozenge Registered User regular
    "But my good man, who on earth would sign up to explore dangerous mysteries in parts unknown, all the while planning to simply shrug and retire into quiet obscurity?

    "Given these rumors of competition, a good compromise would seem to be that we should strike into the ruins at Entry B."

    Sometimes I have ideas for things.
  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    "I could certainly get behind Entry B."

  • Grey PaladinGrey Paladin Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    "I can't enjoy whatever unspeakable riches we unearth if I am dead" he says with a smirk "but yes, that is a fair compromise. Of the paths we know of, this seems like the safest one."

    Grey Paladin on
    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." - T.E. Lawrence
  • SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    It's a ten-minute walk up to the second entrance, a natural cave. As you suspected, the wagon discarded here has been stripped of anything valuable.

    There are no signs of light coming from within the cave, so those of you with free hands light up torches. You enter the cave to the North.

    The floor of the passageway is smooth, but the walls and ceiling are rough, unworked rock. Some thirty feet in, the passageway opens up into a cave, 60ft wide and 20ft high.

    The smooth floor leads like a path through the cave, to an open passageway on the North wall opposite. The end of the passageway is blocked with a sheet of cloth, most likely a curtain.

    The West side of the cave has a smaller, unworked tunnel leading into the darkness. You can hear dripping water in that direction.

    The East side of the cave has a single slab of smooth stone carved into the natural rock. There are smeared, black handprints over the stone and around its edges.

    On the South wall, to the side of the entrance, is a cluster of what looks like grassy strands protruding from the rock. The strands look clear and glass-like, growing some two feet out of the rock.

    There's some benign moss clumped around damp patches of the walls, but no other signs of life.

  • BhowBhow Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away. On my way to where the air is sweet.Registered User regular
    Noticing the curtain, Cenk remarks "Not entirely uninhabited, it seems. But this," walking near to the smooth, hand printed stone, "could be exciting."

    Cenk will examine the stone and prints, especially the edges, to determine if it is more than a simple slab smooth stone.

  • SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    There's a very tight seam surrounding the stone slab. It's roughly 4ft by 4ft and a few feet above the ground.

    On closer inspection, the black hand-prints look to be soot, or some other sort of burnt substance. There are some scraps of burnt wood and cloth on the floor here.

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    I'd like to check out the grassy strands.

  • SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    On closer inspection they look like tubes of glass, maybe a centimetre in thickness, with a hollow centre. As you move around them they reflect the light strangely, like a prism.

    If you want to investigate them further, just tell me how.

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Are they open or closed at the end pointed towards me?

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