Welcome to Coffin Rock!
The sunsets over the rise of Coffin Rock, the monolith from which the town takes its name, casting a shadow over the dusty settlement as the posse rolls up. The road, such as it is, from Denver to Coffin Rock was less than pleasant. Days spent in the saddle and nights spent sleeping have left your bodies stiff and sore. Finally catching a glimpse of the town has heartened your spirits and you've hastened your pace to town. What you find once you reach the town proper leaves your prospects feeling once again darkened.
The streets of Coffin Rock are barren and lifeless. Only the billowing of dust and the roll of the tumbleweeds greet you. Oh, there are people around. You find them as you ride through. Their at the Six Feet Under and the Jewel Theatre, drowning their sorrows and indulging their vices. Their at the Brotherhood of the New Covenant - the white church at the end of Daly Street. As you mosey by the Sherriff's Office two deputies dressed in all black with gleaming silver stars stare you down, pulling up their gun belts and puffing up their chests. Passing the cemetery you're left with a pit in your stomachs as the branches of the dead trees populating the grounds seem to reach for you in the winds.
You finally find a proper inn, the Crystal River Inn, and tie your horses outside. The paint on the sign above is peeling almost prophetically read "Cry a River Inn". Inside the inn is unkempt and dity. A lone man tends the front, seeming withdrawn and haunted, who barely acknowledges you as you enter. Lifting his head, he weakly says "Oh... good morning. I'm uh Carl Testeverde, proprietor of this establishment. I suppose you're wanting rooms?"
Welcome to our new in-character thread for your adventures in Coffin Rock!
You'll see a map of the town above. You're welcome to explore as you please.
@Nealneal - You begin with 2 Green fate chips and 1 Red fate chip.
@Captain Carrot - You begin with 1 Green fate chip and 2 Red chips.
@Ken O - You begin with 3 Green fate chips.
@JohnnyCache - You begin with 2 Green fate chips and 1 Blue chip.
"Good morning to you as well, sir. Yes, we will want rooms, assuming you have at least two available. It wouldn't be proper, after all, to have a young woman sharing sleeping space with three gentlemen when she is not married to any of them."
Rachael is quite sure no impropriety would occur, but given what they've heard about Coffin Rock, making something of a show of their adherence to the law, both written and not, would likely be wise.
Comics, Games, Booze
He then follows the others into the Cry a River. Looking around, he has a difficult time hiding his disgust.
"The young lady is right of course, propriety is a must."
He groans as though in pain. "Ain't no one else staying here. You've got the run of place fer a dollar a day. Need to be tending your own meals though..." Carl seems near to bursting into tears at this point. "Dorothy was the cook. Excuse me, just sign the ledger if you really intend to stay." He hurried opens the hotel log and slides you an ink with pen, then turns away to hide his tears. After you've signed in Carl slams the ledger closed then disppears into the office behind the front desk.
"Mr. Testeverde? I know this isn't a good time, but the LORD commands that we comfort those who are in pain. I'm sorry for your loss, and I'd like to pray with you, if I may."
@Nealneal As your good-natured companion Rachel is attempting to reach out to the suffering Carl, something catches the corner of Booth's eye. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the glass of a window looking out over the street. What you see if your self, but that self is not one that "Tennesse" recognizes. In your reflection you see that your brow is furrowed and your teeth as grinding. You've a case of the shakes and there's a paniced look in your frantically shifting eyes. In a start you turn to look at this nightmare visage straight-on, but the vision is over. Your reflection is once again familiar to you to, as it should be. Was your mind playing tricks on you, or is there something horribly wrong with this town?
I host a podcast about movies.
"All right, I don't want to intrude. If you change your mind, I'll be in my room tonight."
She walks away and thinks for a moment.
"Do you folks want to explore the town a bit, or just rest for the night?"
I host a podcast about movies.
"I know I worked up a thirst on the ride here. Seeing the rest of the town might be a good idea."
Comics, Games, Booze
Knowledge (Occult): 2d6 High die- 4
I host a podcast about movies.
"I never will get used to your sleeping habits. I suppose you boys can go wet your whistles, and I'll pay the church a visit. Just hope that preacher's not the kind to take offense at people like me."
@Nealneal Yep, that's right.
You know through your voodoo studies that dark powers can coalesce over an area and create dramatic hallucinatory effects. How and why it occurs and exactly how strong they can get are beyond you. It isn't an area you've investigated much. You'd have to do more study to understand the phenomenon better.
Approaching the church with its high thin steeple and huge stained-glass windows, not a common design in the West, a set of double doors provides the only entryway. A man wearing brown robes welcomes you with open arms. "Welcome, sister," he cries with great exhuberance, "welcome to the Brotherhood of the New Covenant! I'm afraid that Father Cheval isn't in now, but if you'd like to meet with Deacon Plume I'm sure it would be his pleasure."
Agreeing he escorts you, Rachael, inside to meet the Deacon. The interior has a strangely ethereal yet gruesome effect - light cast from the stained-glass creates a rainbow lightning effect. When cast on the faces of the worshippers here, it creates the alarming image of disturbing bruises and wounds upon them. There appears to be eleven more worshipers insider, all wearing the same robes as your escort. Walking through the pews you approach the pulpit, where the Deacon Plume offers a warm smile and steps down to greet you. Behind the pulpit is what Rachael might consider a blasphemous copper altar, the copper it was created from seeming unnaturally prestine and flawless. The deacon is well-groomed wearing a black suit and bola.
"Welcome, young lady," Deacon Plume offers extending his hand, "I am Robert Plume, the deacon for the Brotherhood of the New Covenant. I see you are a Daughter of Judaea. I'm sure the Father Cheval will be most pleased to meet you upon his return." He doesn't seem to recognize that it isn't proper for a lady to wear a kippah.
Clayton, Mordicia, "Tennesse"
The boys meanwhile head the opposite direction, looking to wet their whistles and indulge a few vices.
Headed down 3rd Avenue you pass by the Jewel Theatre. It seems a rowdy sort of place; inside you can heard raucous music and howlering. The upstairs windows are obscured by red curtains, the light passing through offering glimpses of lurid sillouhettes and debauched scenarios. A soiled dove stands outside the main entrance and offers a tempting "you who!" and a flash of her derriere as you mosey on by.
Six Feet Under on the corner of Main Street and 2nd Avenue seems decidedly less hospitable. Behind the cafe doors you can see some grizzled miners drowning their sorrows at the bar. A lonesome man sitting at a table dressed in a fine suit is nursing a bottle of rye. Behind the bar is a frustrated looking bartender who seems to just be going through the motions. An attractive young woman who seems she might have once been more at home working the Jeweled Theatre is sweeping the floors. You can hear the sound of piano playing contrasting the dour scene the Six Feet Under presents.
"Thank you, Deacon," Rachael replies warmly, taking his hand. "It's nice to see a house of worship with such beautiful windows; stained glass became much less common after I crossed the Mississippi. Did you have them shipped here, or do you have glass-making facilities in Coffin Rock?"
She catches herself, and ends the handshake. "Forgive me, I don't mean to pry. Sometimes I find it hard to figure out whether I should explore the work of the Almighty, and when I should simply admire it, and let my soul rejoice."
"You fellas can go throw cards. I think I'm going to bend an elbow where it's a little quieter."
With that he walks into the Six Feet Under. Clayton tips his hat as he walks past the woman sweeping; he offers a smile and a quick "Evening Ma'am" and then heads directly to the bar. His eyes scan the bar for any faces he might recognize before taking another drag from his cigarette. "Whiskey if you have it barkeep."
Comics, Games, Booze
I host a podcast about movies.
"Ah, I see you appreciate fine artistry," Deacon Plume smiled. "No, unfortunately since the closing of the copper mine and the burning of the Daly Estate the town has been in decline. We had then delivered from California. Father Grimme has some of the finest glassworks in North America."
The bartender gives you sideways glance and fits you with your order. "New in town, huh?" he asks. "What could bring you to this hellhole?"
"Hush, Taylor," the young lady sweeping interrupts. She the broom against the wall and sets your order before Clayton. "Welcome to town, stranger. I'm Lizzie and our piano player over there is Mike. Mike knows just about any tune you'd like to hear."
Examining the interior you a staircase leading to a balcony upstairs and a few rooms. There is a mirror behind the bar that's cracked all over and muddy. The cracks have a strange effect of appearing to seperate your head from your neck no matter how you move. Glancing behind you the man sitting alone takes a gold watch from his pocket, then promptly snaps it closed and stuff it back and takes a long swig directly from the whiskey in front of him.
McKenna, "Tennesse"
Entering the Jewel Theatre you are welcomed by the same lady of the night from before, who graciously opens the door to escort you inside. A grand staircase splits the room in two, and there are four more ladies there giving you seductive glances and hoots. To the right is a sort of standard affair for a saloon with multiple tables and there are three miners participating in a game of chance. To the left there is a stage with multiple chairs for viewing. On stage there is woman giving an exotic show while a room of nine more patrons howler and throw coins on stage. A grand dame comes down stairs between the ladies and puts her hands on both your chests. She oozes sexuality from every fibre of her being and wears a dress that leaves little to your imaginations.
"Gentlemen," she says with a wry smirk and sultry Southern accent, "welcome to the Jewel Theatre. I am Belle Sygrove. Please, take your hats off and make yourselves at home. Feel free to indulge any vices you hearts' desire."
The last night in town however...
I host a podcast about movies.
The deacon clears his throught and says "Yes, yes. Of course it was an accident. Mr. Daly was our town founder, you see. When the mine started to run dry and his daughter turned to banditry, he turned to drink and, well... He must have fallen asleep in his arm chair with a lite cigar. Terrile thing really."
"Tennesse", McKenna
Madame Belle follows you closely, having taken you arm around her waste, as you check the games. There appears to be some Blackjack at one table and some Texas Hold'em at the other. She tells the serving girl to make it two, and when the girl returns Belle takes both glasses and offers them to each of you.
"First shots are on the house, gentlemen. Welcome to Coffin Rock."
His eyes narrow in on mirror for a moment. Two fingers pull at his shirt collar, giving his neck a little more room.
He motions for another drink to help ignore the discomfort.
Looking towards Taylor he says, "Just in town helping a friend. Though you make it sound so nice maybe I should hang my hat here."
Comics, Games, Booze
Bartender Taylor scoffs and pours the second drink for you. "If'n you was a smart fella you'd get the hell outta here. This town ain't nothin' but trouble," he declares while returning to dishwashing.
"He's just bitter that since the copper vein dried up at the mine our business has been in decline. Truthfully also cause the Jewel Theatre down there is where all the girls work, too," Lizzie pipes in. "He ain't wrong though. Life in Coffin Rock has gotten hard. Used to be a prosperous little place before everything went wrong."
"Well, if'n you haven't meet the sherriff yet, I'd suggest you try to stay clear of him," Madame Bella stresses. She continually touches your arm as she speaks. "He's an ornery type and his deputies are a bunch no-good bullies. But since the mine closed crime got pretty rampant round these parts and he does keep the peace. Even if it is the hard way. Oh, also you should stay away from Pearl Daly, the founder's daughter. Girl went and turned bandit after her father passed away. Burnt up along with his estate after leaving the fire going one drunken even. It's a tragic story, really. Why I feel faint just recounting that awful night."
McKenna, as you go to put back your drink, your eye catches a strange image in the muddle mirror behind the bar. The floral red and white wallpaper that adorns the walls of the Jewel Theatre, through the filthy caked on the mirror, appear as bloody streaks oozing down the walls of the establishment. You eyes continue to wander till you come one of the Madame's ladies working a client. She nips at his neck and you see her tear the flesh away. You turn and put your hand on your peace, but you see no such seen there - just the girl as she convinces the miner to take herself upstairs.
"No, she is the leader of the bandits. She aparrently feels entitled to some recompence. See, after her father died, he left the deeds to the town to the Sherriff in his will," he says, feeling more confident having not been called out. "Mr. Daly knew well that his unwed daughter was unfit to lead this town. So the poor girl feels slighted, you see.
"Oh but if only she would seek the glory of His mercy," he cries to the air.
"Mr. Daly owned all these lands including the mine, ma'am. He left them to the Sherriff to distribute them among the townsfolk once things have calmed down following his passing," Deacon Plume replied. "In the interim period, the Sherriff is the lawful proprietor of this here town. And to answer your question, no - the girl has been completely inconsolable. Why the Sherriff himself has set out with posses to parley but she has refused to see reason every time."
"Oh no, no no," Deacon Plume paniced. "Uh we can't have a lovely young Isrealite such as yourself getting harmed in our territory. How would we ever get back to having a reputation was a civilized sort of town if word spread you have been injured within our borders? No no, it's best you leave it to law enforcement officials. There's a bounty to have her brought in alive already. She can't evade the authorities forever, after all."
He empties the shot glass again. His eyes fall on Lizzie, trying to avoid the cracked mirror.
"Before everything went wrong? Sounds like a story there."
Comics, Games, Booze
"Yes, well, if you'll excuse me, ma'am. I have business I have to attend. Please, feel free to worship in our temple," Deacon Plume says with a crooked eyebrow. He takes he leave and heads out the front door.
"Well shucks, ain't much worth telling. After the mine went dry ol' Mr. Daly was at wits end trying to keep this town alive. To keep law 'n order he went and hired that awful Sherriff Bryce. Town nearly demanded a recall 'till after Mr. Daly's passed when his estate caught fire. Since then the Bryce has keep the peace with an iron first," Lizzie explained.
"You ought not to talk about the sherriff that way," Taylor spits. "Walls have ear, ya know?"
With your sharp senses, you scan the room when a yelp of victory immediately draws your attention. Lacking guile, the ability to read the table, and probably how to actually play the game, you spot your victim at the third table. They're playing Texas Hold'em and he's been getting lucky. Are you ready to shut down his winning streak?
"When the mine was running Coffin Rock was a boom town. Lots of men made fortunes digging up the heart of the Earth. That's how you see at my tables right now," the Madame responds coily.