[Interest On] PBP: Mahou Shoujo Magical World
So I've scrawled up my own little basic adaptation of the X World games that I'm calling Magical World.
I wanted to know if there'd be 3-4 or so people interested in joining me for an exciting little romp in the Magical Girl genre
a la Madoka Magica. As of right now the only thing really finished are the Playbooks, but it's pretty much playable, I just have to put down my basic moves.
The folder with the rules can be found
If yes, post your interest in
Mahou Shoujo Pink!
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
all you need to do is ask yourself one question
"can I be cute and kick ass at the same time?"
if yes then you're good
have no fear
I am no baka-gaijin I assure you of that
I'm still debating on exactly what the setting is going to be like--those of you more familiar with the genre, do y'all have any preferences? I'm wanting to tailor this as much as possible to everyone's preferences, and mine leans more towards Madoka Magica style
but I am perfectly fine with whatever.
There's four folks already but if you want my unreliable and inconsistent posts, I'm in for magic princess sparkle powers.
but madoka magica is probably one of my favorite shows ever
though I do like a bit of anime
ghost in the shell, evangelion, all that stuff
that sounds pretty cool
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
rainfall you said you will be erratic? If that's the case would you mind if I took Simon? I'd love to roll with everyone but I don't have enough playbooks for everyone
you guys are in
madoka is recommended viewing but not absolutely required. strongly leaning towards using that setting but I want to get everyone's opinions on that one
once we get that settled we can get into the character phase
and I am going to do so sitting on this sofa in such a way that nobody in my family could possibly see the screen
But then again, the backstories you could cook up for it...
it's some pretty heady stuff as Ringo will no doubt tell you