Silkroad Online is a F2P MMO with options, like almost all of the F2P games, of paying for certain privileges. While not necessary they seem to add some great effects. Until I know what these are I cannot say since I'm playing this for free.
This MMO takes place, I would assume, during an unspecified time in the Historical setting of China where the Silk road has just opened up for business. If I were to venture a guess I would have to say it is from, at least in the Chinese side, from the Han dynasty onwards. However, like most games it focuses more on fantasy than history.
You can play either the Chinese or the European if you'd like and here, I would say, is one of the major flaws in that you never get to play as a Central Asian. Regardless it is pretty fun at least from what I can tell at this early stages.
The times that I go on seem to be absent of the majority of the population who are residents worldwide so their timing matters I would think of finding partners for quests and such.
I've opened this thread in the hopes that people can start playing this game and we can build a community around it. I myself have a character called Timureleng so if you see it don't be afraid to say hello.
Here is a view of the graphics. I was actually surprised when I killed one Giant Tiger two more appeared to ambush me.
It’s not a very important country most of the time
That "Facebook" button is also highly incriminating.
It chronicles your exploits to all of your closest friends and family, of course.
XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
PSN: Kylogue
How riveting.
Why 69 White tigers? Not 70 White tigers, but exactly 69? I mean, you are killing 69 of those suckers, you could at least get a nice round number and kill 70 of them.
If you kill a thousand, their pelts will go all the way to the moon and back. Word!
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