Lately, I've been feeling kinda weird, I'm pretty sure it's not depression, just in general I've been unhappy but not exactly 'super down.' And I have no problem enjoying myself when I'm with friends or playing something(omg godhand=funfun).
But at school and at work it's been weird, I can't seem to focus at all.
Got a test back today, 70% (i aced the last two) mainly because I wasn't able to finish the last problem because the time ran out(zoned out during the test.) and made some really stupid mistakes.
I recently broke ties with a girl I was 'complicated' with because she lives far, etc, been thinking about her alot too and I think thats were the unhappiness comes from but I have other things balancing it( got in to the college of my choice, toured it over spring break) I guess so I'm not totally down.
The main thing is, I'm constantly zoning out, and today...zoned out during driving, luckily It's 2nd nature now but yeah basically, I got in the car(from school) and all of a sudden I was home, I just keep thinking about random shit.
My mind just seems to drift, constantly, in class and at work.
I don't exactly have the $ to seek professional help right now, so I come to yee.
Thanks in advance.
Usually a hot, long, and silent bath will pick me up for a bit, or watching a helplessly funny movie. If you're feeling inadequate because of the test, I recommend you not try to work on your test. I've been in that situation and trying to improve what I fucked up while I still feel depressed only adds aggravation to the mix too, especially when I find myself still not getting it.
The listlessness will pass once some huge crisis or alarming news pops up. It just seems like you're feeling a little incomplete now that you and your girlfriend are separate, so you have nothing to be really preoccupied with except her absence, which isn't something you can help.
My advice is pretty crappy and only works for temporary fixes, so I hope you feel better and take other people's advice here.
NNID: Hakkekage
I would drift in and out of auto-pilot, losing weeks if not months at time. I apparently talked to friends and family, and seemed normal, but I have no recollection of what happened during that period. I just remember 'coming to' every once in a while, taking stock of what needed to be done and then just drifting out again after a day or two. Sort of a mental hibernation, I think. It went away as soon as I ended that chapter in my life and went on to newer and shinier things.
I try to go out with friends as much as possible as I can just forget about everything and live in the moment but we're all fairly busy people, most of my friends work and go to school fulltime, and I work and go to school too, so there's only so much time I can spend dicking around.
A new girl is out of the question as I'm still in the "there's no one that can live up to her" phase.
and I try my best not to dwell on the past, the zoning out usually involves random thoughts and...fantasizing, really.
Also recently I've noticed that when I should be working on school work, I'll drift and space out or just start doing something else(usually surfing, aimlessly), trying to change that now, deleted myspace, not buying anymore games, making todo lists and doing my best to follow through on them, trying not to come on here as often :P.
Hakkekage: I'm pretty damn pre-occupied, anytime I have someone over or one of my bro's friends are in my room, they'll look at my white board(to do lists for school/life) and go 'my god, do you even sleep?' I'm taking 21 units and working 20~ hours, so I always have something to do, I'm just lazy and zoning out.
There are plenty, you just have to go and look for them, dude. Might also help to get her out of your head if it's occupied on another female you may be having a conversation with.
I used to space out a whole lot, still do. I just kind of deal with it, it's not as bad as it used to be but I think that's because I fixed some things in life that were depressing me. I still deal with zoning out a lot though, and have trouble reading or writing anything for long periods of time. It keeps me from reading a lot of books I want to read because they just can't hold my attention, and I have a hell of a time with studying.
...Maybe you have ADD?
If you live in a cold climate, with the winter just coming to an end, the prolonged bad weather may have brought on a slight case of SADs (Seasonal Affective Disorder). I get a small case of it every winter, it seams, and I just keep up a lot of fun activities (hanging with friends, playing video games, watching sports, lots of exercising, etc.) to keep my mind off it, and go out and enjoy the few sunny days there are outside, regardless of how cold.
Trust me, I'm just as preoccupied as you and I get the same feeling. In fact, I think overwork is definitely one of the reasons it happens. It's not about all the annoying shit you have to do; it's about the shit you have to do that actually sparks your interest, and if there are very few, that's where your empty vagueness stems from.
Right now I'm booked until now and judgment day with things to do, but to use Stephen's phrase, the 'funk' just pushes them off the priority table even though it has no business doing so. Yeah you can drag them back up and freak out about finishing them, but the funk always just sets back in and pushes them away again.
tStephen: The funk is such a great way to describe this, thank ye.
NNID: Hakkekage
Been doing a little better, probably because I've been sleeping a little better and cleaning up my food.
Like I said, where do you live? Do you live in a climate with a very cold winter? Because what you described sounded very much like a case of SAD.
If so, try to spend more time outside going for walks and exercising, and stay close to a window as often as possible. Also continue eating right and sleeping atleast 8 hours.
Like people said, just go out and have a good time somewhere and get work done when you need to. I also found it helps to go to the library when you have to get shit done, that way, you can separate school from your regular life. By working in your dorm, you essentialy are making your life school, and i know for a fact, that in class, and at school i get major zone outs all the time