Yeah, so I bought an Xbox 360 this afternoon. Yes, even though the Elite comes out in a bit, and the price on the Premium will drop. Let us not dwell on that. Instead let us dwell on why Xbox Live is raping me through my pants.
I've never signed up for Live before, so I'm doing that now, of course. I put in "gilrain" as my gamertag. Now, understand that gilrain is an extremely uncommon nick, and I almost never have it taken on anything. So, it says it's taken. Well, it is an (extremely rare) last name, as well as the name of an obscure German band. So, crap, I think, this will cause confusion on PA. I hope the guy that got my nick isn't a jerk, or anything, I think.
So, I go to my backup nick. This one has
never been taken anywhere else. You want to know how I can be sure? It's a a nine-letter word I crafted myself from roots in an imaginary language. Yeah, yeah. I put that in, and it again says it's taken. Yeah,
bullshit. That piece of impossibility combined with the previous unlikelihood that even gilrain is taken makes me think there's a problem.
Has anyone seen this? Is it possible for one of you, who's already a member, to check to see if those gamertags exist? I want to set up my 360 so badly, but I'm not going to proceed past this screen without one of my two traditional Internet names. :-(
You might have to try an alternate spelling or something.
You can search gamertags here.
Because yeah, pretty much everything out there you can possibly think of is taken.
Doesn't seem like he has ever logged on, though.
Twitter: Cokomon | dA: Cokomon | Tumblr: Cokomon-art | XBL / NNID / Steam: Cokomon
I will try my EVE names, I guess. I really have no attachment to any names aside from the two in use. And I don't do alternate spellings. Ask not for whom the bell tolls -- it tolls for me, or whatever.
Steam BoardGameGeek Twitter
So if it says -
"The information couldn't not be retrieved from Xbox Live or from the XUG database. Please fill in a correct gamertag or include more characters."
then it means LewieP is as of yet untaken?
*Hi5's self*
I might be getting Live in the next 12 months...
Steam BoardGameGeek Twitter
But yeah I totally had that name reserved for when I did.
Assholes as yourself make it impossible for people such as the OP to get the tag they want.
For shame.
XBL - Follow Freeman
Now, however, after creating the account, it won't let me log in, so another hurdle, here.
Steam BoardGameGeek Twitter
XBL - Follow Freeman
I want to change my e-mail address, but Live is holding me back...
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
(Although the first game I'm playing is Crimson Skies, since I didn't own an Xbox and the game rocks.)
Steam BoardGameGeek Twitter
I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle him for making up such BS on the spot to satiate me. I MADE the damn name up, you dumb bint.
This was hours of trying to explain to them their registration had fucked up and I was halfway in the system, I couldnt pick it as a new name to register under, but the name didnt exist when you tried to recall the password for it either.
Finally AOL and EA stopped sharing the same database and I could register an EA account with my name. And... fuck AOL/AIM
Someone took Giganticus
(that someone was me )
XBL : lJesse Custerl | MWO: Jesse Custer | Best vid ever. | 2nd best vid ever.
Too bad everyone and their mother uses fucking aim. I hate it, but when I make new friends they all use aim.
Oh well, I guess that's what miranda/trillian is for.
XBL - Follow Freeman
XBL - Follow Freeman
it varies by region.
up here in this part of canada its all WLMessenger
As for my nick - well, no one ever wants to be the gay robot from Star Wars.
No one but me.
The downside being, what sounded cool at 14 doesn't at 24.
Same thing happens in Brazil, it's all Windows Live Messenger and Gtalk.
Plus I've had other handles, Corvus, from Heretic, and Kindred, specifically from Vampire: The Masquerade. Both those were taken here, so when I signed up here I used Odium, a fantastic word that spreads love to everyone.
Same old site, great new look! Check out The Gameroom Blitz at:
VaginalJesus might be the best online name I've ever heard., Hoe Slappa is still better.