It is a dark time for the Jedi. After their failed assassination attempt, Emperor Palpatine declared them enemies of the Empire and vowed to purge their arrogance from the galaxy. The Jedi are hunted mercilessly to the ends of the galaxy. The dreaded Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine's protege, oversees the pursuit.
The Empire's iron grip strangles freedom throughout the galaxy. The fragile seed of discontent and rebellion is planted across a dozen worlds. In due time, the seeds may bloom and if they can be united under a common banner, perhaps they can rise up against their oppressors.
A handful of Jedi have eluded Darth Vader thus far. Wary of outsiders and betrayal, they cling to each other for survival and hope.What is this?
The is a Star Wars Saga Edition campaign set in the "Dark Times" era (between Episodes 3 and 4) when those Force Sensitive are being systematically hunted down, the Empire's iron grip strangles freedom throughout the galaxy, and the seeds of what will become the Rebellion are planted and begin to germinate. Everyone will be playing a Jedi or someone who is Force Sensitive with loyalties to the Jedi Order (see below).
This will be a dark, gritty setting. It is outright dangerous to be openly known as a Jedi. The players have no safety net. There's no Jedi Order or Republic resupplying them or sending them backup. Even personal relationships can be treacherous as loyalties are fluid in this time of change.
Players@Heir as
Sol Koda@Capfalcon as
Jeanida Halb@jdarksun as
Klaggrakh "Klaggy" GroogrunNPCsPrisk Nay'bek - Jedi Master - Holocron Gatekeeper - Female Bothan
Chissk - Tech Expert - Male Verpine
The Burning Sky (PC Starship)
REF 18 (15 flatfooted)
FORT 27 (+15 armor)
HP 180 DR 30 SR 30 DT 77
SPEED 12 (890km/h) or 4 (starship scale)
STR 44 DEX 16 CON -- INT 14
Systems:Crew 1 (minimum)
Passengers 8
Cargo 15 tons
2 Laser Cannons (Medium) 4d10x2 Turret with gunner or locked forward with pilot
6 Proton Torpedoes 9d10x2
Hyperdrive x1 (backup x10)
Navicomputer +5 Use Computer on Astrogate checks
Escape PodMedical Couch 10 Medpacs, Medical Kit, Surgery Kit, Cryopouch, 3 Anti-Rad Dose, 3 Anti-Toxins Patch
Workbench Tookit, +2 Mechanics & Use Computer
2 Docking Clamps Allows starfighter to be docked/carried externally
Empty Emplacement Points 8
IC Thread
Goal is for everyone to post once per day. If something prevents you from doing so, please drop a quick post in the OOC thread lettings us know.
Character Creation
- Level: 5
- Abilities: Point Buy 34pts
- Classes: Any in the core book
- Species: Any in the core book, except Gungans and Ewoks. Ask me if you want to use a species in another source books
- Hit Points: Max hit points for your class each level (+CON mod). We'll roll for future levels, but I want to give everyone a solid start.
- Feats: Everyone receives "Force Sensitivity" and "Skill Training [Use the Force]" for free at level 1
- Starting Credits: 12,000 (or 24,000 if you have the "Wealth" talent)
- Equipment: Licenses are free (for now). You have access to Licensed, Restricted, and Military equipment.
- Destiny (Optional): You may choose a destiny if you desire.
- Source Books: All except "The Force Unleashed", "Rebellion Era", "Legacy Era", and "Knights of the Old Republic"
I want to try and incorporate the Aspect concept from the FATE system ( ). Aspects are short, descriptive statements that give color and life to characters making them more than just a collection of numbers and skills. Mechanically, an aspect will allow a player to receive certain bonuses or exercise some narrative control when they act in-character. Aspects can capture a character's general outlook on life, their approach to social situations, past history and more. They should have both a positive and negative aspect to them. An aspect should be descriptive enough that it can both help the player and get them into trouble.
Here are some examples from the movies:
- "Let the Wookie win" - Chewbacca has a notorious temper when he loses. Whether that's good or bad depends on who you were rooting for.
- "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side" - A trusty blaster has gotten Han out of many scrapes, but it's left him a bit skeptical of anything beyond what he can touch
- "From a certain point of view" - Obi Wan has a way of bending the truth to look at things sideways but sometimes that comes back to bite him
- "I have a bad feeling about this" - Bad things tend to happen when you are around. Sometimes you get a sneak peak before hand.
- "This deal is getting worse all the time" - Lando knows to get out early when a bargain is headed south. Sometimes it's too late, though.
- "I have the death sentence on twelve systems!" - Great for intimidating farm boys and making a name in the criminal underworld. Not so great in twelve systems of note (or in any that allow extradition).
- "Sorry about the mess" - Han isn't shy about collateral damage
Invoking an aspect, that is, acting in line with it, allows you to spend a Force Point for new benefits (see below). The GM may compel one of your aspects, forcing you to act in accordance with it (typically making things more difficult) and offer you a Force Point in return to add to your pool. The player may reject a compel by paying the GM a Force Point.
5 aspects for your character. These will change and evolve as your character grows.
Force Points
A Force Point may be spent for any of the benefits listed in the core book. Additionally, a Force Point may be spent to make a plot or setting declaration.
If an aspect is relevant to the current circumstance, a Force Point may be spent for any of the following benefits.
- Reroll a single attack, skill or ability roll (must keep second roll)
- Reroll any one damage roll (must keep second roll)
- Use a Force Power, Talent or Feat you are not trained in. Prerequisites still apply. (2 Force Points)
House Rules
Jedi always have the option to use Dark Rage, though you'll eat a DSP if you do so.
Severing Strike is assumed to be a talent of any Force User, including your characters.
Couple questions for ya.
1. What do you think about a character who's first level *isn't* in Jedi? Say...a noble or a scout? Could handwave it as my character was taken in at a later age compared to normal students?
2. How do you feel about taking an initial level in jedi, taking a few of something else, and then coming back to Jedi? Say he washed out and joined the Exploration corps, but decides to start training by himself or something along those lines.
3. Is my character absolutely required to use either of the paths you outlined above? Could he have been in the agri-corps, for example, but then went AWOL after x-amount of time?
1. That's fine.
2. No issue. If someone wants to try and keep studying while part of the corps, they're allowed to do so on their own time. Downside, of course, is that there's not really any formal instruction, so it's pretty difficult for people to advance.
3. Yes, please. It is how I'm going to tie the party together in the beginning.
I'll describe what drew the party together and how you survived (hence the bit of forced background above).
However, I'm also curious about the house rules. If you're using Aspects, why not run a Star Wars game using the FATE system?
There is a FATE conversion for Star Wars here for those curious.
Use Computer
Knowledge (life sciences)
Knowledge (social sciences)
Gather Information
Knowledge (bureaucracy)
Ramran, young Ithorian noble
+2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Dex
+2 will
Bellow: 1d20+level against fort, 3d6 sonic, save half damage, -1 condition
reroll survival, keep second
if Knowledge life sciences, skill focus LS
DEX 14
CON 10
INT 16
WIS 15
CHA 15
DEX 12
CON 10
INT 16
WIS 17 (18)
CHA 17 (18)
+1 reflex, +2 will as a noble
Feats: Linguist (4 bonus languages [Kel Dor, Gamorrean, Rodese, Huttese], Weapons Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons), Force Sensitivity, Skill Training (Use the
Force), Force Training (5 powers, level 1), Armor Proficiency (light) (2), Force Training/AP Med (3), Skill Training/Skill Focus/Linguist (4) [haven't chosen these yet, but whatever]
Talents: Inspire Confidence, Presence, Force Focus
Force powers: Force Disarm, Force Stun, Mind Trick, Move Object, Vital Transfer
I'll show you elegant and civilized (Ramran's not much for fighting, but she does have a silver tongue)
Little old me? (Ramran, despite her height, is not an imposing figure)
Master Sinhar always said (Sinhar imparted a lot of sayings on Ramran before she died, but she doesn't always use them appropriately)
I'm sure we can be reasonable (Ramran is a solid believer in the power of negotiation)
Galactic Code 12.4, Subsection D, Paragraph 3A (Ramran is very good at finding loopholes and exploiting regulations)
Ramran was taken from her parents on Coruscant when Jedi Master Kama Sinhar met her in the course of a diplomatic mission; she and her Padawan, Joren Dakka, took an instant liking to the child, and sensed the Force within her. Though Ramran stayed on the planet for several years, she never returned to her family.
During the course of her training, she spent a good deal of time with both Master Sinhar and Dakka; unfortunately, not long before Dakka was to be promoted to Knight, and thus leave Sinhar free to take Ramran as her new Padawan, Sinhar died, of a simple heart attack. Dakka was not yet eligible to teach the young Ithorian, and she reached her thirteenth birthday without finding a new mentor.
After much deliberation, she decided to join the educational corps, using her formidable diplomatic skills to negotiate schooling arrangements on worlds pressured by Separatists or the Trade Federation. Thus, in the last months of the Clone Wars, Ramran was nowhere near actual troops, and spent much of her time in the office.
Twitch Stream
And Jeanida won't let Master Prisk down. Ever.
Medium Human Jedi 5
Destiny 0; Force 7 (1d6); Dark Side 0
Init +10; Senses Perception +8
Languages Basic
Ref 19 (flat-footed 16) Deflect/Redirect
Fort 17
Will 17
hp 75; Threshold 17
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +7 (2d8+6)
Ranged by weapon +8
Base Atk +5; Grp +7
Atk Options Acrobatic Strike
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +14): Move Object, Surge, Mind Trick, Battle Strike
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14
Talents: Deflect, Redirect Shot, Skilled Adviser
Feats: Force Sensitive, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (simple), Acrobatic Strike, Power Attack, Force Training x2, Skill Training, (Galactic Lore), Skill Focus(Use the Force)
Skills: Acrobatics: +10, Use The Force: +14, Perception +8, Initiative +10, Knowledge (Galactic Lore): +8
Possessions: Lightsaber, Long Range Comlink w/ Pocket Scrambler, All Temperature Robe.
Part Time Soldier. (Even the diplomats saw frontline combat in the Clone Wars, and as Master Nay'bek's Padiwan, so did Jeanida.)
Perfect isn't good enough. (Master Nay'bek is nowhere near as demanding of Jeanida as Jeanida is.)
Student of the Road. (You learn the strangest things traveling from system to system. Some of them are even useful!)
Shameless Flirt (The Jedi Code says that A Jedi Shall Not Know Love. The Code is a little hazier on flirting, though.)
Tact is a nice word for lying. (Honesty was the first responsibility that aspiring Jedi are taught. While Master Nay'bek is a bit more flexible with the truth, Jeanida knows that you either say what you think or say nothing at all.)
Twitch Stream
Twitch Stream
Sol Koda CL 5
Medium Human scoundrel 1/Jedi 3/scout 1
Destiny 3; Force 7
Init +4; Senses darkvision; Perception +6
Languages Basic, 1 unassigned
Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 18), Fort 17, Will 19; Deflect, Evasion
hp 56; Threshold 17
Immune +5 to Fortitude Defense against extreme heat and cold effects
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +6 (2d8+5) or
Melee lightsaber +6 (2d8+8) with both hands or
Melee lightsaber +10 (2d8+10) with Powerful Charge
Ranged blaster pistol +5 (3d6+2)
Base Atk +3; Grp +6
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Powerful Charge
Special Actions Dampen Presence, Knack 1/day
Force Powers Known (Use The Force +14) mind trick, move object, surge
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14
Talents Dampen Presence, Deflect, Evasion, Knack
Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Improved Defenses, Point Blank Shot, Powerful Charge, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, pistols, rifles, simple weapons)
Primary Skills Deception +9, Mechanics +8, Perception +6, Pilot +9, Survival +9, Treat Injury +9, Use the Force +14
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +5, Endurance +2, Gather Information +4, Initiative +4, Jump +5, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +3, Knowledge (galactic lore) +3, Knowledge (life sciences) +3, Knowledge (physical sciences) +3, Knowledge (social sciences) +3, Knowledge (tactics) +3, Knowledge (technology) +3, Persuasion +4, Ride +4, Stealth +4, Swim +5, Use Computer +3
Possessions all-temperature cloak, blaster pistol, lightsaber, medpac, tool kit, utility belt (3 day food supply, medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, glow rod, comlink, liquid cable dispenser)
"Pick On Someone Your Own Size" : Sol grew up dealing with bullies, and as an adult has a short fuse when witnessing others bearing the brunt of such aggression.
"I was just borrowing it!" : Sol has a...hazy definition of ownership and property rights.
"Don't waste your time" : After a life of failures, it's hard to disappoint Sol.
"Survivor" : Has learned to live off very little, but doesn't like to rely on others
"Cornered Animal" : Tries to avoid confrontation, even somewhat fears it. But Sol can be ferocious when forced into a fight.
Sol grew up on the streets of Coronet on the planet Corellia, never knowing his family or the comforts of a home. He scraped by in the slums, trying to avoid the ire of both the CorSec officers who patrolled the streets, and the swoop gangs who claimed to own them. The young boy learned to survive on scraps, discarded machinery, and the skills he picked up from those willing to show him a thing or two. Dreaming of a better life, Sol attempted to sneak aboard a shuttle at the spaceport, hoping to find a new life on the capital world of Coruscant. As luck (or fate as he would say), the ship was owned by a Corellian Jedi that took pity on the boy. Intending to drop him off at the nearest orphanage, the Jedi Knight was astounded to find latent Force potential emanating from Sol.
While he assumed his life would be nothing but glory and adventure once he became a Jedi Initiate, nothing could be farther from the truth. Coming in at the relatively late age of 9, Sol found himself the outcast once again. Instead of avoiding swoop gangs, he avoided older, more popular initiates who would bully him throughout the temple. By the age of 13, Sol continued to struggle with his abilities in the Force, and to a greater extent, his ability to handle conflict. Everything came to a head when Sol's main antagonist, none other than a young Anakin Skywalker, cornered him. Skywalker, always arrogant, ridiculed Sol's lack of friends, and bragged how he didn't even have to go through the initiate tournaments as he was the Chosen One. The padawan goaded Sol into starting a fight. While he gave as good as he got, in the eyes of the masters, Sol was a problem child who was not suitable to become a Jedi.
Instead, the young man was assigned to the Jedi Exploration Corps. Sol found again found the freedom and solitude he oddly enjoyed compared to the stuffy nature of the Jedi Temple. Relying on his own wits, he grew in skill and ability to survive no matter what environment he found himself in. However, he never truly gave up jedi ideals...secretly keeping several training remotes and practicing what skills he'd learned, hoping to hone them and prove to himself that he truly was a jedi.
Was hoping for Friday, but if there's enough interest still hanging out I'd prolly push it till Sunday.
I'm thinking Sol is either part of the medical or exploration corps. Need to write up his background
And get aspects. I'm gonna like this guy.
Edit: It's just Kyle Katarn I believe.
That is awesome.
If you guys are still interested in throwing a character into the pot, I can extend this through the weekend to give you more time.
Wiloon Sark, Jedi (Padawan) Operative
Medium Human Jedi 5
Destiny: ? Force: 7 Dark Side: 2
Init: +6 Senses: Perception +4
Languages: Basic
Defenses: Ref 20 (FF 16), Fort 17, Will 18
HP 55, Threshold 17
Speed 6
Melee Lightsaber +10 (2d8+5) or
Melee Shoto + 12 (2d6+5) or
Melee Lightsaber & Shoto +5/+7 (2d8+5 & 2d6+5) with full attack
Base Attack +5, Grapple + 6
Attack Options: Acrobatic Strike, Force Powers
Force Powers Known (UtF +14): Dark Rage, Force Slam, Mind Trick, Move Object, Rebuke, Cloak
Abilities: Str 12 Dex 18 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 14
Talents: Consumed by Darkness, Shoto Focus, WS: Lightsabers
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Skill Focus(UtF), WP: Simple & Lightsabers, Force Training x2, Weapon Finesse, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Acrobatic Strike, WF: Lightsabers
Skills: Acrobatics +11, Initiative +6, Stealth +11, Use the Force +14
Possessions: Lightsaber, Short Lightsaber(Shoto), Black All Weather Cloak, Long Range Comlink, Pocket Scrambler, Datapad, Electrobinoculars, Aquata Breather, Medpac x2, Utility Belt
Credits: 35,500c
"Mama's Boy" - For a culture of warriors with no family, Sark greatly resents that his only chance to experience one was as an unwanted child. This leaves him greatly independent and at times not a little petulant.
"You're a Little Short for a Stormtrooper, Aren't You?" - Sark is slight of build, and on the streets of his childhood and the halls of warriors he is slightly ashamed and is quick to overcompensate and show how he can get by without biceps.
"Do not Underestimate the Power of the Dark Side" - Oh, Sark doesn't.
"Never tell me the odds!" - Well, Sark is Corellian.
"Told You I Did, Reckless is he..." - Sark is fearless and determined. And very good and getting himself into trouble.
The teachings of the Order, the kindly Master Yoda, and a sense of belonging softened Sark and he took to his training well. Some aspects of his youth stuck with him. He knew how to get into trouble, and get himself out of it. He knew when to tip toe around danger and when to dive right in. Never the strongest of boys, he grew into a slender and handsome man who was agile and acrobatic. His lightsaber combat style lends itself to flourishes and movement. Many duels ended with Sark suddenly behind his opponent, with his lightsaber at his foes neck. But he was always aggressive and often strayed dangerously close to the dark side. He was truly a jedi of the Clone Wars.
As he came of age during the Clone Wars, Sark combat abilities led him to apprentice to a Jedi Knight (left purposefully vague for GM use/input) who himself passed his trials under the training of Master Tholme. Sark felt right at home in the shadows of the Order, his missions often involving more espionage and commando situations rather than frontline combat. Let Kenobi and Skywalker serve in the spotlight, chat with Master Windu and dine with the Chancellor. Sark and his master skulked around in the dark performing the dirty work. Behind the lines raids. Sabotage. Assassination of key Separatist leaders. These were the missions Sark was assigned to. He felt his first brush with the Dark Side during a duel with Asajj Ventriss, a known agent of Count Dooku. Knowing that he was unlikely to survive the fight, he dipped into his rage and managed to stave off defeat at the hands of a surprised Ventriss long enough for help to arrive. Ventriss made her escape laughing at Sark's fall from grace. Sark was not as ashamed of his actions as he should have been.
The second was during the Battle of Coruscant. He was a member of the Jedi forces trying to stop General Grevious from rampaging throughout the capital kidnapping and escaping with the Chancellor. Grevious himself slew Sark's master, and Sark flew into a rage. Consumed by his sorrow and hatred, Sark demolished an elite group of the General's droid forces. Abandoning his position to punish the invaders and leaving a hole in the net, Grevious (of course) escaped. Luckily Kenobi and Skywalker managed to rescue the Chancellor.
After a very public dressing down by Master Shaak Ti, Sark was left to wander the halls of the Temple and ponder the oFrce. There were bigger issues in the galaxy with the end of the war drawing near than the fate of one masterless padawan. Sark escaped Order 66 by virtue of not being in the temple when Darth Vader and the 501st came. He was drowning his sorrows in a tapcafe on the lower levels without a clone in sight.
With little idea of what to do next, Sark knows that Vader and his Jedi hunters will find him eventually. But he is determined to stay alive and ahead of the New Order. No matter what it takes.
Also, I think the last two might be flip sides of the same aspect, yes?
I'm interested if you have openings later on but my work just got very busy.
Yeah those look good. Descriptive, captures a sliver of the character, and have a positive and negative side.
As for the last two, they seem different in my mind. One is sort of a calculated disregard for the odds whereas the other could almost be rash and impulsive.
Klaggrakh "Klaggy" Groogrun
Gamorrean Jedi (Yeah, I finally did it)
Medium Gamorrean Jedi 4/soldier 1
Init +8; Senses Perception +9
Languages Basic (Understand), Gammorean
Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 19), Fort 22, Will 18; Block, Deflect
hp 75; Threshold 27
Speed 4 squares
Melee lightsaber +10 (2d8+8) or
Melee lightsaber +10 (2d8+12) with both hands or
Melee lightsaber +10 (3d8+12) with Mighty Swing or
Melee lightsaber +14 (2d8+14) with Powerful Charge or
Melee axe +9 (1d8+6) or
Melee axe +9 (1d8+10) with both hands or
Melee axe +9 (2d8+10) with Mighty Swing or
Melee axe +13 (1d8+12) with Powerful Charge
Ranged by weapon +6
Base Atk +5; Grp +9
Atk Options Mighty Swing, Powerful Charge
Force Powers Known (Use The Force +14) Force shield, rebuke, surge
Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Talents Block, Deflect, Weapon Specialization
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Improved Damage Threshold, Mighty Swing, Powerful Charge, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Skill Training, Weapon Focus (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple weapons)
Skills Endurance +8, Initiative +8, Perception +9, Use the Force +14
Possessions audiorecorder, axe, battle armor (+8 armor, +2 equipment), lightsaber
"Klaggy? No, I didn't pick him for my padawan. Are you crazy? The only Jedi running around the galaxy with a pig-faced apprentice? Not gonna be me. Look, can't we... stick him in the Explorer Corps? Send him off to the end of the galaxy where nobody is going to think we're crazy for giving a gamorrean a lightsaber?"
- Jedi Knight Sta Dinren
"He absorbs training like dirt drinks water... as long as it follows along his species' natural inclinations. We have been immensely successful in teaching him how to fight. I am not sure that the why has yet sunk in."
- Jedi Master Kira Landala
"Violent? Yes. Brutish? Preposterous. Not a single student has come in here bearing injuries caused by Klaggrakh, at least not beyond those expected during training. If his natural talents were more predisposed towards the healing arts, I would gladly accept him in to the Medical Corps."
- Grand Healer Yurist Tiovata
"Sure, I'll take him. He can haul crates."
- Jedi Master Rhysh "Skybound" Antia
My talents are wasted here, but I would have fared no better on my homeworld. I would have been called witch, and I could never have fought honorably. I would have lived and died shunned by all, perhaps allowed to tend the mushrooms. If I was lucky. So I should be thankful instead that I spend my days rotting in the metal hold of a ship, with nothing to test my strength against but the props and debris no one will miss. Sometimes, they drag me out to haul, lift, or pull something. I am a beast of burden. A pet.
That perhaps casts the other crew in too harsh a light, but I have been stuck in here for days on end and there is little to fill the time but bask in the dreams of pitting my blade against the enemies of the Order. Of defending the Jedi against any who would harm it.
I am interrupted by the captain, who tells me that we will be landing soon. Says that we will need shelter as quickly as possible. Asks if I need help. I wave him off, shake my head no. If I cannot test myself against a worthy foe, I will test myself against duracrete and plastisteel. Maybe one day that will change.
"What We Have Here is a Problem to Communicate" - So few people speak Gamorrean that Klaggy is forced to rely on his voicebox translator unit, a device containing about a dozen pre-programmed responses. He is not a mechanic, and he is not particularly gentle on technology, and consequently the device has a tendency to malfunction.
"Warrior of the Cargo Hold" - Klaggy's not a prisoner, but he rarely leaves his domain of crates and boxes. Between feeling that he was shunned for his race, the belief that he's missing out on his destiny, and the problems with his voicebox, Klaggy has decided that it's just easier to avoid everybody.
"If I Decide to Stab You in the Back, I'll Do it to Your Face" - Some of Klaggy's upbringing has stuck with him, and he is a rigid adherent to certain rules of gamorrean honorable combat. Under no circumstances will he attack someone that is unaware of his presence.
"Survival of the Strongest" - This belief of Klaggy's is largely untested. He was able to excel against the other padawans at the Order, but he has never used his lightsaber against a real foe. Klaggy hopes that, given the opportunity, he will prove himself to be a mighty warrior.
"Racists Only Look Skin Deep" - Because of his race, Klaggy constantly faces presumptions and abuse. He considers the fact that he did not challenge half of the residents of the Order to honor duels to be one of his crowning achievements. But he will not take that abuse from non-Jedi, and has been reprimanded several times by his commanding officers for beating up native species.
Dramatis Personae:
@Heir as Sol Koda
@Capfalcon as Jeanida Halb
@jdarksun as Klaggrakh "Klaggy" Groogrun
Immediately prior to Order 66, you were all at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
Jeanida was there, naturally, studying under her teacher, Bothan Jedi Master Prisk Nay'bek.
Service Corps members are periodically rotated back through the temple for training, appraisals, resupply and reassignment. Sol and Klaggy were at the temple for this reason, as their Exploration Corps ship had completed its mission to the outer rim and had returned. Master Nay'bek was overseeing their resupply.
Order 66 was issued and the temple was assaulted. Master Nay'bek led a group of padawans including Jeanida, Sol and Klaggy on a running firefight into the bowels of the temple. All the other padawans perished, but together with Nay'bek, you three managed to make it to an entrance to the Coruscant sewers.
IC Thread Up:
This actually brings up a question: Do you guys always want to roll your own Perception checks? Or if there's some sort of passive check, do you want me to roll it to keep things moving?