“Dr. Cornell Jones was one of the best agents we ever had. Knew more about mummies then anyone I ever met, taught me everything I know back when I was a grad student. But when the cancer came he got a bit desperate.” Dr. Alphonsus shouts to be heard over the sound of the plane’s engines and the roar of wind from the open door throw around what little grey hair he has left. “He killed Sally when she found out what he was up to and stole her heart along with a selection of artifacts from the archives. This was oh, back forty years ago now? Started a cult and turned himself into a mummy then just dropped off the face of the Earth until just 2 weeks ago when he was spotted here in Milwaukee.”
The city of Milwaukee is visible beyond the planes open doors. Apparently for security reasons your supervisors feel you shouldn’t be going through the airport in case you were seen, though their scheme of parachuting you into the city hardly seems less conspicuous.
“We don’t know what he is doing here but we want it stopped. I don’t care if you find him saving babies, he is a traitor and a danger to the country and belongs under 50 tons of concrete. Your usual equipment will be in your packs and we have a slice of his original tumor, you might be able to figure out a way to use that. Well good luck and get out of here.”
Your parachutes are tied tight, your packs have your usual gear and the light is green. It is time to begin your mission.
You have whatever it would be reasonable for your character to have on you and whatever clothes you want, the institute doesn't enforce a dress code. Don't worry about listing every little item. As a bonus you have a handy parachute which will be getting use soon. Good luck, we're all counting on you.
@auralynx @cheesemonger @fencingsax @Dex Dynamo sorry for the delay but have most of the initial adventure written up so updates should proceed smoothly.
Justin Lumier
High Concept: Thaumaturgical Engineer
Trouble: I didn't do it, I swear!
Knack: Make the damn thing work!
Clever +3
Careful +1
Quick +2
Sneaky +1
Forceful +0
Flashy +2
Stunt: Magical Gadget: +2 to Clever to identify and work (that would be both activate and deactivate. Not construct) magical devices, artifacts, doohickeys and so on
He'd heard about the old guy. Privately, John thought he'd gotten lucky, but now and then, the man looked so worn-out that he doubted he was right. The masked woman, he didn't know.
The air-drop didn't worry him; he'd had training for it in the army. When the rush from falling had crashed into him as he was halfway through the briefing on Jones' old associates this morning, that had worried him. He'd tried to explain to the agency shrink that it made perfect sense to plan the quietest days possible and carry a sidearm every time he had a bad feeling, but the guy wasn't buying it. John was pretty sure he'd have to sit through another evaluation and battery of exams after this mission.
He decided not to worry about it right now; chances were it'd be over sooner than he expected it to. He leaned out of the plane and dropped towards the city below.
The statblock save is a good idea!
High Concept: Homeland Security Liasion
Trouble: Red Tape
Knack: Lost Somewhere In Time
Stunt: Zero in on evidence (+2 to notice important details)
Careful +3
Quick & Forceful +2
Clever & Sneaky +1
Flashy +0
The woman in the mask is strange enough for a second look.
Why'd they even bother giving me a parachute? Monroe wonders. He imagines plummeting hundreds of feet and smacking into the pavement. At least it's something new, something interesting. He'd never jumped out of a plane before. It was the little things that kept you going, he knew. Those little things seemed to be harder and harder to find as centuries passed.
"Dr. Cornell Jones. Got it." He throws himself out of the plane without another word. Hundreds of years old and never jumped out of a plane. The wind in his face feels good, the view below impressive. A few sparing moments of excitement...He enjoys it while he can.
Age: 324
High Concept: Cursed Cop
Trouble: Enemy of Rosceles the Third(Mummy)
Knack: Cursed by a Mummy
Stress: [1][2][3]
Consequences: [Bandaged Wound][Moderate][Severe]
Fate Points: 1
Clever +3
Careful +2
Quick +2
Sneaky +1
Forceful +1
Flashy +0
Stunt: Centuries of Wisdom: +2 on knowing about things that happened in the past.
Then the young gentleman on the other side makes a joke--something she was not used to, being buried beneath a stack of books all day long. Her expression lights up instantly.
"Excuse me, but I am new," she shouts, moving to the engines. "But are we not to be enjoying this?" She flashes a quick grin before leaping from the plane, making sure to fit in a few brief flips as she falls. Who knows WHEN I'll get to try this again.
High Concept: Student of "Monstrology"
Trouble: Stranger in the Strangest of Lands
Knack: Ghost-Hunting Luchadora
Stunt: Former Star (Once per mission, Fantasma may choose one NPC to become a fan from her wrestling days)
+3 Clever
+2 Flashy and Quick
+1 Forceful and Careful
You are in downtown Milwaukee. Dr. Jones was seen at a college campus not far from here to the north. A vampire who has worked with the agency before runs a bowling alley a couple blocks south and to the east is Milwaukee's large and famous curio district, the kind of place a Mummy Cult could blend in.
"Let's head to the alley for now, maybe we can use it to plan and stage the rest of this."
"The bowling alley will be as good a place as any to set up shop. We will likely blend in better with monsters than college students, no?"
"Really? An Aztec theme? This doesn't strike you as... well, if not offensive, certainly exploitative? I mean, with the--wait, where'd he go?"
Also, whatever comes after them will go after the crazy woman in the mask first.
The compel is ok Dex but I would rather apply it to dealing with Ted later rather then chasing since all four of you are going after him his chances of getting away are pretty slim.
The young man is well dressed, and while he's fairly quick he's not experienced at making his way through a crowd
3 + 0 (0, -1, +1, 0)
Explain how you chase him and roll the appropriate approach, whoever gets the highest catches him first.
Justin leaps after him, knowing that he's probably going to warn someone. They'll find out we're here soon enough, but let's wait until we're ready. While the other chase after him through the parking lot and down the street, Justin tries to flank him, trying to judge a decent interception route. Not necessarily out of eyesight, but hopefully the rest of the team is distracting enough that the guy won't see me.
geth roll 1d10+1 for Sneaky
I roll (1,0,-1,1)+1 for Sneaky that's only 3
Fantasma cuts a wild path across all obstacles in her attempt to tackle this petulant coward, leaping and flipping over anything that might get in her way. I assume either Flashy or Quick, depending on the path it takes to reach him; either way, the bonus is the same.
Geth roll 4dF+2
Geth roll 4dF+3
Geth roll 4dF+3
The kid is fast, young, and scared but it's clear he is not used to running away from the law. John is able to catch him with only a moderate amount of effort. He's dressed in nice clothes with a symbol you don't recognize as a necklace. He looks like the classic example of a trust fund cultist.
"I have no idea who you people are or why you are chasing me but you better let me go or else..my dad will so...."He is flustered and seems unsure what story he should go with to get out of trouble. It doesn't seem like he anticipated being caught.
John heads back to talk to Ted unless someone disagrees strenuously.
The symbol on the kid isn't familiar, but it doesn't seem original either. It's possible that it is an ancient symbol, but it might just be something Dr. Jones doodled on a notepad. "He's a detective, so I know my rights, and i know that I don't have to answer any of your questions without a lawyer!' He seems to be gaining a bit more confidence now as time goes on.
At the alley Ted doesn't look pleased to see you back. "The fuck are you guys doing back here, to scare off more good customers?"
Geth roll 4dF+3 for "Clever action to intimidate, if need be"
He chuckles at the kid. "Cop? Maybe I was...once." His voice is dark and low. "But that was a long time ago. You see a badge on me?" Monroe opens his coat to reveal he is not wearing a badge on his belt, then puts a hand on the kid's shoulder. ""You see any lawyers here? You father, he here? No, kid, you're alone. Your precious father is far, far away. Now, you're gonna tell us what we want to know, or things are gonna go bad for you. Plain and simple. Runner's are guilty, kid, and you ran. Why'd you run from us?"
Geth roll 4dF+3 for "Cleverly Intimidating a kid"
Monroe makes sure the kid looks into his eyes. "These eyes have seen more than you can imagine," he says, his voice sounding like the dead. (invoking [Cursed by a Mummy] to add +2 so the final roll = 5.
Also, realized I didn't share this with the group, but @Calciumtrice was drawing characters in the SE++ RPG thread, and I asked him to draw Fantasma, and I'm really happy with how she turned out:
Ted glares a look of pure hatred at you and for a second couldn't be mistaken for a human, but instead looks like the walking corpse powered by stolen blood he really is. "The kid was a paying customer, you're not. Who the fuck are you and what supernatural shit are you askin' about?"
O..OK look I don't want any trouble. The heirarch just said to hang out at the alley and come tell him if anything strange happened, and you qualified. He said outsiders who hate the Gods are coming in, and it is our duty to defend the prophet. But my friend Steve, he's in a cult and they just take LSD and listen to a wizards lecture, they never have to get chased around." The kid seems to be rethinking his choice in alternative religions.