in safari, this mac net browser that was on this mac, i cannot log on to the forums. It just takes me back to a blank log in screen.
so i go into internet explorer and i keep on getting random "unknown error 1" messages and the pages dont load. again this is only on the forums, no other site.
2 other minor problems that arnt really problems, the new split log in screen for the dual forum thing is huge, as in H Scroll bannable huge. Also those cool little blue pop ups that appear over a forum when you highlight it now appear only over the Google ad thing, hidden behind it so i cant read it. Not a major problem at all but i saw this happening about a week ago, it hasnt changed.
And yes, i have cleared the net memory stuff.
I'm on 10.3.5 right now, and don't have any of those problems.
I've seen the IE error messages you mentioned, although they don't seem to be there all the time. I'll try and remember to look into it.
You mean this page? Any chance you can get a screenshot to me? If you don't have webhosting, you can email me at
Or if anyone else sees trouble with that page, please let me know.
That is odd because those popups are using the free "overlib" library to do their thing and are generally bug-free. I'll have to check and see if we've changed any forum descriptions because I know we once had a problem with that...(an unescaped quote or somesuch) Is this only on a particular browser that you get this?
ditto with 10.3.4
e-mail from
also im on 10.3.4
As for the Safari layout bug, this is what Bacardi is seeing:
If anyone can verify this, I will happily look into fixing it.
I saw the "e" and thought, "wierd that safari would use the IE logo"...Then I decided he must have just gotten an IE skin for it or something.
I'd appreciate it.
Looks good to me.
I'm unable to convert it at the moment easily.
anyhow i used IE because i couldnt log on under safari