I am kind of considering an Ouya, but to be honest I dont think it does much my softmodded wii and wii u doesnt already do emulator wise...or my android tablet or phone...am I missing any other unique feature of it? Are there any killer apps other than emulation of 20 year old games?
sweetdaddyg on Nintendo Network+Live/sweetdaddyg1 on PSN
I am kind of considering an Ouya, but to be honest I dont think it does much my softmodded wii and wii u doesnt already do emulator wise...or my android tablet or phone...am I missing any other unique feature of it? Are there any killer apps other than emulation of 20 year old games?
Not really, since you already have an emulator and an android device. It'd just make you have to rebuy your android games. The only thing that's really special about it is that it can work with pretty much any USB controller.
At the least the advertising wasn't as pronounced last year as it was in 2011. Couldn't look in any direction without seeing a giant ass firefall banner when you couldn't even do anything beyond sign up for the closed beta.
A $99 emulator, that can also play some android games
Firefall branded Ouya. It'll be the perfect vortex of annoying publicity stunts.
Seriously, I really like the idea but the actual device has been fairly disappointing as yet.
Not really, since you already have an emulator and an android device. It'd just make you have to rebuy your android games. The only thing that's really special about it is that it can work with pretty much any USB controller.
Oh my Dayum
Oh my goodness
They goin' Ham