I AM ZOMBIE - New RPG from Mark Rein-Hagen

Z-GrimVZ-GrimV Registered User new member
edited June 2013 in Critical Failures

Mark Rein-Hagen, creator of Vampire: The Masquerade and the World of Darkness, has a new game that is being funded via Kickstarter!!!


Z-GrimV on


  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    You can't link kickstarters links here. Even dead links like yours.

  • Z-GrimVZ-GrimV Registered User new member
    ah, got ya. link removed.

  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    So tell me more about this game. I looked at the offical website and it looked like it should be called Zombie: the Punk Rocking.

  • Z-GrimVZ-GrimV Registered User new member
    Here is the text being used for some of the advertising > "A roleplaying game with a completely different take. YOU are the Zombie: A lucid, rational master of death and the dead. The world is poised at the Brink of an Abyss. The Final Outbreak is coming. You are leper, outcast & highly contagious... Grindhouse + Romero + Lovecraft in a modern toxic world."

    It also uses a new character creation system using cards. Makes it very quick and easy to get a character together and get into a game.

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