[LFP] Weekly 13th Age campaign -- Falmouth, MA (Thursdays, 7-10:30pm)

Cargo CultureCargo Culture Registered User regular
I'm looking for additional players for a just-starting long term weekly 13th Age campaign in Falmouth, MA. It's currently Thursdays 7-10:30pm, but the day may move if it means getting more folks. (Check out an excellent review of 13th Age here. It's fundamentally a rules-light 3.x; it takes all the good bits of 3.x, all the good bits of 4th, and some really fun story game elements and smooshes them all together. Folks of all edition loyalties seem to like it.) We have a great core of guys right now but really would love to have more at the table.

This post will be light on campaign details because a lot of the world-building will be collaborative, which means I need you, Prospective Player, in a chair at my house before we can figure all that stuff out.

The goal is to have a great group of players that want to have fun, can joke around a bit, but want to actually play rather than sit around and discuss the latest episode of [insert show here]. If you're a player who likes to get engaged with the story and is proactive about stuff, that's awesome and I'd love to have you.

If you're looking for a hardcore number-crunching grognard session, this likely isn't for you, especially since 13th Age is light on the rolling and heavy on the role-ing (is that even a word?). I guess what I'm saying is that I'm shooting for a nice, casual balance of play and banter.

So, what kind of folks am I looking for? That's tough. Everything past this point might make me sound like a self-important jerk. I've been playing RPGs for about 25 years and finding compatible gamers via the Internet is one of the toughest things to do with the hobby. This means I have some criteria which saves everybody unnecessary anguish. Each one of these has a story I'd like not to go through again. (Also, fair warning: I will read all of your comments and Google the shit out of you before we ever get together. If you don't get a reply from me, nothing personal -- there's something about you that I feel won't be compatible with me, my family, or my gaming style.)

Here's who I'm not looking for...
  • Please no Creepy Gamer of the Year candidates. If you are clean, sober, have a good grasp of hygiene and can carry on normal social interactions without coming off as sketchy or skeevy, then I'd love to have you at the table.
  • If you have a weird (compared to gaming) hobby or whatever, that's fine, but if it will likely be a disruption then I'd rather skip you. (I've had people show up in fursuits before. This is not constructive.)
  • Please no 4chan refugees if at all possible, but we could probably make an exception if you're nice enough. SA goons are fine, of course.
  • No smokers, sorry. I know you could just smoke outside, but that stuff carries inside and I have an infant son to think of.
  • No politics if it means being disruptive. I'm personally very political, but I respect others enough that I don't bring it up unless I know I'm in like company. I don't want tension at my table over real-world politics.
  • No spotlight hogs or drama llamas. Share the table. It's gaming, not Julliard. I expect people to roleplay, not shoot for an Oscar.
    Please no Captain Know-It-Alls. I'm pretty good at detecting bullshit and waving your figurative dick around and pretending you're hot shit will just mean you won't get invited back. There's no need to impress anyone.
  • No grognards who want to hate on [insert game here], or who think [insert game here] is the best ever and no game could possibly be better. You know who you are. I tend to like all games and there's a good chance you'd be pissing on one of the ones I enjoy. Edition warring is poison for the hobby and edition warriors can die in a fire.
  • Please no anti-jock types. I'm not exactly Mr Universe, but I like to watch and discuss sports if the topic comes up. (I know, fuck me, right?) It's okay if you don't care about this sort of stuff, but if you build your identity around ripping on sports or people that like them, well, it will be a short stay for you.

Still reading? Hooray! You don't think I'm an ass! (Or do and are just wondering how much more of an ass I can look like.)

Now, for the things that make me seem like a totally awesome dude and your new favorite DM:
  • I'm a functioning member of society. I bathe, have a job, a family, have adult responsibilities, and don't live in my mother's basement. I'm not some mouthbreathing neckbeard who has no social life other than hanging out in gaming stores.
  • I've been around the block, gaming-wise, but I still like to run games that are fun. I'm not a guy who's opinions about gaming are set in stone. I like to hear about how others like to play and enjoy games.
  • I'm social. I have stuff outside regular gaming sessions, and I'm not afraid of meeting new people. I like to game with people who I'd ideally like to hang out with outside of gaming.
  • I'm not like Francis. I'm almost the anti-Francis.
  • I don't hate games. There are some games I don't like, but I don't hate them. I personally like all sorts of things, so your favorite game isn't going to be the subject of ridicule.
  • I have zero issues with having complete newbies at the table. I love teaching people the hobby and having someone with zero gaming experience at the table is not only not a problem, it's fun and refreshing.
  • I have beer (and a grill in the summer).

If it seems like you're the kind of gamer I'm shooting for, I'd love to have you at the table. If not, PM me anyway and we'll see where we go from there.

That's about it. I've posted this everywhere. Please don't make me post it to 4chan.

[SIGPIC]I did warn you not to trust me.[/SIGPIC]
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