UPDATE: Publishers Deep Silver have responded to the decision (below):
“Volition, the developer, are reworking some of the code to create a version of the game for this territory by removing the content which could cause offence without reducing the outlandish gameplay that Saints Row fans know and love.
“Saints Row IV has been awarded PEGI 18 and ESRB M ratings where fans can enjoy their time in Steelport as originally intended.” (via CVG)
Well this will be interesting, i doubt they can resubmit and get a result in time for PAX, normally takes months to appeal / resubmit. But i'm guessing we will be getting a hack job like L4D2 where all blood and dead bodies just disappear instantly.
it'll be really interesting what we'll see at Pax I guess... I guess they can still have a booth but they can't actually have the game playing anywhere or something like that. And yeah I have to say I'm pretty upset that the classification board trusts in Australian adults only this far... effectively it seems that the status quo hasn't changed at all
We all knew that the R18+ was a compromise at best when it went through. Although a new level of violence was allowed, giving us Mortal Combat, etc, the restrictions on drugs and sex are effectively the same a MA15+ to keep the lobbyists happy. These are the things Saints Row is being pinged on.
“Volition, the developer, are reworking some of the code to create a version of the game for this territory by removing the content which could cause offence without reducing the outlandish gameplay that Saints Row fans know and love.
“Saints Row IV has been awarded PEGI 18 and ESRB M ratings where fans can enjoy their time in Steelport as originally intended.” (via CVG)
Uhm... guess I was too slow, nothing to see here!
Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
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