What is StarMade?
StarMade is a minecraft inspired 3D sandbox space shooter. It is basically Minecraft X3 or EVE. Build massive ships, bases, turrets, whatever. There are planets to explore, pirates to kill, and all sorts of things to salvage for parts.
StarMade WebsiteExplore: Explore space generated in real time around you
Design: design you own ship or space station.
Customize: create customized weapons, harvesting elements, shields and docking stations for your ship. Combine elements to groups to make your modules even more powerful.
Multiplayer: full multi player: share control of your ship or design a ship together
Destroy: destroy your enemies with your powerful weapons or just infiltrate an enemy ship. There already is a big arsenal of destructive modules: Missiles (normal, heat seeking and target chasing), Lasers, and Explosive modules that detonate on impact
Salvage: salvage the ships of your fallen enemies to gain credits
Physics: fully integrated modern physics engine for real box-on-box collisions
Stealth: use radar jamming and cloaking modules for a surprise attack.
Multiplatform: runs on windows, mac and linux
Share: save, import & export your own ships as blueprints. You can upload your blueprints to any multi player server
AI: fight your own creations alone or in coop mode
Tutorial: interactive tutorial to learn the basics
Trailerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt_DS10OGhoDownloadThe launcher can be found hereGetting Started Videos