The next one on the docket is The Wolverine, which hits July 26th.
Thor: The Dark World is out this holiday.
Captain America: Winter Soldier is currently filming. Marvel has signed RDJ to reprise Iron Man in Avengers 2 & 3. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. this fall on ABC.
DC is on track to continue ruining the hopes and souls of children by making Man of Steel 2: Also Batman. Then a Flash movie where he gains his speed by devouring live kittens, probably. Who knows?
One of the things Hugh Jackman talked about was how while filming the first X-Men movie none of the cast were allowed to read comic books while on set. In fact comic books in general weren't allowed on set as the higher-ups thought they'd influence the actors into giving two-dimensional portrayals. So Hugh Jackman had crew members smuggle comics to his trailer where he'd read them in secret.
And the first comic that he read was Chris Claremont's story of Wolverine in Japan. And his reaction to it was, "This would make a great film. I want to see this as a film."
Thirteen years later...
"Hey we're adapting this source material but you aren't allowed to read it because we think it sucks"
I liked the movie when I was a kid because it was super silly but there came a point where I watched it after about a five year gap and went "Whoa what the fuck is going on here, somebody MADE this?"
I'm goin' for the oscar"
and they still made a pretty solid movie, it's weird!
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It is still my favorite X-Movie
"Hey, welcome cast and crew to the official start of production on the Harry Potter films.
Now, I'd like to remind you that we don't want to see any of you reading Harry Potter books around here at any time."
doesn't hold up that well
Wolverine and Magneto are still great
it has bits like the "you're a dick" line that are wonderful
but on the whole it has not aged well at all
then it just kind of falls apart
I think the thing I'm most excited for in The Wolverine is Wei Shen playing Silver Samurai
Is that part still good?
I mean it doesn't help that I don't like Rogue to begin with but her accent was super annoying
It's one of the very few cases of a female in a superhero film that isn't a romantic or sexual interest for the main character, it's pretty nice
I don't know why he's mentoring for girls like 90% of the time but hey, that's cool too
I love samurai movies so much
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Real talk about X-2
My favorite shot in that movie is the four seconds that we see Colossus get shot to no effect and the soldiers are just like "Are you fucking kidding me"
Jonah Hill seems like a bit of an odd choice?
especially since they did such a good job casting kitty pryde and then put her in a scene where the juggernaut repeats an internet meme
also the dudes directing that directed clone high sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
But everything about the delivery and context of it was the worst
and 21 Jump Street
Phil Lord and Chris Miller are consistently fantastic
Are you for real
Don't lie about this Geebs that would be most bogus