When people call it ‘a dream job’
AnonymousI used to test games for a living. When it comes up in conversation, people say “Oh my god, what a dream job! What was it like?” I respond with this:
What’s the worst game you’ve ever played? Now imagine playing that game for 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, for 6 months, in a language you don’t understand. Also, parts of the game are broken and nobody believes you when you tell them; they instead respond to your claims like you’ve just slapped their child. By the time you convince them that the game is legitimately broken, it’s too late to fix the game because it’s “Crunch time”, so you’re working 70 hour weeks but you’re probably going to be laid off when the game ships.
But, it’s better than a ‘real’ job!
Steam: adamjnet
It could be a normal workstation and he just chills on the ceiling during breaks, but I'm hoping for the upside-down workstation so we can contemplate which office items don't work that way. An infrared mouse is probably a requirement, for starters.
The mouse would dangle when not in use. A trackball-style would work better because it could be anchored
Look it's not practical. I'm just saying.
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
And he doesn't really ever produce any meaningful product because he thinks he's a bat and the project management is insufficient to really assess their performance.
That'd be pretty in keeping with our expectations here.