[GAME ON!] BattleCON: Devastation of Indines

PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
edited February 2015 in Critical Failures

What is this madness?

Glad you asked! Imagine if you combined the head-to-head intensity of a 2D fighting game with the strategic mind-fuckery of a card game, and made one beautiful brain-burner of a table-top game. No over-complicated move lists here, everything you can do is in your hand.

And you all will be beating each other up for my amusement.

SOLD. How do I play?

It's not very complicated. Let's start by talking about what's in each character's kit.
Each character has a character card which describes their Unique Ability, which describes what kind of special ability they have to set them off from the others. They also often describe tokens, what they do, and how many you have.

First, each player has a set of six standard Bases in their hand. They're the card on the right in the image above. Everyone's got the same ones: Strike, Shot, Grasp, Dash, Drive, and Burst. Everyone can do these. We'll get back to what the numbers do in a minute. Also each character has a special Base that's unique to that specific character.

The card on the left is what's called a Style. Each character comes with five of them, and they're unique to each specific character. See how the cards fit together in the image? Totally on purpose. During each turn, you'll be choosing one card from each pool to create a "attack pair", which signifies what move you'll be trying to do that beat. (Beat is basically a fancy term for a complete round of play: choosing attacks, using effects, both player's attacks, etc.) Styles generally modify the stats on your played base, since they all have +a number on them.

Range is how far out your attacks can hit. Let's pull up the arena quick...


Generally, I will probably be using a ASCII version of the board instead of the full image to save time in arbitrating fights. At the start of a match, players start on the hex with the circle dot on it. Range 0 would be the hex you're standing in (and generally you can't have multiple players in the same hex.) Starting out, each player is considered to be at Range 4 from each other. Sometimes ranges will be a spread, like 2~3. Modifiers will affect both numbers, so if you have that with a +1 Range modifier, it'd be 3~4 instead. Singular numbers modified by a ~ are considered to be the same on both sides of the ~, so a 1 would be considered 1~1.

If your opponent is in range of your attack, you hit. Note that ranges target *specific* spaces, and so can miss. Using the start-of-the-game Range 4 example, if someone threw a attack at you first turn and you havn't moved, it would miss if it was Range 3 or Range 5. The ranges with multiple value hit everything in the range, so a Range 3~5 would still hit.

Range N/A never hit, and usually have some sort of special ability. Ranges can never be modified to be less than 0.

Power is how much damage the attack does if it hits. Each player starts the game at 20 life, and cannot go above that due to card effects. If you hit 0, you're KO'd.

Some card effects cause you to "lose" life. You CANNOT be KO'd by abilities that make you lose life.

Priority is basically initiative. Whoever's attack has the highest priority fires first. It definitely can matter, since if you don't hit first you could be stunned by the enemy attack and your attack won't fire at all that beat.

In case of a Priority tie, a CLASH happens. Each player has to choose a new Base in private and reveals it at the same time. It goes on top of the old base in your attack pair, and you check priority again. Only the base that actually gets used in the attack will get discarded at the end of the turn. Clashes can keep happening until one player runs out of bases. If that somehow happens, the top attack pair gets discarded and recycling pairs happens as normal (will get to that later), and a new turn starts.

Words, words, words... let's BLOW SOMETHING UP.

Fair enough. Turn order it is.

Each beat is basically broken down into five phases.

1. Select attack pairs

Each player picks a legal attack pair from their hand and PM's the Operator with their choice.

2. Ante Tokens
Character's unique abilities often give tokens that can be ante'd up in this phase for effects. They're chosen and spent during this phase. Tokens are in a character's “token pool” area
until they are used. After being used, they are typically moved to the “token discard pool.”
Unless otherwise stated by a character's unique ability, tokens are discarded to their own separate discard pile and cannot be retrieved except by the effects of that character's styles and bases. Not all characters are able to retrieve their tokens, so pay attention to your options for recovery before you use them recklessly!

Players may ante tokens in any order, and may always ante more tokens (as far as their unique abilities allow), but antes can never be taken back. Once both players have elected to pass on adding tokens, we move on. One of the few phases where the Operator doesn't actually have to do anything, you guys can ante up in the thread itself.

3. Reveal attack pairs
The Operator simulateously reveals what the player's attack pairs were. Any Reveal Effects occcur at this time. Timing on the reveal effects doesn't really matter, and will generally happen simultaneously to keep the game flowing. After resolving Reveal Effects, the Priority of both attacks is summed up, and Clashes (as mentioned above) could happen/be resolved. The player who has the higher priority is called the Active Player, and the lower one is the Reactive Player.

The Active Player then resolves any of his Start of Beat effects he has on his attack pair, then afterwards the Reactive Player does the same.

4. Execute attacks
4a: The Active Player activates his attack first by following a few steps.
-Any Before Activating effects fire on his cards. If there's multiples, he chooses what order to use them.
-Next, check to see if the opponent is in range. If a card mentions "adjacent" characters, they mean Range 1 from you.
-If the opponent is in range, then the active player resolves any On Hit effects.
-If the opponent was hit by the attack, then the opponent takes damage equal to the Power of the attack, reducing the name taken by his own attack's Soak value, if it has any.
-If the opponent took any damage, post-Soak, then any On Damage effects trigger. Also, if the player took any damage, they may be Stunned. Talk about that in a second.
-If a player is at 0 or less life, then the game immediately ends, and the remaining player is declared the WINNER.
-Lastly, the active player triggers any After Activating effects, regardless if the attack hit or did damage.

4b: The Reactive Player's attack.
Okay, you just got your ass handed to you by the active player, now it's time to fight back, right?


Remember how I mentioned you might be stunned if you get hit? Some attack pairs have a keyword on them called Stun Guard and a number following it. If the attack that hit you did more points of damage than the number of points of Stun Guard you have, you are STUNNED, and your attack doesn't fire. You do not get any Before Activating or After Activating effects if stunned.

Sucks, don't it? Don't get hit. Unless you really want to. I'm looking at you, Eligor.

Stun Immunity says "fuck you, I get mine." and doesn't care how much damage the Active Player did.

5. Recycle
At the end of the turn, both players activate their End of Beat effects. Active Player's effects go first, then the Reactive Player's. They *will* trigger even if you were stunned during your attack.

Lastly, each player picks up their second discard pile back into their hand, moves the cards from their first discard pile into the second, and moves the attack pair they used that turn into the first.

*SCREECH* Wait, what?

Oh, yeah, you have two discard piles. At the start of the game, a attack pair from your hand starts the game face-up in each. Generally the cards are marked at the bottom with a 1 or 2 to suggest which ones they recommend off with, but you can always choose at the start of a match specific cards instead. The discard piles basically act as a "cooldown" before you can use a specific card/move again, so you can't just spam the same move all day.

And that's the game in a nutshell. You beat on each other until one person isn't living or 15 turns pass. After 15, whoever has the most life left wins the match, and you generally go best two out of three matches for a game.

Specific status effects that cards may have: (oh god trimming this behind a spoiler block to try to make the OP slightly less imposing)
Advance: Move towards a opponent.
Retreat: Move farther away from a opponent.
Pull: Moves a opponent towards you.
Push: Moves a opponent away from you.
Move: You choose the direction of the movement.
Move directly: Teleport directly to a specific space. Some card effects say you can't "move over" your opponent, but direct moves can totally ignore that. You also aren't considered to have moved out of or into any spaces in between. (Traps can totally eat a dick.)
Movement effects are *MANDITORY*. If a card effect says "advance 1 or 2 spaces" you HAVE to move. Unless it says specifically "Advance up to 2 spaces", where you can choose to move just 0 spaces.

When moving, you hop over opponents and do not count the spaces they occupy against your movement.

If a player can't complete retreats due to the walls at the end of the arena, you just move as far as possible and then stop. If a legal movement is possible given the effect moving a character, then you MUST take it.

Also note that Advance and Pull basically just set the initial direction of the movement. It's possible to pull someone past you and farther away from you from where they started. (Say, if someone was adjacent to you and you did a Pull 3 on them, they'd go past you.)

So yeah, that's words. Next post will be specific character kits.

If interested in playing, !QUARTER UP. The first match will be pulled randomly from everyone who Quartered Up, and then afterwards will work from the top of the list.

We'll be operating under Arcade Rules for this, so Winner Stays, Loser Pays and goes to the back of the line. Challenger always gets first pick of characters. For winners, we'll be doing a King of the Hill-style leaderboard, and you'll want to try to stay on the hill as long as possible.

Green will be used for official game moves.

...oh jeeze, I now need to type up characters. Going to be using all eight characters that have been released to the public as free Print & Play demos.

COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
PMAvers on


  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    edited November 2013
    Character Kits.

    Standard Bases:
    Drive: 1 Range, 3 Power, 4 Priority. Before Activating: Advance 1 or 2 spaces.
    Dash: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9. This attack does not hit or deal damage. After activating: Move 1, 2, or 3 spaces. If you changed sides with an opponent during this movement, that opponent cannot hit you during this beat.
    Burst: 2~3 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority. Start of Beat: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces.
    Grasp: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space.
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2.
    Strike: 1 Range, 4 Power, 3 Priority. Stun Guard 5.

    Shekhtur Lenmorre - Cursed Heroine
    Unique Ability: The Infernal Device
    Shekhtur begins a duel with 3 Malice Tokens. Each time she hits an opponent with an attack, she gains one Malice Token per point of damage dealt. She cannot possess more than 5 Malice Tokens at any time.

    Shekhtur can ante Malice Tokens for +1 Priority each. If she has any tokens, she must ante at least one during the ante step. When she antes her 3rd and 5th token in a single beat, she loses 1 life and gains +1 power.
    Reaver: +0~1 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. On Damage: Push the opponent one space per point of damage dealt. End of Beat: Advance 1 or 2 spaces.
    Spiral: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 3 spaces. This attack has -1 power for each space moved by this effect.
    Unleashed: +0~1 Range, -1 Power, -1 Priority. After Activating: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces. End of Beat: Gain 2 Malice Tokens. You have +1 Power next beat.
    Combination: +0 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. This attack does not hit opponents at range 3 or greater. On Hit: If you hit the opponent last beat, this attack has +2 power.
    Jugular: +0 Range, -1 Power, +2 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space. End of Beat: Gain or lose Malice Tokens until you have exactly 3.
    Brand: 1~2 Range, 2 Power, 3 Priority. After Activating: If this attack hit, you may spend up to 4 Malice Tokens to have the opponent lose 1 life per 2 tokens spent and you gain 1 life per 2 tokens spent.

    Eligor Larington - Successor to Saint Kelbran
    Unique Ability: Sword of Vengeance

    Eligor begins a duel with two Vengeance Tokens.
    Whenever he takes damage from an attack, he gains Vengeance Tokens equal to the damage taken. He has a limit of 5 of these tokens.
    Eligor can ante Vengeance Tokens for Stun Guard 2 each. He gains Stun Immunity if he antes 5 tokens in a single beat.

    Martial: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Before Activating: This attack gains +2 power if you have taken damage during this beat and +2 additional power if you have 5 Vengeance Tokens in your token pool.
    Retribution: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Before Activating: If you were hit during this beat, you may move directly to any space adjacent to a opponent who hit you.
    Vengeful: +0 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. Stun Guard 3. Eligor ignores all movement effects applied to him by opponents during this beat. On Hit: Gain 2 Vengeance Tokens.
    Counter: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Start of Beat: If an opponent's base has the same name as yours, the opponent is stunned. Before activating: If you took damage this beat, advance up to 1 space for each point of damage taken.
    Chained: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Start of Beat: Gain 1 Vengeance Token. Before Activating: Discard any number of Vengeance tokens to pull the opponent 1 space per token discarded.

    Aegis 1 Range, X Power, 0 Priority. Reveal: Soak 1 for each Vengeance Token you anted during this beat. The power of this base is equal to the printed power of the nearest opponent's attack pair.

    Joal Kalmor - Monster Hunter
    Unique Ability: Weapon Master
    Joal has five unique bases. At the start of a duel, he may choose to place up to 4 of his standard bases in a stockpile face-up beside the board, then include that many extra bases from his unique set, plus 1.
    Unique bases he does not include are placed in his stockpile. He reveals which bases he has selected to all opponents before the duel begins.

    Dual Wield: +0 Range, -1 Power, +0 Priority. Joal cannot move past opponents this beat. After Activating: Play another base from your hand, then execute this attack again with that base replacing the original base. Both cards will go to your discard this beat. This effect does not trigger for the second attack.
    Relentless: +0 Range, +2 Power, -3 Priority. Stun Guard 3. Joal cannot take more than 5 damage during this beat.
    Warded: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Stun Guard 2. An opponent who hits you cannot activate On Hit and On Damage effects.
    Cutthroat: +0 Range, +0 Power, +1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 2 spaces. If you moved past an opponent, your attack stuns that opponent on hit.
    Slayer's: +0~1 Range, +0 Power, +0 Priority. On Hit: The nearest opponent cannot activate Before Activating or After Activating effects. End of Beat: You may add a base from your stockpile to your hand.

    Knuckle: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. This attack ignores Soak. On Hit: Move 1 space.
    Runeblade: 1~2 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 3. On Hit: Regain 2 life.
    Ironstar: 1 Range, 4 Power, 0 Priority. Stun Immunity. Opponents cannot switch sides with you during this beat.
    Hand Cannon: 2~5 Range, 3 Power, 3 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 or 2 spaces.
    Binding Knife: 1 Range, 1 Power, 4 Priority. This attack ignores Stun Guard. Before Activating: Advance 1 or 2 Spaces.

    Malandrax Mecchi - Deadly Genius
    Unique Ability: Perfect Planning.

    Malandrax has 4 Trap Cards. During the ante phase of each beat, he may select and place one of those traps face-down. When an opponent fufills the condition on the trap's trigger, the trap activates immediately and its effect occurs.

    All Traps return to Malandrax at the end of each beat.

    Leading: +1~2 Range, +0 Power, +1 Priority. Start of Beat: The nearest opponent must move 1 space. On Hit: The opponent must move 1 space.
    Ingenious: +0~1 Range, +0 Power, +0 Priority. Whenever an opponent triggers a trap this beat, that opponent has -2 Power and you have +1 Power. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space.
    Plotting: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Stun Guard 2. After Activating: Move 1 or 2 spaces. End of Beat: You may set an additional trap during your next ante phase.
    Calculated: +0~2 Range, -1 Power, +0 Priority. On damage: If the damage dealt by this attack exactly equals your range to the opponent, the opponent loses 3 life.
    Precision: +1~3 Range, -1 Power, +0 Priority. When the nearest opponent moves during this beat, you control that movement (Including Direct Movement effects).
    On Damage: If the opponent was stunned by this attack, he loses 2 life.

    Master Plan: N/A Range, 4 Power, 0 Priority. Stun Immunity. If your opponent triggered a trap during this turn, this attack automatically hits. Otherwise, it misses.

    Alarm Trap:
    Trigger: When an opponent moves adjacent to you.
    Effect: Retreat any number of spaces, and opponents at range 3 or greater cannot hit you during this beat.

    Wall Spike Trap:
    Trigger: When an opponent moves to an edge of the board.
    Effect: The opponent loses 2 life.

    Smasher Trap:
    Trigger: After an opponent activates his attack (and all After Activating triggers), if that opponent has not moved during this beat.
    Effect: The opponent takes 2 damage.

    Electroshock Trap:
    Trigger: When an opponent moves into the center of the game board.
    Effect: You have +2 Power and the opponent has -2 Power for the rest of the beat.

    Cadenza - Clockwork Knight
    Unique Ability: Iron Body
    Cadenza begins a duel with 3 Iron Body Tokens.
    He may spend one of these tokens whenever he takes damage to gain Infinite Stun Guard.
    He may ante one of these tokens to gain Stun Immunity.

    Battery: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. End of Beat: You have +4 Priority next beat.
    Clockwork: +0 Range, +3 Power, -3 Priority. Soak 3.
    Grapnel: +2~4 Range, +0 Power, +0 Priority. On Hit: Pull the opponent up to 3 spaces.
    Mechanical: +0 Range, +2 Power, -2 Priority. End of Beat: Advance up to 3 spaces.
    Hydraulic: +0 Range, +2 Power, -1 Priority. Soak 1. Before Activating: Advance 1 space.

    Press: 1~2 Range, 1 Power, 0 Priority. Stun Guard 6. This attack has +1 power for each point of damage you have taken during this beat.

    Cadenza is a powerful melee fighter who relies on defensive measures to break through enemy attacks and score devastating hits. It only takes him two or three hits to take out an enemy, but those few hits can be hard to land, especially against highly mobile opponents.

    Cadenza's Grapnel and Mechanical Styles give him the tools to make sure that enemies stay within his limited range. His unique base, Press, is an absolutely terrifying melee counteroffensive attack that will beat almost any offensive move an opponent can make.

    Don't be afraid to use Cadenza's Iron Body Tokens to land smaller hits. It only takes a few successful hits to crush an opponent, but these are much harder for Cadenza to score than for other characters. Losing your last token before the end of a match can be crippling to your strategy, so try to find a good balance of when to spend and save.

    Hikaru Sorayama - Geomancer

    Hikaru begins a duel with 4 Elemental Tokens. These tokens come in four varieties: Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. Hikaru cannot have more than one of each type of token.

    Hikaru may ante up to one token during the ante phase to gain the effect of that token applied to his attack.

    Hikaru's styles and unique base allow him to recover Elemental Tokens. He cannot recover a token the same turn he antes it.

    Wind: +2 Priority
    Water: -1~+1 Range.
    Earth: Soak 3
    Fire: +3 Power

    Trance: +0~1 Range, +0 Power, +0 Priority. Hikaru ignores the effects of tokens he has anted. Reveal: Return any tokens that were anted by Hiraku this turn to his token pool. End of Beat: You may choose and recover one Elemental Token.
    Focused: +0 Range, +0 Power, +1 Priority. Stun Guard 2. On Hit: Recover an Elemental Token of your choice.
    Geomantic: +0 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. Start of Beat: Hikaru may ante an Elemental Token to this attack. (You may still do this even if you have already anted a token during the ante step.)
    Sweeping: +0 Range, -1 Power, +3 Priority. If you are hit this turn, you take an additional 2 points of damage.
    Advancing: +0 Range, +1 Power, +1 Priority. Start of Beat: Advance 1 space. If you switched sides with an opponent, this attack has +1 Power.

    Palm Strike: Range 1 Power 2 Priority 5. Start of Beat: Advance 1 space. On Damage: You recover an Elemental Token of your choice.

    Hikaru is a well-rounded character who can do a little of everything. Once he begins channeling elemental power with his tokens, however, he can do a lot of anything he needs to. Hikaru's strategies revolve around managing his tokens. Running out early can leave him open to an opponent's strategies, but holding them in reserve can choke out his offensive and defensive abilities. Managing his resources effectively is an important staple of his strategy. Choosing the right token for a situation can often create forks that will shut down two or more of an opponent's best moves.

    Balance your use of tokens, and beware of using them in obvious situations. You have no good way to prevent opponents from escaping, so the best policy is to predict their escapes with your Trance style and use the time to recover tokens. You are quite good at advancing on opponents, so don't worry if they manage to slip by you while you recover power.

    Kallistar Flarechild - Fire Elemental
    Unique Ability: Elemental Form
    Kallistar begins a duel in Human Form. Her Ignition style allows her to change into Elemental Form, and her Flare style changes her back to Human Form.
    During the Ante Step, if Kallistar is in Elemental Form, she gains +2 power and +2 priority to her attacks, but loses 1 life point (she cannot be reduced below 1 life point by this loss.)
    The effects of her styles also differ based on her form.

    Flare: +0 Range +3 Power +0 Priority.
    Start of Beat, Human Form: Kallistar loses 2 life.
    End of Beat, Elemental Form: Kallistar returns to Human Form.

    Blazing: +0 Range +0 Power +1 Priority.
    Elemental Form: This attack has +0~1 range.
    After Activating, Human Form: Move Kallistar 1 or 2 spaces.

    Caustic: +0 Range +1 Power -1 Priority
    Human Form: Soak 2
    On Hit, Elemental Form: The opponent is stunned.

    Volcanic: +2~4 Range +0 Power +0 Priority.
    On Hit, Elemental Form: the opponent has -2 priority next beat.
    End of Beat, Human Form: Move directly to any unoccupied space.

    Ignition: +0 Range +1 Power -1 Priority.
    Reveal, Elemental Form: This attack has +3 power, and Kallistar loses 3 life points (she cannot be reduced below 1 by this loss).
    End of Beat, Human Form: Kallistar enters Elemental Form.

    Spellbolt: 2~6 Range, 2 Power 2 Priority.
    On Hit: Move the opponent 1 or 2 spaces.

    Kallistar is one of the most powerful damage dealers in the game, and she combines this with great speed, range, and mobility. As powerful as she is, her Elemental Form is a liability that must be carefully managed. Opponents do nto have to fight you while in Elemental Form, and those who muster the patience to wait out your attacks can make sure that you whittle down your own life chasing them and not scoring the hits you need to stay ahead.

    Remember that Kallistar's human form gives her good defenses and mobility. Using both forms effectively and appropriately will determine how well you perform in matches.

    One less obvious staple of Kallistar's strategy is her range. Kallistar's Spellbolt can be rotated with a Shot and any Volcanic attack to create a long ranged assault that can continue indefinitely, forcing enemies to fight head to head. Consider using ranged attacks rather than chasing down enemies like Khadath who will try to escape from Kallistar in melee.

    Khadath Ahemusei - Planestalker
    Unique Ability: Gate Trap

    Khadath's attacks allow him to place a Gate Trap Marker on the field. This marker does not take up space, so players may freely move over and onto it. An opponetn who moves onto the marker cannot move off of it as part of the same movement (though he may do so as part of a later movement).

    During Reveal, an opponent standing on top of the marker has -3 priority for the beat, and an opponent adjacent to the marker has -1 priority for that beat.

    Hunter's: +0 Range +0 Power +0 Priority.
    Reveal: This attack has +2 power and +2 priority if your opponent is standing on or adjacent to Khadath's Gate Trap Marker.

    Teleport: +0 Range +1 Power -1 Priority
    End of Beat: move directly to any unoccupied space.

    Blight: +0~2 Range +0 Power +0 Priority
    Start of Beat: Place Khadath's Gate Trap Marker in any square that falls into this attack's range and is not occupied by an opponent. (If your attack range is N/A, do not move the marker.)

    Evacuation: +0~1 Range +0 Power +0 Priority
    An opponent standing directly on Khadath's Gate Trap Marker cannot hit him this turn.
    Start of Beat: Place Khadath's Gate Trap Marker in your current space, then retreat 1 space.

    Lure: +0~5 Range -1 Power -1 Priority
    On Hit: Pull the opponent any number of spaces. You may not move them past yourself.

    Snare: N/A Range 3 Power 1 Priority
    Stun Immunity
    Khadath's Gate Trap Marker cannot be moved or added to the board this turn.
    The range of this attack is the space occupied by and adjacent to Khadath's Gate Trap Marker.

    Khadath utilizes his Gate Trap to force opponents to adopt the spacing he wants. He has a decent array of medium and long range attacks, which he can mix up to keep enemies running between long and short range while hie piles on the attacks. Those who decide to ignore his trap and venture onto it risk facing his powerful snare attack and are quickly faced with the reality that Khadath's mobility makes him nearly impossible to pin for long.

    When using Khadath, determine what your opponent's optimal range is and stay as far from it as possible. Against ranged fighters, utilize your trap to prevent enemies from running away, and don't hesitate to change strategies to adjust to fighters like Kallistar who change modes. The sooner you adjust to your opponents' moves, the more successful your attacks will be.

    Seth Cremmul - The Oracle

    Unique Ability: Beyond Eyes

    During the Ante step of each beat, Seth may name a single base (including his opponent's unique base). If the nearest opponent's attack includes the named base (after resolving all clashes), then Seth gains +2 power and +2 priority during that beat.

    Fool's: +0 Range, -1 Power, -4 Priority.
    Start of Beat: The nearest opponent has -1 range during this beat. [d1]

    Mimic's: +0 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority.
    Whenever the nearest opponent moves this turn, you move in the opposite direction, maintaining your range if possible. (So for each space the opponent advances, Seth retreats, and vice versa. Ignore direct moves.)

    Compelling: +0 Range, +0 Power, +0 Priority.
    Before Activating: Move the nearest opponent 1 space.
    After Activating: Move the nearest opponent 1 space.

    Vanishing: +1 Range, +0 Power, +0 Priority.
    Attacks at range 4 or greater do not hit you this beat.
    Start of Beat: Retreat up to 1 space.

    Wyrding: +0 Range, +0 Power, +1 Priority.
    Start of Beat: If you correctly guessed your nearest opponent's base this beat with Seth's Beyond Eyes ability, you may choose a new base from your hand and attach it instead. Both the new and the original Base go to your discard.


    Omen: 1 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority.
    Start of Beat: If you correctly guessed your nearest opponent's base with Seth's Beyond Eyes ability this beat, that opponent is stunned.

    Overdrive Finisher: Reading Fate
    Range 1~3, 0 Power, 6 Priority.
    On Hit: The opponent is stunned. Until the end of the duel, opponents must play their styles face-up before Seth chooses his attack pair.

    On Stage:


    The Line (!Quarter Up! to join)

    1. blahmcblah
    2. Auralynx
    3. Grunt's Ghost
    4. Kirindal
    5. NotoriusBEN
    6. Vyolynce
    7. jergarmar

    Grunt's Ghosts
    The Leaderboard
    1. Auralynx (3 Wins)
    1. Bedlam (3 Win)
    2. blahmcblah (2 Wins)
    3. Farangu (1 Win)

    PMAvers on
    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    In for Eligor!

    Got my !Quarter and everything!

    Vyolynce on
  • blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    I'm absolutely going to !Quarter up, but I don't know what character I want because I don't know how to play yet. Maybe reading the OP will work out better than when I tried to play the iOS version at like 4am one time.

  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    I think it definitely takes a match or two to grok, and some characters require a little more game knowledge to play than others. If I remember correctly, the difficulty of the characters goes something like:


    Joan (you have to know what situation's require what bases. For instance, if you're facing Eligor you might want to take some of the Stun Guard-ignoring bases, for instance.)

    Malandrax (you have to have a good general sense of strategy and how people move to be able to best predict where they're going to be going and what trap to activate for the turn).

    Probably going to go in and try to add in some of the strategy tips.

    PMAvers on
    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    !quarter up, though I'd like to request to be automatically put at the back of the line so I can see this in action and try to wrap my head around it during my downtime over what's probably gonna be a busy weekend. This looks sort of like UFS!

    Shekhtur or Kallistar would be interesting.

  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    If it helps any with learning, there's a Learn to Play comic on the website that describes several beats. Might be less intimidating than the WORDS WORDS WORDS I posted above.

    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    Already suffering from Evo withdrawal? :P

    Quarter IN!

    With Love and Courage
  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    PMAvers wrote: »
    If it helps any with learning, there's a Learn to Play comic on the website that describes several beats. Might be less intimidating than the WORDS WORDS WORDS I posted above.

    It does! Plus it references Geese, which is always a good thing.

  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    What is this

    I don't know

    Quarter up. (I'm on a phone so no color)

  • VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    Farangu wrote: »
    Quarter up. (I'm on a phone so no color)

    BBCode isn't that hard to do manually. :(

  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    That's a decent-sized line, so might as well get this show on the road. More will probably join once they see THE HYPE in action. :D

    Rolling a d4 to see who gets to the controls first when the arcade opens...

    @Auralynx and @The Ender, you're up!


    (Normally would let the Challenger pick first, but since it's first bout of the day, going to let them knife-fight and first-post for it.)

    PMAvers on
    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    Shekhtur it is, I guess!

  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    Joal Kalmor


    With Love and Courage
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    And so it begins.


    @The Ender go ahead and pick out what unique bases of Joan's you want to use for the first duel. You can stockpile any number of bases from your hand (including 0) to add that number +1 of your Unique bases to your hand.

    Going to use the "recommended" starting discards for the first match. Cards will be marked with either DISCARD 1 or DISCARD 2 in their description to show which discard pile they're in. Joan might actually have to set what his discards are, though, if he decides to stockpile Dash or Grasp.


    Shekhtur Status:
    Life: 20
    Malice Tokens: 3/5 available
    (Ante these for +1 Priority each, 3rd or 5th each beat also give +1 Power but -1 Life)
    Reaver: +0~1 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. On Damage: Push the opponent one space per point of damage dealt. End of Beat: Advance 1 or 2 spaces.
    Spiral: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 3 spaces. This attack has -1 power for each space moved by this effect.
    Unleashed: +0~1 Range, -1 Power, -1 Priority. After Activating: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces. End of Beat: Gain 2 Malice Tokens. You have +1 Power next beat. DISCARD 1
    Combination: +0 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. This attack does not hit opponents at range 3 or greater. On Hit: If you hit the opponent last beat, this attack has +2 power. DISCARD 2
    Jugular: +0 Range, -1 Power, +2 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space. End of Beat: Gain or lose Malice Tokens until you have exactly 3.

    Brand: 1~2 Range, 2 Power, 3 Priority. After Activating: If this attack hit, you may spend up to 4 Malice Tokens to have the opponent lose 1 life per 2 tokens spent and you gain 1 life per 2 tokens spent.Drive: 1 Range, 3 Power, 4 Priority. Before Activating: Advance 1 or 2 spaces.
    Dash: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9. This attack does not hit or deal damage. After activating: Move 1, 2, or 3 spaces. If you changed sides with an opponent during this movement, that opponent cannot hit you during this beat. DISCARD 1
    Burst: 2~3 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority. Start of Beat: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces.
    Grasp: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space. DISCARD 2
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2.
    Strike: 1 Range, 4 Power, 3 Priority. Stun Guard 5.

    Joan Status:
    Life: 20
    Runeblade: 1~2 Range, 4 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 3. On Hit: Regain 2 life.
    Binding Knife: 1 Range, 1 Power, 4 Priority. This attack ignores Stun Guard. Before Activating: Advance 1 or 2 Spaces.
    Grasp: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space.
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2.

    Dual Wield: +0 Range, -1 Power, +0 Priority. Joal cannot switch sides with opponents this beat. After Activating: Play another base from your hand, then execute this attack again with that base. Both cards will go to your discard this beat. This effect does not trigger for the second attack.
    Relentless: +0 Range, +2 Power, -3 Priority. Stun Guard 3. Joal cannot take more than 5 damage during this beat.
    Warded: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Stun Guard 2. The nearest opponent cannot activate On Hit and On Damage effects. DISCARD 1
    Cutthroat: +0 Range, +0 Power, +1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 2 spaces. If you switched sides with an opponent, your attack stuns that opponent on hit.
    Slayer's: +0~1 Range, +0 Power, +0 Priority. On Hit: The nearest opponent cannot activate Before Activating or After Activating effects. End of Beat: You may add a base from your stockpile to your hand. DISCARD 2

    Dash: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9. This attack does not hit or deal damage. After activating: Move 1, 2, or 3 spaces. If you changed sides with an opponent during this movement, that opponent cannot hit you during this beat. DISCARD 2
    Burst: 2~3 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority. Start of Beat: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces.
    Strike: 1 Range, 4 Power, 3 Priority. Stun Guard 5. DISCARD 1
    Hand Cannon: 2~5 Range, 3 Power, 3 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 or 2 spaces.
    Ironstar: 1 Range, 4 Power, 0 Priority. Stun Immunity. Opponents cannot switch sides with you during this beat.
    Knuckle: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. This attack ignores Soak. On Hit: Move 1 space.

    PMAvers on
    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    I'll put Grasp and Shot into my stockpile, then choose Hand Cannon, Knuckle and Ironstar for my unique bases.

    With Love and Courage
  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    Noted, and updated the previous post with the choices. Which base do you want to be in your DISCARD 2, @The Ender ? (This is the discard pile you'll pick up at the end of the first turn.)

    PMAvers on
    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    Can I put Dash into Discard 2?

    With Love and Courage
  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    If you want, sure, although you'll have to pick a different base to be in DISCARD 1 then. There needs to be a style and base in each pile at the start of the duel.

    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • BedlamBedlam Registered User regular

    Ive downloaded the print and play but havent tried to put it together. Sometimes I just open the files and stare longingly at them. I am in like Flynn.

  • BedlamBedlam Registered User regular
    Im suprised this isnt a tournament, seems like the perfect setup.

  • VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    Bedlam wrote: »
    Im suprised this isnt a tournament, seems like the perfect setup.

    Would probably be a nightmare to moderate.

  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    I'll throw Dash into Discard 2 and Strike into Discard 1.

    I totally, totally know what I am doing.

    With Love and Courage
  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    Updated the previous status post with the discard change.

    BEAT 1

    @Auralynx and @The Ender , send me your attack pairs for this beat in a PM.

    To save a little bit of time, Aura can also PM me in that one if they want to ante any tokens, since Joal doesn't have a ante effect.

    PMAvers on
    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • KirindalKirindal Registered User regular
    !Quarter Up

    Downloaded and printed out the print and play, but never found a willing warm body to play with. This will be fun.

  • BedlamBedlam Registered User regular
    Vyolynce wrote: »
    Bedlam wrote: »
    Im suprised this isnt a tournament, seems like the perfect setup.

    Would probably be a nightmare to moderate.
    How so? The host still runs all the matches and you dont need to do them all at once.

  • VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    Bedlam wrote: »
    Vyolynce wrote: »
    Bedlam wrote: »
    Im suprised this isnt a tournament, seems like the perfect setup.

    Would probably be a nightmare to moderate.
    How so? The host still runs all the matches and you dont need to do them all at once.

    I was thinking all at once.

  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    Got Ender's move, waiting on @Auralynx.

    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    Moves Selected!

    Ante Phase:
    Shekhtur goes big and antes three tokens, granting her attack +3 Priority and +1 Power, but loses one life.
    Shekhtur is at 19 life, and has 0/5 tokens ready now.


    Shekhtur chose Jugular Shot.
    Jugular: +0 Range, -1 Power, +2 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space. End of Beat: Gain or lose Malice Tokens until you have exactly 3.
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2.
    Total: Range 1~4, 3-1+1= 3 Power, 3+2+3= 7 Priority.

    Joal chose Cutthroat Hand Cannon.
    Cutthroat: +0 Range, +0 Power, +1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 2 spaces. If you switched sides with an opponent, your attack stuns that opponent on hit.
    Hand Cannon: 2~5 Range, 3 Power, 3 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 or 2 spaces.
    Total: Range 2~5, 3 Power, 4 Priority.

    Reveal effects:

    Joal advances 2 spaces to the center of the board.
    Priority check:
    Shekhtur is at 7, Joal is at 4. Shekhtur is the Active Player this beat, and Joal is Reactive.
    Start of Beat: No effects.

    Active player's attack:
    Range 2~5, which Joal is in, so it hits. On hit triggers, pushing Joan one space away. (According to conditionals mentioned in the PM.)
    Power is 3, so Joal takes 3 damage. Joal is at 17 health. Joal has no Stun Guard, and so is STUNNED.
    Shekhtur did damage, so she gains Malice Tokens equal to the damage, putting her at 3 Malice Tokens.

    Reactive player's attack:
    Joal is stunned, ergo does not attack.

    End of Beat effects:
    Shekhtur is already at 3 Malice Tokens, so she does not gain or lose any tokens.

    Recycle Phase:

    Shekhtur discards Juglar Shot, and draws Combination and Grasp.
    Joal discards Cutthroat Hand Cannon, and draws Slayer's and Dash.


    Shekhtur Status:
    Life: 19
    Malice Tokens: 3/5 available
    (Ante these for +1 Priority each, 3rd or 5th each beat also give +1 Power but -1 Life)
    Reaver: +0~1 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. On Damage: Push the opponent one space per point of damage dealt. End of Beat: Advance 1 or 2 spaces.
    Spiral: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 3 spaces. This attack has -1 power for each space moved by this effect.
    Unleashed: +0~1 Range, -1 Power, -1 Priority. After Activating: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces. End of Beat: Gain 2 Malice Tokens. You have +1 Power next beat. DISCARD 2
    Combination: +0 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. This attack does not hit opponents at range 3 or greater. On Hit: If you hit the opponent last beat, this attack has +2 power.
    Jugular: +0 Range, -1 Power, +2 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space. End of Beat: Gain or lose Malice Tokens until you have exactly 3. DISCARD 1

    Brand: 1~2 Range, 2 Power, 3 Priority. After Activating: If this attack hit, you may spend up to 4 Malice Tokens to have the opponent lose 1 life per 2 tokens spent and you gain 1 life per 2 tokens spent.Drive: 1 Range, 3 Power, 4 Priority. Before Activating: Advance 1 or 2 spaces.
    Dash: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9. This attack does not hit or deal damage. After activating: Move 1, 2, or 3 spaces. If you changed sides with an opponent during this movement, that opponent cannot hit you during this beat. DISCARD 2
    Burst: 2~3 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority. Start of Beat: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces.
    Grasp: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space.
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2. DISCARD 1
    Strike: 1 Range, 4 Power, 3 Priority. Stun Guard 5.

    Joan Status:
    Life: 17
    Runeblade: 1~2 Range, 4 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 3. On Hit: Regain 2 life.
    Binding Knife: 1 Range, 1 Power, 4 Priority. This attack ignores Stun Guard. Before Activating: Advance 1 or 2 Spaces.
    Grasp: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space.
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2.

    Dual Wield: +0 Range, -1 Power, +0 Priority. Joal cannot switch sides with opponents this beat. After Activating: Play another base from your hand, then execute this attack again with that base. Both cards will go to your discard this beat. This effect does not trigger for the second attack.
    Relentless: +0 Range, +2 Power, -3 Priority. Stun Guard 3. Joal cannot take more than 5 damage during this beat.
    Warded: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Stun Guard 2. The nearest opponent cannot activate On Hit and On Damage effects. DISCARD 2
    Cutthroat: +0 Range, +0 Power, +1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 2 spaces. If you switched sides with an opponent, your attack stuns that opponent on hit. DISCARD 1
    Slayer's: +0~1 Range, +0 Power, +0 Priority. On Hit: The nearest opponent cannot activate Before Activating or After Activating effects. End of Beat: You may add a base from your stockpile to your hand.

    Dash: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9. This attack does not hit or deal damage. After activating: Move 1, 2, or 3 spaces. If you changed sides with an opponent during this movement, that opponent cannot hit you during this beat.
    Burst: 2~3 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority. Start of Beat: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces.
    Strike: 1 Range, 4 Power, 3 Priority. Stun Guard 5. DISCARD 2
    Hand Cannon: 2~5 Range, 3 Power, 3 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 or 2 spaces. DISCARD 1
    Ironstar: 1 Range, 4 Power, 0 Priority. Stun Immunity. Opponents cannot switch sides with you during this beat.
    Knuckle: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. This attack ignores Soak. On Hit: Move 1 space.

    BEAT 2. Pick 'yo moves!

    PMAvers on
    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    Where's your hammer now? :D

  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular


    With Love and Courage
  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    BEAT 2

    Ante Phase:
    Shek antes NOTHING.

    Shekhtur reveals Combination Burst
    Combination: +0 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. This attack does not hit opponents at range 3 or greater. On Hit: If you hit the opponent last beat, this attack has +2 power.
    Burst: 2~3 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority. Start of Beat: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces.
    Totals: 2~3 Range, 4 Power, 1+1= 2 Priority.

    Joal reveals Slayer's Burst.
    Slayer's: +0~1 Range, +0 Power, +0 Priority. On Hit: The nearest opponent cannot activate Before Activating or After Activating effects. End of Beat: You may add a base from your stockpile to your hand.
    Burst: 2~3 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority. Start of Beat: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces.
    Total: 2~4 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority.

    Shekhtur is the Active Player this beat, Joal is the Reactive Player this beat.
    Start of Beat effects:
    Shekhtur retreats one space, so her back is to the wall.
    Joal retreats one space, so he is standing on the left starting space.

    Active Player's attack:
    Range: 2~3, which is a miss.

    Reactive Player's attack:
    Range: 2~4, which is a miss.

    Good jeorb.

    End of Beat:
    Joal adds Shot to his hand from his stockpile.

    Shekhtur discards Combination Burst and draws.
    Joal discards Slayer's Burst and draws.


    Shekhtur Status:
    Life: 19
    Malice Tokens: 3/5 available
    (Ante these for +1 Priority each, 3rd or 5th each beat also give +1 Power but -1 Life)
    Reaver: +0~1 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. On Damage: Push the opponent one space per point of damage dealt. End of Beat: Advance 1 or 2 spaces.
    Spiral: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 3 spaces. This attack has -1 power for each space moved by this effect.
    Unleashed: +0~1 Range, -1 Power, -1 Priority. After Activating: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces. End of Beat: Gain 2 Malice Tokens. You have +1 Power next beat.
    Combination: +0 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. This attack does not hit opponents at range 3 or greater. On Hit: If you hit the opponent last beat, this attack has +2 power. DISCARD 1
    Jugular: +0 Range, -1 Power, +2 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space. End of Beat: Gain or lose Malice Tokens until you have exactly 3. DISCARD 2

    Brand: 1~2 Range, 2 Power, 3 Priority. After Activating: If this attack hit, you may spend up to 4 Malice Tokens to have the opponent lose 1 life per 2 tokens spent and you gain 1 life per 2 tokens spent.Drive: 1 Range, 3 Power, 4 Priority. Before Activating: Advance 1 or 2 spaces.
    Dash: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9. This attack does not hit or deal damage. After activating: Move 1, 2, or 3 spaces. If you changed sides with an opponent during this movement, that opponent cannot hit you during this beat.
    Burst: 2~3 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority. Start of Beat: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces. DISCARD 1
    Grasp: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space.
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2. DISCARD 2
    Strike: 1 Range, 4 Power, 3 Priority. Stun Guard 5.

    Joan Status:
    Life: 17
    Runeblade: 1~2 Range, 4 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 3. On Hit: Regain 2 life.
    Binding Knife: 1 Range, 1 Power, 4 Priority. This attack ignores Stun Guard. Before Activating: Advance 1 or 2 Spaces.
    Grasp: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space.

    Dual Wield: +0 Range, -1 Power, +0 Priority. Joal cannot switch sides with opponents this beat. After Activating: Play another base from your hand, then execute this attack again with that base. Both cards will go to your discard this beat. This effect does not trigger for the second attack.
    Relentless: +0 Range, +2 Power, -3 Priority. Stun Guard 3. Joal cannot take more than 5 damage during this beat.
    Warded: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Stun Guard 2. The nearest opponent cannot activate On Hit and On Damage effects.
    Cutthroat: +0 Range, +0 Power, +1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 2 spaces. If you switched sides with an opponent, your attack stuns that opponent on hit. DISCARD 2
    Slayer's: +0~1 Range, +0 Power, +0 Priority. On Hit: The nearest opponent cannot activate Before Activating or After Activating effects. End of Beat: You may add a base from your stockpile to your hand. DISCARD 1

    Dash: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9. This attack does not hit or deal damage. After activating: Move 1, 2, or 3 spaces. If you changed sides with an opponent during this movement, that opponent cannot hit you during this beat.
    Burst: 2~3 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority. Start of Beat: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces. DISCARD 1
    Strike: 1 Range, 4 Power, 3 Priority. Stun Guard 5.
    Hand Cannon: 2~5 Range, 3 Power, 3 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 or 2 spaces. DISCARD 2
    Ironstar: 1 Range, 4 Power, 0 Priority. Stun Immunity. Opponents cannot switch sides with you during this beat.
    Knuckle: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. This attack ignores Soak. On Hit: Move 1 space.
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2.

    BEAT 3 moves!

    PMAvers on
    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular


    With Love and Courage
  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    Yeah, but they're for DDR after I get done owning you guys.

  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    BEAT 3:

    Shekhtur (god I hate that k) reveals Spiral Dash.
    Spiral: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 3 spaces. This attack has -1 power for each space moved by this effect.
    Dash: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9. This attack does not hit or deal damage. After activating: Move 1, 2, or 3 spaces. If you changed sides with an opponent during this movement, that opponent cannot hit you during this beat.
    Total: Range N/A Power N/A Priority 8

    Joal revelas Dual Wield Dash.
    Dual Wield: +0 Range, -1 Power, +0 Priority. Joal cannot switch sides with opponents this beat. After Activating: Play another base from your hand, then execute this attack again with that base. Both cards will go to your discard this beat. This effect does not trigger for the second attack.
    Dash: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9. This attack does not hit or deal damage. After activating: Move 1, 2, or 3 spaces. If you changed sides with an opponent during this movement, that opponent cannot hit you during this beat.
    Total: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9

    Joal is Active Player this beat, Shekhtur is Reactive Player.

    Active Player's Attack:
    Doesn't do damage naturally. After Activating effects trigger, and Joal advances 3 spaces from Dash to the space to the right of the center space.
    After Activating: Dual Wield's effect triggers and he plays Shot from his hand to replace the Dash and re-executes the attack.

    Dual Wield: +0 Range, -1 Power, +0 Priority.
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2.
    Total: 1~4 Range, 2 Power, 2 Priority.

    This attack is in range, and so it hits. Shekhtur takes 2 damage, and is STUNNED.
    Shekhtur is at 17 life.

    Reactive Player's attack:
    Shekhtur is STUNNED and so does not get to attack, nor get Before or After Activating effects.


    Shekhtur discards Spiral Dash.
    Joal discards Dual Wield, Dash, and Shot.


    Status at the start of Beat 4:

    Shekhtur Status:
    Life: 17
    Malice Tokens: 3/5 available
    (Ante these for +1 Priority each, 3rd or 5th each beat also give +1 Power but -1 Life)
    Reaver: +0~1 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. On Damage: Push the opponent one space per point of damage dealt. End of Beat: Advance 1 or 2 spaces.
    Spiral: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 3 spaces. This attack has -1 power for each space moved by this effect. DISCARD 1
    Unleashed: +0~1 Range, -1 Power, -1 Priority. After Activating: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces. End of Beat: Gain 2 Malice Tokens. You have +1 Power next beat.
    Combination: +0 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. This attack does not hit opponents at range 3 or greater. On Hit: If you hit the opponent last beat, this attack has +2 power. DISCARD 2
    Jugular: +0 Range, -1 Power, +2 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space. End of Beat: Gain or lose Malice Tokens until you have exactly 3.

    Brand: 1~2 Range, 2 Power, 3 Priority. After Activating: If this attack hit, you may spend up to 4 Malice Tokens to have the opponent lose 1 life per 2 tokens spent and you gain 1 life per 2 tokens spent.Drive: 1 Range, 3 Power, 4 Priority. Before Activating: Advance 1 or 2 spaces.
    Dash: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9. This attack does not hit or deal damage. After activating: Move 1, 2, or 3 spaces. If you changed sides with an opponent during this movement, that opponent cannot hit you during this beat. DISCARD 1
    Burst: 2~3 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority. Start of Beat: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces. DISCARD 2
    Grasp: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space.
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2.
    Strike: 1 Range, 4 Power, 3 Priority. Stun Guard 5.

    Joan Status:
    Life: 17
    Runeblade: 1~2 Range, 4 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 3. On Hit: Regain 2 life.
    Binding Knife: 1 Range, 1 Power, 4 Priority. This attack ignores Stun Guard. Before Activating: Advance 1 or 2 Spaces.
    Grasp: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space.

    Dual Wield: +0 Range, -1 Power, +0 Priority. Joal cannot switch sides with opponents this beat. After Activating: Play another base from your hand, then execute this attack again with that base. Both cards will go to your discard this beat. This effect does not trigger for the second attack. DISCARD 1
    Relentless: +0 Range, +2 Power, -3 Priority. Stun Guard 3. Joal cannot take more than 5 damage during this beat.
    Warded: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Stun Guard 2. The nearest opponent cannot activate On Hit and On Damage effects.
    Cutthroat: +0 Range, +0 Power, +1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 2 spaces. If you switched sides with an opponent, your attack stuns that opponent on hit.
    Slayer's: +0~1 Range, +0 Power, +0 Priority. On Hit: The nearest opponent cannot activate Before Activating or After Activating effects. End of Beat: You may add a base from your stockpile to your hand. DISCARD 2

    Dash: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9. This attack does not hit or deal damage. After activating: Move 1, 2, or 3 spaces. If you changed sides with an opponent during this movement, that opponent cannot hit you during this beat. DISCARD 1
    Burst: 2~3 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority. Start of Beat: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces. DISCARD 2
    Strike: 1 Range, 4 Power, 3 Priority. Stun Guard 5.
    Hand Cannon: 2~5 Range, 3 Power, 3 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 or 2 spaces.
    Ironstar: 1 Range, 4 Power, 0 Priority. Stun Immunity. Opponents cannot switch sides with you during this beat.
    Knuckle: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. This attack ignores Soak. On Hit: Move 1 space.
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2. DISCARD 1


    PMAvers on
    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular


    With Love and Courage
  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    BEAT 4:

    Shekhtur antes three tokens, granting her attack +3 Priority and +1 Power, but loses one life.
    She has 0/5 tokens ready now, and 16 Life.


    Shekhtur reveals Jugular Shot.
    Jugular: +0 Range, -1 Power, +2 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space. End of Beat: Gain or lose Malice Tokens until you have exactly 3.
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2.
    Total: 1~4 Range, 2-1+1= 3 Power, 2+2+3= 7 Priority

    Joal reveals Cutthroat Knuckle.
    Cutthroat: +0 Range, +0 Power, +1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 2 spaces. If you switched sides with an opponent, your attack stuns that opponent on hit.
    Knuckle: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. This attack ignores Soak. On Hit: Move 1 space.
    Total: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5+1 = 6 Priority.

    Shekhtur is the Active Player, and Joal is the Reactive Player.

    Start of Beat:
    No effects.

    Active Player's Attack:
    Range check: In range, and so hits.
    On Hit: She pulls Joal one space towards her, and so he's standing on the right starting space.
    Damage: Power 3, and Joal has no Soak, so he loses 3 life and is STUNNED
    Shekhtur gains three Malice Tokens from the damage.
    Joal is at 14 life.

    Reactive Player's Attack


    End of Beat: Shekhtur already has three tokens, so no change.


    Shekhtur Status:
    Life: 16
    Malice Tokens: 3/5 available
    (Ante these for +1 Priority each, 3rd or 5th each beat also give +1 Power but -1 Life)
    Reaver: +0~1 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. On Damage: Push the opponent one space per point of damage dealt. End of Beat: Advance 1 or 2 spaces.
    Spiral: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 3 spaces. This attack has -1 power for each space moved by this effect. DISCARD 2
    Unleashed: +0~1 Range, -1 Power, -1 Priority. After Activating: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces. End of Beat: Gain 2 Malice Tokens. You have +1 Power next beat.
    Combination: +0 Range, +1 Power, +0 Priority. This attack does not hit opponents at range 3 or greater. On Hit: If you hit the opponent last beat, this attack has +2 power.
    Jugular: +0 Range, -1 Power, +2 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space. End of Beat: Gain or lose Malice Tokens until you have exactly 3. DISCARD 1

    Brand: 1~2 Range, 2 Power, 3 Priority. After Activating: If this attack hit, you may spend up to 4 Malice Tokens to have the opponent lose 1 life per 2 tokens spent and you gain 1 life per 2 tokens spent.
    Drive: 1 Range, 3 Power, 4 Priority. Before Activating: Advance 1 or 2 spaces.
    Dash: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9. This attack does not hit or deal damage. After activating: Move 1, 2, or 3 spaces. If you changed sides with an opponent during this movement, that opponent cannot hit you during this beat. DISCARD 2
    Burst: 2~3 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority. Start of Beat: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces.
    Grasp: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space.
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2. DISCARD 1
    Strike: 1 Range, 4 Power, 3 Priority. Stun Guard 5.

    Joal Status:
    Life: 14
    Runeblade: 1~2 Range, 4 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 3. On Hit: Regain 2 life.
    Binding Knife: 1 Range, 1 Power, 4 Priority. This attack ignores Stun Guard. Before Activating: Advance 1 or 2 Spaces.
    Grasp: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 space.

    Dual Wield: +0 Range, -1 Power, +0 Priority. Joal cannot switch sides with opponents this beat. After Activating: Play another base from your hand, then execute this attack again with that base. Both cards will go to your discard this beat. This effect does not trigger for the second attack. DISCARD 2
    Relentless: +0 Range, +2 Power, -3 Priority. Stun Guard 3. Joal cannot take more than 5 damage during this beat.
    Warded: +0 Range, +1 Power, -1 Priority. Stun Guard 2. The nearest opponent cannot activate On Hit and On Damage effects.
    Cutthroat: +0 Range, +0 Power, +1 Priority. Before Activating: Advance up to 2 spaces. If you switched sides with an opponent, your attack stuns that opponent on hit. DISCARD 1
    Slayer's: +0~1 Range, +0 Power, +0 Priority. On Hit: The nearest opponent cannot activate Before Activating or After Activating effects. End of Beat: You may add a base from your stockpile to your hand.

    Dash: N/A Range, N/A Power, Priority 9. This attack does not hit or deal damage. After activating: Move 1, 2, or 3 spaces. If you changed sides with an opponent during this movement, that opponent cannot hit you during this beat. DISCARD 2
    Drive: 1 Range, 3 Power, 4 Priority. Before Activating: Advance 1 or 2 spaces.
    Burst: 2~3 Range, 3 Power, 1 Priority. Start of Beat: Retreat 1 or 2 spaces.
    Strike: 1 Range, 4 Power, 3 Priority. Stun Guard 5.
    Hand Cannon: 2~5 Range, 3 Power, 3 Priority. On Hit: Move the opponent 1 or 2 spaces.
    Ironstar: 1 Range, 4 Power, 0 Priority. Stun Immunity. Opponents cannot switch sides with you during this beat.
    Knuckle: 1 Range, 2 Power, 5 Priority. This attack ignores Soak. On Hit: Move 1 space. DISCARD 1
    Shot: 1~4 Range, 3 Power, 2 Priority. Stun Guard 2. DISCARD 2


    PMAvers on
    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    Oh crap. One second, I just had it pointed out that Joal should've been stunned from that attack. Derp. Fixing!

    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular


    With Love and Courage
  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    edited July 2013

    Okay, it's fixed.

    PMAvers on
    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
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