I would like to have a hobby, but I'm boring and suck at things.
I have tried to find and or develop multiple hobbies in the past 6 or more years. Everything from knitting to painting, photo editing to miniature war gaming. So far all I've done is waste a lot of money. Artistically, I believe I have no talent so I kind of rule that out. Tried and failed at Legos, even tried exercise that led to injury. I can cook, always have, but that's not really a hobby for me. So failing all else I play mmos way too much. I need something to help me break this trend. Creative is bonus
I'm sometimes grumpy and random, feel free to overlook the strange man in the corner.
MMOs are inherently social, though. Despite being able to do it and not really interact with anyone, You tend to at least feel like you are. Perhaps you need to look for group activities rather than solitary creative activities. Having people to motivate you to continue on helps quite a bit.
I mean, you play mmos. Try thinking about the raids and experiences from the character's point of view then writing about it.
Which is really the crux of it, hobbies are just things you like to do. I'm not sure what else it is you're looking for here.
Bird Watching
3d art
Water Skiiing
I've done everything on that list before. Try giving them all a shot.
I'll also send rock climbing.
Why is exercise out if you enjoyed it (it sounds like you stopped because of injury, not disliking it)? Was the injury something that means you can never safely exercise again?
It's really a matter of seeing something, thinking it seems interesting or fun, and then just doing it. Like @iruka said, you can't really force yourself to enjoy something, though. Of course my experience with artistic and musical things is that frequently people want to just be good at something magically, but with almost anything, no matter what it is, you have to be willing to suck at it for awhile while and just keep trying and learning.
My hobbies which have come and gone... or come and stayed over the years have been (aside from video games):
* Skateboarding
* Rollerblading (it was the early to mid 90s, it was cool then. shut up.)
* Snowboarding
* Camping
* Playing saxophone
* Playing guitar
* Dungeons and Dragons
* Collecting baseball cards
* Collecting Dungeons and Dragons miniatures (totally separate from actively playing, I still enjoyed the miniatures)
* Raising reptiles - you're taking responsibility for the life and well being of another creature which may live for years. Many are far more difficult to take proper care of than you might expect. That really goes for any living creature, whether it's lizards, dogs, or fish.
* Computer programming - writing my own programs, contributing to other projects, learning different languages, etc.
* Running a MUD
* Running a BBS (The 90s were awesome)
* Playing soccer
* Playing baseball
* Lifting weights
* Beer - learning about the types of beer, trying different styles of beer, supporting local breweries, and when I get more free time and space I will add brewing my own beer
* Cars - A bit of an expensive hobby. Over the years I've tried to always own at least one interesting car and fix/customize/maintain it.
* Food - you say you've always been able to cook but it's not a hobby. My wife cooks as a hobby. Try finding recipes that are interesting for some reason; They are regional things that you never see locally, they somehow incorporate one of your other hobbies, etc. There's also finding interesting local restaurants, another thing my wife and I do.
Also, how does one fail at Lego?
edit: Upon re-reading the OP, I see you already cook. Cook more!
The second thing you need to do is think about stuff you like doing, or things you liked doing during your childhood. If you don't think you want those things to be your hobby, what is it about those things that make you enjoy them? Then look for stuff similar.
I'm really into writing and performing slam poems, if you want another suggestion.
Things I suck at actively:
Rock Climbing
Mountain Biking
Playing vidya games
Sucking isn't the problem. Do stuff you enjoy and you won't care that you're bad at it. For 99% of participants in a given activity, it's not really a competition; to pretend that it is competition is asinine. Go have fun.
Important thing to remember.
..yeah, don't do things solitarily. That doesn't mean don't do solitary hobbies, just... have some other reason to keep them up. Take a class in whatever - you'll show up because it's a class and that's just what you do, and you'll continue doing it.
I have a bunch of projects that are on hiatus because I can't make myself do them right now, but I know the second I sign up for even just a general class I'll finish them. I have a piece of jewelry I've wanted to make for years and haven't, yet - I made a similar thing in a class, but it didn't turn out right, and now I just can't seem to make myself finish it, despite how important it is to me. But I intend to take a class when I finally move, and fully expect to finish it then.
Er, that last paragraph wasn't nearly as inspiring as I meant it to be. The point is that if you can put yourself in a position where you regularly have some hobby to work on and can't really do anything else for that time period/have other people expecting you to be working on it (like a class), then you might be able to keep it up.
It should be something you enjoy, as everyone's saying. But it does help to have it be more than a thing you just pull out from your desk when you feel like it.
Walk to a Geocache! A walk is always improved by a treasure hunt goal at the end.
Wow, somehow missed that post. Thank you! I have a project idea, just need to start now.
I decided I wanted to learn to play music, and I love double bass, so I decided to try that out. It was HARD. It took me 2 years of lessons to get to the point where I could reliable even read music, and then another 2-3 years to get to the point where I could actually play and not sound terrible. I had no music training. Am I good? No. But I'm OK -- I can keep time reasonably well, my fingers "know" where most of the notes I need to use are, and I can comfortably say I "play."
But to improve requires time and effort and training. It will often suck! Fighting the demoralization of reviewing yourself is not easy!
Basically I would like you to question why you are choosing something. Because when you chose something simply to be able to bring that into a conversation, the motivation to improve and ultimately stick with it (hence what a hobby is), will not be nearly as powerful. That is what, in my opinion, will make you interesting/ assuage your fears about being boring.