Assembling Your Dice Pool
For this exercise, we will be using the Venom (Mac Gargan) / Thunderbolts 50 States Initiative character sheet, but any MHR Data File will suffice.
A dice pool contains the following elements:
1) An Affiliation die, depending on the character's current involvement. The general rule is: Solo if they're alone, Buddy if they're with a friend, Team if there are three or more of them. However, characters can opt to "play by themselves" and form a Buddy group out of a Team or Solo among friends. They just can't help out others or get help while they're doing this.
2) A Distinction, at either d4 (which grants that character a Plot Point) or d8. Characters may use either their own personal Distinctions, or one of the Scene Distinctions. Using a Distinction at d4 represents a "negative" aspect of that character's Distinction, or some complication within the Scene.
3) One Power from each Power Set (as appropriate). Let's say that Venom is attacking Spider-Man. He might use Superhuman Strength (d10) from the Scorpion Powers Set, and Shapeshifting (d6) from the Symbiote Power Set to morph a giant mouth out his hands and try to bite Spidey.
3a) A player may expend Plot Points to add more Powers from a Power Set to a dice pool.
3b) SFX modify the dice pool, and should be called out while making the pool.
3c) Limits may cause certain Powers with Power Sets - or entire Power Sets themselves - to become temporarily unavailable. Please keep this in mind when assembling the dice pool.
4) A Specialty, as appropriate. Clearly, Venom can use Combat Expert (d8) when trying to pummel his nemesis, but his options are a lot more limited when it comes to social encounters.
Let's look at an example. Venom has spotted Spider-Man buying film, and has decided to ambush him. He assembles his dice pool as such:
Solo d10 (he's alone), Vengeful d4 (Venom is a dick, but +1 PP), Superhuman Strength d10, Swingline d6, Combat Expert d8.
So his pool would be d10x2, d8, d6, d4. Venom's player could opt to use the Focus SFX and substitute in a d12 for those two d10s, but that's a bit of a gamble. d10s are nice to have around as effect dice. Instead, he'll use the Claws SFX to inflict maximum pain - stepping one of the d10s back to a d8, but adding a d6 into the mix.
Final pool: d10, d8x2, d6x2, d4. Let's roll it!
Venom attacks Spidey: 1d10 3 2#1d8 2 5 2#1d6 4 1 1d4 4
Yikes, lots of low rolls - and a 1.
Let's talk about that 1. Venom's player can't use that d6 in his result, and the GM can "purchase" that 1 for a Plot Point to grow the Doom Pool. The Doom Pool is the GM's "dark mirror" of Plot Points - it represents how dire things are for the heroes, in that it's the resource the GM expends to make Bad Things Happen. Of course, the GM is diabolical, and hands Venom's player a Plot Point, adding a d6 (the default) to his Doom Pool. There are a couple other options I'll go into more detail with later.
So what does Venom decide for his total? Well, that [1d8=5] and [1d6=4] are no-brainers. But 9's a pretty weak total, so he spends a Plot Point to keep the [1d4=4] as well.
5 + 4 + 4 = 13. Not great, but... well, it's the best he's got. For the Effect die, he snaps up that [1d10=3].
End result? 13 w/ d10 effect. And, if he hits, Venom's player can opt to do Physical Strain... which will step that d10 up to a d12! That would put Spidey on the ropes just as combat had begun! Just the delicious sort of plan that Venom would come up with.
...but there's no way that Spider-Man is going to take that. Let's set up his opposition pool.
Solo d8, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility d8, Superhuman Reflexes d10, Enhanced Durability d8, Acrobatic Master d10.
Spidey Opposes: 2#1d10 5 5 3#1d8 2 5 4
Oh, man. That's some tough luck. 10 w/ d10 effect. If the GM doesn't spend a die out of the Doom Pool, Spider-Man might be in some real trouble.
Tomorrow: The Doom Pool!
Edit: Power Point is incorrect, the mechanic is called "Plot Point".
Plot Points - Overview
So in the last tutorial, we touched on Plot Points and the Doom Pool. What are they? How do they effect the game?
Think of Plot Points (PP) as "complication counters". Any time something doesn't go the hero's way, they get a Plot Point. This could be intentional - maybe Venom's player is feeling confident enough in his Symbiote's Enhanced Durability (d8), so he triggers the Exhausted Limit on his Scorpion Powers to shut down Superhuman Durability (d10). That's worth a PP. Or it could be unintentional - when players roll a 1 on any of their dice in a dice pool, the Watcher can "buy" that 1 for a Plot Point (and add a die to the Doom Pool - more on that later).
So what's the point? Why do players start with a PP, and why should they want to accrue them?
Because that's how things get awesome.
All RPGs are about cooperative storytelling. That's the heart of roleplaying. Stories can be about a lot of things, but they're most typically about characters overcoming obstacles and the drama surrounding those situations. Bad things need to happen to the characters, and the characters need a chance to make good things happen in turn.
Plot Points are a mechanical contrivance to support that concept. They're narrative karma. Bad roll? Get some PP. Playing up a weakness to further the plot? Get some PP.
So you've got a stack of PPs in front of you - now what?
Now you get to take control of the narrative.
Plot Points - Expenditure
There are two primary ways a player will expend Plot Points - by increasing the size of their dice pool before rolling it, or by altering the the results (or the effects of the results) after a pool is rolled.
Adding dice to your dice pool is pretty straightforward. Spend a PP, add in an extra trait. Or a d6, if you can't figure out how a trait would apply. Or a d8, if you can narrate an interesting way a trait is being used. Or trigger a SFX (the rules for which are included in the SFX).
After the dice hit the table, it's still pretty clear. For a PP, you can add another die to your total, or pick up another Effect die. That's worth noting, because even characters that don't have an Area Attack SFX can effect multiple targets by expending PP - especially important when combating Large Scale Threats or Mobs.
Players can also recover from some Limits or SFX by activating Watcher opportunities - when the GM rolls a 1, you can buy it up and bring weapons back online (or whatever was shut down).
The only other point I want to hit here is that players can expend a PP to cause their reaction roll to have an effect. Normally, a success from an opposition pool just stops the initial action, but by spending a PP a player can use the effect die from that roll to cause stress, create a complication, or make an asset. That's important - even when it's not their turn, the players can still impact what's going on. There's very little down time in MHR, as any roll can dramatically change things.
The Doom Pool
The Doom Pool is the Watcher's narrative license. Want to boost your Big Bad's attack? Throw in a Doom die. Cause a complication on a reaction? Doom die. Split the party? You guessed it, Doom die. The trick is that the Doom Pool only grows when a player rolls a 1 on one or more dice, and the Watcher gives that player a Plot Point to "activate the opportunity".
From a narrative perspective, think of activating an opportunity as that character's action having a negative (or at least unintended) side effect. And while you don't have to narrate every time you buy a 1, consider doing so when it makes sense. If the player rolls four 1s, and suddenly the Doom Pool grows by a d12 - yeah, that's probably worth talking about.
So what are your options when 1s come up? You can buy each 1 individually for one Plot Point each, and add a d6 to the Doom Pool for each opportunity activated in this manner. Or you group them together, increasing the size of the d6 by one for each additional 1 included. Or, instead of adding a new die to the Doom Pool, you can also increase the size of the smallest die in there. You're not required to activate those 1s, but you generally want to do so - few things make up for a bad roll like throwing a fistful of dice the next round.
OK, so now you have a bunch of Doom dice in the Doom Pool. Now what?
Spend them to bring the hurt. The cost for basically any action is a die equal to or larger than the effect you're trying to cause. Want to boost a dice pool? Grab a die from the Doom Pool. Bigger total? Sure, but you'll have to expend a Doom die. More effects? Guess!
This applies outside of dice pools, as well. If you want to split the party, you've go to spend a die equal to or larger than the Affiliation die currently being used by the Heroes. Venom isn't known for his team-ups, so if you want to saddle him with a partner, be ready to drop a d10 to do it. You can interrupt initiative by spending a die, but you'll need to beat that hero's Reflexes or Senses (or drop in a faster character) to do so. You can also add new Distinctions to a scene for a d8 or better.
Last but not least, you can also just End The Scene. Spend 2d12, and that's it. Decide with the players how things shake out - that can take a little bit of narrative finesse, but it's a way to short circuit combat that has gotten unwieldy or tiresome without just quitting. Knowing that the scene could end when the Doom Pool hits 2d12 also serves as narrative pressure for the players - as those dice climb, things get more intense. Time is running out!
Those are the highlights of the Doom Pool and Plot Points system. The physical mechanics of it can get pretty down in the weeds, so it's important to remember that its purpose is to keep the narrative interesting. When things are down for the players, they get Plot Points to turn things around. You get Doom Pool dice to balance that out - and the more dramatic a change your want to make, the larger die it's going to cost you. You want players to get excited when they're getting Plot Points, and a sense of dread when they see the Doom Pool getting larger.
i have the book, just haven't ever had the chance to jump in on summadis (as i am not a marvel guy by default)
That said, I'm not a DC guy, but I am a Batman guy.
Note that my Batman knowledge is primarily based on BtAS, Nightwing is largely TT, and Red Hood just sounds like my style.
Count me in.
Edit: No clue as to who I want to be.
How about a temporal/reality-displaced version of: ?
Terry McGinnis
Solo d8
Buddy d10
Team d6
Former “Bad Kid”
Conflicting Commitments
Tomorrow Knight
Power Sets:
Bat Suit
Cybernetic Senses d8; Superhuman Durability d10; Flight d6; Invisibility d10; Enhanced Reflexes d8; Enhanced Strength d8
SFX: Boost. Shutdown your highest rated Bat Suit power to step up another POWER SET power by +1. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.
SFX: Focus. In a pool including a Bat Suit die, replace two dice of equal steps with one die of +1 step.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown a Bat Suit power and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. doom pool to recover.
Bat Weapons
Batarang d8, Swingline d6
SFX: Area Effect. Target multiple opponents with Batarang. For each additional target, add a d6 to your pool and keep +1 effect die.
SFX: Electrical Charge. Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting electricity complication on a target.
SFX: Grapple. Add d6 and step up effect die +1 when inflicting a grappled complication on a target.
SFX: Retractable Claws. Add d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back the highest die in pool by –1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown a Bat Weapons power and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. doom pool to recover.
Acrobatics Master d10; Combat Expert d8; Covert Expert d8; Menace Expert d8; Tech Expert d8; Vehicle Expert d8
Honor the Cowl
1 XP when you discuss what Bruce would want you to do in a given situation.
3 XP when you use Tech Expert to get advice from Bruce or other members of the Bat Family.
10 XP when you either take up the Batsuit and take over Bruce's place as the Dark Knight, or turn away from the Bat Family and seek new allies.
I Am the Batman
1 XP when you discuss the apprehension of a criminal.
3 XP when you deal stress to a villain who victimizes the weak and the helpless.
10 XP when you either bring in a major villain to the authorities, or decide to take justice into your own hands.
Liberate the Arkham Personnel
Joker and his crew have made prisoners of all the Asylum staff they haven’t outright killed. Find them and get them to safety.
1 XP when you learn about the location of a prisoner.
3 XP when you leave a staff member in danger to pursue Arkham inmates, or leave the staff member somewhere safe at the risk of letting the inmate escape.
10 XP when you rescue all personnel alive, or when one of them die because of your inaction.
Yeah, with Red Hood on there Arsenal's plausible as well, but not that exciting to me, at least.
What are your feelings on Solomon Grundy? :P
Isn't he a villian? If not then I guess so since he's just super strong.
Grundy is a failed attempt to create an Elemental (ex: Swamp Thing) from the body of a murdered crook in old Gotham. He was originally an Alan Scott Green Lantern opponent. He rises again from his grave site in Slaughter Swamp, usually with an altered personality and mental state, whenever his current body is destroyed. Occasionally this has resulted in good-guy or mostly-rational personas. Other times, Solomon Grundy want pants too!
Doctor Mid-nite, Mister Terrific, Wildcat, and Hourman out of the JSA, most of the Green Arrow cast, Elongated Man, and a few of the 80s / 90s Justice League members like Vibe or Booster Gold without any major-league abilities are other non-Bat family ideas, though most of the other Teen Titans are relatively speaking heavies, especially Starfire, Cyborg, or Raven. You could arguably get Talia al-Ghul, Deathstroke, Azrael, Anarky, the Creeper, a mostly-sane version of Two-Face, or some other Bat villains and supporting cast not central to Arkham Asylum in there as well, just to spitball.
DC is really low on heroes in the "hits guys in a silly outfit, does nothing weird" class, probably because they've got the all-time heavyweight champion of them to lean on, and Green Arrow as a fallback.
But if he is in a Good Guy persona then sure, I'm cool with him.
Cyborg, in particular, is basically the DC version of Iron Man, or was before the latest reboot.
At the moment I'd lean towards a helpful Mr. Freeze or Solomon Grundy, Nightwing if we stay in-group, or maybe Doctor Mid-nite or Wildcat if not.
Which I get a lot of amusement from.
My knowledge of the Titans comics is limited but I think he basically got through most of that on plot-armor or being by far the most experienced dude on the team. The Titans had some pretty credible threats to deal with, too.
Someone should really be The Goddamn Batman, if we're doing this.
Boooooooooo, too soon.
I guess if someone's needed to play Batman, it would definitely be a change of pace from my usual fare...
The Goddamn Ben Affleck Batman
Affiliations: Solo D10, Buddy D8, Team D6
Distinctions: Billionaire Playboy, World's Greatest Detective, Obsessive Champion of Gotham
Absolute Physical Perfection Power Set
Enhanced Reflexes d8 – Enhanced Strength d8-- Enhanced Stamina d8
Enhanced Senses d8 – Psychic Resistance d8
SFX: Bat Level Effort.Step up or double any APP power die on your next roll, or spend 1 PP to do
both. Then shut down that power. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a
transition scene.
SFX: Second Wind.Before making an action with APP power, you may move your physical stress to
the doom pool and step up that power by +1.
SFX: Unbreakable Will.Spend 1 PP to ignore emotional stress or trauma.
SFX: Careful Planning. Spend 1 PP to reroll when using any APP power.
Limit: Exhausted. Shut down any APP power and gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an
opportunity or during a transition scene.
Bat Gear Power Set
Swingline d8 – Body Armor d8 – Batarangs d6 – Utility Belt d8
SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and +1 effect die.
SFX: Grapple/Tangle. Add d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting a complication on a
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Any Bat Gear and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover gear
(treat each power as separate pieces of gear for activation and recovery purposes).
Specialties: Combat Master, Covert Master, Crime Master, Menace Master - Psych Expert, Business
Expert, Acrobatic Expert, Science Expert, Tech Expert, Vehicle Expert
Under Your Wing
1 XP When you choose to aid a hero for the first time
3 XP When you take stress for that hero
10 XP When you choose to take that hero on as your trainee, or dismiss them.
I Am The Night!
1 XP When you first inflict emotional stress on a foe.
3 XP When you inflict stress or trauma on an ally.
10 XP When your choice to inflict stress or trauma on an ally turns out for the best.
Affiliations:Solo d6; Buddy d8; Team d10
Distinctions: Something to Prove, Dedicated Hero, Skilled Leader.
Student of the Bat Power Set
Enhanced Reflexes d8 – Enhanced Stamina d8
Enhanced Senses d8 – Speed d6
SFX: Second Chance. Spend 1 PP to reroll when using any Student of the Bat power.
SFX: Focus.If a pool includes a Student of the Bat power, you may replace two dice of equal size
with one die +1 step larger.
Limit: Self Doubt.When Nightwing's Emotional Stress exceeds d8, shutdown any Student of the Bat
power and gain 1 PP. Recover power after successfully recovering any Emotional Stress.
Crime-fighting Weapons Power Set
Swingline (Bola/Line) d8 – Utility Belt d8
Body Armor d8 – Escrima Sticks d6
SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and +1 effect die.
SFX: Grapple/Tangle. Add d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting a complication on a
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Any Crime-fighting Weapons and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool
to recover gear (treat each power as separate pieces of gear for activation and recovery purposes).
Specialties: Acrobatic Master, Combat Expert, Crime Expert, Menace Expert, Psych Expert, Covert
Expert, Vehicle Expert.
Under the Shadow of the Bat
1 XP when someone comments on you being a former sidekick.
3 XP when someone either seeks the help of, or vows revenge on you specifically, .
10 XP when another Hero acknowledges you as a Hero in your own right, or slap you down as a
Haunted by Failure
1 XP when you declare a situation similar to a failure of your past (perceived or real).
3 XP when you first activate Self Doubt and relate to failing your parents of someone of the Batman
10 XP when you stress out emotionally during an scene and another member helps you fight
through the feelings of failure (and gets you back into action).
Affiliations: Solo d10; Buddy d8; Team d6
Distinctions: Blood calls to blood, Daughter of the Mob, Devout Catholic.
Vigilante Training Power Set
Enhanced Reflexes d8 – Stamina d6
Senses d6 – Speed d6
SFX: Effort. Step up or double any Vigilante power die on your next roll, or spend 1 PP to do both.
Then shut down that power. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a transition
SFX: Second Wind. Before making an action with Vigilante power, you may move your physical
stress to the doom pool and step up that power by +1.
Limit: Exhausted. Shut down any Vigilante power and gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an
opportunity or during a transition scene.
Huntress Tools Power Set
Marksman’s Crossbow d8 – Swingline d8
Utility Belt d6 – Body Armor d6
SFX: Incapacitate. Add a d6 and step up your effect die by one when inflicting a physical
complication on a target.
SFX: Grapple/Tangle. Add d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting a complication on a
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Any Huntress Tools and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to
recover gear (treat each power as separate pieces of gear for activation and recovery purposes).
Specialties: Crime Master, Acrobatic Expert, Combat Expert, Menace Expert, Business Expert, Covert
I strongly suspect this is going to hurt.
1 XP when you use Incapacitate and stress out a foe.
3 XP when someone openly states his/her disgust for your violent ways.
10 XP when other recognize your methods are valid, or when you acknowledge you need to change
your ways.
Do me a favor. Fight back. I love it when the boys fight back.
1 XP when you taunt an opponent stronger than you and get them to fight you.
3 XP when you successfully avoid a trauma-inflicting menace by someone stronger than you.
10 XP when an ally recognizes your worth as a combatant, or dismisses you as a rookie.
Red Hood
Affiliations: Solo d10; Buddy d6; Team d8
Distinctions: Whatever it takes; I need to channel my rage, I learnt from Batman himself.
Student of the Bat Power Set
Enhanced Reflexes d8 – Enhanced Stamina d8
Enhanced Senses d8 – Speed d6
SFX: Rage Fit. When using a Student of the Bat power, you can borrow a die from the Doom Pool.
Return it stepped up immediately after taking your action.
SFX: Focus.If a pool includes a Student of the Bat power, you may replace two dice of equal size
with one die +1 step larger.
SFX: Takedown. Add a d6 and step up your effect die by one when inflicting a physical complication
or physical stress on a target.
SFX: Unstoppable Fury. Spend 1PP and double or step up any Student of the Bat power.
Limit: Exhausted. Shut down any Student of the Bat power and gain 1 PP. Recover power by
activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.
Limit:Rageblind. When using Rage Fit, return a second die of the same size of the power die used
and gain 1PP.
Gear Power Set
Guns d8 – Gadgets d6 – Body Armor d6
Limit: Gear. Shutdown any Gear Power and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover
gear (treat each power as separate pieces of gear for activation and recovery purposes).
Specialties: Crime Master, Combat Expert, Menace Expert, Covert Expert.
Not your usual hero
1 XP when you inflict physical stress and remark how soft other heroes are to their opponents.
3 XP when someone openly states his/her disgust for your violent ways.
10 XP when other recognize your methods are valid, or when you acknowledge you need to change
your ways.
You will not return me to that kennel of freaks!
1 XP when you recognize an enemy as a former crime contact in Gotham.
3 XP when an ally states that you are turning into the evil you are fighting.
10 XP when you decide to submit for counseling, or your allies subdue and lock you up.
Red Robin
Affiliations: Solo d6; Buddy d10; Team d8
Distinctions: Brilliant Tactician, Hard Training, Not longer a sidekick.
Student of the Bat Power Set
Enhanced Reflexes d8 – Stamina d6
Enhanced Senses d8 – Speed d6
SFX: Focus.If a pool includes a Student of the Bat power, you may replace two dice of equal size
with one die +1 step larger.
SFX: Careful Planning. Spend 1 PP to reroll when using any Student of the Bat power.
Limit: Exhausted. Shut down any Student of the Bat power and gain 1 PP. Recover power by
activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.
Bat Gear Power Set
Gliding Wings d8 – Body Armor d8
Throwing Discs / Quarterstaff d6 – Utility Belt d8
SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and +1 effect die.
SFX: Grapple/Tangle. Add d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting a complication on a
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Any Bat Gear and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover gear
(treat each power as separate pieces of gear for activation and recovery purposes).
Specialties: Crime Expert, Combat Expert, Acrobatics Expert, Psych Expert, Master Detective.
Young Justice
1 XP when the Watcher gets at least a d8 from an Opportunity you roll while solo..
3 XP when you interrupt to take stress in place of a fellow hero.
10 XP when you offer another hero to be part of a superhero team, whether they accept it or not.
Brains not Brawn
1 XP when you use your effect as an Asset for a fellow hero.
3 XP when you take out a foe not on physical terms.
10 XP when you opt to inflict physical trauma instead of any other kind, or refuse to physically
harm someone.
Distinctions: Son of the Devil; One Thousand Ways to Kill a Man; Living Up to the Mantle.
League of Assassins Power Set
Enhanced Reflexes d8 – Enhanced Senses d8
Stamina d6 – Speed d6
SFX: Pain-Inflicting Wound. When using a League of Assassins power, drop your higher-rolling die
and step up your effect die.
SFX: Focus.If a pool includes a League of Assassins power, you may replace two dice of equal size
with one die +1 step larger.
Limit: Exhausted. Shut down any Student of the Bat power and gain 1 PP. Recover power by
activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.
Robin Gear Power Set
Cape d6 – Body Armor d8
Throwing Rs d6 – Utility Belt d8
SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and +1 effect die.
SFX: Grapple/Tangle. Add d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting a complication on a
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Any Robin Gear and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover
gear (treat each power as separate pieces of gear for activation and recovery purposes).
Specialties: Crime Expert, Combat Expert, Menace Expert, Acrobatics Expert.
An Assassin at Heart
1 XP when you inflict physical stress and remark how soft other heroes are to their opponents.
3 XP when you decide to inflict Trauma to an already stressed out foe.
10 XP when other recognize your methods are valid, or when you acknowledge you need to change
your ways.
Son of the Bat
1 XP when someone comments on you being just a sidekick.
3 XP when someone either seeks the help of, or vows revenge on you specifically, .
10 XP when another Hero acknowledges you as a Hero in your own right, or slap you down as a
Affiliations: Solo d6; Buddy d8; Team d10
Distinctions: Genius Intellect, Post-Traumatic Stress, Jujitsu Master.
Intensive Training Power Set
Enhanced Reflexes d8 – Enhanced Senses d8 – Stamina d6 – Speed d6
SFX: I planned for this!When using an Intensive Training Power, spend 1 PP to re-roll the whole
SFX: Focus.If a pool includes an Intensive Training Power, you may replace two dice of equal size
with one die +1 step larger.
SFX: I have endured harder.Add your Physical Stress to your pool. After the roll, shift it to your
Emotional Stress. This shift follows the rules as if you had received Emotional Stress. You cannot
shift this Stress to another Stress track.
Limit: Exhausted. Shut down any Intensive Training power and gain 1 PP. Recover power by
activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.
Bat Gear Power Set
Utility Belt d8 – Body Armor d8 – Grapple Claw d6 – Cape d6
SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and +1 effect die.
SFX: Grapple/Tangle. Add d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting a complication on a
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Any Bat Gear and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover gear
(treat each power as separate pieces of gear for activation and recovery purposes).
Specialties: Psych Master, Tech Master, Crime Expert, Combat Expert, Acrobatics Expert, Covert
Success through other
1 XP when you successfully provide an Asset to an ally in Team mode.
3 XP when you help defeat a foe without any Team member becoming stressed out.
10 XP when you are invited into a Superhero group, or invite other hero to join you as a team.
Still seeking the One
1 XP when you go on a date for the first time.
3 XP when you must abandon a date because of your superhero’s duties, or choose to ignore your
duties with negative consequences for a date.
10 XP when you accept someone as your soul mate, or reject him/her for good.
Affiliations: Solo d10; Buddy d8; Team d6
Distinctions: Military Training, Duty to Serve, Twice-Named Daughter of Prophecy.
Intensive Physical Training Power Set
Enhanced Reflexes d6 – Enhanced Senses d8 – Stamina d8
SFX: Master Surveyor.When creating a stealth asset or negating a complication related to
Surveillance, add a d6 to your Pool and step up your effect die.
SFX: Determined.If a pool includes a Intensive Physical Training power, you may replace two dice
of equal size with one die +1 step larger.
Limit: The Doctor said take it easy. Shut down any Intensive Physical Training power and gain 1 PP.
Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.
Limit: Heart Wound: Shut down Intensive Physical Training Power Set and gain a Chest Pains d8
complication. You gain the Inhuman Determination Power Set
Inhuman Determination Power Set (only available through the Heart Wound Limit of the IPT Power
Enhanced Psych Resistance d8
SFX: Invulnerability (Mental and Emotional). pend 1 PP to ignore emotional or mental stress or
Gadgets Power Set
Body Armor d6 – Batarangs d6 – Utility Belt d8
SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and +1 effect die.
SFX: Always ready. Add d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when creating Assets.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Any Gadgets power and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to
recover gear (treat each power as separate pieces of gear for activation and recovery purposes).
Specialties: Covert Master, Crime Expert, Combat Expert, Menace Expert, Acrobatics Expert, Tech
Always on the Batman rule
1 XP when you chose to pull your punches on a fight.
3 XP when your protect an innocent instead of pursuing your enemy.
10 XP when you employ lethal force to terminate a threat and reject Batman's rule, or when you
allow a villain to escape or hurt someone else because of Batman's rule.
Dagger to the Chest
1 XP when you first activate Exhausted in an Scene.
3 XP when you you Stress out with the Heart Wound complication on you.
10 XP when you remove the Heart Wound limit and lose the Inhuman Determination Power Set.
Liberate the Arkham Personnel
Joker and his crew have made prisoners of all the Asylum staff they haven’t outright killed.
Find them and get them to safety.
1 XP when you learn about the location of a prisoner.
3 XP when you leave a staff member in danger to pursue Arkham inmates, or leave the
staff member somewhere safe at the risk of letting the inmate escape.
10 XP when you rescue all personnel alive, or when one of them die because of your
Lock them up again
Many of the most dangerous criminals of Gotham populate Arkham and are now on the
loose. Can you return them to their cells?
1 XP when you defeat and capture a fugitive of Blackgate, or a group of them.
3 XP when you defeat one of Gotham villains and lock him up; or allow him to escape to
save an innocent or help an ally.
10 XP when you foil up Joker’s plans and restore control to Arkham.
@ArcanisTheImpotent- Would you like to use the Batgirl datafile I've placed here?
@Auralynx- Have you found a Solomon Grundy datafile you want to use or do you want to make your own?
@Matev- You got someone you wanting to play?
@dresdenphile- Batman Beyond
@jdarksun- Nightwing, pick a third milestone from the Events Milestones.
I've got no datafile for Grundy but I'll take a stab at him (and Mr. Freeze, I guess) tonight whenever I wake up.
Solomon Grundy
Distinctions: Shambling, Violent, Relentless
Incomplete Elemental Powerset:
Superhuman Durability d10, Leaping d6, Mystic Resistance d8, Mystic Sense d6, Superhuman Stamina d10, Enhanced Strength d8
SFX: Berserk, Immunity: Nature (Spend 1 pp to ignore stress / trauma / complications from drowning, plants, toxins, etc. Fire is an exception to this ability), Simpleminded (Spend 1 PP to recover your mental or emotional stress and step back your mental or emotional trauma by -1. Replace Relentless with a new Distinction chosen by the Watcher)
Specialties: Combat Expert d8, Crime Expert d8, Menace Expert d8
Born on a Monday
1 XP: When you work the Solomon Grundy rhyme into dialogue.
3 XP: When your limited intellect provokes another character into a confrontation.
10 XP: When you fall to Trauma during an act of heroism, creating the chance to Rise Again as a hero... or a villain.
*Rising Again functions as an Unlockable; a one-Act delay costs 5 XP, returning in the next scene costs 10 XP. Replace Rest In Peace or an Event Milestone and the Relentless Distinction with alternatives of your choice when Rising Again. If no XP is spent, the Watcher may opt to take control of Solomon Grundy.
Rest in Peace
1 XP: When you attack someone for disturbing your rest.
3 XP: When another character voluntarily avoids you.
10 XP: When you subdue the forces on Arkham disturbing the ecology of Slaughter Swamp, or abandon this goal for criminal pursuits.
Mr. Freeze
Distinctions: Heart of Ice, Cold and Calculating, Vengeful
Sub-Zero Biology:
Enhanced Stamina d8, Enhanced Strength d8, Psychic Resistance d8
SFX: Ice / Cold Absorption, Immunity: Cold
Limit: Thawing - if Improvised Containment Suit is shutdown, shutdown Sub-Zero Biology when receiving Physical Stress or Trauma from fire or heat.
Improvised Containment Suit:
Enhanced Durability d8, Ice Control d6, Freezing Grenades d8
SFX: Afflict: Step up Freezing Grenades and Ice Control by d6 when inflicting complications, Area Attack : Add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target of Freeze Grenades
Limit: Gear - Shutdown Improvised Containment Suit and gain 1 pp, take an action versus the Doom Pool to recover.
Specialties: Combat Expert d8, Crime Expert d8, Menace Expert d8, Medical Master d10, Science Master d10, Tech Master d10
Rebuilding Phase
1 XP: When you use an Asset or Resource created by technological improvisation.
3 XP: When you use your Science or Tech expertise to create or remove a complication or Scene Distinction.
10 XP: When you fully reconstruct your containment suit or voluntarily retire to a cell.
A Thaw In Relations
1 XP: When you take stress or trauma from fire or heat.
3 XP: When you assist an ally in recovering from trauma.
10 XP: When your criminal past is forgiven due to recent actions or you return to a life of crime.
And when did Mr. Freeze become a good guy? Is this some New 52 nonsense?
And yes, unless he would be a better plot device/background character, I'll be Batman.
I mean, it was alright (sorta) when it was done in Killing Joke, but really, does that gotta be his thing now
As the man himself said, there are other ways to Get someone.
Freeze isn't so much a heroic character as one with nothing to gain by participation in Joker's plot. He's off-screen but sort-of present for most of Asylum. A playable one would be on the loose and more willing to join Batman's side than attempt an escape without a full-featured containment suit, was my reasoning. Plus, actual use of the spoiler tag: