Poke Bank is live in Asia (well some of it), for those of you interested. When? No idea! But it's the first I remember hearing from Nintendo on the matter since xmas.
I haven't played a Pokemon game "seriously" since Gen I and the Gen I remakes. Put a lot of time into Y and really enjoying myself. Actually got a 3-5IV properly trained team for the first time. I'm looking forward to taking part!
I have one question--I'm having a hell of a time remembering the type chart, and who's weak to what. I've been using Pokeffectiveness to help myself along while battling. Is the use of a tool like this considered cheating/against the rules? It would probably be used on a smartphone during battles.
I have 2/6 bred and EV trained. Haven't worked on move sets with them yet. Breeding a proper rotom takes fucking forever without a 5-6IV ditto.
I just got a 4IV Rotom from Wondertrade last night, but not sure the best way to EV train it. Any advice?
Still new to the EV training thing (since I finished the game wicked quick back in October, been trying to breed IV'ed Eevees like a crazy person). So I may need some advice on how to determine the best way to EV train.
I have 2/6 bred and EV trained. Haven't worked on move sets with them yet. Breeding a proper rotom takes fucking forever without a 5-6IV ditto.
I just got a 4IV Rotom from Wondertrade last night, but not sure the best way to EV train it. Any advice?
Still new to the EV training thing (since I finished the game wicked quick back in October, been trying to breed IV'ed Eevees like a crazy person). So I may need some advice on how to determine the best way to EV train.
I'm doing a volt switch choice scarf timid rotom-w, so I went 252 SpA and 252 Spe. I wouldn't call myself an expert though on any level, so I'm probably not the best person to ask. I know what I'm doing, and why, but I'm not really equipped to make suggestions :P
Generally Rotom-W, i'm no expert, so I'll refer to those who are (or at least think they are, depending on your view of the community), http://www.smogon.com/bw/pokemon/rotom-W
I'm going with a bit more of a bulky attacker, but a few minor changes to suit what I want to do.
http://www.serebii.net/xy/forms.shtml scroll down to the bottom and it's got how you change forms. Rotom can switch between them as often as you can get there to do it and swaps out one of its moves with the switch.
Also, provided I don't need any egg moves or anything from previous gens or messed something else up...i'm at least nature/iv bred and one EV done...just gotta grind levels/moves/battle maison/ev's.
Make sure to put a pokemon with the pokerus into your PC! After a certain time, the pokerus'd pokemon is no longer contagious and cannot pass on the 'rus to others. If you leave one in your PC, it remains contagious, and can infect new pokemon when you take it out and battle with it in your party.
Heya all. For those who've been wanting to figure out how to get started EV Training your Pokemon, I wrote a few articles up on the main PPL website that may just help.
This is my first time hearing about this, looking forward to it since I was planning on bringing Pokémon X anyway!
Also, sorry I have neglected this thread. Was so busy keeping up the twitter and the facebook I forgot to update this. But the big news is that we're revealing gym leaders now! So if you want to know who you're going to be facing... check out paxpokemonleague.net! Also follow us on twitter! @PAXPokemon! Or on facebook! OR BOTH???
You guys are going to be floored, we have SO MUCH COOL STUFF planned for this year. We have PRIZES. Oodles of them! And... PUZZLES! And... SECRET PUZZLES??? And of course a TON of gym leaders to battle! Just wait and see!
That guy with the ridiculously long scarf at PAX. Say Hi!
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
Just wanted to toss this out there: One of last year's champions has been writing up fancy little strategy guides for the revealed leaders back on the official forums, based on his predictions of our possible teams.
MegaBINGO is going to be your chance to get a Raffle Ticket, which will be your entry into a Raffle for TONS OF COOL PRIZES! :O
(I'm also very excited about them because I designed them, with trainer art by Kim and Laura who are amazing and the best. :B)
Seriously, check out the trainer cards if you haven't. They look fantastic. Propriety, Kim, and Laura really put in a ton of work making the PPL look awesome and a great experience.
There's a ton of fun and cool stuff in store for you guys this year... as if battling for badges itself wasn't enough... stay tuned.
Alexander, the Determined Coach - PPL East '13
Alexander, the Emerald Knight - PPL East '14
So clarification question: if you get 8 badges (whether from in your card or not), you can challenge the Elite Four, correct?
This is correct. All you need is 8 badges, regardless of which 8 Leaders you defeat to get them. The Leaders on the cards are merely suggestions based on three levels we try to set the Leaders up in: Casual, Intermediate, and Veteran. Leaders try to make their best guess on what you are when they give you a card, but feel free to request a certain level card if you'd like.
Alexander, the Determined Coach - PPL East '13
Alexander, the Emerald Knight - PPL East '14
ProprietyPAX Pokemon League Leader!Registered Userregular
edited March 2014
We created the cards to try to help guide people. We have gym leaders of WILDLY differing skill levels, to cater to all manner of challengers, and in our first few years people told us it was often discouraging to face leaders who were either WAY too tough or way too easy for them. Hence the cards! Leaders will try to figure out what level you're at based on your first battle with them, but as Aurethious said, if you want to request a level, go right ahead!
And yes, regardless of your card, all you need is 8 badges to start challenging the Elite... Six! (You only need to beat four of them. There are six to make them easier to find though.)
Propriety on
That guy with the ridiculously long scarf at PAX. Say Hi!
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
I have 4 pokes trained so far, might just stop there
Infernape, Dragonite, Garados, and Rotom?
Those are the 4 I've seen the most
It'll be a good day at PAX when I dont see an infernape/Dragonite team
my team does not contain any of those Pokemon, but I also have never played competitively. I have six gym badges right now, trying to beat the Elite Four before PAX.
It's been awhile since I've posted on here. I'm looking forward to see all the old and new faces of the PPL! I can't wait to see how far this has evolved since we started it way back in the day. I'm making the meetup on Sunday, hope I can see a lot of familiar faces and meet some new friends - The General
Also, all Gym Leaders have now been revealed and the first of the Elite Six has been revealed as well. A familiar face for many long-time Pokémon players!
Alexander, the Determined Coach - PPL East '13
Alexander, the Emerald Knight - PPL East '14
ProprietyPAX Pokemon League Leader!Registered Userregular
Alexander is right! We're half way through revealing the Elite Six! And we've revealed our raffle prizes... just a few more days until the champion is revealed!
Also, we'll be announcing meetup times and Raffle times this afternoon!
That guy with the ridiculously long scarf at PAX. Say Hi!
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
I gotta say this year's prizes are amazing. I'm jealous of you challengers.The Sylveon plush, the Bulbasaur box, tarot cards, the keychains, the Field Guide to Kanto... All so good~
I don't think I ever spent this long building a competitive team from scratch. I got my EVs and (I think) my IVs where I want them on my team many, many eggs later. Now I just need to grab some items from the Battle Maison and my team will be complete!
Thank you to all of the great Challengers who stepped up to the plate this weekend to take on the Emerald Knights! It was a great weekend of battling and I enjoyed meeting each and every one of you. And yes, even those of you with Talonflames and Charizards.
Alexander, the Determined Coach - PPL East '13
Alexander, the Emerald Knight - PPL East '14
Thank you to all of the great Challengers who stepped up to the plate this weekend to take on the Emerald Knights! It was a great weekend of battling and I enjoyed meeting each and every one of you. And yes, even those of you with Talonflames and Charizards.
I know your pain.
But yes, this year's PPL was a blast. I hope you challengers had as much fun as I did.
Just wanted to say thanks to all the gym leaders and E-6 who took the time to battle all this weekend. Definitely made my first PAX experience a great one, hoping to come back next year to try and actually manage to beat an E-6 or even have a good enough character to become a GL. Also, I have so much training to do ;_;
Poke Bank is live in Asia (well some of it), for those of you interested. When? No idea! But it's the first I remember hearing from Nintendo on the matter since xmas.
I haven't played a Pokemon game "seriously" since Gen I and the Gen I remakes. Put a lot of time into Y and really enjoying myself. Actually got a 3-5IV properly trained team for the first time. I'm looking forward to taking part!
I have one question--I'm having a hell of a time remembering the type chart, and who's weak to what. I've been using Pokeffectiveness to help myself along while battling. Is the use of a tool like this considered cheating/against the rules? It would probably be used on a smartphone during battles.
I just got a 4IV Rotom from Wondertrade last night, but not sure the best way to EV train it. Any advice?
Still new to the EV training thing (since I finished the game wicked quick back in October, been trying to breed IV'ed Eevees like a crazy person). So I may need some advice on how to determine the best way to EV train.
Switch: SW-7634-0399-6788
I'm going with a bit more of a bulky attacker, but a few minor changes to suit what I want to do.
Switch: SW-7634-0399-6788
Also, provided I don't need any egg moves or anything from previous gens or messed something else up...i'm at least nature/iv bred and one EV done...just gotta grind levels/moves/battle maison/ev's.
Just got a Gothorita with Pokerus from wonder trade. What do I do with it (never had a pokerus pokemon before!)?
Switch: SW-7634-0399-6788
Intro: http://paxpokemonleague.net/2014/02/pokemon-advancement-expo-tutorial-ev-training/
Super Training Guide: http://paxpokemonleague.net/2014/02/expo-guide-super-training/
And one to Horde Training: http://paxpokemonleague.net/2014/02/expo-guide-horde-training/
People have been pretty helpful in the comments section too.
Also, sorry I have neglected this thread. Was so busy keeping up the twitter and the facebook I forgot to update this. But the big news is that we're revealing gym leaders now! So if you want to know who you're going to be facing... check out paxpokemonleague.net! Also follow us on twitter! @PAXPokemon! Or on facebook! OR BOTH???
You guys are going to be floored, we have SO MUCH COOL STUFF planned for this year. We have PRIZES. Oodles of them! And... PUZZLES! And... SECRET PUZZLES??? And of course a TON of gym leaders to battle! Just wait and see!
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
We'll have to see if the Iron Gentleman can take the heat (of course, mawile can though)
If you want to join the discussion, you can head on over here.
MegaBINGO is going to be your chance to get a Raffle Ticket, which will be your entry into a Raffle for TONS OF COOL PRIZES! :O
(I'm also very excited about them because I designed them, with trainer art by Kim and Laura who are amazing and the best. :B)
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
Seriously, check out the trainer cards if you haven't. They look fantastic. Propriety, Kim, and Laura really put in a ton of work making the PPL look awesome and a great experience.
There's a ton of fun and cool stuff in store for you guys this year... as if battling for badges itself wasn't enough... stay tuned.
Alexander, the Emerald Knight - PPL East '14
Come join the ION Pokémon League!
So clarification question: if you get 8 badges (whether from in your card or not), you can challenge the Elite Four, correct?
Switch: SW-7634-0399-6788
This is correct. All you need is 8 badges, regardless of which 8 Leaders you defeat to get them. The Leaders on the cards are merely suggestions based on three levels we try to set the Leaders up in: Casual, Intermediate, and Veteran. Leaders try to make their best guess on what you are when they give you a card, but feel free to request a certain level card if you'd like.
Alexander, the Emerald Knight - PPL East '14
Come join the ION Pokémon League!
And yes, regardless of your card, all you need is 8 badges to start challenging the Elite... Six! (You only need to beat four of them. There are six to make them easier to find though.)
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
Alexander, the Emerald Knight - PPL East '14
Come join the ION Pokémon League!
Infernape, Dragonite, Garados, and Rotom?
Those are the 4 I've seen the most
It'll be a good day at PAX when I dont see an infernape/Dragonite team
Alexander, the Emerald Knight - PPL East '14
Come join the ION Pokémon League!
Also, all Gym Leaders have now been revealed and the first of the Elite Six has been revealed as well. A familiar face for many long-time Pokémon players!
Alexander, the Emerald Knight - PPL East '14
Come join the ION Pokémon League!
Also, we'll be announcing meetup times and Raffle times this afternoon!
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
and my teams actually properly done this year. I may suck less.
Still suck, but suck less.
I gotta say this year's prizes are amazing. I'm jealous of you challengers.The Sylveon plush, the Bulbasaur box, tarot cards, the keychains, the Field Guide to Kanto... All so good~
3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
Alexander, the Emerald Knight - PPL East '14
Come join the ION Pokémon League!
Alexander, the Emerald Knight - PPL East '14
Come join the ION Pokémon League!
I know your pain.
But yes, this year's PPL was a blast. I hope you challengers had as much fun as I did.
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!