[PA Comic] Friday, September 13, 2013 - The Tithe, Part Four



  • AthenorAthenor Battle Hardened Optimist The Skies of HiigaraRegistered User regular
    Gaslight wrote: »
    Please stop.

    These short stories of girls in the woods, cowboys in space, rangers that don't range... it's not your trade. Can I grin and bear it? Sure but they're virtually back to back these days. Weeks, in fact, seem to yawn between my once regular fixes of angry gamer humor. Come back to us, boys.

    Well, you are entitled to your opinion and I respect it. However...

    1. Mine and Jerry clearly like doing these side projects and it's unlikely they're going to stop unless they run out of ideas.

    1a. It is unlikely they will run out of ideas.

    2. You are going to be overwhelmingly in the minority in your opinion of these side projects.

    3. Mike and Jerry rarely read the forums (Jerry has never appeared that I can recall since I've been here), so chances are they are not going to see your opinion.

    Also, I believe that the PA fanbase paid for this one, much like Sand before it. You know, sort of like how Nintendo paid for that beautiful Skyward Sword one a few years back? So yeah.. simply fulfilling their promises.. with a kickass, beautiful, touching story.

    But hey. I'm sure the second year of selling out is coming up here soon, so keep this in mind. But also keep in mind that Mike and Jerry are not the same people they were even 10 years ago. They are pretty much a microcosm of the maturing video game industry at this point.

    He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
  • GoslingGosling Looking Up Soccer In Mongolia Right Now, Probably Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    What does it say about me that the revelation that the flowers grow out of their heads is met with bland indifference?

    Maybe it's not the first time you've seen it drawn. I have before, though typically in a humorous context (e.g. Phuzzy Comics; Rabbit of Seville). I'm sure a lot of other people here have seen the same. The difference is that here it's done in a dead-serious context, like, how would you actually react if that was actually happening, and maybe it's a matter of how you differentiate such things in your head, or if you do at all.

    I have a new soccer blog The Minnow Tank. Reading it psychically kicks Sepp Blatter in the bean bag.
  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Slaign wrote: »
    Cambiata wrote: »
    Slaign wrote: »
    Cambiata wrote: »
    Theorycrafting is nice, but I think the reason it's cherry blossoms is because cherry blossoms are pretty and also look amazing falling all around like snow.

    It seems rather unlikely that they don't mean something, at least to Mike and Jerry, given this paragraph from today's news post:
    But the notion of them as actual plants? That didn’t occur to me until later, and once it had there was simply no other way to think of them. Like a Winterfresh mouth, it is much, much cooler. And it has the added benefit of you being able to choose your flower, something that matters to you. And it’s scary for people to just look and be able to see your secret self. For me, at least, it’s a big part of what I like about Daughters of the Eyrewood.

    That just makes it sound like the girls themselves are choosing the flowers somehow, which is an interesting concept, but doesn't tie into "they are secretly samurai!" in any way that satisfies.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not buying into the specific samurai reference made earlier. All I mean to say is that he makes it sound like the flower tied with a Daughter says something about her.

    I'm not flower expert, so I don't know what they were, but the Hag had a very thorny, briar like flower in her hair in Lookouts, which seemed to fit her disposition.

    I'll clarify, I was never speculating they might be Samurai. I think that idea is absurd. I was saying the comic might be using cherry blossoms for the same metaphor they are used in samurai stories.

  • BelgandBelgand Registered User regular
    Wait... when it is revealed that they grow out of her head? I thought she was just wearing them in her hair. I kept wondering why we never saw what she reacted to in the stream. I mean, yeah, what's going on is pretty obvious in the general sense, but they could stand to actually clarify it a bit more.

  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    Belgand wrote: »
    Wait... when it is revealed that they grow out of her head? I thought she was just wearing them in her hair. I kept wondering why we never saw what she reacted to in the stream. I mean, yeah, what's going on is pretty obvious in the general sense, but they could stand to actually clarify it a bit more.

    It's never been explicitly stated but people are inferring based on the fact the buds seem to have gotten bigger. Also, in the Cryptozoic Lookouts comics
    There's a girl who is turning into a Daughter who has the buds start appearing and her parents cut them off to try to hide what's happening to her, which is apparently very painful.

  • wonderpugwonderpug Registered User regular
    edited September 2013
    This front page post from Gabe also eliminates any ambiguity about whether or not they grow:
    Gabe wrote:
    The ammount of fan art I’m seeing for the Tithe is pretty amazing. We’ve never done anything before that has generated this sort of response. I’m getting songs and drawings and stories sent to me every day. I’m hearing from readers who are reading the Tithe with their own real daughters and loving it. I’ve actually walked by offices here at PA and heard girls that work here talking about what flower would grow in their hair if they were a daughter. I am so happy.

    Anyway I wanted to share one of the fan art pieces I saw. This is by the very talented Mu (warning her site can be NSFW) and I absolutely love it. She has titled it

    “try as you might, they always grow back”


    LOVE IT!

    -Gabe out

    Emphasis mine

    wonderpug on
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