Pre PAX East Dinner Update



  • GhostDanGhostDan Registered User regular
    edited November 2013
    I can definitely help out Delaney. PM me and we can work it out. I'd love to find some more interesting locations in that area.

    Just so we can get an idea how many people are interested and what they are interested in:

    GhostDan on
  • ChoujicosplayerChoujicosplayer Cape Cod, MARegistered User regular
    Im down! First year attendee and food and new friends sounds good to me.

    Get some cookies, so you can eat 'em and grow up big and strong and kick Piston in the butt-butt.
  • TripleozeroTripleozero Registered User regular
    This will be my fourth PAX East, but I've never participated in the community stuff (Dinner, Pokecrawl, etc.) I'd definitely be interested in attending if this gets off the ground.

  • FrugusFrugus Photographer MontrealRegistered User regular
    I don't have tons of time, but I am really handy with Excel. Maybe I can help in some small way in that respect. PM me.

    Frugus Eggbeater
  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    as long as there was enough time to get to the pokecrawl after and this be close enough to that I am interested in going.

  • GhostDanGhostDan Registered User regular
    edited November 2013
    rascrush - Me and Delaney are looking for new places, but they will all be in the seaport/fan. hall area. From my experience in the past this generally is a nice friendly meet and greet and eat type of setup. Acumen has done a great job keeping it family friendly and it should remain that way. It's a great way to get some food in your belly before all the alcohol :)

    GhostDan on
  • SinoSambaSinoSamba CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    Just filled up the survey, I'm Ok with any location and type of food.

    3DS FC: 3239-2323-6239
  • SausageSausage FLRegistered User regular
    Filled out the survey. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right *there* waiting for you.

    3DS: 2964-9827-0033
  • NowHiringHenchmenNowHiringHenchmen Registered User regular
    Filled out the survey, but I didn't check anything for "where should we go" because I don't know either of the places, nor any eatery's around Boston.

  • DolarrahDolarrah New JerseyRegistered User regular
    Been 2 years running, this will be 3, Filled out survey for wife and I. We arrive in Boston at around 4PM, so we catch you where ever it is.

  • TripleozeroTripleozero Registered User regular
    I know nothing is official a this point, but if I'm pitching this to friends, what time should we guess? 7pm?

  • DelaneyDelaney Registered User regular
    Last year's dinner started at 5:00 p.m. so that people could still make the other events (pub crawls, gaming nights, etc.) I suspect it will be the same this year.

    I am trying to find a new location in the Faneuil Market area and have calls into a few places. If you're interested in going and haven't filled out the survey Ghost Dan posted at the top of the page, please do.

    "I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell

    Steam: delaney_a

  • FrugusFrugus Photographer MontrealRegistered User regular
    Survey filled out! Me and two of my friends (new to PAX) would really like to be part of this.

    Frugus Eggbeater
  • KnolandKnoland Hungry Hungry Hippo VermontRegistered User regular
    Filled out the survey. I'm really hoping we move back to Dicks, I had a lot more fun there than at Durgin Park.

    PAX EAST 2014: Ticket/Enforcing[x] Hotel [x] Travel [x]
  • TripleozeroTripleozero Registered User regular
    Cards Against Humanity seems like it was made to be played at Dicks.

  • DolarrahDolarrah New JerseyRegistered User regular
    edited November 2013
    Ok, not sure if you found a torch bearer, but if you need one, I am stepping up. I am in NJ, but I can make phone calls to make arrangements. My only request if I take over the mantle would be that you attend to enjoy as a participant. You have done a great job in the past, but I have noticed you have very little to mingle because of the your organizing the event. Its time you enjoy it fully. For the record I am very pro Durgin Park. Yeah its not the greatest food, but it is an authentic Boston Experience. (I am originally from Boston)

    If you are interested in my assistance, I will message you contact info.

    Dolarrah on
  • GhostDanGhostDan Registered User regular
    So far the survey has been very anti-Dicks. Delaney is working his magic and has located a few really interesting places in the area. Right now all the event people are busy with the holidays but we hope to have more information and some options shortly.

  • DelaneyDelaney Registered User regular
    GhostDan wrote: »
    So far the survey has been very anti-Dicks. Delaney is working his magic and has located a few really interesting places in the area. Right now all the event people are busy with the holidays but we hope to have more information and some options shortly.

    Ah.. her magic, actually. :)

    So, here's where I need some feedback from folks. I have found a location that GhostDan and I both think looks great. There's an Irish pub, Ned Devine's, that is only a few doors down from Durgin Park, so the location is perfect. Ned Devine's has two auxiliary spaces within it for events, one of which is called the Parris Lounge.


    There's a small bar within the space they'd be willing to open as a cash bar, and it otherwise looks like an awesome place for people to mingle and chat. We'd be doing a buffet here instead of plated dinner. Sample items are ale-battered chicken tenders, sliders (burgers, bbq, and crispy chicken), veggie spring rolls, mini-quiches, etc. I've spoken to the catering group and they'd like to work with us, but we won't be able to start serious dialogue until after the holidays are past. I did cost out a few sample menus to see if the budget was realistic. Using a base of fifty people, it would be around $27.00/person for a nice spread. It's a few dollars more that Durgin Park was last year, but the venue really looks like it would work well for us.

    Does this seem like a solution that people would enjoy? I've been told Prime does a buffet, so is this acceptable as opposed to the plated meal? I'll still be casting about for places until a consensus is achieved, but this is a good option in my opinion.

    "I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell

    Steam: delaney_a

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited December 2013
    Can it handle more than 50 people? I was under the impression that previous years' events were closer to 100 or 150. I don't have the numbers handy though, hopefully acumen could provide them.

    edit: looks like previous years were between 75-100, I believe closer to the 100 than the 75.

    zerzhul on
  • DelaneyDelaney Registered User regular
    It can handle 50 to 100 people, although full capacity would be a true cocktail setup (no seating.) If the event is somehow bigger than that, the Parris Hall (vs. Lounge) is the other space within Ned Devine's and can hold 125 - 250 people. They also own the Anthem Kitchen and Bar in the Faneuil Hall Market which could accommodate any size we need, but I'm not sure it offers the same type of discrete space. Finally, according to Acumen, last year's total was 50.

    For the record, this is the same restaurant/catering group that runs M.J. O'Connors. :)

    This is Parris Hall:


    "I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell

    Steam: delaney_a

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    A question would such a place permit underaged persons if alcohol is being served? My daughter is travelling with me so if it is not family friendly I'm out.

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • acumen101acumen101 Registered User regular
    Sorry for being so absent; again, stuff going on. Last year I only had 60 people show up, out of 85 who got tickets. The year before, 85 out of 100 showed up. I messaged @GhostDan and @Delaney about establishing a soft cap and hard cap for attendance. Also, @aBByNormaL raises a good point; that issue is what caused the quick switch to Dick's the second time around; the person who organized it before me arranged for the dinner at Bell in Hand, but they couldn't do all ages, hence the switch to Dick's.

    Life-Long Nerd from New England

    PAX East 2015: -Pass [X] -Hotel [X] -Time off[X]

    twitter: acumen101 | fb:
    Steam: acumen101 | xbl/psn: caseBlaster101

  • DolarrahDolarrah New JerseyRegistered User regular
    As long as I am 2 of the tickets :) I have not missed it in the 2 years I have known about it.

  • DelaneyDelaney Registered User regular
    edited December 2013
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    A question would such a place permit underaged persons if alcohol is being served? My daughter is travelling with me so if it is not family friendly I'm out.

    I will double check with them, but I would be surprised if it was a problem. Both of the restaurants this group has in Faneuil Market have kids' menus and the event planning group is an arm of the larger restaurant company so there shouldn't be any miscommunication between planners and the venue. The idea is to have a cash bar available; we won't be providing alcoholic drinks as a part of the buffet.
    acumen101 wrote: »
    Sorry for being so absent; again, stuff going on. Last year I only had 60 people show up, out of 85 who got tickets. The year before, 85 out of 100 showed up. I messaged @GhostDan and @Delaney about establishing a soft cap and hard cap for attendance. Also, @aBByNormaL raises a good point; that issue is what caused the quick switch to Dick's the second time around; the person who organized it before me arranged for the dinner at Bell in Hand, but they couldn't do all ages, hence the switch to Dick's.

    I thought I had read that 50 of 100 spaces were filled last year, but as 50 was the number subsequently suggested for a starting number, it's rather moot I suppose. In any event, the venues at Ned Devine's/Parris can handle from 50 - 250 people, so I think we're pretty safe as far as capacity goes. The question is whether it sounds appealing.

    Delaney on
    "I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell

    Steam: delaney_a

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    sounds like it would be good to me.

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    great I hope that is the case because we really want to attend the events we can since alot of the evening events will have an over 21 theme (great for me but not for her).

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • GhostDanGhostDan Registered User regular
    edited December 2013
    Usually as long as it's a manned bar, and not a "bar" establishment, they'll let the kiddies in, but good for us to double check. As Delaney and I discussed we think a buffet is a better idea than the sit downs we've had in the past. It works well for the Pre Pax Dinner in Seattle, and I think helps keep people moving around and talking (no reason to stay in one seat and wait for a waiter). We'll have more surveys as we get closer.

    GhostDan on
  • BearTheHumanBearTheHuman Registered User regular
    Wonderful news that this is still going on. I'm planning on coming this year (planned last year, but could not get my group together to do it).

  • DolarrahDolarrah New JerseyRegistered User regular
    Are you interested in a non commercial website for the event? I can provide space and minor web mastering, as well as access for an admin ?

  • GhostDanGhostDan Registered User regular
    So far by my super rough estimate (I should have put a number field in there) we've go about 40-45 people interested. Most people liked the food at Dick's but the communal dining at Durgin. I think this could be a good mix of the two. Once the holidays are over we'll dig more into it. I definitely want community involvement in this. This isn't Delaney, acumen, or my get together. This is our get together.

    Part of why Dick's is out is because of the responses with positive comments towards dicks (only about 5 out of the 36 entries so far) they've all been "Oh yea dicks would be cool too" where as the anti-Dicks seem to be more along the lines of people being uncomfortable about going there. The key to this is finding an awesome place where we will all have fun! And I think from what we know so far Delaney may have knocked this out of the park.

  • acumen101acumen101 Registered User regular
    Dolarrah wrote: »
    Are you interested in a non commercial website for the event? I can provide space and minor web mastering, as well as access for an admin ?

    I just use Eventbrite for organizing and handling the purchase of the tickets and as the place to find info about the event

    Life-Long Nerd from New England

    PAX East 2015: -Pass [X] -Hotel [X] -Time off[X]

    twitter: acumen101 | fb:
    Steam: acumen101 | xbl/psn: caseBlaster101

  • GhostDanGhostDan Registered User regular
    Yea we'll end up doing the same most likely. THanks for the offer though Dolarrah :)

  • nevermore13nevermore13 Registered User regular
    Missed this last year but would love to do it again this year. I like the idea of doing a buffet style provided they can make sure there are options for anyone with dietary restrictions

  • DelaneyDelaney Registered User regular
    Missed this last year but would love to do it again this year. I like the idea of doing a buffet style provided they can make sure there are options for anyone with dietary restrictions

    It's entirely possible that this could be arranged, provided I know what the restrictions are. (PM me if you'd like.) In the initial planning, I made sure that there could be vegetarian options, but I haven't looked for anything past that.

    Right now, I am waiting on the event coordinator to reply to me regarding children at the event and a few other questions. Given she's overwhelmed with holiday parties right now, I'm trying not to pressure her too much. But as it stands, if all the answers I receive are favorable, I'm pretty happy with this place. The location is superb, the food sounds tasty, and the venues themselves are appealing. I like the idea we'd have a discrete space to ourselves that didn't feel like a cafeteria. If anyone has a problem with the idea of a buffet dinner at Ned Devine's at Faneuil Market (it's actually likely to be the Parris Lounge or Hall off of Ned Devine's), then please post or message me.

    "I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell

    Steam: delaney_a

  • RandomAtomRandomAtom Registered User regular
    I would love to do this, it's my first PAX East and I'd love to meet my comrades!

    EAST 2014 Ticket[X] Hotel [X] Transport [ ] Plan [ ]
    Find me on Steam.
  • TinTangoTinTango Registered User regular
    Buffet sounds great to me! Thank you all for organizing this, it will be my first Pax East, and Ive got a long flight New Zealand, so I'll be pretty hungry for good food and company :)

  • DelaneyDelaney Registered User regular
    I've finally gotten to touch base with the event coordinators and all of the preliminaries are looking good. The date's available, the budget works, the room can fit the range of our probable numbers, and family friendly has been confirmed. Unless there are objections, I'm going simply wait until after the first of the year when we both parties are ready to do some serious planning.

    I know GhostDan put one survey out and it's definitely been helpful. If you are thinking about going, please keep in mind that I'll probably start trying to get an idea of attendance numbers near the end of next month. I don't know what the cutoff date for passing along a solid guest count to the venue will be, but I am going to want to stay ahead of things. If there are any special dietary requests, the sooner I know about those, the better. Thanks!

    "I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell

    Steam: delaney_a

  • GoocruxGoocrux Registered User regular
    Will there be a way for us to sit with the people that we bring, or has seating not been decided upon yet.
    I am coming with a group of others including my brother so naturally we would need to sit together at the same table.

    Thank you in advance for any reply!!!

  • DelaneyDelaney Registered User regular
    Goocrux wrote: »
    Will there be a way for us to sit with the people that we bring, or has seating not been decided upon yet.
    I am coming with a group of others including my brother so naturally we would need to sit together at the same table.

    Thank you in advance for any reply!!!

    The plan is to have a heavy hors d'oeuvre buffet instead of a plated dinner. There will still be plenty of food, but think reception/party somewhat more than sit-down meal. There will be seating and everyone will be free to sit where they please, but the hope is that people will be moving around and talking to each other.

    Hope that helps! :)

    "I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell

    Steam: delaney_a

  • GoocruxGoocrux Registered User regular
    Helped tremendously.
    Thanks so much!

This discussion has been closed.