That looks good. A lot more dynamic than the typical side-view that I would have otherwise defaulted to.
For this sort of stuff, a picture is really worth a thousand words. Ideas that seem great in your head may or may not work when translated to an image. So, for the gaming side, I strongly encourage pictures, no matter how sketchy or ugly. Personally, I'm holding off until I get my pass before I put any serious time into this, though
I like the idea of Ducks! With all this talk of it what about a Duck Hunt gun on the gaming side? Its retro and maybe some other retro elements could be added.
I like the idea of Ducks! With all this talk of it what about a Duck Hunt gun on the gaming side? Its retro and maybe some other retro elements could be added.
Honor Boston by showing the Ducks on one side, then shoot them? Erm...
I really need to have more success at coming up with a good gaming-side idea of my own, but I remain rather chary of anything that highlights one particular game/designer.
"I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell
I really like the Ducklings. I think they would look great on the coins. I would still suggest the Duck Boats if for some reason the Ducklings can't be done. They may not be a strictly Boston thing, but they're still a popular attraction there regardless.
For the Pax side, I like the next-gen console idea. Perhaps a PS4 and XB One controllers, and/or a Wii U tablet? I just really like the idea of looking to the future of console gaming.
+1 for the Duck Hunt Dog. I like the idea of light guns crossed, but as an alternative, how about the pose where he's holding up two ducks, only with the light guns instead? Something about seeing that laugh mixed with two light guns in his hands would just make me really grin.
EDIT: I'm no artist, but I tried to sketch what I meant. Upon seeing it... I realize I may have turned this dog into a psychopath.
Komi on
-PAX Prime 2014-
[x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
[ ]Airfare
[ ]Buttoneering Buttons
[ ]Challenge Coin
ClixThis guy I knowSeattle, WARegistered Userregular
I like the Duck Hunt dog idea, but I'm a little worried that the zappers might look a little too much like real guns with that kind of pose.
ClixThis guy I knowSeattle, WARegistered Userregular
edited October 2013
I'm just pointing out that it shouldn't be mistaken to glorify violence, especially in a region that's had so much in the last year (Boston bombing, Newtown).
I'm all for satire, but it should be both tasteful and respectful too. I'd be worried that some people would get the wrong idea of a video gaming convention in town with people passing around a coin featuring a gun toting dog.
But I always think worse case scenario. In my minds eye I can see it on the six o'clock news.
I like the idea of Ducks! With all this talk of it what about a Duck Hunt gun on the gaming side? Its retro and maybe some other retro elements could be added.
I can see how the guns would be in bad taste since there'd be no obvious way to tell it's a zapper, while I do really like the idea. Technically speaking with the ducks on the Boston side of the coin, duck hunt would make it a flippable bad taste machine.
ButIstillloveit. I'd like to incorporate the duck hunt dog in some way though... We could get meta with it, stick a forum badge in one hand, a button in the other (assuming we do buttoneering again this year.) or something along those lines.
Or maybe... I dunno, based on past coins I -think- this would be possible to pull off. Duck hunt dog PLAYING Duck hunt? Dog on one side with a zapper, then across from him is a TV and he's pointing the zapper at the TV.
Or or or.. Ducks flying through the sky, dog on the ground looking up at said ducks... Pretty much just throwing out whatever comes to mind at this point.
Komi on
-PAX Prime 2014-
[x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
[ ]Airfare
[ ]Buttoneering Buttons
[ ]Challenge Coin
Arithon32Member of the PinquisitionRegistered Userregular
+1 for ducklings on one side and the Duck Hunt motif on the other. If you have the cables coming out of the Zappers, it should make it at least a little more easy to tell they're not regular guns.
+1 for the Duck Hunt Dog. I like the idea of light guns crossed, but as an alternative, how about the pose where he's holding up two ducks, only with the light guns instead? Something about seeing that laugh mixed with two light guns in his hands would just make me really grin.
EDIT: I'm no artist, but I tried to sketch what I meant. Upon seeing it... I realize I may have turned this dog into a psychopath.
You could cross the arms over his chest for that whole Agent 47 thing .....
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
The duck hunt dog (let's call him Ralph) laughing is pretty iconic in its own right. If there's concern over the guns (and I can understand why), Ralph by himself would work.
I almost like the image of Ralph sniffing.. since he's so close to the ducks (the ducks are on the other side of the coin!)
There seems to be a decent quorum for the ducks. As for the gaming side I'd love to see something pen and paper rpg related. The image I have in my head is of a sword and staff crossed.
Arithon32Member of the PinquisitionRegistered Userregular
The 2011 coin had the full spread of D&D dice to represent pen and paper RPGs.
I kind of like the idea of the dog simply being a background detail. Obviously given the size of the final piece this might not be easy to accomplish, but rather than being heavily emphasized, perhaps just tuck him in the reeds/grass off to the side of where the ducks will be?
I guess I like the idea of using the reference, but am not entirely sold on making it the focus of an entire side.
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
Tossing some thoughts in here...a lot of military coins have a giant unit crest on it, which is awesome. Often times it incorporates their subordinate units somehow. What if we worked that somehow? A controller (console) mouse (PC) and dice (tabletop) on with the PAX logo in the middle?
Tossing some thoughts in here...a lot of military coins have a giant unit crest on it, which is awesome. Often times it incorporates their subordinate units somehow. What if we worked that somehow? A controller (console) mouse (PC) and dice (tabletop) on with the PAX logo in the middle?
There is a PAX Community Crest that was created a couple years ago. They're on the beer steins and tshirts but we haven't put them on coins yet.
Tossing some thoughts in here...a lot of military coins have a giant unit crest on it, which is awesome. Often times it incorporates their subordinate units somehow. What if we worked that somehow? A controller (console) mouse (PC) and dice (tabletop) on with the PAX logo in the middle?
First, we can't use the PAX Logo on the coins - these are a community item and are not officially part of PAX in any way.
Secondly, there is a PAX Forum crest but in the past we were told that it's too intricate for a challenge coin.
East 2014 Status: Badge [ Friend got it ] Hotel [Crappy] BYOC [YES] Transport [ ] Name on Forum Badge [ ] Challenge Coin [ ]
well this is my last pax . Its obvious that this is only going to get worse each year as more people want to go and since its in boston till 2024 its not going to change. IT also obvious that they don't care who gets screwed over as long as it sells out and they make money
well this is my last pax . Its obvious that this is only going to get worse each year as more people want to go and since its in boston till 2024 its not going to change. IT also obvious that they don't care who gets screwed over as long as it sells out and they make money
Ok? This is the coin thread, and this has litearlly nothing to do with the coins.
well this is my last pax . Its obvious that this is only going to get worse each year as more people want to go and since its in boston till 2024 its not going to change. IT also obvious that they don't care who gets screwed over as long as it sells out and they make money
Ok? This is the coin thread, and this has litearlly nothing to do with the coins.
was explaining to vttym why I suggested the server error as the emblem of the coin.
Although part of me does feel bad about combining Duck Hunt and Make Way For Ducklings, the light guns have the potential to make a cool design. Here's a quick mock-up I threw together.
[img] duck hunt.png[/img]
Arithon32Member of the PinquisitionRegistered Userregular
Although part of me does feel bad about combining Duck Hunt and Make Way For Ducklings, the light guns have the potential to make a cool design. Here's a quick mock-up I threw together.
[img] duck hunt.png[/img]
That looks awesome, but I'm afraid it might be too complex for the coin.
Although part of me does feel bad about combining Duck Hunt and Make Way For Ducklings, the light guns have the potential to make a cool design. Here's a quick mock-up I threw together.
[img] duck hunt.png[/img]
That looks awesome, but I'm afraid it might be too complex for the coin.
The art itself could be simplified quite a bit. It's mainly a mock up for the idea.
-PAX Prime 2014-
[x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
[ ]Airfare
[ ]Buttoneering Buttons
[ ]Challenge Coin
That looks good. A lot more dynamic than the typical side-view that I would have otherwise defaulted to.
For this sort of stuff, a picture is really worth a thousand words. Ideas that seem great in your head may or may not work when translated to an image. So, for the gaming side, I strongly encourage pictures, no matter how sketchy or ugly. Personally, I'm holding off until I get my pass before I put any serious time into this, though
This is an AMAZING idea.
I really need to have more success at coming up with a good gaming-side idea of my own, but I remain rather chary of anything that highlights one particular game/designer.
For the Pax side, I like the next-gen console idea. Perhaps a PS4 and XB One controllers, and/or a Wii U tablet? I just really like the idea of looking to the future of console gaming.
EDIT: I'm no artist, but I tried to sketch what I meant. Upon seeing it... I realize I may have turned this dog into a psychopath.
[x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
[ ]Airfare
[ ]Buttoneering Buttons
[ ]Challenge Coin
I mean I think it's hilarious regardless, but I'm sure someone will get bent out of shape over it.
Trade me pins! -
I'm all for satire, but it should be both tasteful and respectful too. I'd be worried that some people would get the wrong idea of a video gaming convention in town with people passing around a coin featuring a gun toting dog.
But I always think worse case scenario. In my minds eye I can see it on the six o'clock news.
ButIstillloveit. I'd like to incorporate the duck hunt dog in some way though... We could get meta with it, stick a forum badge in one hand, a button in the other (assuming we do buttoneering again this year.) or something along those lines.
Or maybe... I dunno, based on past coins I -think- this would be possible to pull off. Duck hunt dog PLAYING Duck hunt? Dog on one side with a zapper, then across from him is a TV and he's pointing the zapper at the TV.
Or or or.. Ducks flying through the sky, dog on the ground looking up at said ducks... Pretty much just throwing out whatever comes to mind at this point.
[x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
[ ]Airfare
[ ]Buttoneering Buttons
[ ]Challenge Coin
You could cross the arms over his chest for that whole Agent 47 thing .....
I almost like the image of Ralph sniffing.. since he's so close to the ducks (the ducks are on the other side of the coin!)
I guess I like the idea of using the reference, but am not entirely sold on making it the focus of an entire side.
There is a PAX Community Crest that was created a couple years ago. They're on the beer steins and tshirts but we haven't put them on coins yet.
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
Passes: Acquired | Buttons: Acquired | April: Too far away...
First, we can't use the PAX Logo on the coins - these are a community item and are not officially part of PAX in any way.
Secondly, there is a PAX Forum crest but in the past we were told that it's too intricate for a challenge coin.
"Neither crash nor freeze nor server dive, will stop a Fightin' 505."
This made me lol in between sobs and F5s
Hmm...lemme talk to a merch guy I know. That'd make a good patch...
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
I had lots of 503s but oddly the though of having this on the coin makes me laugh (and yes sob a bit too).
If not i think the current ducks on the front is great. For the back the duck hunt stuff is cool, but yea could be in poor taste.
was explaining to vttym why I suggested the server error as the emblem of the coin.
[img] duck hunt.png[/img]
That looks awesome, but I'm afraid it might be too complex for the coin.
The art itself could be simplified quite a bit. It's mainly a mock up for the idea.
[x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
[ ]Airfare
[ ]Buttoneering Buttons
[ ]Challenge Coin