TopherRocksRockstar Beard GrowerKent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered Userregular
I really do see Fenway and think the Sox, not Boston. The association to a team just seems like it could be too polarizing for some people.
Full disclosure, yes I'm from NY but I couldn't care any less about baseball so the whole Yankees/Sox thing doesn't factor for me.
how bout combining the ducks and the red sox. Do the ducks and then under it put that famous david ortiz qoute but instead of the swear do it like this " This is our ducking city"
What about instead of a single landmark doing a distinctive view of boston. Like maybe the skyline from the BCEC...pick one or two landmarks to center in the design?
I like Ralph laughing...kinda...but we're also getting into copyright land.
I don't like the exclamation point.
Cramming themes together does not a good design make. Ralph & ducklings make sense together. A PC & an exclamation point make sense together. Dice and meeples make sense together. But ducks & red sox? Ralph & exclamation point? That's confusing and inelegant.
I like the ducks for the Boston side. I don't much care for sports, so I guess I'm biased (but I can't be the only one). I thought Lauren's idea was perfect - and if I remember correctly, she's the one who came up with the city side for last year's coin, and that turned out great.
I like the idea of going with PC gaming, but I think just having a PC is kind of boring. I'm going to try to think of some thematically consistent changes that could make it interesting.
Personally, I'm still in favor of the ducks for the Boston side. However, if there is a sea change in favor of something Fenway related, I definitely agree with Imsorad that it should be about the physical landmark, not the team. I recognize everyone's riding high on the WS victory, but I would argue that's all the more reason why we should make sure we don't accidentally turn the PAX coin into a WS tribute coin. Not to mention, team rivalries being what they are, sports teams tend to be divisive symbols, and people from all over the country come to PAX East.
It seems like momentum moved away from the ducklings because the Ralph idea was getting messy, and that's probably not the best reason. The angle Lauren found is perfect. It's a great idea that's bound to be used some year, so my vote is to just use it for 2014.
A thought for the gaming side: If we adhere to the pattern and make East '14 a console coin, how about a simple image of a beloved console from a nice angle, with enough identifiers missing to keep lawyers at bay? I'm guessing enough folks could agree on appreciation - or at least respect - for one of the following: Super NES, Dreamcast, or PlayStation 2.
It might not be an exciting idea, but it could look nice with the right approach, and unlike most of our other ideas, there's no room for misinterpretation.
I like the ducks for the Boston side. I don't much care for sports, so I guess I'm biased (but I can't be the only one). I thought Lauren's idea was perfect - and if I remember correctly, she's the one who came up with the city side for last year's coin, and that turned out great.
I'm glad you liked the Zakim bridge design, that's always going to be my favorite Boston landmark
A thought for the gaming side: If we adhere to the pattern and make East '14 a console coin, how about a simple image of a beloved console from a nice angle, with enough identifiers missing to keep lawyers at bay? I'm guessing enough folks could agree on appreciation - or at least respect - for one of the following: Super NES, Dreamcast, or PlayStation 2.
Maybe not Super NES, since last year's coin had connected gameboys. What about one of the other consoles in the background (basically a rectangle), with the main detail being one of the controllers (Xbox, Playstation, Dreamcast)?
EDIT: Or, possibly too much detail for a coin, those above three controllers together, kind of like the radioactive symbol...
I still like the Ducklings quite a bit. I know I've mentioned before that I like the whimsy of it, which is still true, but I also like that it's not the typical building facade. And actually, looking at the East coins, that seems to be the (accidental) trend.
I did have an idea for the gaming side that I'll toss out in hopes that someone will be able to run with it better than I can. My graphics skills are obviously rudimentary, but I was trying to reflect PC/MMO gaming, a la Skyrim, LotRO, etc. East hasn't done anything with a PC yet, and I'd love to see it.
"I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell
glad to hear some people like my idea. I figured it added comedy with the design we already had. Also added to the sports theme cause most sox fan know that david ortiz qoute
What about making the three controllers a (1) generic console controller, (2) keyboard/mouse, and a (3) hand held?
If anyone can come up with a design that looks good along that theme, I'd be interested, but honestly, I don't think there's any way to get those three very different shapes to come together as a cohesive design. Gerafin's 3 controllers have a much better sense of symmetry to them, which looks good.
Wow, well, that was a lot to catch up on. Ok folks, here are my thoughts
The Ducklings for the back side of the coin seemed odd to me at first, but I vote that we keep the @Lauren42 design. It will work great on a coin where you only have to express value (or shading) with shapes more than contours in the medal. Mom duck has more detail, baby ducks are a flat shape and defined by the brick walkway under them. Perfect. Done.
For the gaming side, sorry folks, but you just can't over look the fact that 3 "next-gen" consoles came out since last PAX East. Last year would have been great for MMO because the convention itself was very PC/MMO heavy (Probably because all the developers had games for consoles that weren't announced yet lol), and that is how I will always remember it. Going forward, I don't want to look at my 2014 coin and say "Wow, what a great year! The XB One...the Wii U.....PS4....and, wait, why is there a Super Nintendo on this thing?" Imo, we can't waste the opportunity here regardless of personal gaming preference.
As such, I will hop on the photoshop now and whip something out. See you in a bit!
Meryl615 on
Forgive my lack of BBC. I'm a lover, not a coder.
Jake CappsPatrick Space Force Base, FloridaRegistered Userregular
^ Agreed. Marking the release is a good idea. Although I really like the idea of Fenway(as a building without a Red Sox logo). The Sox haven't won at home in almost 100 years, and it's not your average ball park. Long after that duck statue is plowed under Fenway will stand. Most of your old parks, have been demolished for new faceless fields. It's a real Boston landmark. If we combine the console release with Fenway we are celebrating two great milestones.
For the gaming side, sorry folks, but you just can't over look the fact that 3 "next-gen" consoles came out since last PAX East. Last year would have been great for MMO because the convention itself was very PC/MMO heavy (Probably because all the developers had games for consoles that weren't announced yet lol), and that is how I will always remember it. Going forward, I don't want to look at my 2014 coin and say "Wow, what a great year! The XB One...the Wii U.....PS4....and, wait, why is there a Super Nintendo on this thing?" Imo, we can't wait the opportunity here regardless of personal gaming preference.
As such, I will hop on the photoshop now and whip something out. See you in a bit!
Actually, I am pretty darned sure I can ignore it, especially when someone tries to decree otherwise by fiat. It's also worth the mention that what you see/think when you look at the coin shockingly isn't the deciding factor for the rest of us.
It's great to have another artist step up and to suggest another design, but seriously?
Delaney on
"I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell
Steam: delaney_a
Jake CappsPatrick Space Force Base, FloridaRegistered Userregular
It's also worth the mention that what you see/think when you look at the coin isn't necessarily of relevance to the rest of us.
That's why I know whatever we end up with will be cool. Because so many people that are not like minded threw so many ideas on the table. Although right now it seems somewhat like a debate. I'm positive more people will join the discussion, and they will have some "why didn't I think of that" ideas.
It's also worth the mention that what you see/think when you look at the coin isn't necessarily of relevance to the rest of us.
That's why I know whatever we end up with will be cool. Because so many people that are not like minded threw so many ideas on the table. Although right now it seems somewhat like a debate. I'm positive more people will join the discussion, and they will have some "why didn't I think of that" ideas.
Indeed. It's not the contribution of another idea that I object to in the least, just the attitude. Even tongue-in-cheek, it came across (to me at least) rather heavily-handed in disregarding any other input.
Delaney on
"I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell
Also, if someone could tell me how to make images show up here instead of being a link, that would be great... I tried the image button, but it didn't work
Forgive my lack of BBC. I'm a lover, not a coder.
Jake CappsPatrick Space Force Base, FloridaRegistered Userregular
Hmmm...TIL: The XBox One, and the PS4 are just black boxes that look the same.
"Players are artists who create their own reality within the game." - Shigeru Miyamoto
Arithon32Member of the PinquisitionRegistered Userregular
There looks like there's way too much going on with all those consoles on the back. If the PS4 didn't say PS4 on it, I'd think it was just the XBox One with a strange line through it.
You can't have anything with the logos on it, period. It's been mentioned plenty of times in this thread already. That's why the controllers work well - it's not a copyrighted design, but is easily recognizable. If you take away the logos from most consoles, you end up with a slightly differently-shaped box. That doesn't sound like an incredible coin to me.
EDIT: That's also way too much detail to fit on one of the coins. And again, it's the details that are helping us recognize what those consoles are. Without them, the design becomes even more chaotic. It's a cool idea, but you'd need a coin the size of a pizza.
Also, if someone could tell me how to make images show up here instead of being a link, that would be great... I tried the image button, but it didn't work
It's because that link isn't to an image. It's to a page that has an image on it. To use the image button you have to have a direct link to the image itself.
As far as a critique goes, It looks a bit like a jumbled mess to me. Also I don't think we want to flat out have any branding on the coin. We've worked around that in the past by having designs that "look like" a particular item without having something like GAME BOY plastered on it.
The consoles themselves are just non-descriptive. The controllers are much more distinctive (with maybe the exception of the xbone, which didn't change much).
How about a character that is most popular from each console? For Nintendo it would be Mario, maybe Microsoft would be Master Chief and Sony...well that one is a bit difficult for me to decide.
Get some cookies, so you can eat 'em and grow up big and strong and kick Piston in the butt-butt.
How about a character that is most popular from each console? For Nintendo it would be Mario, maybe Microsoft would be Master Chief and Sony...well that one is a bit difficult for me to decide.
Characters would get into the copyright issues.
To celebrate the three next-gen consoles, those three controllers (xbone, ps4, wii U) could be the ones going into the design that gerafin made?
I agree, I'm afraid Meryl's coin just looks too jumbled. If we decide to mark the new console releases (and I don't feel like we need to; the coins generally do not aim to mark the gaming milestones which occur in any given year, just to be a commemoration of PAX itself), the controllers might be somewhat more interesting. That said, the WiiU controller might just be too darn boxy.
Since I didn't say so above, I think I can speak for everyone when saying that new ideas and attempts are welcome though, even if a particular one gets criticized. Every new idea and criticism helps get towards the final product.
I think something like the three controller layout that was posted be gerafin would be awesome. I like the idea of the pattern now that it's been noted and something like that really captures the feel of the console scene much more accurately than the console boxes themselves. Maybe a little larger and "cleaner" but yeah, I like it.
I think something like the three controller layout that was posted be gerafin would be awesome. I like the idea of the pattern now that it's been noted and something like that really captures the feel of the console scene much more accurately than the console boxes themselves. Maybe a little larger and "cleaner" but yeah, I like it.
It does remind me of the linked handheld design.
"I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell
Steam: delaney_a
TopherRocksRockstar Beard GrowerKent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered Userregular
I can't say I'm wild about any of the console ideas. Nothing feels so right and just screams "YES, This is the one!" to me like the Ducks/Ralph coin does.
What about something simple, like two people playing head to head on one of those table consoles? (think old bar type games). Or maybe two kids sitting and playing a console game on the TV with a select player screen? The perspective could be looking from behind their heads at the TV.
Full disclosure, yes I'm from NY but I couldn't care any less about baseball so the whole Yankees/Sox thing doesn't factor for me.
This is the coin guys, I want it so bad
Trade me pins! -
I like Ralph laughing...kinda...but we're also getting into copyright land.
I don't like the exclamation point.
I like the ducks for the Boston side. I don't much care for sports, so I guess I'm biased (but I can't be the only one). I thought Lauren's idea was perfect - and if I remember correctly, she's the one who came up with the city side for last year's coin, and that turned out great.
I like the idea of going with PC gaming, but I think just having a PC is kind of boring. I'm going to try to think of some thematically consistent changes that could make it interesting.
A thought for the gaming side: If we adhere to the pattern and make East '14 a console coin, how about a simple image of a beloved console from a nice angle, with enough identifiers missing to keep lawyers at bay? I'm guessing enough folks could agree on appreciation - or at least respect - for one of the following: Super NES, Dreamcast, or PlayStation 2.
It might not be an exciting idea, but it could look nice with the right approach, and unlike most of our other ideas, there's no room for misinterpretation.
Maybe not Super NES, since last year's coin had connected gameboys. What about one of the other consoles in the background (basically a rectangle), with the main detail being one of the controllers (Xbox, Playstation, Dreamcast)?
EDIT: Or, possibly too much detail for a coin, those above three controllers together, kind of like the radioactive symbol...
I did have an idea for the gaming side that I'll toss out in hopes that someone will be able to run with it better than I can. My graphics skills are obviously rudimentary, but I was trying to reflect PC/MMO gaming, a la Skyrim, LotRO, etc. East hasn't done anything with a PC yet, and I'd love to see it.
Any thoughts?
EDIT: Do people think it would be better with an N64 controller instead of an NES controller? It's a more interesting shape..
Could be me nitpicking but that looks like a SNES not a NES controller to me.
Whoops! You are correct, sir. SNES is what I meant.
If anyone can come up with a design that looks good along that theme, I'd be interested, but honestly, I don't think there's any way to get those three very different shapes to come together as a cohesive design. Gerafin's 3 controllers have a much better sense of symmetry to them, which looks good.
Wow, well, that was a lot to catch up on. Ok folks, here are my thoughts
The Ducklings for the back side of the coin seemed odd to me at first, but I vote that we keep the @Lauren42 design. It will work great on a coin where you only have to express value (or shading) with shapes more than contours in the medal. Mom duck has more detail, baby ducks are a flat shape and defined by the brick walkway under them. Perfect. Done.
For the gaming side, sorry folks, but you just can't over look the fact that 3 "next-gen" consoles came out since last PAX East. Last year would have been great for MMO because the convention itself was very PC/MMO heavy (Probably because all the developers had games for consoles that weren't announced yet lol), and that is how I will always remember it. Going forward, I don't want to look at my 2014 coin and say "Wow, what a great year! The XB One...the Wii U.....PS4....and, wait, why is there a Super Nintendo on this thing?" Imo, we can't waste the opportunity here regardless of personal gaming preference.
As such, I will hop on the photoshop now and whip something out. See you in a bit!
My Pinny Pal's Lanyard
"Players are artists who create their own reality within the game." - Shigeru Miyamoto
Actually, I am pretty darned sure I can ignore it, especially when someone tries to decree otherwise by fiat. It's also worth the mention that what you see/think when you look at the coin shockingly isn't the deciding factor for the rest of us.
It's great to have another artist step up and to suggest another design, but seriously?
That's why I know whatever we end up with will be cool. Because so many people that are not like minded threw so many ideas on the table. Although right now it seems somewhat like a debate. I'm positive more people will join the discussion, and they will have some "why didn't I think of that" ideas.
My Pinny Pal's Lanyard
"Players are artists who create their own reality within the game." - Shigeru Miyamoto
Indeed. It's not the contribution of another idea that I object to in the least, just the attitude. Even tongue-in-cheek, it came across (to me at least) rather heavily-handed in disregarding any other input.!3381&v=3
My Pinny Pal's Lanyard
"Players are artists who create their own reality within the game." - Shigeru Miyamoto
My Pinny Pal's Lanyard
"Players are artists who create their own reality within the game." - Shigeru Miyamoto
EDIT: That's also way too much detail to fit on one of the coins. And again, it's the details that are helping us recognize what those consoles are. Without them, the design becomes even more chaotic. It's a cool idea, but you'd need a coin the size of a pizza.
Like this
The consoles themselves are just non-descriptive. The controllers are much more distinctive (with maybe the exception of the xbone, which didn't change much).
To celebrate the three next-gen consoles, those three controllers (xbone, ps4, wii U) could be the ones going into the design that gerafin made?
It does remind me of the linked handheld design.
I don't think they have to be connected. Something more like this would be cool, or maybe with divisions between them...
My Pinny Pal's Lanyard
"Players are artists who create their own reality within the game." - Shigeru Miyamoto
Obviously, these are just examples and not the intended final image. No clue if the same impact would be felt on a coin that has no color.
Something like this:
Or this (but with people playing it, and generic, not pacman):
Here's another:
But obviously more coin oriented