PAX East 2014 Cosplay



  • GeekyPanda404GeekyPanda404 The Geeky Panda ConnecticutRegistered User regular
    Un-Finished Cosplay of my Battlefield 4 Russian Soldier, need to import some more gear. I plan on having my Gamertag floating on top of my head like it is in-game. Of course it will be green because its better to squad up.


  • Technobolt1321Technobolt1321 Leominster, MARegistered User new member
    Does anyone think a superior spiderman costume would fit in with everything else in PAX? I know there was a Marvel Heroes booth last year, but this is more of a gaming con...

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    I am just amazed at the level of detail cosplayers put into their costumes ... though not participating myself I cannot wait to see the costumes and hopefully grab many snaps in the process ... I am in awe of you ladies and gentlemen ....

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • The_MadHatter_The_MadHatter_ Registered User regular
    Does anyone think a superior spiderman costume would fit in with everything else in PAX? I know there was a Marvel Heroes booth last year, but this is more of a gaming con...

    Sure it would. Don't worry about limiting yourself to a character from a game. There are a lot of people who go with a movie/tv/comic character instead.

    PSN ID, Steam: The_MadHatter_
  • spectre_flowspectre_flow Registered User regular
    Okay, so I've searched the FAQ. And I've still got a few questions regarding prop weapons. And this seems like the best place to ask.

    A few buddies and I are going to cosplay as Hunters from the Last of Us. (Hopefully we don't run into any Fire Flies at the show.)


    >pic related

    In the game, you could use a wooden 2x4 as special weapon in the game. Would we be able to bring one in and pass the security checkpoint? Or will we have to resort to foam/cardboard?

    Also, where do you guys get your prop guns? Seeing as how airsoft weapons aren't allowed in. I mean, I guess we could bring toy guns. But they wouldn't look good. You know?

    Because this definitely looks like an airsoft to me.
    Un-Finished Cosplay of my Battlefield 4 Russian Soldier, need to import some more gear. I plan on having my Gamertag floating on top of my head like it is in-game. Of course it will be green because its better to squad up.


    And if it isn't, I'd sure as hell like to know where to get one like it!

    Help a brother out!

  • zer0faultszer0faults Registered User regular
    Is there an official word on why there isn't a cosplay contest? Last year was my first PAX East and I thought I missed it, if there was one, especially with the rise of shows like CosPlay Heroes, etc.

  • SquirrelDragonSquirrelDragon Registered User regular
    zer0faults wrote: »
    Is there an official word on why there isn't a cosplay contest? Last year was my first PAX East and I thought I missed it, if there was one, especially with the rise of shows like CosPlay Heroes, etc.

    My guess is that it's because cosplay isn't a focus of PAX. I'm sure someone could try and organize a panel for a cosplay contest, but it doesn't play as much of a role in the convention as it would for say, Anime Boston.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Note that picture of the BF4 russian soldier isn't an at pax picture. If that is indeed an airsoft, it would not be allowed in. It does look like one to me too.

  • PirateRejectPirateReject Registered User regular
    I'll be coming as Morrigan fron Dragon Age: Inquisition :D Really excited, though maybe I should plan a warmer cosplay.

  • macrogeekmacrogeek Registered User regular
    I'm considering bringing my Ghostbusters costume...I have to figure out if it's too hard to ship my proton pack. (or if there is a way to bring it as checked luggage without it being destroyed.) I might be able to pack it in air pillows and packing peanuts and ship it to my hotel.

  • spectre_flowspectre_flow Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    Note that picture of the BF4 russian soldier isn't an at pax picture. If that is indeed an airsoft, it would not be allowed in. It does look like one to me too.

    But would a 2x4 be allowed in?

    It's not sharp in any way. It's simply a piece of wood.

  • AaronCAaronC Enforcer - Lieutenant Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    1. a 2x4 would be fine.

    2. No airsoft is allowed. Functional or non-functional, doesn't matter. Regardless of it's status, lack of ammo, lack of batteries, lack of internals, it won't be allowed in.

    3. Realistic looking toy guns that are not airsoft are fine.

    4. There is no official PAX cosplay contest. You should organize your own!

  • GeekyPanda404GeekyPanda404 The Geeky Panda ConnecticutRegistered User regular
    Yeh I am using a Airsoft Gun (UMAX G36K with H&K logo) in the picture but I am not bringing it to the Con. I am looking into buying Realistic looking props that are non-functional to bring for my Cosplays at future cons.

  • Mistress_IshboMistress_Ishbo Leominster, MARegistered User regular
    I'll be Cosplaying Storm from the 90s animated series. :)

  • DJDesolationDJDesolation Registered User new member
    Attention soldiers of Palutena. Prepare to defend PAX East against the arrival....of dark lord gaol.
    Dark_Lord_Gaol.pngthis is going to be my first ever large scale build for a con. Hopefully all goes well. Wish me luck folks.

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    Looking forward to seeing it good luck

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    edited October 2013
    I will be taking my first stab at cosplay this year. Specifically as this fine, upstanding gentleman:


    I've already sourced out most of what I need, but the shoulder holster is proving tricky, as the one he uses in-game with the outfit doesn't seem to actually exist.

    And yes, this means I will be shaving my head.

    LoonyEclipse on
    My pin lanyard
    PSN: L00nyEclip
    Steam: Loony Eclipse
    Twitter: @Loonyeclipse

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    Maxxxxxxxxxx .... nice. Make sure you have that pill bottle.

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • Marg0Marg0 Portland, MERegistered User regular
    I will be reusing my Red Engineer costume I had at PAX East last year (with one my new wrenches), and I am just finishing my Barry Burton costume. Might make a third costume, but both will be there for sure.

  • Account4ThisAccount4This BostonRegistered User regular
    Dang! As a bald (shaved head) and bearded guy, really upset I somehow didn't think of the Payne. Doh!

  • Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    Finally got this cleared with Enforcer staff... if you're an Enforcer, you CAN cosplay on shift, but you have to have the front and back logos visible, and clear it with the higher-ups first. I finally found the perfect cosplay to do this with...


    Or well, a gender-bent version thereof because I'm a petite lady, and while my heart and soul are those of a METAL GOD, my body is basically made of twigs.

    Basically, going to be cannibalizing an old PAX Enforcer shirt into a back patch on the vest to keep the ENFORCER logo, then wearing said vest over top of this year's Enforcer shirt. Forgoing the guitar and axe because trust me lugging big things around while on shift = pain.

  • satyr16satyr16 Registered User regular
    So I've been flipflopping costume ideas. I originally wanted to do Solaire of Astora, then I changed my mind to Knight Artorias the Abysswalker. I figured I would take a stab at paper mache armor and weapon. I recently did my test piece and it came out pretty well. Seeing as how I don't have loads emone to buy armor, it's passable.
    But then I was driving home from work just now, recapping what items in my house I need to sell for dosh. Then it hit me. I have a full size replica of the plasma cutter from the Dead Space franchise. And I have the items needed to make the plates (spray paint and foam). So yup, may s well put my replica to use. Isaac Clarke here we come!

    P.S. I originally planned to lose about 100 lbs for the Artorias costume to get slimmer. I'll apply the same logic for the Dead Space costume.

  • kyuubikyuubi leader of the free peoples ware MARegistered User regular
    edited October 2013
    i am going as joel from the last of us! and hopefully booker dewitt the second day. TLOU_WinterCoverRender_960p.jpg

    kyuubi on
  • riathewolfriathewolf Registered User regular
    I'm working on three new costumes for this year, we'll see if they all get done XD.

    I'm doing: Elizabeth Comstock (Probably original design version but I haven't decided XD)
    Black Black (Marvel)
    and the one I'm most excited about is Rule 63!Chuck Hansen (Pacific Rim)

  • AnarCHrisAnarCHris Trash Lord New York CityRegistered User regular
    The wife REALLY wants to do some sort of CTS version of Kara (Gabe's wife) for PAX 2013, which means I'm probably rocking the CTS at some point that weekend. And Bioshock Infinite stuffs is a definite, as her Elizabeth is already done, and my Booker should be completed by MAGfest.

    Aside from that, probably Borderlands, and maybe Pokeymans X/Y for drinking/party times.

  • Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    Can anyone help me out with Eddie's belt buckle? Do you know someone who can do mold casting or... whatever?

  • NefeniNefeni Registered User new member
    edited October 2013
    @Lucid_Seraph You can try using a product called Friendly Plastic.

    Nefeni on
  • sammillssammills NJRegistered User regular
    edited October 2013
    I'll be bringing my Zelda that I wore at NYCC!

    I'll also be doing Vi from League, assuming I can figure out how to go about it. :p

    sammills on

  • WolfieeWolfiee Web/Graphic Designer and Illustrator MARegistered User regular
    kyuubi wrote: »
    i am going as joel from the last of us! and hopefully booker dewitt the second day. TLOU_WinterCoverRender_960p.jpg
    I'm going as Ellie! We need to meet up hahaha

    Badges [ ] Hotel [ ] Complete [x] Excitement [x]
  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    Might end up as Xerosic to go with my sister and friends Team flare scientists/admins...just need everyone else to make the costume for me and i can throw money at them for time/materials.

    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • greymockingbirdgreymockingbird Registered User regular
    I want to re-wear my Elizabeth Comstock costume from Prime, but I know I'll really want to peel off that steel-boned torso cage by late afternoon and our hotel is one of the further ones. Walking a 2-mile roundtrip to change is kind of a hassle and I think also knocks out some of the other sort of unwieldy/less-than-comfortable ideas I had. I may wear my Burial at Sea Elizabeth instead and put together a matching Booker for my husband.

    I'm also really tempted to do silly Pokemon costumes this year. ...But I can't decide which Pokemon. (Is the Pokemon bar crawl an annual thing? We ran into them last year and it looked like fun.)

  • WolfieeWolfiee Web/Graphic Designer and Illustrator MARegistered User regular
    edited November 2013
    Finished my Ellie shirt today :D


    Wolfiee on
    Badges [ ] Hotel [ ] Complete [x] Excitement [x]
  • AnnaRoyalAnnaRoyal North CarolinaRegistered User regular
    I think I want to cosplay but I have no clue what I want to be. Its mainly because I am concerned about not getting too cold outside when walking, and not being too hot inside, or uncomfortable. My favorite character of all time is Harley Quinn, But I am unsure if I want to do that or something else.

    I am super excited to see everyone there cosplaying. Last time I went there were some pretty cool ish. =)

    I love Tacos.
    WoW: BanAnnaPi#1341
    Steam: BanAnnaPie
    Origin: BanAnnaPie
    3DS Friend Code: 3840 - 6540 - 5643
  • WolfieeWolfiee Web/Graphic Designer and Illustrator MARegistered User regular
    Being comfortable has always been a big concern for me. As someone who weighs 110lbs, I get cold instantly, especially in the middle of March.

    For the past four years, however, I've been fine. A good amount of my cosplays were shortsleeved/less than appropriate clothing for winter in MA. Because I HATE carrying things, don't want to bring a winter jacket that will take up half the backpack, and refuse to pay for storage, I actually suffer and go without a jacket every year. It's about a five minute walk from the T station to the con, so I just suck it up. As soon I am inside, I'm generally comfortable the rest of the time. It's warm with all the people at PAX inside anyway.

    Badges [ ] Hotel [ ] Complete [x] Excitement [x]
  • The_MadHatter_The_MadHatter_ Registered User regular
    AnnaRoyal wrote: »
    I think I want to cosplay but I have no clue what I want to be. Its mainly because I am concerned about not getting too cold outside when walking, and not being too hot inside, or uncomfortable. My favorite character of all time is Harley Quinn, But I am unsure if I want to do that or something else.

    I am super excited to see everyone there cosplaying. Last time I went there were some pretty cool ish. =)

    I didn't get to cosplay at last East and this would be my first year cosplaying. So this isn't out of experience or anything, but I'd say don't worry about being too cold outside, just being too hot inside. If you can decide on a costume that won't give you a heat stroke or anything inside the BCEC, my suggestion would be to dress in layers and then just shed them into your bag when you get inside. Or use coat check. If you went with Harley Quinn, it would work great but with a bulkier costume it might not. Depending on the costume, changing inside could work. I also believe I've seen someone mention befriending someone staying at a hotel like the Westin and using that as a place to change.

    PSN ID, Steam: The_MadHatter_
  • yutani sanyutani san MaineRegistered User regular
    I'll be going as Diana from League of Legends :) I am working on a League cosplay for my boyfriend as well.. either Thresh or Gangplank, still deciding. I wish they did an official cosplay contest. All I know if that Riot gives cool prizes for doing their cosplay show each day, but that is just for Leaguers.

  • ChoujicosplayerChoujicosplayer Cape Cod, MARegistered User regular
    I want to cosplay for Pax, but sadly i only have two cosplays...which are anime's x_x

    Get some cookies, so you can eat 'em and grow up big and strong and kick Piston in the butt-butt.
  • AaronCAaronC Enforcer - Lieutenant Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    You can go as an anime character without any problem, people will still think its awesome.

    If you guys want a cosplay contest then you should organize it!

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    You could even submit a panel that is nothing but a giant cosplay contest. Remember, anyone that is willing to organize a panel can submit a panel. Doesn't mean you'll be accepted, but you don't need to be some high muckity muck of big tits town to do a panel at pax.

  • Wartooth91Wartooth91 Registered User new member
    I'll be attending as Abel from Street Fighter IV, any other Street fighter cosplayers?

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