Isaac Clarke cosplayer here. I'm opening the field for an Ellie cosplay to group up with if anyone is stuck on who or what to go as. Plus it's a simple costume.
Side note my back rig is turning out pretty darn well. Waiting for the LED strips to come in the mail from Amazon.
I want to re-wear my Elizabeth Comstock costume from Prime, but I know I'll really want to peel off that steel-boned torso cage by late afternoon and our hotel is one of the further ones. Walking a 2-mile roundtrip to change is kind of a hassle and I think also knocks out some of the other sort of unwieldy/less-than-comfortable ideas I had. I may wear my Burial at Sea Elizabeth instead and put together a matching Booker for my husband.
I'm also really tempted to do silly Pokemon costumes this year. ...But I can't decide which Pokemon. (Is the Pokemon bar crawl an annual thing? We ran into them last year and it looked like fun.)
The PokeCrawl is an annual thing! You just have to sign up crazy early if you wanna play their Poke-drinking-games. Otherwise you can just tag along and drink and get dirty looks from DudeBros/Lady Dudebros.
I don't want this to turn into a discussion about the pokecrawl, but I feel that this is an important enough point to make it here anyhow since you brought it up.
The signups are not just for the poke drinking games. They are so that the people running it have some semblance of control over how many people they are rolling in and out of each bar along the way. Obviously nobody can do anything about local patrons who simply want to hang out at their local bars and such, but a whole bunch of people tagging along just to tag along can really make the crawl a pain in the butt for the organizers when everyone is trying to get into each bar with their crew.
Short version: if you want to pokecrawl, please use the signups when they appear in February or March.
Ok, back to your regularly scheduled cosplay discussion.
Hey everyone! I'm trying to plan my cosplay for PAX. I've done some pokemon designs but I haven't been able to pull them off yet. I'm debating going with one of those or looking for people to cosplay as the Crystal Gems with me. Below are my pokemon designs.
AnarCHrisTrash LordNew York CityRegistered Userregular
Hey everyone! I'm trying to plan my cosplay for PAX. I've done some pokemon designs but I haven't been able to pull them off yet. I'm debating going with one of those or looking for people to cosplay as the Crystal Gems with me. Below are my pokemon designs.
I was pretty sure this would be my first year not cosplaying... after eleven years. However, I've decided to do Zoe Washburn! Pretty simple yet timeless.
Part of the back rig for my Isaac Clarke outfit. I recently added the stasis module unit. Need to add a few more pieces, paper mache it, add straps to it to seat on my back properly, then hand paint it. Then on to the helmet!
Seriously, the goggles are probably going to be the least of your worries.
If you're like, "Wow I'm way too poor to just go and buy a pair of goggles" there's always making them yourself
Thank you very much, I will be making my own goggles, not because I am poor, even though I spent more then I wanted for tickets, I am going as striker ezreal instead. I just found out about the skin (want it badly ) and love soccer and I have half the materials.
First time at PAX and first time cosplaying. Keeping it simple. I'm gonna go as a Pokemon trainer and my girlfriend agreed to go as Pikachu (mostly cause I think she wants me to buy the pajama outfit for her lol).
Considering maybe doing a second cosplay involving Naruto character, but I'm still on the fence if I'll have time/skill to pull it off.
XBOX GamerTag: The Triple Hat
3DS Friend Code: 5215-0088-7445
Holy CRAP am I having trouble finding a black motorcycle style vest with big lapels. I've given up on even attempting to get ones with pockets! I've also been looking for ones that aren't leather... no dice.
the problem of course is that I don't want to buy a nice new one if I'm going to basically destroy it with mods, since those things can run in the hundreds of dollars! But I've been to three local Goodwills so far with no luck, and Craigslist and Ebay aren't helping me either...
Anybody have any suggestions? Or hell, a vest you're willing to sell me?
The other issue is that I'm a size XS / 0, and most of these things are for Big Burly Dudez.
I was contemplating making Joel for PAX myself, but then I actually beat TLoU and was like "NOPE NOPE NOPE", I have Booker, one shitty-father figure cosplay is all I need.
I'm currently in the process of editing a 3d model, of the Dallas mask from Payday The Heist and Payday 2. My plan is, once the mask is finished in modelling, to 3d print it (probably in multiple pieces and then putting them together). Then I'll just have to pad up the inside, and paint the front of it, and get some straps and then I'll pretty much be set to be Dallas from Payday. Getting a suit and making an ECM jammer and what not isn't gonna be very hard. I don't think I can bring in any kind of gun looking thing though so the costume will be slightly lacking
I have decided on Articuno as my costume and I made a little update to the design. The main reason for this is because I actually dyed my hair light blue recently and the brand I use is long lasting. I should be able to keep it this way with a little touch up from time to time and not have to worry about hot wig.
This will be my first time going to PAX! I'm keeping it fairly simple and going as Reese from Animal Crossing. My friend is coming with me as a villager, and then my other friend I think is doing either Lollipop Chainsaw or Sophitia from Soul Calibur.
Rollin' in this year as Riven and the Mechromancer! I'd like to do Riven for two days and Mechro for one but aah I dunno.
Anyone else going to be cosplaying League and/or Borderlands 2?
My Group is doing Mario one day and League the next. We are going as Mario, Peach, Luigi, Daisy, Bowser, and Yoshi. Then at least ashe, Nidalee, and Fiddlestics, im not sure about the other guys yet. Should be FUN
Well my plans have been changing rapidly fast lol!
Excited to hear that so many are thinking about doing Pokemon cosplays, because I've officially started on my nurse joy costume! Hooray!
I had awesome plans for myself and a good friend to go as nurse joy and officer jenny, but she actually just found out she's having a baby! I am very excited for her and her husband, but now I am on the look out for someone interested in being my officer jenny! Any takers? If so PM me, and I'll send you the details on what we were planning for her costume.
I have decided on Articuno as my costume and I made a little update to the design. The main reason for this is because I actually dyed my hair light blue recently and the brand I use is long lasting. I should be able to keep it this way with a little touch up from time to time and not have to worry about hot wig.
Just wanted to say I think that's really cool. Seems really unique and I'm quite interested in seeing the final product
As for my costume unfortunately my plans of 3d Printing my Dallas Mask (Payday The Heist) have more or less been killed, so now it seems I need to learn how to either sculpt it myself or give up entirely on the idea. I'm likely going to give it a few shots for designing the mask by hand, but I'm a pretty terrible artist, especially when it comes to sculpting so we'll see what happens.
Just wanted to say I think that's really cool. Seems really unique and I'm quite interested in seeing the final product
I wanted something that would have a sort of arctic feel while also having the feel of perhaps a legendary hero from a earlier time. Thinking about maybe also doing a spear.
Well my plans have been changing rapidly fast lol!
Excited to hear that so many are thinking about doing Pokemon cosplays, because I've officially started on my nurse joy costume! Hooray!
I had awesome plans for myself and a good friend to go as nurse joy and officer jenny, but she actually just found out she's having a baby! I am very excited for her and her husband, but now I am on the look out for someone interested in being my officer jenny! Any takers? If so PM me, and I'll send you the details on what we were planning for her costume.
I'll likely be doing my steampunk airship captain cosplay on Friday, the Pink Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger on Saturday (with actual helmet this year, and hopefully with non-firing Power Bow!), and a revised version of my Autumn Queen cosplay on Sunday. May swap one of those out for a new costume if I have the time. (The airship captain IS new, but I'll be wearing it to Arisia first.)
PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
Well my plans have been changing rapidly fast lol!
Excited to hear that so many are thinking about doing Pokemon cosplays, because I've officially started on my nurse joy costume! Hooray!
I had awesome plans for myself and a good friend to go as nurse joy and officer jenny, but she actually just found out she's having a baby! I am very excited for her and her husband, but now I am on the look out for someone interested in being my officer jenny! Any takers? If so PM me, and I'll send you the details on what we were planning for her costume.
I actually went as Chansey a couple years back for PAXEaster because I was pregnant. People thought it was very cute.
Side note my back rig is turning out pretty darn well. Waiting for the LED strips to come in the mail from Amazon.
You make me want to cosplay someone from SF xD
The PokeCrawl is an annual thing! You just have to sign up crazy early if you wanna play their Poke-drinking-games. Otherwise you can just tag along and drink and get dirty looks from DudeBros/Lady Dudebros.
The signups are not just for the poke drinking games. They are so that the people running it have some semblance of control over how many people they are rolling in and out of each bar along the way. Obviously nobody can do anything about local patrons who simply want to hang out at their local bars and such, but a whole bunch of people tagging along just to tag along can really make the crawl a pain in the butt for the organizers when everyone is trying to get into each bar with their crew.
Short version: if you want to pokecrawl, please use the signups when they appear in February or March.
Ok, back to your regularly scheduled cosplay discussion.
DAMN! Those are some GREAT designs!
Oh thank you.
Any Fairy tail cosplayers.. time to go as Happy.. (jk) maybe someone from there. My friend Loco and me will be trying to come up with something..
I think it would be a great beginner cosplay.
Where would I get the goggles though?
Let me google that for you
Seriously, the goggles are probably going to be the least of your worries.
If you're like, "Wow I'm way too poor to just go and buy a pair of goggles" there's always making them yourself
Thank you very much, I will be making my own goggles, not because I am poor, even though I spent more then I wanted for tickets, I am going as striker ezreal instead. I just found out about the skin (want it badly
Considering maybe doing a second cosplay involving Naruto character, but I'm still on the fence if I'll have time/skill to pull it off.
3DS Friend Code: 5215-0088-7445
Holy CRAP am I having trouble finding a black motorcycle style vest with big lapels. I've given up on even attempting to get ones with pockets! I've also been looking for ones that aren't leather... no dice.
the problem of course is that I don't want to buy a nice new one if I'm going to basically destroy it with mods, since those things can run in the hundreds of dollars! But I've been to three local Goodwills so far with no luck, and Craigslist and Ebay aren't helping me either...
Anybody have any suggestions? Or hell, a vest you're willing to sell me?
The other issue is that I'm a size XS / 0, and most of these things are for Big Burly Dudez.
Here's my list.
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
I had wanted to do Weiss from RWBY back when the trailers came out. Although I'm not a big fan of the show, the character designs are so awesome.
I was contemplating making Joel for PAX myself, but then I actually beat TLoU and was like "NOPE NOPE NOPE", I have Booker, one shitty-father figure cosplay is all I need.
Try to find me!
I found two Waldos right next to each other at the Marvel booth last year :P
XBL/PSN: MiFengXia Twitter: @MiFengXia 3DS: 2423-3603-7854 Steam: Kythos
Aye, I found a Waldo at PAX East 2012.
I need to get a Cardboard Tube when I get to Boston, so I can complete the Waldo/CTS/Highlander crossover cosplay.
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
Websites - Gamerations -
Pinny Pals - Miker525
I plan on doing Dawn from Contrast on Friday, Serena from Pokemon on Saturday and Naoto Shriogane on Sunday.
Anyone know of any Pokemon meetups or is it too early to say?
You may wish to try Hot Topic online ... they seem to have various styles
My Group is doing Mario one day and League the next. We are going as Mario, Peach, Luigi, Daisy, Bowser, and Yoshi. Then at least ashe, Nidalee, and Fiddlestics, im not sure about the other guys yet. Should be FUN
Excited to hear that so many are thinking about doing Pokemon cosplays, because I've officially started on my nurse joy costume! Hooray!
I had awesome plans for myself and a good friend to go as nurse joy and officer jenny, but she actually just found out she's having a baby! I am very excited for her and her husband, but now I am on the look out for someone interested in being my officer jenny! Any takers? If so PM me, and I'll send you the details on what we were planning for her costume.
PSN: totobomb
Add me!
Just wanted to say I think that's really cool. Seems really unique and I'm quite interested in seeing the final product
As for my costume unfortunately my plans of 3d Printing my Dallas Mask (Payday The Heist) have more or less been killed, so now it seems I need to learn how to either sculpt it myself or give up entirely on the idea. I'm likely going to give it a few shots for designing the mask by hand, but I'm a pretty terrible artist, especially when it comes to sculpting so we'll see what happens.
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
Websites - Gamerations -
Pinny Pals - Miker525
your friend should go as chancey
After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
I actually went as Chansey a couple years back for PAXEaster because I was pregnant. People thought it was very cute.