PAX East 2014 Cosplay



  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    edited January 2014
    Welp. Shoulder holster acquired. Shirt ordered, extra pair of pants acquired. All I need now are the white tank tops and some toy pistols. The latter are proving...tricky. Any ideas as to where I can acquire them (Keeping in mind that, living in Canada, shipping can be problematic).

    Oh, and to shave my head (and regrow the beard- trimmed it too short yesterday). But that's not until April.

    This year's PAX shall be awash in gloomy, self-referential monologuing.
    Regiment wrote: »
    (Why do all male video game characters have to wear so many shirts? I'm gonna cook and die... again...)

    I'm concerned about the opposite- I'll be in a hawaiian shirt and tank top/just a tank top- I'm a bit worried about freezing my tuchus off.

    LoonyEclipse on
    My pin lanyard
    PSN: L00nyEclip
    Steam: Loony Eclipse
    Twitter: @Loonyeclipse

  • Kamikaze MikoKamikaze Miko Registered User new member
    This is my first Pax and I'm super excited. These are my cosplays and I pray they are not breaking any rules. I hope to be in the LoL cosplay show thingy they have. Been saving and saving and I can't wait to see other amazing works by people.

  • Mistress_IshboMistress_Ishbo Leominster, MARegistered User regular
    This is my first Pax and I'm super excited. These are my cosplays and I pray they are not breaking any rules. I hope to be in the LoL cosplay show thingy they have. Been saving and saving and I can't wait to see other amazing works by people.
    on of my good friends that is coming with me to Pax This year will be cosplaying a LoL character as well. She is going as Ahri. I will be Storm from X-Men! Hope to see you there! I just likes your facebook page with my facebook page.... XD I hope that makes sense!

  • stardust462stardust462 Leominster, MARegistered User regular
    This is my first Pax and I'm super excited. These are my cosplays and I pray they are not breaking any rules. I hope to be in the LoL cosplay show thingy they have. Been saving and saving and I can't wait to see other amazing works by people.

    I hope to be in the LoL cosplay show too. I was last year, and I just happened to stumble upon it. Does anyone know if Riot posts any details ahead of time, either here or on their own social media/communities?

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular

    I hope to be in the LoL cosplay show too. I was last year, and I just happened to stumble upon it. Does anyone know if Riot posts any details ahead of time, either here or on their own social media/communities?

    Not sure about if they post or not, but usually you can stop by the booth and ask. Rioters walking around can also be helpful if it is too crazy by the booth itself. They'll give you a rough time to be in the area and signed up.

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • pelicanflippelicanflip Registered User regular
    This is my first Pax and I'm super excited. These are my cosplays and I pray they are not breaking any rules. I hope to be in the LoL cosplay show thingy they have. Been saving and saving and I can't wait to see other amazing works by people.

    I hope to be in the LoL cosplay show too. I was last year, and I just happened to stumble upon it. Does anyone know if Riot posts any details ahead of time, either here or on their own social media/communities?

    They have definitely announced in the past cosplay contests/meetups via their own forums. It'd be your best bet to see when and where they're holding the contest.

  • phillerphiller Registered User regular
    Welp. Shoulder holster acquired. Shirt ordered, extra pair of pants acquired. All I need now are the white tank tops and some toy pistols. The latter are proving...tricky. Any ideas as to where I can acquire them (Keeping in mind that, living in Canada, shipping can be problematic).

    Oh, and to shave my head (and regrow the beard- trimmed it too short yesterday). But that's not until April.

    This year's PAX shall be awash in gloomy, self-referential monologuing.
    Regiment wrote: »
    (Why do all male video game characters have to wear so many shirts? I'm gonna cook and die... again...)

    I'm concerned about the opposite- I'll be in a hawaiian shirt and tank top/just a tank top- I'm a bit worried about freezing my tuchus off.

    Since you don't really need convincing looking pistols, just browse around any local dollar stores. Sometimes they have some decent looking ones for cheap. Next best place would be any costume/masks stores - little more quality, but do expect to pay up.

    I remember Montreal had this neat costume shop, happened to get an awesome metal revolver there for a photo shoot. There should be other options there too

    All Kinds of Philler: A pop culture podcast remarkably free of filler!
    Twitter: @phillerworks || @AKOPpodcast || Steam: mr_philler
    PAX East '14 Locations: || Classic Console Freeplay || Tabletop Area || Long Wharf Pre-PAX Game Night (Come say hi or trade buttons!)
  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    philler wrote: »
    Welp. Shoulder holster acquired. Shirt ordered, extra pair of pants acquired. All I need now are the white tank tops and some toy pistols. The latter are proving...tricky. Any ideas as to where I can acquire them (Keeping in mind that, living in Canada, shipping can be problematic).

    Oh, and to shave my head (and regrow the beard- trimmed it too short yesterday). But that's not until April.

    This year's PAX shall be awash in gloomy, self-referential monologuing.
    Regiment wrote: »
    (Why do all male video game characters have to wear so many shirts? I'm gonna cook and die... again...)

    I'm concerned about the opposite- I'll be in a hawaiian shirt and tank top/just a tank top- I'm a bit worried about freezing my tuchus off.

    Since you don't really need convincing looking pistols, just browse around any local dollar stores. Sometimes they have some decent looking ones for cheap. Next best place would be any costume/masks stores - little more quality, but do expect to pay up.

    I remember Montreal had this neat costume shop, happened to get an awesome metal revolver there for a photo shoot. There should be other options there too

    Thank you. I think I know of the costume shop you speak- near the old port, aye?

    My pin lanyard
    PSN: L00nyEclip
    Steam: Loony Eclipse
    Twitter: @Loonyeclipse

  • Mistress_IshboMistress_Ishbo Leominster, MARegistered User regular
    edited January 2014
    This is thus far what I have. I gotta buy wonderflex to finish the cape off, the green part is the stencil/prototype! And I gotta buy a white suit since it is a bit sheer. I also plan on adding ruffled fabric on the upper arms. I am pretty happy with how everything is turning out!

    There are a lot of images, so here is a link if you wanna see them! Mind you, I do not own a sewing machine. This is was all by hand.. So that's why I wanted to start making this cosplay early! So I have enough time!

    Here is an album on my Facebook Page!

    Thanks for tuning in everyone! Cannot wait to see all of you! :D

    zerzhul on
  • phillerphiller Registered User regular
    philler wrote: »
    Since you don't really need convincing looking pistols, just browse around any local dollar stores. Sometimes they have some decent looking ones for cheap. Next best place would be any costume/masks stores - little more quality, but do expect to pay up.

    I remember Montreal had this neat costume shop, happened to get an awesome metal revolver there for a photo shoot. There should be other options there too

    Thank you. I think I know of the costume shop you speak- near the old port, aye?

    Yeah, I want to say it's either Eva B or Montreal Halloween Costumes, based on the location and where I stayed in the city, but I could be very wrong. Either way, there's ton of costumes shops to check out! Hope that works out for you.

    All Kinds of Philler: A pop culture podcast remarkably free of filler!
    Twitter: @phillerworks || @AKOPpodcast || Steam: mr_philler
    PAX East '14 Locations: || Classic Console Freeplay || Tabletop Area || Long Wharf Pre-PAX Game Night (Come say hi or trade buttons!)
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    This is thus far what I have. I gotta buy wonderflex to finish the cape off, the green part is the stencil/prototype! And I gotta buy a white suit since it is a bit sheer. I also plan on adding ruffled fabric on the upper arms. I am pretty happy with how everything is turning out!

    There are a lot of images, so here is a link if you wanna see them! Mind you, I do not own a sewing machine. This is was all by hand.. So that's why I wanted to start making this cosplay early! So I have enough time!

    Here is an album on my Facebook Page!

    Thanks for tuning in everyone! Cannot wait to see all of you! :D

    The Storm white eyes rock .... awesome

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • Mistress_IshboMistress_Ishbo Leominster, MARegistered User regular
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    The Storm white eyes rock .... awesome
    Thanks a bunch!

  • DaNickaDaNicka Studly Nurd Peoples Republic Of Massachusetts, DunstableRegistered User regular
    I need a 3rd cosplay I was thinking about doing Sabu from ECW or Mr. Satan from DBZ I'll have a mustache/beard grown in for Mario. I will be doing my 8-Bit Fire Mario and a lil twist tweak on Akuma again :)

  • a fraking toastera fraking toaster W1TRK Registered User regular
    woohoo bought the blue jumpsuit for fallout 3 vault dweller cosplay.just need yellow fabric and someone who can sew and ill be good to go.

  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    Pistols acquired! I just need the tanktop and to shave my head (and for the shirt to arrive)- I'm STOKED!

    My pin lanyard
    PSN: L00nyEclip
    Steam: Loony Eclipse
    Twitter: @Loonyeclipse

  • dyeingbraddyeingbrad Registered User regular
    I am planning on doing a Detective Gumshoe cosplay all I need is a tie and a timely haircut and probably hair dye.

  • KerotaniKerotani Registered User new member
    I'm thinking of going as Dutch from Black Lagoon, are there any other fans. It would be fun if we got a group together.

  • hsuhsu Registered User regular
    edited February 2014
    AaronC wrote: »
    3. Realistic looking toy guns that are not airsoft are fine.
    I'm late to the party here, but as a local, I would strongly suggest that nobody bring a realistic looking toy gun to PAX.
    3 years back, the police shutdown a popular mall, because someone mistook an umbrella for a rifle.
    Personally, I think it was stupid how mall security could mistake an umbrella for a rifle, but that's Boston for you.
    Paint your toy gun white, make it look like a prop, whatever, just make sure it does not look realistic.
    I'm nobody official, just an attendee who doesn't want to see the convention center shutdown due to police over reaction.

    hsu on
  • kelseycadaverkelseycadaver Registered User regular
    Hello everyone! I have the base of my police officer VI gloves pretty much done but I ran into an issue trying to find a good material. I need something that would work/look like plexiglass or at least is sturdy and is transparent enough for light to go through, but I can also heat it to bend it. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction, since my current idea is to make a mold and cast with resin but I'm not sure how well that would work. what the character looks like. any advice would be helpful.

  • kelseycadaverkelseycadaver Registered User regular
    Hello everyone! I have the base of my police officer VI gloves pretty much done but I ran into an issue trying to find a good material. I need something that would work/look like plexiglass or at least is sturdy and is transparent enough for light to go through, but I can also heat it to bend it. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction, since my current idea is to make a mold and cast with resin but I'm not sure how well that would work. what the character looks like. any advice would be helpful.

  • WulfWulf Disciple of Tzeentch The Void... (New Jersey)Registered User regular
    Hello everyone! I have the base of my police officer VI gloves pretty much done but I ran into an issue trying to find a good material. I need something that would work/look like plexiglass or at least is sturdy and is transparent enough for light to go through, but I can also heat it to bend it. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction, since my current idea is to make a mold and cast with resin but I'm not sure how well that would work. what the character looks like. any advice would be helpful.

    I can, from experience, recommend clear PVC material. It is bendable/moldable with a heat gun easily, and stays transparent.

    Everyone needs a little Chaos!
  • APacManAPacMan Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    edited February 2014
    satyr16 wrote: »
    Part of the back rig for my Isaac Clarke outfit. I recently added the stasis module unit. Need to add a few more pieces, paper mache it, add straps to it to seat on my back properly, then hand paint it. Then on to the helmet!

    Super excited to see the end product of this. I'll be enforcing this year, but we're going to have to meet up.


    *Note - My suit is being commissioned, but I'm making my own plasma cutter

    APacMan on
    We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true. -Robert Wilensky

    Twitter: @APacManSays
  • Geno GaronGeno Garon Registered User regular

    Mage&Mercenary Cosplay will be returning to Pax East as extremely informal, non-notable guests! Our cosplay line-up includes:

    Rei Inari:

    Marian Hawke (Mage) : Dragon Age 2
    Midnight Ahri : League of Legends
    Ruby Rose : RWBY

    Geno Garon

    Anders : Dragon Age 2
    Classic Garen : League of Legends
    Jaune Arc : RWBY

    Come say hi if you see us, and be sure to point out to Geno where the nearest Cookie Brigadier is. See you all at PaxEast!

  • WulfWulf Disciple of Tzeentch The Void... (New Jersey)Registered User regular
    Gonna order my new boots and the pants next pay cheque, get the haircut and I'll snap some pictures. Can't wait for PAX :D

    Everyone needs a little Chaos!
  • DaeDrougDaeDroug Registered User new member
    hsu wrote: »
    AaronC wrote: »
    3. Realistic looking toy guns that are not airsoft are fine.
    I'm late to the party here, but as a local, I would strongly suggest that nobody bring a realistic looking toy gun to PAX.
    3 years back, the police shutdown a popular mall, because someone mistook an umbrella for a rifle.
    Personally, I think it was stupid how mall security could mistake an umbrella for a rifle, but that's Boston for you.
    Paint your toy gun white, make it look like a prop, whatever, just make sure it does not look realistic.
    I'm nobody official, just an attendee who doesn't want to see the convention center shutdown due to police over reaction.
    Seems to me that was less the mall security making a mistake but random patrons of the mall making the mistake. Suffice to say I'd like to think our bunch going to Pax East aren't going to be running shouting "Gun!" when we're too enthralled by all these awesome cosplayers.

  • lt.zach7lt.zach7 Registered User new member
    Does anybody know whether or not Jessica Nigri will be there????

  • Kamikaze MikoKamikaze Miko Registered User new member
    I maybe cutting my Siren cosplay since Irrational games may not be there and well I was doing the cosplay for them. I"m a sad panda right now.

  • AnarCHrisAnarCHris Trash Lord New York CityRegistered User regular
    edited February 2014
    I maybe cutting my Siren cosplay since Irrational games may not be there and well I was doing the cosplay for them. I"m a sad panda right now.

    Bring it! There's going to be hell of Bioshock cosplay (Levine RT my wife and I's cosplay last night on twitter), and if there's any con that Irrational will have a swang song, it's PAX East. Plus, I'm bringing my Booker as is, lol.

    As for Nigri, I wouldn't hold my breath. She and WB Games violated PAX's "booth babes" policies like 2 years ago which cause a brief thing. I don't think she was there last year, so odds are she won't be this year.

    AnarCHris on
  • MelSnyMelSny New JerseyRegistered User regular
    If I cosplay It would be my first time.. I sorta wanted to be an anime character but will try to think of some game ideas.

    Any Fairy tail cosplayers.. time to go as Happy.. (jk) maybe someone from there. My friend Loco and me will be trying to come up with something..

    I plan on doing Lucy!! I believe we will have a Gray, Natsu, Spirit Loke, and possible Laxus. I really wish I knew more girls. Also that I could make difficult cosplays....Heaven's Wheel Erza anyone?


    "You want to kill me? You couldn't even kill my boredom" - Roronoa Zoro (One Piece).

    Attending PAX East since 2011.
  • NightmareNightmare Registered User regular
    edited February 2014
    Tryndamere sword is close to finished, just a few more details and my cosplay will be done

    Nightmare on
  • WulfWulf Disciple of Tzeentch The Void... (New Jersey)Registered User regular

    Everyone needs a little Chaos!
  • Registered User new member
    We had 3-days last year I cosplayed Mad Moxxi :) This year, we're going on Saturday and Sunday. At this point I am planning one cosplay - Diablo 3 Demon Hunter. I want to try to get a second one together, but the Demon Hunter is the biggest cosplay I've attempted yet so it all depends on time!

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    We had 3-days last year I cosplayed Mad Moxxi :) This year, we're going on Saturday and Sunday. At this point I am planning one cosplay - Diablo 3 Demon Hunter. I want to try to get a second one together, but the Demon Hunter is the biggest cosplay I've attempted yet so it all depends on time!

    Could be a look so nice you do it twice !!!!

    I am not a cosplayer myself but I think I am looking as much forward to seeing all the cosplayers as I am attending the con .... cannot wait.

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • WulfWulf Disciple of Tzeentch The Void... (New Jersey)Registered User regular
    So, I have a bit of windburn on my face, and the hair on one side is a bit long, but… getting there!
    Captain Hammer, take one

    Everyone needs a little Chaos!
  • agreatrandomagreatrandom Wizard Outside BostonRegistered User regular
    lt.zach7 wrote: »
    Does anybody know whether or not Jessica Nigri will be there????



    Design Wizard, Pizza Enthusiast, Craft Beer Extraordinare from MA
  • WulfWulf Disciple of Tzeentch The Void... (New Jersey)Registered User regular
    edited March 2014

    Dr. Horrible Death Ray, as of this morning.
    Well, just the wooden, unpainted bits. The front assembly and scope are mostly done, just need to be assembled and attached.

    Wulf on
    Everyone needs a little Chaos!
  • thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
    I've been sewing. Still a lot to do and i need to take it in in places.

  • AngelinePetrichorAngelinePetrichor Registered User regular
    Anyone doing any of the AC4 multiplayer characters? Was thinking of doing the rebel but don't know if I'd be recognized out of context.

  • ThemiscyraThemiscyra Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Fellow cosplayers, I have what may be a rather impossible question. My Pink Ranger costume now includes the Power Bow, complete with arrow, and obviously I want to comply with PAX's weapons policy. Everything is pretty much in order, I think (no sharp points or edges, definitely a costume weapon, etc.) except for the non-firing part. I just can't seem to find a bowstring that's elastic but won't actually allow me to fire the arrow. I've solved this problem for now by removing the bowstring, and if need be I'll just leave it off for the show, but I know people have cosplayed as archers at PAX in the past (your Katnisses, your Lara Crofts, whatever) and I wanted to know if anyone had any tips on this front.

    ETA: I realize this may be impossible, of course, and any amount of elasticity may mean I can fire the arrow over at least short distances. But I figured it was worth asking in case anyone had a way around the problem.

    Themiscyra on
    PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut
    After time adrift among open stars
    Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
    I will return to where I began
  • YavariceYavarice Registered User regular
    Themiscyra wrote: »
    Fellow cosplayers, I have what may be a rather impossible question. My Pink Ranger costume now includes the Power Bow, complete with arrow, and obviously I want to comply with PAX's weapons policy. Everything is pretty much in order, I think (no sharp points or edges, definitely a costume weapon, etc.) except for the non-firing part. I just can't seem to find a bowstring that's elastic but won't actually allow me to fire the arrow. I've solved this problem for now by removing the bowstring, and if need be I'll just leave it off for the show, but I know people have cosplayed as archers at PAX in the past (your Katnisses, your Lara Crofts, whatever) and I wanted to know if anyone had any tips on this front.
    ETA: I realize this may be impossible, of course, and any amount of elasticity may mean I can fire the arrow over at least short distances. But I figured it was worth asking in case anyone had a way around the problem.

    A bow's power comes from the 'flex' in the arms and not the string itself, so a very elastic bowstring could actually be safer to have strung than a rigid one lol. That said it could still be deemed inappropriate so maybe carry 2 different lengths of string around, depending on if you're posing with it pulled or not?

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