I am having quite the issue of picking a wig for Raven from Teen Titans. I guess my issue is do I go with Raven whom 90% of the time has the short hair, or do I just go for a customized version her and myself. I mean to be honest I don't know how to make a wig, and I dont want to go for the V shaped cut bangs because she doesn't have bangs she has a widows peak. So I think the easiest way to handle this is to just get a purple wig, that is shortish and will look right on my face. And just pretend that one detail is not eating me away internally...
I love Tacos.
WoW: BanAnnaPi#1341
Steam: BanAnnaPie
Origin: BanAnnaPie
3DS Friend Code: 3840 - 6540 - 5643 https://twitter.com/xAnnasaurusx
I am cosplaying as Daenerys Targaryen for this year. I am not going to be kicked out for some cleavage, am I? I brought the neck line up as much as I can, but there will still be a little cleavage, which I can't really help without ruining my cosplay...Will this be a problem?
I am cosplaying as Daenerys Targaryen for this year. I am not going to be kicked out for some cleavage, am I? I brought the neck line up as much as I can, but there will still be a little cleavage, which I can't really help without ruining my cosplay...Will this be a problem?
Cosplayers are allowed a lot of leeway. You would only be asked to change your costume if it were deemed to be an extreme showing of body parts. The only thing I can remember in recent memory being asked to cover up more was a Zangief that was wearing /extremely/ small shorts.
Exhibitors on the other hand are working under a totally different rule set and are restricted by the booth babe policy.
I am cosplaying as Daenerys Targaryen for this year. I am not going to be kicked out for some cleavage, am I? I brought the neck line up as much as I can, but there will still be a little cleavage, which I can't really help without ruining my cosplay...Will this be a problem?
Cosplayers are allowed a lot of leeway. You would only be asked to change your costume if it were deemed to be an extreme showing of body parts. The only thing I can remember in recent memory being asked to cover up more was a Zangief that was wearing /extremely/ small shorts.
Exhibitors on the other hand are working under a totally different rule set and are restricted by the booth babe policy.
Ahh thanks. I am fairly busty, but I am going to take my chances. I do my best to cover up what I can, and nothing is about to pop out, so I think I should be okay.
Anyone doing any of the AC4 multiplayer characters? Was thinking of doing the rebel but don't know if I'd be recognized out of context.
I was thinking of showing up as Mary Read, but had the same qualms about being recognized, "isn't it just a pirate costume?", etc. I think that in the end, the people who loved the game will recognize you, and if you've made a costume you love then that's what matters.
(It also helps knowing that there's other prospective AC4 cosplayers considering it!)
Honestly, I think I'm just going to go stringless. It's a magic space bow, it doesn't need a string. (And it doesn't consistently have one on the show, so...)
PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
I love seeing all your pictures! This is my second PAX and while I'm not quite ready to do a full costume, I decided to make some Pokemon hats this year (one for each day, of course!). I'm planning to buy supplies this weekend, so once they actually start coming together, I'll post some pictures.
I am cosplaying as Daenerys Targaryen for this year. I am not going to be kicked out for some cleavage, am I? I brought the neck line up as much as I can, but there will still be a little cleavage, which I can't really help without ruining my cosplay...Will this be a problem?
Attendees can wear pretty much anything that doesn't show nipples, genitalia, pubic hair or ass crack.
You could wear a bikini all show if you wanted to and not violate the costume rules.
Paid models of companies have different rules which do not apply to attendees.
If anyone has played Sentinels of the Multiverse, I am planning as going as Chronoranger. I have everything except the hardest part; his mechanical arm. I have no clue how to go about making it. I was going to go for the one where its more of a claw (kind of like Slayback from the Marvel universe). Can anyone offer some tips or point me in the right direction?
Aredhel22Blue Nova CosplayPittsburghRegistered Userregular
For anyone that doesn't know, there's a thread on Cosplay.com (http://www.cosplay.com/showthread.php?t=336845) that's also for PAX! We should really set up some photoshoots for all of our cosplays. I know a bunch of us are doing Bioshock Infinite things, so we should get together.
Like I said in the other forum, my lineup for the weekend is:
Friday - Chell (Portal 2)
Saturday - Rosalind Lutece (Bioshock Infinite)
Sunday - Poison Ivy
WulfDisciple of TzeentchThe Void... (New Jersey)Registered Userregular
edited March 2014
Sorry for the large size, but I can't get it to remove the image for a smaller version
Going to be devoting an hour or so each day to work on this thing, so that I can get it done soon. Some of the parts are a little 'out-sized' but it's easier to take material off than to have to build things up :P
For anyone that doesn't know, there's a thread on Cosplay.com (http://www.cosplay.com/showthread.php?t=336845) that's also for PAX! We should really set up some photoshoots for all of our cosplays. I know a bunch of us are doing Bioshock Infinite things, so we should get together.
If you can think of a space I know there's a lot of people like me (semi-semi-pro) who will have professional grade cameras and love taking pictures of all the awesome costumes you guys come up with. I've always thought there should be a formal space for pictures as it can be a bit awkward (and I'm sure somewhat annoying at times for you all) randomly stopping cosplayers as they walk around.
AnarCHrisTrash LordNew York CityRegistered Userregular
For anyone that doesn't know, there's a thread on Cosplay.com (http://www.cosplay.com/showthread.php?t=336845) that's also for PAX! We should really set up some photoshoots for all of our cosplays. I know a bunch of us are doing Bioshock Infinite things, so we should get together.
Like I said in the other forum, my lineup for the weekend is:
Friday - Chell (Portal 2)
Saturday - Rosalind Lutece (Bioshock Infinite)
Sunday - Poison Ivy
I am aware of said thread because I made it. Sadly, this seems to be the more active of the two. I'll add you to Steam when I get home for PLOT PLOT PLOTS!
For anyone that doesn't know, there's a thread on Cosplay.com (http://www.cosplay.com/showthread.php?t=336845) that's also for PAX! We should really set up some photoshoots for all of our cosplays. I know a bunch of us are doing Bioshock Infinite things, so we should get together.
If you can think of a space I know there's a lot of people like me (semi-semi-pro) who will have professional grade cameras and love taking pictures of all the awesome costumes you guys come up with. I've always thought there should be a formal space for pictures as it can be a bit awkward (and I'm sure somewhat annoying at times for you all) randomly stopping cosplayers as they walk around.
I kinda like the idea of a formal space for shoots, but I'm sure it would also be a logistics nightmare for several reasons. Last year there was an attempt for a cos-gathering of sorts near the foodcourts/Rock Band area, and maybe like 10 ppl showed up, so it's not like PAX is heavy on the cosplay. That being said, I'm usually up for anything, provided it doesnt mess with any events I wanna hit up.
I think PAX does have quite a bit of cosplay, the difficulty for these sorts of things is that they're not all on the forums. Since there are no "official" pax-sponsored cosplay events, cosplayers have to rely on self-made or exhibitor-made events which are harder to communicate than official ones.
Note: If you guys want to organize a cosplay meetup via this thread, and photographers want to go to that, that's cool. This is just a reminder for professional photographers that they cannot use these forums to promote their wares (not that anyone is doing that).
JonnyRuckusBest in the World/GhostbusterNew HampshireRegistered Userregular
I guess I'll just a be a ghostbuster for the 5 year running
I kinda like the idea of a formal space for shoots, but I'm sure it would also be a logistics nightmare for several reasons. Last year there was an attempt for a cos-gathering of sorts near the foodcourts/Rock Band area, and maybe like 10 ppl showed up, so it's not like PAX is heavy on the cosplay. That being said, I'm usually up for anything, provided it doesnt mess with any events I wanna hit up.
Yea I think it would have to be more formal, and since as z mentions there's no formal site or sponsored section by PAX it would probably need to be in a nearby establishment (one of the hotels for example). What would be really cool is if someone could organize a 'fashion show' kind of thing at one of the hotels.
This shouldn't be a for profit thing. No different than the people already walking around taking photos in the exhibition hall or in the corridors, just a fun thing some people would enjoy for free. If anything it might benefit PAX as a whole by reducing the amount of traffic issues caused by people taking photos.
WulfDisciple of TzeentchThe Void... (New Jersey)Registered Userregular
I guess I'll just a be a ghostbuster for the 5 year running
Always love seeing you guys!
Everyone needs a little Chaos!
Aredhel22Blue Nova CosplayPittsburghRegistered Userregular
Oh gosh! No money involved! I just wanted to get together unofficially and take pictures of everyone else's costumes all in one place. I've organized shoots at other conventions before, but I knew the layouts and the best spaces to shoot. Like I said, this is my first time at PAX, so I wouldn't know where a good place would be to meet up would be. And, of course, it would have to be scheduled around panels.
AnarCHrisTrash LordNew York CityRegistered Userregular
I think PAX does have quite a bit of cosplay, the difficulty for these sorts of things is that they're not all on the forums. Since there are no "official" pax-sponsored cosplay events, cosplayers have to rely on self-made or exhibitor-made events which are harder to communicate than official ones.
Note: If you guys want to organize a cosplay meetup via this thread, and photographers want to go to that, that's cool. This is just a reminder for professional photographers that they cannot use these forums to promote their wares (not that anyone is doing that).
Should have clarified that I meant PAX's cosplay scene is smaller compared to most of the cons I go to. Quality-wise, it's pretty damn great.
This shouldn't be a for profit thing. No different than the people already walking around taking photos in the exhibition hall or in the corridors, just a fun thing some people would enjoy for free. If anything it might benefit PAX as a whole by reducing the amount of traffic issues caused by people taking photos.
To be fair, I thought the reduction of traffice between the last 2 years was fantastic. Obviously the Vendor's hall will always be crazy, but that goes without saying.
Oh gosh! No money involved! I just wanted to get together unofficially and take pictures of everyone else's costumes all in one place. I've organized shoots at other conventions before, but I knew the layouts and the best spaces to shoot. Like I said, this is my first time at PAX, so I wouldn't know where a good place would be to meet up would be. And, of course, it would have to be scheduled around panels.
LOL I dont think anyone thought other. I think it's just Zerz enforcing MOD-LAW and what not. EVERYTHING IS OKAY!
If the BSI group is smallish, I know a few area around the con center that work. Like I said, we shall plot plot plot and what not
Oh gosh! No money involved! I just wanted to get together unofficially and take pictures of everyone else's costumes all in one place. I've organized shoots at other conventions before, but I knew the layouts and the best spaces to shoot. Like I said, this is my first time at PAX, so I wouldn't know where a good place would be to meet up would be. And, of course, it would have to be scheduled around panels.
I love this idea, I did a photo walk at NYCC and it becomes so hectic with the crowd and crappy lighting in some areas. I am no pro, but I photo for hobby. Would love to have a meet up Saturday for cosplays and photos! Hopefully it'll be nice out too, usually there are cool spots outside.
All the hard work that goes into the cosplay, I like to think getting a great shot or two for the person is at least some form of appreciation.
I'm pretty excited to cosplay for the first time! Here's what my boyfriend and I will be going as:
Lara Croft/Alex Weiss
Ellie/Joel (The Last of Us)
Wendy Testaburger/Stan Marsh
We haven't chosen the days so I'm not sure when we will be going as what... but my question: will we be stopped a lot to take pictures? I'm excited to see those dressed up as the same people we are!
I'm pretty excited to cosplay for the first time! Here's what my boyfriend and I will be going as:
Lara Croft/Alex Weiss
Ellie/Joel (The Last of Us)
Wendy Testaburger/Stan Marsh
We haven't chosen the days so I'm not sure when we will be going as what... but my question: will we be stopped a lot to take pictures? I'm excited to see those dressed up as the same people we are!
South Park !! Awesome .....
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
I've got everything I need for the costume, it all fits properly, etc (Still haven't shaved my head- that will only come a week or so before PAX- thinning as it is, I'm attached to my hair).
Max has a number of small facial cuts at this point in the game, and I'm debating replicating them. We're not talkign fuill on zombie wounds or Joker scars, but little nicks that came from a bomb that blew up on him a day or so before, so they're in that odd semi-healed state.
What could I use to (cost-effectively and easily) duplicate these?
I know my daughter does makeup for haunted houses, plays, etc. She uses liquid latex and fake blood for similar cuts ... not sure how hard that stuff is to find this time of year but it is not that expensive in my recollection.
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
AnarCHrisTrash LordNew York CityRegistered Userregular
Oh gosh! No money involved! I just wanted to get together unofficially and take pictures of everyone else's costumes all in one place. I've organized shoots at other conventions before, but I knew the layouts and the best spaces to shoot. Like I said, this is my first time at PAX, so I wouldn't know where a good place would be to meet up would be. And, of course, it would have to be scheduled around panels.
I love this idea, I did a photo walk at NYCC and it becomes so hectic with the crowd and crappy lighting in some areas. I am no pro, but I photo for hobby. Would love to have a meet up Saturday for cosplays and photos! Hopefully it'll be nice out too, usually there are cool spots outside.
All the hard work that goes into the cosplay, I like to think getting a great shot or two for the person is at least some form of appreciation.
I think I speak for a lot of ppl when I say that I'd would like to hear your ideas for a meet up.
We haven't chosen the days so I'm not sure when we will be going as what... but my question: will we be stopped a lot to take pictures? I'm excited to see those dressed up as the same people we are!
Maybe! There's no guarantee either way honestly (I've had great costumes ignored, and obscure costume loved). I mean, it's usually safe to say you'll be stop a few times, but nothing is certain.
Max has a number of small facial cuts at this point in the game, and I'm debating replicating them. We're not talkign fuill on zombie wounds or Joker scars, but little nicks that came from a bomb that blew up on him a day or so before, so they're in that odd semi-healed state.
What could I use to (cost-effectively and easily) duplicate these?
If your good with painting then you could just use makeup/facepaint to get the nicks that you need, it just about how you layer the paint and understanding shadows and highlights. Here are a few of my favorite youtube costume makeup artists Pinkstylist he uses a combo of facepaint and latex. MadeYewLook she uses only facepaint for her costume makeup. I recommend watching a few to see if you'd want to use solely the facepaint/makeup. As to were to get the facepaint, most party stores will have it, and makeup you can get at drugstores, walmarts, ect.
If you want more of a popped out look, then you can probably go to a party store and find
scar wax. I'd also get liquid latex or spirit gum to go with it. If you can't find the scar wax or if it's to pricy (not sure how much party stores sell it for), you can use a mixture of tissue paper and glue and make strips then use a combo of facepaint and acrylic paint to paint it in. Here's a video that shows the process. It's my go to for scar makeup since it's cheaper.
Also before you use any makeup, make sure to test it on your skin(like arm or back of you hand) so you know how you'll react to it before you put it on your face. Also sealing powder or baby powder is great for making sure the makeup stays on for long periods of time.
(sorry for such a long post )
I am cosplaying as Daenerys Targaryen for this year. I am not going to be kicked out for some cleavage, am I? I brought the neck line up as much as I can, but there will still be a little cleavage, which I can't really help without ruining my cosplay...Will this be a problem?
Attendees can wear pretty much anything that doesn't show nipples, genitalia, pubic hair or ass crack.
You could wear a bikini all show if you wanted to and not violate the costume rules.
Paid models of companies have different rules which do not apply to attendees.
Thanks. Just checking, it would suck to get kicked out for some cleavage.
Oh gosh! No money involved! I just wanted to get together unofficially and take pictures of everyone else's costumes all in one place. I've organized shoots at other conventions before, but I knew the layouts and the best spaces to shoot. Like I said, this is my first time at PAX, so I wouldn't know where a good place would be to meet up would be. And, of course, it would have to be scheduled around panels.
Well if you do it, let me know. I will be in full blown Daenerys Targaryen cosplay on Saturday.
So I too am doing a Solaire cosplay this year, but I'm curious if I can bring my fencing epee as my sword. It's made of metal, with a button instead of a point so as to register touches. The blade itself is springy and designed to mitigate pain. Still I'd rather try to get a clear ruling on this before I end up hauling it to Boston. Thanks!
@JonnyRuckus Hey my buddy has been talking to you on the gbfans forums (we're the New Brunswick guys that just did our 1st proton pack build), this will be our first con in cosplay. Really looking forward to meeting you guys! Our costumes aren't "complete" but we're looking forward to taking them for a spin! I think our plan is to only dress with the packs on Saturday.
Oh gosh! No money involved! I just wanted to get together unofficially and take pictures of everyone else's costumes all in one place. I've organized shoots at other conventions before, but I knew the layouts and the best spaces to shoot. Like I said, this is my first time at PAX, so I wouldn't know where a good place would be to meet up would be. And, of course, it would have to be scheduled around panels.
Well if you do it, let me know. I will be in full blown Daenerys Targaryen cosplay on Saturday.
Anyone familiar with the layout/lighting at BCEC know a good meet up spot?
I'd love to get some GoT shots!
I wish I had the time to make something. Although since I am Asian maybe I can just say I'm Glen lol
WulfDisciple of TzeentchThe Void... (New Jersey)Registered Userregular
edited March 2014
Man am I glad Captain Hammer was an easy one for me, as every time I piece together the Death Ray I keep wanting to tweak it, but I know I have to get all the bits done asap so I can route the wires for the sound chip, activation button and lights and prep it for paint
Grumble grumble /perfectionist_problems
Wulf on
Everyone needs a little Chaos!
AnarCHrisTrash LordNew York CityRegistered Userregular
People who have had bows before have used replacement string that has no elasticity. Something like that would be fine.
WoW: BanAnnaPi#1341
Steam: BanAnnaPie
Origin: BanAnnaPie
3DS Friend Code: 3840 - 6540 - 5643
Doubtful. She was there 2 years ago...she doesn't pop up often.
Exhibitors on the other hand are working under a totally different rule set and are restricted by the booth babe policy.
Ahh thanks. I am fairly busty, but I am going to take my chances. I do my best to cover up what I can, and nothing is about to pop out, so I think I should be okay.
I was thinking of showing up as Mary Read, but had the same qualms about being recognized, "isn't it just a pirate costume?", etc. I think that in the end, the people who loved the game will recognize you, and if you've made a costume you love then that's what matters.
(It also helps knowing that there's other prospective AC4 cosplayers considering it!)
After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
Design Wizard, Pizza Enthusiast, Craft Beer Extraordinare from MA
Attendees can wear pretty much anything that doesn't show nipples, genitalia, pubic hair or ass crack.
You could wear a bikini all show if you wanted to and not violate the costume rules.
Paid models of companies have different rules which do not apply to attendees.
Like I said in the other forum, my lineup for the weekend is:
Friday - Chell (Portal 2)
Saturday - Rosalind Lutece (Bioshock Infinite)
Sunday - Poison Ivy
Going to be devoting an hour or so each day to work on this thing, so that I can get it done soon. Some of the parts are a little 'out-sized' but it's easier to take material off than to have to build things up :P
mod edit: removed huge image embed
Thank you Zer!
If you can think of a space I know there's a lot of people like me (semi-semi-pro) who will have professional grade cameras and love taking pictures of all the awesome costumes you guys come up with. I've always thought there should be a formal space for pictures as it can be a bit awkward (and I'm sure somewhat annoying at times for you all) randomly stopping cosplayers as they walk around.
I am aware of said thread because I made it. Sadly, this seems to be the more active of the two. I'll add you to Steam when I get home for PLOT PLOT PLOTS!
I kinda like the idea of a formal space for shoots, but I'm sure it would also be a logistics nightmare for several reasons. Last year there was an attempt for a cos-gathering of sorts near the foodcourts/Rock Band area, and maybe like 10 ppl showed up, so it's not like PAX is heavy on the cosplay. That being said, I'm usually up for anything, provided it doesnt mess with any events I wanna hit up.
Note: If you guys want to organize a cosplay meetup via this thread, and photographers want to go to that, that's cool. This is just a reminder for professional photographers that they cannot use these forums to promote their wares (not that anyone is doing that).
Yea I think it would have to be more formal, and since as z mentions there's no formal site or sponsored section by PAX it would probably need to be in a nearby establishment (one of the hotels for example). What would be really cool is if someone could organize a 'fashion show' kind of thing at one of the hotels.
This shouldn't be a for profit thing. No different than the people already walking around taking photos in the exhibition hall or in the corridors, just a fun thing some people would enjoy for free. If anything it might benefit PAX as a whole by reducing the amount of traffic issues caused by people taking photos.
Always love seeing you guys!
Should have clarified that I meant PAX's cosplay scene is smaller compared to most of the cons I go to. Quality-wise, it's pretty damn great.
To be fair, I thought the reduction of traffice between the last 2 years was fantastic. Obviously the Vendor's hall will always be crazy, but that goes without saying.
LOL I dont think anyone thought other. I think it's just Zerz enforcing MOD-LAW and what not.
If the BSI group is smallish, I know a few area around the con center that work. Like I said, we shall plot plot plot and what not
I love this idea, I did a photo walk at NYCC and it becomes so hectic with the crowd and crappy lighting in some areas. I am no pro, but I photo for hobby. Would love to have a meet up Saturday for cosplays and photos! Hopefully it'll be nice out too, usually there are cool spots outside.
All the hard work that goes into the cosplay, I like to think getting a great shot or two for the person is at least some form of appreciation.
Lara Croft/Alex Weiss
Ellie/Joel (The Last of Us)
Wendy Testaburger/Stan Marsh
We haven't chosen the days so I'm not sure when we will be going as what... but my question: will we be stopped a lot to take pictures? I'm excited to see those dressed up as the same people we are!
South Park !! Awesome .....
Now, a question-
I've got everything I need for the costume, it all fits properly, etc (Still haven't shaved my head- that will only come a week or so before PAX- thinning as it is, I'm attached to my hair).
Max has a number of small facial cuts at this point in the game, and I'm debating replicating them. We're not talkign fuill on zombie wounds or Joker scars, but little nicks that came from a bomb that blew up on him a day or so before, so they're in that odd semi-healed state.
What could I use to (cost-effectively and easily) duplicate these?
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
I think I speak for a lot of ppl when I say that I'd would like to hear your ideas for a meet up.
Maybe! There's no guarantee either way honestly (I've had great costumes ignored, and obscure costume loved). I mean, it's usually safe to say you'll be stop a few times, but nothing is certain.
he uses a combo of facepaint and latex. MadeYewLook she uses only facepaint for her costume makeup. I recommend watching a few to see if you'd want to use solely the facepaint/makeup. As to were to get the facepaint, most party stores will have it, and makeup you can get at drugstores, walmarts, ect.
If you want more of a popped out look, then you can probably go to a party store and find
scar wax. I'd also get liquid latex or spirit gum to go with it. If you can't find the scar wax or if it's to pricy (not sure how much party stores sell it for), you can use a mixture of tissue paper and glue and make strips then use a combo of facepaint and acrylic paint to paint it in. Here's a video that shows the process. It's my go to for scar makeup since it's cheaper.
Also before you use any makeup, make sure to test it on your skin(like arm or back of you hand) so you know how you'll react to it before you put it on your face. Also sealing powder or baby powder is great for making sure the makeup stays on for long periods of time.
(sorry for such a long post )
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
Still needs more spiky bits, Boss.
Thanks. Just checking, it would suck to get kicked out for some cleavage.
Well if you do it, let me know. I will be in full blown Daenerys Targaryen cosplay on Saturday.
So I too am doing a Solaire cosplay this year, but I'm curious if I can bring my fencing epee as my sword. It's made of metal, with a button instead of a point so as to register touches. The blade itself is springy and designed to mitigate pain. Still I'd rather try to get a clear ruling on this before I end up hauling it to Boston. Thanks!
Anyone familiar with the layout/lighting at BCEC know a good meet up spot?
I'd love to get some GoT shots!
I wish I had the time to make something. Although since I am Asian maybe I can just say I'm Glen lol
Grumble grumble /perfectionist_problems