I'm playing D&D 3.5 and have a Rogue 5/Assassin 4 with money to blow. The DM is pretty easy-going as far as magic items - pay the list price in the DMG and you can find someone to make them. I'm having a hard time figuring out what to spend this money on, though. What I have so far:
+1 keen dagger
+2 flaming dagger
+2 mithril chain shirt (shadow, silent moves)
Cloak of resistance +3
Ring of sustenance
Ring of iron will
Gloves of Dexterity +2
Boots of striding and springing (gets me out of the Dwarf 20 speed hole)
Grey bag of tricks (good for trap finding!)
Gem of brightness (blinds)
Immovable rod
Various poisons, scrolls and potions, and a wand of cure light wounds.
Edit: Handy Haversack
My thoughts were increasing the bonus on the gloves or the chain shirt, but I'm looking for more creative ideas to stay alive. We're running Rappan Athuk, so survival is key (I and one other player are the only ones to have survived so far).
The second is actually far far more important.
Edit: Initial thought, I would avoid further Keen stuff as it does very very little for you. A bonus 1d4+ some small number just isn't relevant. Do you use two weapons or simply have two weapons?
The keen dagger isn't that big a deal, but I do dual-wield when I can. If I can get a flank in, and I'm not fighting something that can take my entire health pool in one round I'll flank and dual-wield. Otherwise, I'm working my way toward spring attack.
That eversmoking bottle isn't a bad idea except I can already cast Obscuring Mist. It may not be as big an area, but that large an area could hinder the party as well as it helps me.
Also: added Handy Haversack to the list since I forgot about it. The group also has a portable hole and a brazier of commanding fire elementals at its disposal that we found in the dungeon.
Just out of reach and still kinda boring but effective: Cloak of Displacement, Minor. Pretty much a constant 20% miss chance for stuff attacking you. Can help when you're caught in melee.
Also just out of reach and not as good as it sounds but still classic: Ring of invisibility. It's a standard to activate and only lasts three minutes but it's on demand invisibility. This certainly isn't bad.
Still just out of reach and absolutely as good as it sounds: Wand of Greater Invisibility. Stab people with sneak attack all day, every day. Well, the next 50 combats anyways.
Man, with just a little more gold most of those become options. Maybe offer free somethings to party mates for a short term loan of a couple grand.
Which reminds me, a con boost is always good as you approach higher levels. Right now a +2 to Con (in the amulet slot I believe) is 9 hit points. That's not shabby for 4k.