I would also like something slanted a little more towards a gathering than a full-on party. I do think good food, drink, and games could be combined to find a happy medium between the two. If it's somewhere with other diversions such as pool, bowling, etc., then there would just be more fun stuff to do. Mostly, I'm just not interested in anything that combines obnoxious, loud music and drunken idiots in any form.
"I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell
I will have a 13 year old with me, so I am interested in the lower key event as well. Good food, company and yes drink (but not drunk). Games in whatever form would be welcome. Company most important !!!
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
AnarCHrisTrash LordNew York CityRegistered Userregular
I know there's usually a bunch of people chilling in the Westin PAX Sunday night every year playing games, trading pins, being responsible with their drinking. If you want something low key, there's that.
As for an after party, there's been various ones throughout Boston for the last 2 years.
I know there's usually a bunch of people chilling in the Westin PAX Sunday night every year playing games, trading pins, being responsible with their drinking. If you want something low key, there's that.
As for an after party, there's been various ones throughout Boston for the last 2 years.
That's great. Now we're at least thinking about trying to do something a little more organized that incorporates some of all of that. :-)
At least in my experience, drinking responsibly (maybe even mildly irresponsibly) doesn't have to mean low-key. There are ways to have a good time without having to get wasted. Besides, most people would be traveling on Monday, so hangovers would seem to be a rather poor idea.
"I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell
Steam: delaney_a
letsgamelawlzIf you want to know me, CHEESEAperture scienceRegistered Userregular
I'd go, but I leave Sunday at 2:00 am...
it seems everybody is doing this so....PAX EAST 2014: Badges[X] Travel[X] FRANNDS [X] My video game spirit [X] Party supplies[]
Ok so it sounds like there's def some interest. Now to get an approximation of volume.
I'll post a survey here later tonight.
I know it won't be anywhere near as exact but at least we'll know if there's 3 thousand of y'all or maybe less.
Survey will also ask about the type of event you'd be looking for, alcohol, cover charge, etc..
ed: ugh, survey will have to go up tomorrow. gotta hit the hay right now
A MUCH better version of D&B used to be Jillians, but that's across town. I say used to be, since we used to love going there in college. The bottom floor is a dance floor which we avoided like the plague, the second floor was a giant arcade (this is the part which looks like might have been at least partially taken over by bowling), and the top floor was pool tables and things like that. It was great stuff all around.
knsSoftware DesignerHalifax, CanadaRegistered Usernew member
Me and my homies will be in town until Monday as well, so this sounds like a great start to a plan for Sunday night!
Hmm. Playing Resistance or Cards Against Humanity with random people recooping from PAX while watching Game of Thrones (since it will be Sunday night and all). Sounds like a plan.
Picking up Redshirts to bring along ... looks like a fun twist on the whole Star Trek red shirt crew member thing ... object - kill off your all red shirts first ... it is deck based game but should be good for a few laughs.
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
The survey's been out for a few weeks. Only have a few responses so far, so maybe it's a matter of bumping the thread, as well as the big drive of forum activity not picking up real momentum until closer to the event.
So, will leave this out for the time being and will post some preliminary results in a week or so.
yeah this sounds like something i might be interested in, im local but im not sure if i'll drive into boston or just get droped off / use the train and if thats the case i'll be stuck with luggage
A MUCH better version of D&B used to be Jillians, but that's across town. I say used to be, since we used to love going there in college. The bottom floor is a dance floor which we avoided like the plague, the second floor was a giant arcade (this is the part which looks like might have been at least partially taken over by bowling), and the top floor was pool tables and things like that. It was great stuff all around.
Jillians is now 2nd floor pool tables and 3rd floor bowling, no video games that I saw at last years Turbine Party hosted there.
I'm working on a massive, massive Sunday evening boardgame night at the Westin - much like the Thursday evening one. Nothing is definitive yet, but we should know in the next few weeks if it will be happening.
So long as it's all ages, I think I could convince my sprog to go. We're local so we'll be around. This is our second PAX and since we were boxed out on attending two days this year due to the ridiculously fast sell out, we're looking to cram as much fun as possible into Sunday.
Last year, we ended up going to the Frontalot/Protomen concert Sunday night. I'd probably go again, if they plan something similar, but I think a comfortable gathering like this would be better to decompress for the long ride home Monday morning! If it's a copy of the Thursday board games, even better!
I'm working on a massive, massive Sunday evening boardgame night at the Westin - much like the Thursday evening one. Nothing is definitive yet, but we should know in the next few weeks if it will be happening.
Awesome! To me, this is the perfect after-party. I will definitely be there! And I will probably have purchased a few new games to play!
As for an after party, there's been various ones throughout Boston for the last 2 years.
That's great. Now we're at least thinking about trying to do something a little more organized that incorporates some of all of that. :-)
At least in my experience, drinking responsibly (maybe even mildly irresponsibly) doesn't have to mean low-key. There are ways to have a good time without having to get wasted. Besides, most people would be traveling on Monday, so hangovers would seem to be a rather poor idea.
So what you're saying is you have a good 5-7 hrs to party
PAX East 2019!
Badges [X] Hotel [X] Time off request [X]
I'll post a survey here later tonight.
I know it won't be anywhere near as exact but at least we'll know if there's 3 thousand of y'all or maybe less.
Survey will also ask about the type of event you'd be looking for, alcohol, cover charge, etc..
ed: ugh, survey will have to go up tomorrow. gotta hit the hay right now
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Only place i know that has all 3 its D&B in Braintree
added to OP
Also, if you know people that are going to PAX that aren't on the forums, spread the link (FB, twitter, etc.)
go go go!
might post this on reddit if there's a PAX subred
Witty signature comment goes here...
So, will leave this out for the time being and will post some preliminary results in a week or so.
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Witty signature comment goes here...
Jillians is now 2nd floor pool tables and 3rd floor bowling, no video games that I saw at last years Turbine Party hosted there.
Witty signature comment goes here...
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
Well, that's just sad. Used to love that second floor arcade
Now we're up to 72!
Hmmmmm.... the next step would be to start seeing who might be able to help put something together...
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Witty signature comment goes here...
If it's anything like the Thursday pre-pax one they're putting together, you can see all the deets here. It sounds uber baller mode extreme 9,000
Witty signature comment goes here...
Last year, we ended up going to the Frontalot/Protomen concert Sunday night. I'd probably go again, if they plan something similar, but I think a comfortable gathering like this would be better to decompress for the long ride home Monday morning! If it's a copy of the Thursday board games, even better!
Awesome! To me, this is the perfect after-party. I will definitely be there! And I will probably have purchased a few new games to play!
However, if you're looking for a "proper" party with dancing and music and schtups, boardgames are prolly not going to scratch that itch.