Earlier today we were driving through Kuala Lumpur down a three lane road when this idiot, driving a rather nice Mercedes, decides that he doesnt like the way he's going, crosses two lanes to make a 180` turn about two cars ahead of us. The car preceding ours, containing a very startled looking mother, a nursemaid and a young child, swerves out of the way and flies up onto the curb, flattening a nice garden.
The guy in the Merc decides now would be a good time to flee the scene of the accident, leaving us to get everyone out of the car (shaken, but not injured), trade numbers and call the cops. Driving up over a curb wasnt so kind to the car as there were lots of little... car bits... left all over the road. So yeah, fun times in Malaysian traffic.
All inspecting horrific accidents and being cold about it all.
3DS: 5241-1953-7031
last time i was there for a few days we stayed at 'the palace of the golden horses'
i'm here for ya
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
you don't drive ships ok you sail them
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
-I'm staying at my parents' place. My brother had his wedding over the weekend.
-I havent driven here in years and years, and Australian driving skills, which depend on everyone behaving sensibly and cautiously, are completely useless to me here.
What does Ruby Rhod have to do with anything?
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
what does he not have to do with everything?
but i wouldnt go lipsync to it and upload the video on youtube like that fat kid did
i was gonna leave it up to you guys to find it but fuck here you go
oh lordy
Obligatory 'I think I just threw up a little in my mouth'
Hahahaaa, oh, you fucking bastard.
Loooove that song.
shit where is this elusive and mystical place where people drive well
its certainly not in sydney
its not anywhere in south australia either.
I live in gawler, people say this town is just the worst place to drive ever.
at least your people probably know what indicator lights are for and that other drivers aren't actually psychic
no, they are there to give symmetry to the steering column
probably = key word
so Cat I agree
everyone just drives in a slalom
the flags are cane toads
but you get more points for hittting one
(double for hitting it head first so back end explodes)
if you make it to your location in one piece (let alone the car) then something is not right.
god we had this one guy who must have though he was in the clipsal or some other car rally thing
really? all the ones I've had drive 5kms below the speed limit and stop if they even think there might be a traffic light within five miles. Fare-sucking assholes.
Mind you, one ran me over once.
That dude from the Fine Young Cannibals was a dick in the Highlander TV show.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
how did that happen?
also, presumably there are exactly two types of queensland taxi drivers. its like a lottery