PS Vita Games for PAX



  • melzwaymelzway Registered User regular
    I picked up some games during the recent 14/14 sale: Stealth, Limbo, Lego Lord of the Rings, Metal Gear Peace Walker and Lone Survivor.

  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    edited February 2014
    I have a code for Telltale's The Walking Dead first season for Vita that I won't be using as I've finished it on PC. This thread seemed like as good a place as any to try to find a home for it. PM me if you want it, first PM gets the code.

    [EDIT: **Code is claimed.**]

    Raughn on
  • BUBBApaxBUBBApax iLLusionist Boston MARegistered User regular
    Been stuck with the same game since the day I bought my Vita - Me and My Katamari! I love it!!

  • RichSoCashRichSoCash Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    Komi wrote: »
    RichSoCash wrote: »
    Project Diva F2 will be released on March 6 for Vita and PS3, unknown if it will be in USA yet

    and yet still we lack an NA date for diva F vita. fff. I guess if worse comes to worse I can buy it from one of the vendors that sells imports at PAX.
    They announced that the first diva f for vita will be release in March, PSN only. And Diva F2, as you know, has been delayed until March 27th. I hopefully will have it in time for PAX and we will light up the freeplay area with Diva

  • Bunta_FujiwaraBunta_Fujiwara Albany, NYRegistered User regular
    I was really hoping the Borderlands 2 March release date was real, but I guess it's not going to be out by PAX. I'm probably going to be playing Wipeout, Dustforce and Y''s

  • upstateny-danupstateny-dan Registered User regular
    God of war 1/2 is coming out for those who enjoy some old classics.

  • GausGaus Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Gaus wrote: »
    That's incorrect. As long as you have time left, [ Hold down the screen until you can select the information on the game bubble > Information > Remaining Time ] you'll be fine. The only thing that sometimes gives you trouble is, Playstation Mobile games try to log on to check if they have the correct runtime package, and if it doesn't, it asks you to update it. You can skip this by putting the Vita in Airplane Mode ( no wifi ) and it'll skip that check.

    I know we were having this conversation before, and as it turns out, I was partially wrong, and I didn't want to mislead anyone so I went back and checked. So the way games and wifi work are more like this...

    1. If you own the game, and it's a 'regular' or 'mini' vita game, you're fine in any case.
    2. If it's a 'regular' PS Plus game, you should be fine. The only time it will check the wifi is if you don't have time left. The only time this happens is if you let the PS Plus subscription run out, and then you renewed it, but haven't played the game yet. ( it will still show no time left on the bubble info screen until you play it, and it does a wifi check ) So, if you renew your subscription for the convention, just play the games once before you come to the con.
    3. If you have a PS Mobile game, it's get's a little tricky. I've only tested one's that I own. ( have they giving a mobile game on PS Plus? ) If you are a person that goes back and forth between memory cards ( like I do ) you'll run into a problem. You'll get the message 'Updating Database... Do not power off the system' when you switch cards. Then, if you try to play a 'mobile game', you'll get the error message 'Could not start the application.. blah blah blah'. All of your PS Mobile games won't work until you 'activate the PS Vita system'. You don't have to do it for all the games, but you do have to do it once. And if you switch the memory cards again, you'll have to do it again. If you run off of one memory card, you won't run into this problem.

    Sorry if I misled anyone. I just wanted to clear it up. ( I'm like 97% sure this time )

    Gaus on
    Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service. - Chiun
  • gonexallgonexall PhiladelphiaRegistered User regular
    @Gaus‌ Thank you. I was thinking about getting plus for Pax. Seems worth it.

  • GausGaus Registered User regular
    @gonexall No problem. I hope that people got to take advantage of the sale for Dragon's Crown. I wouldn't mind getting a meet-up for that game going.

    Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service. - Chiun
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    I have that ... Quite enjoyable

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • HalfazedninjaHalfazedninja Author of Jake Howard: Multiverse 101! Behind YouRegistered User regular
    Gaus wrote: »
    @gonexall No problem. I hope that people got to take advantage of the sale for Dragon's Crown. I wouldn't mind getting a meet-up for that game going.


    My debut novel, JAKE HOWARD: MULTIVERSE 101!
    Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja

  • GausGaus Registered User regular
    Maybe after the schedule comes out, we can list the three most likely times we'll be free ( or something like that ) and see when a good time for a Vita meet-up would be. I know walking though the handheld lounge, all you see are people with 3DS, and it seems like you're the only Vita player.

    Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service. - Chiun
  • gonexallgonexall PhiladelphiaRegistered User regular
    Gaus wrote: »
    Maybe after the schedule comes out, we can list the three most likely times we'll be free ( or something like that ) and see when a good time for a Vita meet-up would be. I know walking though the handheld lounge, all you see are people with 3DS, and it seems like you're the only Vita player.

    I know that me and @Halfazedninja‌ will be at the pre-pax board game night at the Long Wharf Marriot. If your at the Westin or Seaport, it's probably not ideal. However, if you are in a downtown hotel, it is very convenient, especially if you are going to the pre-pax forumer dinner. I will bring my Vita.

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    i will be at the dinner but was planning on the Westin night as I am staying at Seaport ... i think Gaus is suggesting for the handheld lounge but I could be wrong

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • GausGaus Registered User regular
    Ya, I'm not going to be able to do any pre-pax stuff due to work, but some time during the con, I wouldn't mind a meet-up.

    Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service. - Chiun
  • GHOST.OneGHOST.One Registered User regular
    Should i bring my Vita to play and what games should i bring?

  • HalfazedninjaHalfazedninja Author of Jake Howard: Multiverse 101! Behind YouRegistered User regular
    gonexall wrote: »
    Gaus wrote: »
    Maybe after the schedule comes out, we can list the three most likely times we'll be free ( or something like that ) and see when a good time for a Vita meet-up would be. I know walking though the handheld lounge, all you see are people with 3DS, and it seems like you're the only Vita player.

    I know that me and @Halfazedninja‌ will be at the pre-pax board game night at the Long Wharf Marriot. If your at the Westin or Seaport, it's probably not ideal. However, if you are in a downtown hotel, it is very convenient, especially if you are going to the pre-pax forumer dinner. I will bring my Vita.

    Yup! Come play some games, eat some food and drink some drinks! Linky

    My debut novel, JAKE HOWARD: MULTIVERSE 101!
    Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja

  • RandomAtomRandomAtom Registered User regular
    Persona 4...because I've never had the time to complete it. Maybe MK if I get bored.

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  • gonexallgonexall PhiladelphiaRegistered User regular
    Does anyone want to try to arrange a time to play DiveKick online? I'm thinking about entering the tournament, but I have not been able to find too many live opponents. This makes it hard to gauge my chances?

  • GausGaus Registered User regular
    @gonexall I would be willing to, but I'm absolutely terrible. My PSN is gus_xl and I'm Eastern Timezone.

    Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service. - Chiun
  • elbarroelbarro Registered User regular
    I'm up for anything vita related since I'm bringing my vita yo PAX, add me on psn-elbarro

  • The_Doctor1The_Doctor1 Registered User regular
    Looks like I will have Project Diva F 2nd for my vita in time for PAX. Between that and the Final Fantasy X re-release, I will be logging lots of vita time.

    PAX East 2014 Checklist: [X] Time off [X] Plane Ticket [X] Hotel [X] 3-Day Pass [X] BYOC Pass
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    I want Borderlands 2 gosh darnit ....

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • RichSoCashRichSoCash Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    Looks like I will have Project Diva F 2nd for my vita in time for PAX.
    I will have the PS3 version tomorrow! Bringing it for sure now.

  • gonexallgonexall PhiladelphiaRegistered User regular
    Gaus wrote: »
    @gonexall I would be willing to, but I'm absolutely terrible. My PSN is gus_xl and I'm Eastern Timezone.

    Cool. Thanks @Gaus. My PSN is go_ne_x_all. I will add you to my friends and we can try to have a match or two whenever we are both on. I'm usually on my PS3 when I exercise on an elliptical machine in the morning before work (around 7 a.m. Eastern Time). Other than that, I am on at random times. If you send me a message with enough advance notice, I could be on some evening (any evening except Wednesdays are usually good).

    Looks like I will have Project Diva F 2nd for my vita in time for PAX. Between that and the Final Fantasy X re-release, I will be logging lots of vita time.

    I'm trying to get these but it's hard to find the cartridges, especially for Diva F. I prefer cartridge over digital. I'm old fashioned that way.

  • The_Doctor1The_Doctor1 Registered User regular
    gonexall wrote: »
    Looks like I will have Project Diva F 2nd for my vita in time for PAX. Between that and the Final Fantasy X re-release, I will be logging lots of vita time.

    I'm trying to get these but it's hard to find the cartridges, especially for Diva F. I prefer cartridge over digital. I'm old fashioned that way.

    I am mixed on this. I like having digital because I can have a lot of games available without having to swap cartridges when the mood strikes. I have a cartridge for Diva f on the vita, but it is the Japanese version, so I got the American version to let me load it on my memory card and go. The worst part about that is the save didn't transfer, so I am rebuilding the clears on the songs now. Probably going to try to sell the Japanese cartridge, since I don't play it much since getting the American version on my memory card.

    The next one, Diva F 2nd, will be a cartridge as well, but naturally they announced an American port right after they processed the preorders for the Japanese game. At least this round, I can get the PS3 version on the American side since I didn't get both Japanese versions.

    For final fantasy X, there is only a cartridge for X and a download code for X-2, so you get both but only one game has a cartridge.

    PAX East 2014 Checklist: [X] Time off [X] Plane Ticket [X] Hotel [X] 3-Day Pass [X] BYOC Pass
  • gonexallgonexall PhiladelphiaRegistered User regular
    @The_Doctor1‌ Thanks. I hope to find the Diva F cartridge before PAX. I don't know why I like having the plastic, I just do.

  • RenneesmeRenneesme Registered User regular
    Just literally bought a Vita at GameStop. Bought Assassin's Creed and Persona 4 with it... What other good games are must haves for PAX? I am a Plus member as well.... I haven't gotten on there yet for Vita but I've gotten plenty for my PS3

    3DS FC: 4382-3356-7103
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    hmmmmm ... I guess any with a multiplayer coop aspect would fit that bill ... from my personal perspective they should games you also enjoy

    on PSN there are a few, Guacamelee and Divekick come to mind (though I don't have the latter)

    Injustice, Sonic Racing, Soul Sacrifice ... wish Borderlands 2 was out as that would be excellent ...

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • gonexallgonexall PhiladelphiaRegistered User regular
    Renneesme wrote: »
    Just literally bought a Vita at GameStop. Bought Assassin's Creed and Persona 4 with it... What other good games are must haves for PAX? I am a Plus member as well.... I haven't gotten on there yet for Vita but I've gotten plenty for my PS3

    It will be interesting to see how many folks have Vita's this year. The last two years, there were very few of us, so there was not much opportunity for ad-hoc play beyond at the board game nights and prearranged meet-ups. With the price drop and so many new games, I think it will be different this year.

    If you have plus, you might have lots of these already, but I would recommend Dive Kick, which is quick, fun, and you can play two-person with one Vita. I also have wipeout and sonic all-star racing, which are popular multi-player games. Some that I do not have but I think you could have a great time with at Pax are Battle Royal and Injustice.

    I would also recommend a few single player games for lines and such. AC and Persona 4 are both excellent and great for this. I also really liked Uncharted for the Vita.

  • melzwaymelzway Registered User regular
    Renneesme wrote: »
    Just literally bought a Vita at GameStop. Bought Assassin's Creed and Persona 4 with it... What other good games are must haves for PAX? I am a Plus member as well.... I haven't gotten on there yet for Vita but I've gotten plenty for my PS3

    See my earlier post for games I like. I also have nuns attack which is an indy game I first saw last year at pax east. Uncharted was great....anything metal gear is awesome for vita. The Lego games too are perfect for vitas in my opinion.

    I didn't see many other vita folks around. I didn't even make it to the handheld lounge cause I was either on the exhibit floor or in panel....but I saw way more 3ds than vitas.

  • GausGaus Registered User regular
    So, now that the schedule has been out, and everyone has started to plan the weekend, should we try to plan a meet-up during the con, or just hope for the best?

    Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service. - Chiun
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    downloaded Monster Hunter and Unit 13 for Vita yesterday ... I would opt for playing it by ear but maybe in the handheld area we can identify an area to meet if one is looking for some downtime between panels etc. so Vitas will be congregated in at least one area.

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • GausGaus Registered User regular
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    downloaded Monster Hunter and Unit 13 for Vita yesterday ... I would opt for playing it by ear but maybe in the handheld area we can identify an area to meet if one is looking for some downtime between panels etc. so Vitas will be congregated in at least one area.

    this sounds like a good idea

    Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service. - Chiun
  • caerulean_bluecaerulean_blue Registered User regular
    I would be interested in meeting up in the handheld lounge. I'll have to pickup a game or two. I think I only have single player games. I'll look for some of the ones listed here on Playstation Plus.

  • gonexallgonexall PhiladelphiaRegistered User regular
    Just picked up Dragon's Crown and excited try the multi-player. I hear rumors that the handheld lounge is open earlier than the expo-floor. I would be up for an early meet-up rather than waiting in line for the expo-floor (which can be fun, but, unless you've got to get to a popular demo fast, if rather pointless--you can just walk right in a half hour or so after the doors open.

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    i'm up for a meet up ... but I may want to get to the merch booth on Friday

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • upstateny-danupstateny-dan Registered User regular
    I'm going to try to stop by the handheld lounge on saturday also. I don't have much multiplayer though. I am really getting addicted to Sine Mora lol

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