Managing Down
The good ol’ switcheroo trick.
AnonymousThere are 2 kinds of show stoppers when you’re close to release.
First, there’s the ones that you don’t want the public to see. Then there are the ones the console manufacturers don’t want to see.
They’re pretty hardcore sometimes on finding crashes in places people will never go. And by that, I mean that no one will eject their disc and reinsert it while mashing the home/guide/PSN button… during the logo videos.
So we had a crash in our game, it occurred if the player did something no one would ever do on purpose. And it only occurred on the default multiplayer map! We thought that no one would ever get this crash and because it was impossible to fix we considered leaving it there, but we were worried about the console manufacturer…
So… We put that particular map last instead of first. They didn’t find it. Better that than to cut a map out of 6 huh?
Steam: adamjnet
Whether the bug actually was never found is likely something the tale author doesn't know. What the author calls something " no one would ever do on purpose," could be something that a few people actually do end up doing a few times. To wit:
What's interesting about the tale is the false dichotomy of either hiding the bug, or cutting the map, when there's a third option: fix the bug. The tale author calls the bug "impossible to fix," but I don't think it's actually true that there's ever a bug that's impossible to fix. It's possible that the bug would've taken too much time or money to make it feasible to fix, but it's likely fixable.
About the comic: What job does Cora have? I thought she was head QA, but is she maybe just a liaison? I remember her communicating between Q and the rest of QA a lot.