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[Twilight Struggle] - Game 7 - Game Over - Soviets Win The Arms Race



  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    South African unrest event

    1 influence to South Africa
    2 to Angola
    2 to Botswana

    MrBody on
  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    You wish... It's Angola OR Botswana...
    I presume Angola, but I'll wait your confrim...

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    "2 influence to any countries adjacent to South Africa"???

    MrBody on
  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    Exactly. witch means one of the two...

  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    It's 2 in SA or 1 in SA & 2 in the adjacent countries, i.e. 2 TOTAL to place in Angola/Botswana.
    Not many cards give a choice of 2 influence or 5.
    That wouldn't be a real choice.

    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Alright looked up a wiki You're right. Very poorly worded card though. "Any" is singular but "countries" is plural. The wording even says you can split a total of 2 influence between the two neighbors but apparently this is not the case.

    1 to South Africa
    2 to Botswana

  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    Sadat expels the soviets as ops. 1 Influence in Angola.

    BTW, never seen that card played for 2 in SA...

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular

    John Paul II blasts off into space

  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    We'll follow tradition and send our neighborly Caraibian dictator were he usually go...

    Fidel goes to space again too...

  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    edited January 2014

    Also characterized as low intensity conflicts, brush wars tended to begin in reaction to local conditions either within a state or between states. However, due to duration, or superpower intervention, an essentially local dispute could be elevated to superpower conflict. Examples include the civil war in Mozambique and the war between Ethiopia and Somalia.


    The People’s Republic of China played a pivotal role during the Cold War. While the PRC’s influence was largely limited to satellites in Asia, the country was important to the uneasy balance of power that ultimately descended upon the post-WWII world. While beginning as an ally of the USSR, China became a counter-balance to Soviet influence in Asia during the later stages of the Cold War.


    During a time of increased tensions following the successful launch of Sputnik, then Vice President Richard Nixon took a good-will trip to Russia. What followed was a sometimes playful, sometimes pointed public exchange between Nixon and Nikita Khrushchev throughout his stay in Moscow. The exchange is known as the Kitchen Debate, for a particularly sharp exchange in front of a US model home’s display of a GE electric kitchen. Nixon furthered his domestic political ambitions with a seeming jab at Khrushchev’s chest, reaffirming his anti-communist credentials at home.


    Following a lull in the Middle East peace process caused by the 1976 presidential elections, President Carter entered office with a burst of new energy on the subject. Through direct personal appeal, Carter was able to bring ultimate resolution to the Yom Kippur War and completely change the dynamic of the Middle Eastern question. Israel and Egypt normalized relations and a framework for Middle East peace was agreed to. Years later, this would allow for the Oslo accord, and the Jordanian–Israeli Peace Agreement. Additionally, Carter also secured the complete realignment of Egypt. Once a Nasser led hotbed of anti-Western feeling, Egypt was to become one of America’s foremost allies in the region. Sadat would pay dearly for the leadership he showed during the talks. He was assassinated by Islamic radicals in 1981.


    From the time of India’s independence from Britain, the Muslim and Hindu elements of this former colony have been in conflict. Pakistan has traditionally been on the losing end of these conflicts, but has relied on US and PRC support to maintain military credibility against a more robust Indian defense capability.


    Perhaps the most famous quote of the entire Cold War, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev uttered this immortal line while addressing Western ambassadors at a reception in Moscow. With these words Khrushchev announced a period during which he would probe the West for weakness and opportunity. The Berlin Crisis exemplified this expansionist policy.


    Before a joint session of Congress, the President announced the new Truman Doctrine, ushering in an era of intense intervention on behalf of states with liberal economic and political institutions. Truman stated “I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” The Truman Doctrine was prompted by the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from its traditional great power role in the Near East. The immediate effect of the doctrine was a massive influx of military and economic aid to Greece and Turkey.


    King Michael I, a westernized monarch, was forced to abdicate his throne at gunpoint. Romania was thereafter declared a democratic socialist republic. After the death of its first communist leader, Gheorghiu-Dej, Romania was ruled by Nicolae Ceausescu, second only to Stalin in cruelty to his own people.


    The racist, minority government of South Africa began to be challenged by the African National Congress with Soviet and Cuban assistance from bases in Tanzania and Zambia and other “front-line” states. The era of peaceful resistance formally ended with the massacres in Sharpeville and Langa. For its part, South Africa sought to destabilize its neighbors, and undertook an invasion of Namibia, while also supporting UNITA in Angola and FRELIMO in Mozambique. However, increasing black population, more powerful black trade unions, and hostility from other western nations eventually placed South Africa on the defensive. While the Reagan Administration pursued a policy of “constructive engagement” with the Apartheid government, it remained a controversial proposition. Ultimately, the collapse of the eastern bloc made P.W. Botha’s release of Nelson Mandela inevitable.


    Anwar Sadat was an early participant in anti-colonial activities against the British-sponsored Egyptian monarchy. He became vice president under Nasser, and inherited a deteriorating relationship with the USSR when he transitioned into the presidency. The Soviets refused Egyptian demands for increased economic and military aid, and the Egyptians were trying hard to keep a foot in both camps. In reaction, Sadat expelled the 5,000 Soviet military advisors and 15,000 air force personnel in Egypt. After the brokered Mideast peace following 1973 war, Sadat became convinced of the need for closer relations with Washington.


    The first non-Italian to be elected Pope since the 16th Century, Pope John Paul II represented a rejuvenation of Catholic influence upon the world stage. The United States gave formal diplomatic recognition to the Papacy for the first time in its history. As a Pope elected from communist Poland, John Paul II presented an enormous challenge for Poland’s leadership. To criticize the new papacy would only alienate the public, to embrace it would be antithetical to communist doctrine. Furthermore, John Paul II was known to be an ardent critic of communism. John Paul’s election marked a turning point in internal Polish political dynamics that would culminate in the Solidarity movement. Mikhail Gorbachev remarked that the fall of the iron curtain would have been impossible without John Paul II.


    Coming to power after deposing the corrupt Batista, Castro disenchanted the US after it became clear he was leading a Marxist revolution. The US tried various schemes to depose or assassinate Castro, culminating in the disastrous “Bay of Pigs” invasion. Ultimately, communist Cuba would lend support to Marxist governments in Angola and Ethiopia.


    *** Soviet plays John Paul II Elected Pope* in the Space Race for 2 Ops.
    * Soviet Die = [3] *** <Soviet>
    * Soviet changes Soviet Space Race to Animal in Space.

    *** American plays Fidel* in the Space Race for 2 Ops.
    * U.S. Die = [5] *** <American>
    * Space Race attempt not successful.

    Soviet Action Round 7

    stever777 on
    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Space Pope beats Space Fidel! Take that, dirty commi-....oh wait.

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Let's keep reaching for the stars.

    Our Man in Tehran to space

  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    I'll lose this because our engeneer can't put even a thin can in the space...
    Meanwhile, up to preventing 1 point China shenanigans, we let Nixon play the China card getting China back face down.

  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular

    Replacing his deposed father, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was central to first British and then American plans for the Middle East. While Pahlavi undertook the mantle of western reformer, he often chafed under neo-imperialist economic relationships, particularly where oil was concerned. Nevertheless, Iran’s oil wealth spurred Pahlavi into the center of global geopolitics and his association with the United States was vital for both nation’s positions in the region. However, whatever outward elements of reform Iran projected, Pahlavi also used a brutal internal police force, the SAVAK, and turned despotic and megalomaniacal in the later years of his reign. This was all the opening required for Iran’s seething revolutionary elements.


    Realizing that normalization of relations with China was key for US withdrawal from South Vietnam, Nixon sought a summit between himself and Mao. Nixon dispatched Henry Kissinger to secret talks with the PRC’s foreign minister Chou En-lai to lay the groundwork for the visit. Capitalizing on deteriorating Sino-Soviet relations, Nixon scored perhaps the greatest diplomatic coup of the Cold War. The Shanghai Communique that followed the summit danced around several fundamental disagreements between the two countries, including Taiwan and Vietnam. However, it was clear that the Soviet Union could no longer depend upon Chinese support in regional conflicts. While Nixon expressed his desire to fully normalize relations between the two countries quickly, Watergate interrupted these plans. It would fall to Jimmy Carter to restore full diplomatic relations between the two countries.


    *** Soviet plays Our Man in Tehran* in the Space Race for 2 Ops.
    * Soviet Die = [5] *** <Soviet>
    * Space Race attempt not successful.

    PM me your Headline cards for the Kennedy turn.

    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Europe, looking good.

    Rest of the world...not so much.

    First game I've seen where the US dominates Middle East so badly. I really screwed up not couping Iran first turn.

  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    Africa too is slightly more on URSS side than normal.
    But there are really few reasons to not Coup Iran with URSS firs action...

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    I think my 2nd biggest blunder was not saving Warsaw Pact as an event for later when the US actually had a chance of getting influence in Eastern Europe.

  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    Agree. If you have a chance, never use Warsaw pact as an event before Late War. Unless It get you an early europe domination and the points that could make the difference.

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    It's been a while since I last played. I totally forgot how deceptively and hugely useful "place/remove influence" is as opposed to straight up ops to place influence. At the time that card just sounded like "get 5 ops instead of 3 for Europe".

    For some reason I also thought Muslim Revolutions came up early war.

    MrBody on
  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    Headlines chosen. U.S.S.R. has higher Ops so Soviet event goes first:


    While primarily representative of an internal power struggle within the People’s Republic of China, the Cultural Revolution had profound international implications. As Mao Zedong felt increasingly marginalized by moderates within the Chinese Communist party, he lashed out to restore ideological purity and train the next generation of revolutionaries. The resulting turmoil of purges, denunciations, and creation of the Red Guard brought China to the brink of civil war. It also made more pronounced, the rupture between China and the Soviet Union. However, the anarchy and isolationism that reigned made rapprochement between the United States and the PRC impossible. As the Nixon administration took office, the gulf between the two nations appeared wider than ever.


    The United States launched the first nuclear powered submarine. It instantly antiquated decades of antisubmarine warfare that had developed during the Second World War. Admiral Hyman Rickover was to oversee the development of a new nuclear navy, and create a third, and seemingly invulnerable arm, in the American nuclear triad. Ultimately, the Soviets would follow suit.


    China Card goes back to Soviets.

    Soviet Action Round 1

    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    Exactly the reason I take it... Better the card to Him than 1 point now...

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Hmmm...makes me nervous why you played that headline. I can't stop you from couping by lowering the DEFCON, but I can limit your target continents.

    China card to overkill coup Angola.

    geth roll 1d6

    1d6 5 [1d6=5]

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular

    7 influence shift.

    US influence removed from Angola, place 6 Soviet influence.

  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    Nothing better to play, and I need to coup to not lose the game...
    That said, Formosan resolution as Ops, 1 influence in Morocco and 1 in Panama.

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Arms Race for event


  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    Yes It is. I didn't coup first round since I had no 4 point cards to stop that...
    GG. I given too much attention to the long run, and let you go away too much with the points. That, coupled with a pair of really bad rolls (like MY olympics...) given you the game. Well done. If any score had come out in the last 2 turn it will almost automatically have gone in may way (since europe was gone turn 3), taking me out of this situation and the game would have turned in my way.

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    I had to end it this turn because I would have been in huge trouble otherwise. I had 2 of your event cards that gave you influence in South and Central America, plus the South America AND Middle East scoring cards. Still no Muslim Revolutions or Quagmire. My only thing was being an Italy away from controlling Europe but the Europe scoring card was long gone. Things were just dire in Middle East and Asia.

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    AND I picked Angola because I thought I had Africa scoring for some reason. If you foiled Arms Race with a 4 point coup, I thought I would get you with Africa scoring, which I didn't have.

    After that I only had about one decent card left. The rest was giving you influence and scoring in regions I was doing awful in.

  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular

    The People’s Republic of China played a pivotal role during the Cold War. While the PRC’s influence was largely limited to satellites in Asia, the country was important to the uneasy balance of power that ultimately descended upon the post-WWII world. While beginning as an ally of the USSR, China became a counter-balance to Soviet influence in Asia during the later stages of the Cold War.


    Reacting to the “loss of China” the United States Congress extended to President Eisenhower open ended authority to defend Taiwan—technically known as the Republic of China on Taiwan—with military force. The resolution came at a time when the United States faced challenges from the People’s Republic in Indochina as well as the Korean peninsula. Effectively, Taiwan sat under the US nuclear umbrella, and the balance of power within the Taiwan Straits would now remain a question of strategic importance to the United States.


    The arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States was at play throughout the Cold War, and many attribute the Soviet Union’s collapse to an inability to sustain the final arms race instigated by Ronald Reagan. This element of competition between the nations involved both nuclear and conventional weapons. Frequently, there was an interplay between the two kinds of forces. During the early Cold War, the United States (having rapidly demobilized after World War II) had to rely on its nuclear weapons in a doctrine of “massive retaliation” to counter Soviet preponderance in conventional weapons. After the Soviets developed nuclear weapons of their own, both powers reverted to a system of flexible response. Underlying nuclear strategy throughout this later era was the concept of mutually assured destruction. This reality made the likelihood of direct superpower conventional warfare unlikely. However, the dynamic of conventional weapons competition had its own paradigm. There, the West relied on superior technology to design higher performing weapons to compete against the massive numbers that could be generated by the Soviets’ command economy.


    *** Soviet plays Arms Race Event ***
    * Soviet has more Military Ops AND has met the Required Military Ops for 3 Vps.
    * Soviets gain 3 VPs.
    * Soviet changes VPs to 20 Soviet Victory Points: USSR Victory!.
    * Soviets win!

    With JFK's assassination, Capitalism dies. Communism prevails. Oswald DID NOT act alone!


    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    Russian hand -
    American hand -

    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    GG, guys.
    Congrats, @MrBody!
    Thanks for putting up with my crazy life of late.

    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Thanks for continuing to host these.

    Yeah I would have been in big trouble with those scoring cards. I'm surprised Olympics wasn't played for a headline for an easy 2 VP.

  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    Two reasons:
    first, If with that point situation someone used olympics aganist me, I've would have boicotted, and four ops point would have worth less for me that the chance to coup back in Africa (only other place where you could have got 3 point this turn);
    second, if you strangely would have gone for it, there would have been around one in four chances that you would win (just Happened to me in game 6...) getting you 1 point from winning, and there are 5 cards that let you get 1 point, while there was only arm race and Africa scoring that would have got you 3, and couping back with China I would have stopped both.
    You stealing China broken up my strat...

  • Iron WeaselIron Weasel Dillon! You son of a bitch!Registered User regular
    GG you guys!

    Currently Playing:
    The Division, Warframe (XB1)
    GT: Tanith 6227
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Mao saves the day!

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