Going to miss this show, hopefully you guys can Kickstart it some time next year.
On the plus side I will not have to deal with the torment of seeing Graham wear that Mr. Pigglesworth pin every single week.
Indeed, Lingering Grin. PS Plus has given me enough good games to justify it's cost at least twice over.
Though I can see how, if you're not into very cheap games from a lucky dip, that PS+ might not be your thing. Some people are okay with only a couple games a year.
Everyone knows that the "free" stuff with PSN+ makes it worthwhile in the long run (if you like owning nothing). The problem is you're now forced to buy it if you want the functionality you ALREADY PAID $450 FOR with console and game.
Nintendo ID: Incindium
PSN: IncindiumX
On the plus side I will not have to deal with the torment of seeing Graham wear that Mr. Pigglesworth pin every single week.
The free games make it worth it alone.
I got:
Kingdoms of Amalur
ICO and SotC HD
Infamous 2
Demon's Souls
Poker Night at the Inventory 2
XCOM (which I already owned on PC, but hey, why not)
plus quite a few others (those are the GOOD / Most recent ones), all free.
Not to mention discounts.
I dunno, always been worth it to me...
Though I can see how, if you're not into very cheap games from a lucky dip, that PS+ might not be your thing. Some people are okay with only a couple games a year.
Geez Graham calm it down there brother, soon be all over.
You can check it out here if you like: http://vlambeerclonetycoon.com
Scrubs and casuals indeed.
We are living in the super-future.
I like the subtle intro. Yes, this is Checkpoint, where you make puns about the word Plus.
The only thing I can think of is GUNGODZ, but just because most people probably don't know of it since it's not in normal distribution.
EDIT: Oh, wait, they released it for free on their website. Still pretty awesome.
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