I searched around for a thread, and I was surprised to find nothing.
So here goes my first G&T game-specific OP.
Once upon a time, there was a small, peaceful island protected by the crystals of fire, earth, water and light. On this island lived Shirma, Croma and a farm full of cheerful chocobos. Just when it looked like they were all going to live happily every after, Croma brought back a mysterious book from his latest journey. Without thinking twice, he opened the dark tome and inadvertently invited misfortune upon the island. Every nearby chocobo was sucked into the magical pages of the wicked book.
Unbeknownst to all, Bebuzzu, who had once nearly laid waste to the entire world, was imprisoned inside the pages of the book. Luckily for the good guys, his strength was not fully restored…at least not yet. Taking the role of a chocobo, players must rescue their friends while stopping Bebuzzu from regaining his full scope of abilities.
So yeah, that is the basic story outline.
From what I can tell (and what I've read), it looks like the chocobo and his friends will be adventuring
though various familiar fairy-tale worlds, mixed with FF licensed characters.
(Tortoise and the Hare = Adamantoise and the Cactaur)
It looks like it's going to be fun, and nintendo says that there will be some fun features.
Features will include:
# Revolutionary gameplay brings party games into a new era by combining exploration, card combat, minigames and multiplayer into one exciting package.
# Addictive card battling brings many Final Fantasy elements to life in a fun 3D pop-up book art style. Call upon the powers of Cactuar, Cait Sith, Ifrit, Tonberry and other creatures to aid you in battle as you challenge the world via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
# Limitless fun after the adventure ends: Continue the excitement by engaging in more than a dozen minigames with up to three friends via wireless multiplayer.
# Test your skills in any of the 23 different microgames that make full use of the dual screen and touch screen functionality
Card based battle system??? I'm stoked.
I've taken a look at some screen-shots of the game, and I have to say that I really
enjoy the way that the game is done artistically. I'm not usually one for cutesy-esque
character design, but I was sold on this one. I mean, who doesn't love the chocobo??
Also, Wi-Fi, I'm excited for that one. Duking it out card-style will be fun, plus I love mini-game action.
So yes, discuss the game, and post friend codes, excitement.
As far as I know, the game shipped today (April 3rd, 2007). My pre-order is waiting for me until tomorrow.
*All images borrowed from IGN.
But whatever it looks like, the Japanese box art is always better m i rite? ^________^
Game looks interesting.. nee dmore info tho.
Battle.net: Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
I misread this as "it looks like the chocobo and his friends will be masturbating through various familiar fairy-tale worlds..." and I shuddered.
Even still, I'm going to pass on this one. I while it would perhaps be hypocritical of me to chastise Squeenix for milking the cash cow when Team 17 have done it several times over the years, this just wreaks of "cash cow" to me. I don't see it really offering much in the way of depth. The concept sounds solid, but I still bear the scars that the last game "starring" Chocobos gave me.
I'm not on for "box art is better because it is Japanese" but in this case, I really prefer the Japanese one.
I can see in one screenshot right there in the OP an RPG style battle.
That's just what I've read. They say it's a series of very cute, very easy minigames. Maybe that's just one of them.
Square is seriously milking the immortal hell out of the "Final Fantasy" line now.
Not necessarily a bad thing, especially in the fact that they seem to be starting a trend of making several games revolving around the universe of each numerical game.
This though, I don't know.
They both came over here.
I certainly saw them on the shelves in stores here (UK)
I was refering to -
not really, they've been doing it for years.
First impressions:
It's very cute. It's also very fun. The minigames are entertaining so far, though I've only done a few.
Haven't done any card battles yet, but I've been collecting all the cards I can. I can see myself spending far too many hours doing minigames to get all 122 cards.
The second one did.
The first one didn't.
For some reason though they titled it "Chocobo's Dungeon 2" creating confusion on where the first one is.
Only played one mini game, which was neat and yeah, too cute for words.
That's probably why I bought it, now that I think of it.
The black one is. So is the Evil Woman(TM).
Well, condescending anyway.
Very cute and minimalist.
We would run, we'd never have enough :whistle:
It was very not-even-arrived-yet at Fry's today.
At least at the Fry's I went to.
Hm. I shall have to consider this very carefully.
I'm there once I get past this bomb wall.
I want to get gold. I've been playing it over and over again.
For 20 min.
Oh well, this is going to be addicting as fuck.
but yes, wifi
PM me your friend code and I'll do the same
That means it'll most likely get like a 7.5 from Gamespot. So it seems to be a good game, so if it ever gets down to 20 I'll pick it up.
This is going back in the box.
If so, /cry. What a waste...
Nvm just read the rest of the posts... so sad. I really miss the days where there was a real game within these DS games and not composed of minigames...