[PATV] Monday, December 16, 2013 - CheckPoint Season 3, Ep. 27: Brickbox One



  • marsiliesmarsilies Registered User regular
    @aberdasher Just because the reboot loop can be accomplished in six "steps" doesn't mean that the steps are straightforward or in any way easy to do accidentally. One of the steps involves explicitly agreeing to the dangers of putting the X1 into development mode, and another one involves entering a 15 character string that includes the word "reboot" in it.

  • BarthedaBartheda Registered User regular
    Wait PATV is doing what? I don't understand was this announced somewhere. I don't care about the reasons why its their company they can do whatever they like I'm just not to clear a to why they can't do Checkpoint completely through Loading Ready Run.

  • ralerale Registered User new member
    edited December 2013
    I love CheckPoint, please don't stop, this show is perfect. I'll go to any site you want me to, just don't stop making it.

    @Kathleen_LRR after reading your longer description it makes sense now, I still don't like it but I respect your commitment to delivering on your kickstarter promises (even though I don't care about your kickstarter promises ;) )

    rale on
  • GezzerGezzer Registered User regular
    What the hell?!?
    Don't the guys at PA understand one of the cornerstones of marketing? You never want to drive your customers to the competition. Yes I come to PA for the cartoons, but I only have so much time and a limited amount of sites I can go to in said time. For example I used to go to Fudzilla a lot, but since I started participating in the Reddit community (the God site of time suckers) I just don't feel the need any more. The same could happen to this site. I mean the cartoons are usually pretty good, but It's the whole site that draws me here. And now their potentially going to reduce the content? This could be a big mistake.

    P.s. Oh BTW, please don't can Check Point. Yes I understand that Feed Dump is kind of the same, but it's a bit cheesy compared to CP which makes CP my preference.

  • LostNinjaLostNinja Registered User regular
    Bartheda wrote: »
    Wait PATV is doing what? I don't understand was this announced somewhere. I don't care about the reasons why its their company they can do whatever they like I'm just not to clear a to why they can't do Checkpoint completely through Loading Ready Run.


    It was announced in a news post by Tycho a couple weeks ago. Basically they are dropping the PA Report and 3rd party content on PATV so that they can refocus on the things that they have been wanting to do but haven't had the time for, such as more Eyrewood and Automata stuff. LRR could have continued to do it on their site, but they have chosen not to so that they could better fulfill the promises of their Kickstarter (Kathleen explains this way better in an earlier post).

  • P-bassP-bass Registered User regular
    I can respect LRR wanting to focus on a sketch series they've promised and people have pledged money to, well maybe you could have an occasional comedic news format piece like SNL does. Don't go as far as to also have frequent wacky game show sketches or annoying catchprase characters galore though. Just sayin' :)

  • BarthedaBartheda Registered User regular
    Thanks LostNinja :) that's a smiley face for you buddy.

  • DeimirDeimir Registered User regular
    Sadness. Checkpoint is my #2 favorite thing to come out of LRR (#1 being Commodore Hustle), gonna miss you guys bringing the news, been watching since the early days of ENN.

    Time off: done. Hotel: ??? Travel: ??? Badges: ???
    PAX Prime attendance: '07, '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16
  • noibnnoibn Registered User regular

  • PugironPugiron Registered User regular
    Can't wait to never visit this shitty site again now that Extra Credits and CheckPoint are leaving. Their "1st Person content"only appeals to the stupid, the tasteless or the stupid and tasteless.

  • lordhobanlordhoban Registered User regular
    Bummer, seeing this show go... as I don't really like any of your other content beyond Unskippable... Oh well.

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