So I joined the site recently in order to learn more about the Wonderful 101. I came across a thread on google.
For some reason whenever I click the link on google, while it was fine with it before, whenever I try to access it it says "Permission Problem" and redirects me to the mobile site. Is there a problem with my account, or is there a problem with the thread? And does it have something to do with the fact on the homepage all I see is the forum administration and Christmas areas? Please help me out.
Annihilator1-Pokémon Master, Hero of Time, Mushroom Saviour, Wonderful One, Omniwrench Specialist and all round gamer.
Currently Playing: The Wonderful 101
"Just because it follows the path of dark does not make it evil. Remember this: Where there is Light, Shadow is cast, and where Shadow lurks, Light can shine."~Annihilator1, 2013
Currently Playing: The Wonderful 101
"Just because it follows the path of dark does not make it evil. Remember this: Where there is Light, Shadow is cast, and where Shadow lurks, Light can shine."~Annihilator1, 2013
Any chance that is just an easy fix?
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
The reason is that the hangout is now 100% automated (will deploy itself each year on the 23rd, and close at the end of the 26th without human intervention). To achieve this, I had to do some shenanigans with permissions, which have caused the notifications to fail.
I'll try to figure out a way to fix.
Edit: the reason it works for mods and admins is that their permissions are always active for this subform, unlike regular folk who have the permissions added "hot" on each request.
Automated this?
Holy shit, man!
I assume this is because they're tied to the forums and the forums are shut down?
Icy codes like Leon kills.
Quick, clean, no mistakes, no survivors.
C() is shorthand for Gdn::config()->get( ... )
T() is shorthand for Gdn::locale()->translate( ... )
Haha, this is PHP. We aren't allowed to do nifty shenanigans with operators
(secretly I praise jesus for this, nobody likes an overridden operator. nobody)
To be honest, I wasn't sure if PHP had a use for commas aside from argument lists and whatnot. And it's the language I primarily use (...yay...).
:rotate: PHP
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
I've done some fun shenanigans with overriding array accessors in Ruby, but that was highly specialized shenanigans. (Also helps that you can override things for that variable only in Ruby, which is hella cool.)
Also, I see you're commenting like a boss.
I've been browsing the normal forums all day, but now they're back to Christmas.
There are still 360-odd days left, guys, I think this is a tad early...
Friend Safari: Fighting - Machoke, Pancham, Riolu | In game name: Jessica
Official Weather Gym Leader of the G+T Pokémon League. @me to try for the Climate Badge!
Sorry everyone!
Note: the permission denied page is now a kinda a dead end loop: the insufficient cheer message directs you to the Holiday Hangout, which is denied, sending you to the permission denied page, which directs you to the Holiday Hangout, which is denied, sending you to the permission denied page, which directs you to the Holiday Hangout, which is denied...
I bet you cash money this is what happened.
No, it was an errant semicolon at the end of a conditional expression but prior to its code block, causing said code block to execute regardless of the outcome of the conditional. Worst.
Thanks, fixed!
oops too slow
Friend Safari: Fighting - Machoke, Pancham, Riolu | In game name: Jessica
Official Weather Gym Leader of the G+T Pokémon League. @me to try for the Climate Badge!