This really isn't a huge deal, but going to check on who has reacted to my posts shows just a single page of agrees and awesomes with bros not showing up at all. There are reactions tracked from posts prior to and after the Christmas Hangout, so it isn't something as simple as a time cutoff.
Think about how the holiday forum works. For most of the year you guys can't even see it because it is hidden away in the aether. We do this using permissions, obviously, so for 362 days of the year you have no permission to see that forum or its content. This doesn't change when you're retrieving posts via the reaction list, either. Those posts of hidden from you in the main forum AND in the reaction list.
For a more black and white example: if you were made a moderator for 3 days, and during that time you posted in the moderator forum and received some reactions on your posts, when you were de-modded would you expect to still have access to those posts? Nope. They're in the mod forum which you can't access anymore. The exact same system is in use with the Holiday Forum, even though its not because of the posts themselves, but the forum they're in.
In fact, looking at my "bro" list (when you click on the bro number), while the count is right, it only shows bros that I've received since the Holiday Hangout closed.
If I give Josh a bro (as I have done in testing this post), it is the only one that shows up on his reaction page. Take it away, and his reaction page is empty again.
PSN- AHermano
That is exactly what I mean, thanks.
EDIT: If it helps, I am 99% sure that this wasn't happening until after the troubles we just had last night.
Agree and Bro seem to be working fine.
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PSN- AHermano
I remember having to click 'load more comments' about 4 times to get past the blank stretch that was the Holiday Hangout. Now I don't even see the option.
I think I'm having the same problems but I haven't gotten any bros since the holiday forum.
with 'Agree' and 'Awesome' i can see the reactions from immediately before the switch and since the switch back, but the 'next page' option is missing for both of those while its still there in the 'Bro?' section.
Right now I can only see reactions for posts that received those reactions after the HH - if an old post of mine gets a new reaction it will be on the list, but not otherwise.
I have received Awesomes since the HH ended, but I cannot see them. I can only assume that it's people with access to the HH still replying to whatever was posted there, probably the "draw a reindeer" thread
It seems like only posts that are getting reactions after the HH close are showing up in my list
not that we are narcissist, but I use my reactions as a bit of a bookmark for searching through my posts for content that I posted a month or two ago that others deemed relevant, like my quick guide to warframe a few threads ago.
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As the OP mentioned, not a big deal, but it's kind of annoying, because occasionally I can't exactly remember a turn of phrase that I know I made in one of them and now I can't go back if I ever need to find one.
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I wasn't Awesome over the holidays, so that works fine.
Thus if someone didn't get a lot of reactions in the holiday forum, they can still see some reactions from before it, but if they did then they may only be able to see the ones gained since then. And if they didn't get any reactions of that type on the holiday forum it will work like normal.
you can type in a page number in the url, like so:
wherein ?= a desired page
and it'll take you past the holiday forum block and you can navigate as normal from there
not ideal, but workable!
Supporting example: I got reactions on maybe two posts in the holiday whiskey thread and my reaction views are fine.
Maybe related, but I just had that thing on Mobile Browsing again where everything kinda loads in broken and white.
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