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[Painting Miniatures] This time it's still about painting miniatures
You want painted miniatures?
We got painted minatures!
Big ones!
Small ones!
We got Space Marines of all shapes and sizes for you!
Don't like Space Marines? No problem!
We got Tau for you!
We got Bugs for you!
We've even got Warmachine!
We've even got Infinity!
We Maybe
We got this guy I don't even know where he's from!
Check it out! Paint some miniatures! Post some pictures!
My Warhammer stuff online:
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Perhaps I can interest you in my meager selection of pins?
I've also seen that Warjack and the rest of that force in person. It's impressive.
I'm also rather chuffed that I managed to be so highly represented in the OP. Guess that means we need people to paint more nids!
Still, would've been nice if the thread title had been 'Taking Tips from Teeny Tiny Tech-marines.'
*fake edit*
Shit, I forgot to upload the pic. Finally finishing the riptide after three months has relit the fire under my ass to get stuff done, and I've been making rapid progress with my crashed thunderhawk. We'll see how close I get to complete on that tonight - it's a lot of work.
about half way through i wondered if i should have been making a note of who posted them, but eh :P
Focus on the codpiece, is what I'm saying.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
What's got you doing wolf wolfs of the wolf wolf?
Tell me what colours you used. Has anyone bought the black/white set or NMM set from vallejo? Also that snow is perfect.
VMC Field Blue as the base
VMC Intermediate Blue for spot highlights and overall edging
P3 Frostbite as edging
Snow is Secret Weapon crushed glass & realistic water over GW Stirland Mud. Also you can't really see but I got some of that Typhus Corrosion stuff that just came out and put it on his boots. It's actually a really cool mud & grime effect that's stupid easy.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
Which reminds me, I was going to work on my scouts and land speeder storm for a kill team after the riptide... man, my gamer ADD is terrible.
I guess I'll do them when the crashed thunderhawk is done.
Anyways while moving I dug out around 1000k points of eldar I never finished painting. I had found my favorite way of doing wraithbone, which was simply ogryn flesh over a base of white. Since I haven't played for years or done much for modeling, apparently its no longer sold/ made.
Where can I find ogryn flesh wash [or discontinued paints] online? I actually have stuff underway so I'll actually be posting photos again
This color matching chart is probably your best choice, as it shows not just old and new GW (or what GW claims what the matches are) but what other major paint lines match up.
Here's my WIP of the thunderhawk. Gonna be a reeeeeeeeal old World Eater's wreck, complete with a skeletonized casualty marine. I didn't think how hard it would be to take a picture of such a bright white ship on such a dark brown background.
The hull is actually fairly mottled, as I primed it white, gave it a heavy wash of Valleji Blue Gray, and then airbrushed white on top of that.
I'll give that color suggestion a shot, I found a single eBay seller that might have ogryn flesh still heh
Also been working on my chapter master some. I have found a camo scheme I like!
Scouts have got it too.
I've started on my Sternguard, they've come out pretty Aussie (Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi!) Strayaaaaaaa!
Secret Weapon make a flesh wash but I've can't speak to the quality of their washes as I've never used them. Everything else they make is great though.
@Asher the Waffen SS camo scheme looks good.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
Is it done? Because if so you need to get some weathering on that bitch. Buy some Typhus Corrosion because it's like Easy Mode. Maybe some weathering powders too. I have a bunch if you need them.
Also take the cat outside and shoot it.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
The cat is the best part!
I don't know about all Secret Weapon washes, but the soft body black wash has a bit of a sheen to it. It works fantastic for washing silvers, but I like it less for non-metals. On everyone's suggestion i picked up a dark purple Secret Weapon wash, and I'll try that out in the recesses on my next model.
Fleshwash is kinda...meh. For whatever reason, I prefer Rieksland Flesh Wash by citadel. It's a bit darker, and to me, flows better. I've also tried Secret Weapon parchment wash - it's pretty good. You can use it on most cream colored paints to really good effect.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
I'm not sure whether it's amusing or creepy that I so perfectly anticipated his post as to have a response picture already prepared...
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
Keen has an irrational hatred of nature's little sociopathic killers.
Bnet: DireOtter#11965, PSN: DireOtter, Live: DireOtter
Also, I'm coming to the end of my rope with fucking power weapons. I hate painting blended colours, and the red-orange-yellow I've gone with just makes me think of mac and cheese the more I look at it (thanks to an offhand comment from the gf ).
What do you people think are good, non glowing, effects for power weapons? I'm considering just painting them bronze or black-steel and covering them with gore. All blood, all the time. (that new GW effect paint is a godsend. I hate mixing blood)
I fully intend to do something special for my Space Wolves frost weapons though. Not sure what yet.
EDIT: I also have a bit of a soft spot for old school lightning bolty power weapons, corny though they may be.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
My friend, do you own an airbrush? If so:
It's a technique I intend to try soon. As airbrushing technique goes, this is very simple, and looks very very good, if you're into 'cooler' colors. You could easily do this warmer tones too. The only hitch is that it works best on more traditional European swords - scimitars and sabers it may not translate well too.
For reference, here's my bloodletters's weapons. They're ok, if not a bit lumpy up close (layering up on spikey points is a good way to look shitty), but theyre just a pain in the ass to paint, and dont translate well to bigger weapons (like bloodthirster or deamon prince weapons)
Second, here's a technique my friend uses that may translate to non-flat surfaces
edit: yes I realize it is moar lightning, but you can always change the colors around and it would work for non flat surfaces.
Homeworld, represent.
Yeah don't underestimate glazes and the like over metallics. It can look really striking like the aforementioned riptide.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
Is that working better?
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705