Stumped on a computer build issue
Here's the situation. I'm building two identical computers. The first one I get put together and when starting it up I get no video using both the VGA and DVI ports and there are no error codes. I troubleshoot all the regulars first. I try the ram for #2, no change, I try the CPU for #2, no change, I try the motherboard from #2, no change. I even tried a 3rd motherboard which I had set aside for another build, no change. I then proceed to go ahead with the build of #2 and everything works fine with it.
My next guess is that it is the power supply so I order in a new one, get it yesterday and swap it, of course there is still no change, same blank screen and no beep codes. I have gone through everything except for a second case on this thing as well as 3 motherboards and 3 PSUs. Are there any ideas of what I may be missing? I've triple checked all PSU connections to the motherboard as well as the case to board connections and everything is well seated. I'd rather avoid wasting time with another case as I have never seen an issue with a boot being related to the case. Any ideas?
Because if you're going to attempt to squeeze that big black monster into your slot you will need to be able to take at least 12 inches or else you're going to have a bad time...
MyiagrosX27 0
Also check the pins on the motherboard/cpu to make sure none are bent. You can realign them with a box cutter if you've got steady hands.
Is the 4 pin (or 6 or 8 depending on your mobo) power properly connected?
Do you have anything in any of the PCI(e) slots? That sometimes disables the onboard video (thinking you're using a stand alone video card).
If you remove the RAM and power up, do you get the error beep from your mobo?
Any chance the 'Clear CMOS' jumper is shorted? That might prevent a boot.
What's the make and model of the mobo?