Yeah, I know there's a big RE4 thread, but I thought this news deserved a thread of its own (and I apologize if it's been covered elsewhere).
According to IGN, Famitsu has reported on the long-rumored Biohazard 4 Wii edition. Here's how you'll use the Wiimote to tackle those creepy Spaniards:
The Wiimote is used to aim a targeting cursor in order to target and fire at your enemies. To reload, you hold down on the B trigger and shake the Wiimote. In case you were wondering, the built-in speaker is being programmed with a reload sound effect.
The Wiimote is also used for close-range attacks. When an enemy approaches, all you have to do is give the Wiimote a little of the shake-shake. The game automatically detects the direction of the enemy and makes Leon perform a knife attack. This move can also be used against trees and barrels.
The rest of the game has also been modified to take account of the Wii's unique controller. Interactive event scenes display the Wii buttons when prompting for input. Some events require that you shake the Wiimote.
The game will contain all the PS2 content, along with multiple difficulty settings. Supposedly it'll be released at the end of May in Japan, with no international release dates confirmed yet.
Hmmm, interesting. I like the auto-tracking on the knife... that's one of the few things that bugged me about the original game (having to aim down at an itty-bitty breakable box.
Cross posting from my post earlier this morning in another forum:
- Every extra the PS2 had over the GCN version.
- Full motion control over your knife.
- New enemies and bosses
- Back to the original real-time cutscenes that the GCN had.
- Gamecube controller support.
- May 31st release date.
- $30.
Official japanese site is up.
Mntorankusu translated this:
I'd say "bought so hard," but a game like RE4 requires a little more ... drama.
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms, history shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own fall"
- Adolf Hitler, Edict of March 18, 1938.
Meh-heh... bweh-heh.... MWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
I dunno. Maybe 'cause the extras come from the PS2 port?
I'd love if they kept the option for the GC controls. They won't, but seeing as the Freeloader/Action Replay refuses to work with the PAL Wii my US copy of RE4 is pretty useless.
Also, lets hope they give both wiimote and cube controls. Then it will be PERFECT.
Troll. Let's wait how controls turn out beforing doing any stupid claims.
So, has anything come out for the Wii recently that isn't a puzzle game or a last-gen rehash or port?
Nah, he just has a negative opinion. As do I. This thing sounds incredibly weak, even for $30.
SSX Blur
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Super Paper Mario (in 1 week)
Assignment Ada was on the GC version. But it basically was just Ada going through the island level part of the game.
PS2 had Separate Ways which is the entire RE4 game but from Ada's side of the story.
Anyway, I'll buy it if it's 480p and widescreen. Well worth the $30 just for that imo...
er, unless the cube version is already 480p and widescreen. I haven't tried it yet on my new TV.
The article doesn't say. It would be ludicrously easy to put it in, though
Wouldn't last long though...
*Saddler tentacle rape*
Hopefully it'll actually be slightly improved over the gamecube version with maybe some sharper textures since it has more memory.
At the very least, it'll be nice to have it all on one disc now.
He's a founding member of Seeds inc., not certain of his connections to capcom atm.
Not me. Added PS2 content? Why bother adding it to the GC version when you could just re-port the ported PS2 version!
Well, he was there LONG before Leon showed up. That could be a cool part of the timeline to get to play through.
i would not take that bet. the wii's graphics have been very disappointing. before someone says its not about the graphics with the wii please stfu i know the concept.
but still they have been nothing short of awful less than last gen. what happened to the power of the xbox1? i dont see it.
PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748
Here is the picture that Gripper mentioned:
Chemistry puzzle mini-games ftw?
BREAKING NEWS: RWii4 to be developed by Three Rings (of Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates fame)! All combat replaced by puzzle games!
Wait a sec... That's the scene early in the game where your tied up with Luis and the ganado is about to do you both in with that axe he's hefting around.
That's from a cut scene: