assuming we are all dug out from the storm headed our way today and tomorrow (35-50 cm i.e. 14-20 inches), we should be up for some adventuring Thrusday as well. Winter is not done with us yet darnit!
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
I'm sorry guys. We're stuck in scheduling limbo while I'm talking to people at places. I can give you the teaser of what I'm trying to do: Wednesday I'm trying for Fenway, Harpoon, and Taza (not necessarily in that order). And Thursday I'm looking at pastries, aquarium, and Sam Adams (again not in order). It looks like I'll need a head count for 1 or 2 places beforehand but I'll keep you posted and I'll send out messages if that is the case.
Oh man, I missed this last year and I definitely don't want to miss it this year. Count me and possibly 3 more in! I'll know for sure by tomorrow night.
Two of us are arriving Wednesday morning, but there are several spots on your list I would like to visit. When do you think you will have your schedule up as to when you will be where? It would be great to get to see the sights plus meet some new friends.
I just finalized plans with Fenway. We are scheduled for a tour at 9:30am on Wednesday. I will need a head count ahead of time because I have to pay on Tuesday. adults are $15 and children are $9. I'll send out messages later today.
Wednesday's schedule is set:
8:30 meetup at Boston Common [Park St]
9:00 travel time
9:30 Fenway (prepay required!) [Kenmore]
10:30 travel time
11:30 lunch - Sunset Grill and Tap [Packard's Corner]
12:45 travel time
2:00 Taza chocolate (prepay required!) [69 bus]
3:00 travel time
4:00 Harpoon (prepay required!)
I do need to pay for each of these in advance (excluding lunch) so I made this handy dandy eventbrite page for you to order tickets.
Fenway: I have to pay for this on Tuesday. I *might* be able to add people after that, but it's not a sure-thing. Let me know if you need more children/adult tickets. (I just sort of guessed at what we might have)
Sunset: yes, we're going back this year after I said we might not. This year we are not dawdling though because we've prepaid for our next stop and we have to be there on time.
Taza: I've already out some money down on this one. We are technically part of a public tour because I couldn't make their private tours work for us. (And they charge abut twice as much for a private tour.) So I already purchased a number (that number is 9) of tickets for the tour. I can purchase more as we need them, but can't make a promise on exactly how many more.
Harpoon: this has the most leeway. Tickets are only available day-of, so I'll be sending someone that one morning to pick up tickets for all of us. I still need the head count and money in advance.
question: is Sam Adams able to be visited by minors with a parent ??? We arrive Thursday morning ... so I would be up for after lunch aquarium ????
Yes, minors are allowed and yes, root beer is available during the tasting. We're likely doing it in the morning though, so it likely won't matter for you.
I'll try to apparate after I arrive in Boston around noon, don't entirely know what my schedule is looking like, but it should be fun.
Aperture Safety Personal Observation Tester for Aperture Testing and Observation, Honorary Alphanaut, Grandmaster of the Tychonian Guard, Chronicler of the House of Brahe, Senior Editor for Mustache News, Agent of O.S.P.R.E.Y., PAX COPS Detective Inspector, and PAX Tours Saboteur.
"I think he starts in reality and ends in fantasy."
"No he starts in fantasy and ends in chaos."
On Thursday, I'm thinking of moving our normal meeting spot from the Common to the prePAX breakfast (thread here: Time wise, we either have 3 hours at the aquarium, or I push everything back an hour to make room for breakfast and we leave there at 10. If anyone is super concerned about finding their way to breakfast, I can do a meetup at the t stop for the BCEC (world trade center stop on silver line).
So, breakfast? Good plan?
On Thursday, I'm thinking of moving our normal meeting spot from the Common to the prePAX breakfast (thread here: Time wise, we either have 3 hours at the aquarium, or I push everything back an hour to make room for breakfast and we leave there at 10. If anyone is super concerned about finding their way to breakfast, I can do a meetup at the t stop for the BCEC (world trade center stop on silver line).
So, breakfast? Good plan?
That works out for my fiance and I... Not 100% if @chupamiubre is coming along also but I'll say it should work for him too :P
I'm cool with thursday plans. I'd prefer meeting on the silver line at the world trade center. What else is on line for Thursday?
It might change, but this is the likely schedule for Thursday:
8:00 meet up @ World Trade Center stop
8:30 breakfast @ friendly toast
10:00 travel time
11:00 Sam Adams
12:00 travel time
1:00 lunch @ Faneuil hall/ Quincy market
2:00 walk over to pastries
3:00 travel time
3:30 aquarium
None of these will require prepay, but I think you can purchase tickets for the aquarium on their site (link is in the OP) if you want to not wait in line when we get there.
Their website says if you bring a valid student ID they give you three dollars off... Not sure if that works with out of state students but perhaps worth a try if anyone else is still in college
The Thursday itinerary looks great. My husband and I can meet up with the tour at Friendly Toast and do all of the tour that day except the aquarium. Thanks for pulling this all together.
PAX West 2016: Badges [x] Pre-PAX Dinner: [x] TWDT: [x] Slytherin DE House Elf Cookies baked for Cookie Brigade: TBD August 2016
trajetreProfessional JawaVancouverRegistered Usernew member
Both days sound like a lot of fun! Count me in! I look forward to exploring Boston with you all while my partner is off slaying OmegaDragons at the BCEC.
Depending on what time the rest of the people in my room get in, I may meet you all at the aquarium on Thursday. I didnt get to go last time I was in Boston.
I'll be getting in Wednesday evening so I would love to join Thursday MMT with a +1, if that is still possible.
Absolutely. Thursday is come in and out as you please. [phrasing!] It's only Wednesday that I need a firm head count for.
As for everyone who has already purchased tickets for Wednesday, thank you! I'm hoping to get at least 5 more people for Fenway so I can break even (I have to pay for at least 12 people for a private tour).
We'll be making it to all of Thursday's events - from the silver line meetup onward.
If we are able to make it to the Wednesday tours will depend on when we get in and then settled at the hotel (which made us miss all of Wednesday's tour last year), so I can't commit ahead of time. Sorry! I really wish I could. If we are able to catch up at Taza or Harpoon, will it be ok if we join then? (understanding that it will depend on if there are even still public tour tickets left that late in the afternoon)
If we are able to catch up at Taza or Harpoon, will it be ok if we join then? (understanding that it will depend on if there are even still public tour tickets left that late in the afternoon)
You got it exactly right: you're welcome to join us...if you can still get tickets then. Being a week day, it's not totally out of the question.
Do we know where you will be lunching on Thursday or is it just generally in Fanueil ... just to make easier to find folks
There's a big Gina's food court with a central seating area. We'll be someone in the seating area. Just look for the nerdy folks. Possibly also a light blue flag if I get it back tomorrow...
Anyone planning to join up with us during the day, remember to watch the twitter feed (@pax_mmt) for updates. I will tweet throughout each day so that is the best and most up to date info. I will NOT be checking the forums at any point during the tour, so posting here won't do you any good.
She says "Warning, it's gross".
I never finish anyth
I think we should both be in by about noon..
What? No beer? That's bullshit! I'm never going there as a minor again!
We can't help it if your 'boyish good looks' make you look 12 Peet.
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
8:30 meetup at Boston Common [Park St]
9:00 travel time
9:30 Fenway (prepay required!) [Kenmore]
10:30 travel time
11:30 lunch - Sunset Grill and Tap [Packard's Corner]
12:45 travel time
2:00 Taza chocolate (prepay required!) [69 bus]
3:00 travel time
4:00 Harpoon (prepay required!)
I do need to pay for each of these in advance (excluding lunch) so I made this handy dandy eventbrite page for you to order tickets.
Fenway: I have to pay for this on Tuesday. I *might* be able to add people after that, but it's not a sure-thing. Let me know if you need more children/adult tickets. (I just sort of guessed at what we might have)
Sunset: yes, we're going back this year after I said we might not. This year we are not dawdling though because we've prepaid for our next stop and we have to be there on time.
Taza: I've already out some money down on this one. We are technically part of a public tour because I couldn't make their private tours work for us. (And they charge abut twice as much for a private tour.) So I already purchased a number (that number is 9) of tickets for the tour. I can purchase more as we need them, but can't make a promise on exactly how many more.
Harpoon: this has the most leeway. Tickets are only available day-of, so I'll be sending someone that one morning to pick up tickets for all of us. I still need the head count and money in advance.
Yes, minors are allowed and yes, root beer is available during the tasting. We're likely doing it in the morning though, so it likely won't matter for you.
"I think he starts in reality and ends in fantasy."
"No he starts in fantasy and ends in chaos."
So, breakfast? Good plan?
That works out for my fiance and I... Not 100% if @chupamiubre is coming along also but I'll say it should work for him too :P
It might change, but this is the likely schedule for Thursday:
8:00 meet up @ World Trade Center stop
8:30 breakfast @ friendly toast
10:00 travel time
11:00 Sam Adams
12:00 travel time
1:00 lunch @ Faneuil hall/ Quincy market
2:00 walk over to pastries
3:00 travel time
3:30 aquarium
None of these will require prepay, but I think you can purchase tickets for the aquarium on their site (link is in the OP) if you want to not wait in line when we get there.
Remember! If you want to join us on Wednesday, you need to prepay or else you will be a sad panda.
Absolutely. Thursday is come in and out as you please. [phrasing!] It's only Wednesday that I need a firm head count for.
As for everyone who has already purchased tickets for Wednesday, thank you! I'm hoping to get at least 5 more people for Fenway so I can break even (I have to pay for at least 12 people for a private tour).
If we are able to make it to the Wednesday tours will depend on when we get in and then settled at the hotel (which made us miss all of Wednesday's tour last year), so I can't commit ahead of time. Sorry! I really wish I could.
PAX East Pics: 2010-2015 & Vids: 2012-2015
You got it exactly right: you're welcome to join us...if you can still get tickets then. Being a week day, it's not totally out of the question.
Yes, we're going to the Boston location on Hanover, not the Medford location.
There's a big Gina's food court with a central seating area. We'll be someone in the seating area. Just look for the nerdy folks. Possibly also a light blue flag if I get it back tomorrow...
Anyone planning to join up with us during the day, remember to watch the twitter feed (@pax_mmt) for updates. I will tweet throughout each day so that is the best and most up to date info. I will NOT be checking the forums at any point during the tour, so posting here won't do you any good.