Blood Bound Game 1

PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet BustersTasting FruitRegistered User regular
edited January 2014 in Critical Failures
Welcome to Blood Bound - the game where vampires sit around a table and stab each other!

The full rules can be found on FFG's website.


Every player will be assigned one of these roles. Keep in mind that there could be 0, 1 or 2 of any given role in the game (exception: Inquisitor). Each role has a special ability that can be performed only when you reveal your role. Each role also has a pair of affiliation tokens that provide information on what your role is, and what team you are on. "Colour" refers to a red/blue token appropriate to your team. "Unknown" is a white token.

Rank 1 Rank_1.gif - Elder - (colour, colour) Clan_Rose.gifClan_Rose.gif / Clan_Beast.gifClan_Beast.gif
You are the leader of your clan. When you reveal your role you have the option to take a "quill" Ability_Quill.gif which reverses the ranking order - the player with the highest number is now the leader.

Rank 2 Rank_2.gif- Assassin - (unknown, unknown) Clan_Unknown.gifClan_Unknown.gif
When you reveal your role you have the option to assign two wounds to any player; these wounds cannot be intervened. Afterwards the dagger is given to the attacked player.

Rank 3 Rank_3.gif - Harlequin - (unknown, unknown) Clan_Unknown.gifClan_Unknown.gif
Your clue shows of the OPPOSITE clan (ie the Red harlequin would show Blue). When you reveal your role you can inspect any two player's role cards.

Rank 4 Rank_4.gif - Alchemist - (unknown, unknown) Clan_Unknown.gifClan_Unknown.gif
You can use your ability only when you intervene. When doing so, you may heal OR wound the player you intervene for. If you heal them, they may "hide" one piece of information. They may choose to return their rank token and thus gain a second use of their power. If you wound them, the wound cannot be intervened.

Rank 5 Rank_5.gif - Mentalist - (colour, colour) Clan_Rose.gifClan_Rose.gif / Clan_Beast.gifClan_Beast.gif
When you reveal your role you have the option to assign one wound to any player; this wound must be the rank token, if possible; this wound cannot be intervened. Afterwards the dagger is given to the attacked player.

Rank 6 Rank_6.gif - Guardian - (colour, colour) Clan_Rose.gifClan_Rose.gif / Clan_Beast.gifClan_Beast.gif
When you reveal your role you have the option to guard a player. While a player is guarded he cannot be targetted by the dagger, or by any ability that gives wounds. The guard stops once you recieve your third wound.

Rank 7 Rank_7.gif - Berserker - (colour, unknown) Clan_Rose.gifClan_Unknown.gif / Clan_Beast.gifClan_Unknown.gif
When you reveal your role you have the option to force a wound on your attacker; this wound cannot be intervened. You keep the dagger.

Rank 8 Rank_8.gif - Mage - (colour, unknown) Clan_Rose.gifClan_Unknown.gif / Clan_Beast.gifClan_Unknown.gif
When you reveal your role you give yourself and one other player a "Staff." Ability_Staff.gif Any player with a "Staff" MUST take an unknown affiliation token when revealing affiliation, REGARDLESS of what your role is

Rank 9 Rank_9.gif - Courtesan - (colour, unknown) Clan_Rose.gifClan_Unknown.gif / Clan_Beast.gifClan_Unknown.gif
When you reveal your role you give one player a "Fan." Ability_Fan.gif Any attacks headed for someone with a "Fan" cannot be intervened.

Special role
Inquisitor Rank_Inquisitor.gif. There is at most one Inquisitor
The inquisitor plays by different rules. He may not target anyone that has 3 wounds (ie, may not end the game). When taking an affiliation token, he may take any token he wishes, even otherwise illegal combinations (red & blue for example). When his role is revealed he may give special "curse" cards to other players. One of these will be a "true curse" - only the Inquisitor knows who has the true curse. If the victorious leader has the true curse, then the Inquisitor wins instead. Additionally, the Inquisitor wins if he is killed.

Clan Leader
Each clan has a leader. Each role has a numerical rank, 1 to 9 that represents status in the clan. The lowest number is, by default, the leader of the clan, so normally the Elder is the leader, then the Assassin, and so on, since some roles might not be present. However, the Elder's special ability reverses this ranking for that clan making the highest number the clan leader. The clan leaders are the main targets in the game.

Each turn, the player with the dagger attacks another player. Declare your intent to attack someone in bold and by @ing them. Maybe add a !stab or something, just make it obvious. The attacked player can then either take his wound, or ask for intervention.

The person with the dagger may give the dagger to another player without stabbing them

During normal attacks (not special ability wounds), the attacked player can solicit for interventions. Any player who does not have their rank token revealed may offer to intervene. The attacked player MAY accept any one offer - or none at all. Once accepted, the intervening player automatically takes the wound for the attacked player, revealing his rank (and activating his role's power if desired), and the dagger. In effect, the intervening player becomes the attacked player.

Offering to intervene is binding. You may withdraw the offer by posting again, but if the offer is accepted before you withdraw then you take the wound.

Note that since you can normally only take your role token once, and you can only intervene if you haven't, most people can intervene only once.

Taking a Wound
When you take a wound from anything except an intervention or a mentalist attack, you have the option to disclose any of three pieces of hidden information: your role and each of the two affiliation icons on your card. You may not reveal an already-revealed piece of information. For example, if you were Blue 9, you could choose "rank 9", "blue" or "unknown", but if you choose "unknown" the first time and get attacked again you must choose between "rank 9" and "blue"

If you are healed by the Alchemist's ability, then you can re-reveal the piece you take back.

If you choose to reveal your role by a normal attack, or intervening, not an ability, then you may immediately use your special ability. This is the only time at which you can do so.

The dagger then passes to the wounded player (unless an ability changes who gets the dagger) and the stabbings continue until morale improves a winner is decided

The number of pieces of information you have revealed is known as the number of wounds you have. Each player can be wounded 3 times.

Winning the game
The game ends when any player takes a fourth wound, after which all roles are revealed. If the current player gives the fourth wound to the opposing clan's leader, the attacking player's clan wins. Otherwise, the current player's clan loses and the other clan wins.

If the Inquisitor takes the fourth wound, or the leader of the winning clan has the Inquisitor's True Curse, then the Inquisitor wins instead.

No outside communication
You are free to talk as much as you wish, about anything you wish, in this thread, but private communication between players is not allowed.

Game Setup
6-13 players. The clans are equally divided. For example, in an 8 player game, four roles will be randomly selected for Red, and four for Blue. These then get distributed randomly. Note that this means that each clan will very likely have a different set of roles! One clan could have an Elder for a leader, while the other could easily have the Alchemist as the leader. If there are an odd number of players the Inquisitor is included.

At the start of the game everybody gets a piece of information about one of their neighbours. They will get to peek at their neighbour's colour (but note that the Inquisitor will randomly show as blue or red, and the Harlequin will show as the opposite of what they really are). This is done in a chain, so player 1 shows to player 2 shows to player 3 and so on. This will be included in your initial role PM, along with what you revealed and to who

Some roles benefit from revealing their ranks early - particularly the Guardian, who is completely useless if he reveals his role last, while other roles benefit from waiting - in particular the Assassin - for more information. Try to time your role reveal to have maximum effect, but keep in mind how likely it is that you are actually the leader, and thus painting a target on your back. Or front. And even if you are very low ranked, there is still the possibility that your Elder will make you very high ranked if attacked.

One thing to think about is affiliation token reveal order - revealing your first token automatically narrows your role from 9 possibilities to 6, the second brings it to 3, so if your goal is to hide your role then it may not be as effective as you might think.

Of course, it could also be the Inquisitor tricking you into attacking him as the clan leader...

Sign up colourfully.

Phyphor on


  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    @infidel @mrblarney @rend - I wonder how this will work in PbP as opposed to real life

  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    I don't see any reason why it won't work. Perfect historical information could change the dynamic of things, but if play-by-post of other social deduction and traitor games work on the forum, Blood Bound should find a nice home here.

    Heck, let's do it. !sign up for stabbings (of other people)

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    Oh I'm sure it will work, but I wonder how all the table talk will change. It's a perfect game in theory though - technically it's fire-and-forget for the host, since I will have nothing to do except rules clarifications and the occasional summary post once it starts

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    !iStab, now in stores

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    If we're feeling particularly broody, can we use the dagger on ourselves?

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    No, you can cut yourself on your own time. You can ask to be stabbed though

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Is there any way that the Inquisitor can get to 3 wounds and not be seen as the Inquisitor? That is, does the Inquisitor have to take his own rank token, and if not, are there any roles who would feasibly refuse to use their role at some point in the game?
    I just don't see how the Inquisitor could ever be captured unless one team was sick of playing.

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    Yes, the Inquisitor has his own special rank token that he must take

    Typically, the Inquisitor will likely try to reveal later or not at all. Once revealed he won't be attacked obviously, but once he does reveal he has those curse cards which can still let him win if he chooses properly.

    The way for the Inquisitor to actually win via wounds is to be attacked by the Assassin's special ability with 2 wounds showing. Impersonating some high ranked role, he takes two (token + game ender) and wins

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    edited January 2014

    Still sounds very reliant on there being an Assassin on one team, and not an Elder on the other.
    So the curse pinning strategy seems like a better, but obviously later, bet.

    Although the more I think about it, the more I like the Inquistor's role.
    One win condition is based upon incomplete information and misleading someone's Assassin, and the other on information being too complete and nailing the eventual victory down absolutely.

    discrider on
  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    * sign me up

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    The Inquisitor is basically Hard Mode, yeah. Even if you have perfect information at the time you give your curses out, you still must predict which team is going to win since you only have one true curse

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Seems like Guardian is true Hard Mode then. Considering of the top 4 roles, only the Elder provides alignment thingies after being hit, and one of the 4 also lies about their alignment through their clue, it's going to be tough for the Guardian to figure out which high ranking players are on their team. And the Elder pretty much self-guards anyway.

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Does the Elder become the leader of his clan again if he uses his power a second time?

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    edited January 2014
    No. Once you take your quill you basically become the least important person in the game

    Phyphor on
  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Can a Guardian self-guard?

    That is, can a Guardian guard an Assassin, get Alchemised, Guard himself, find out the Assassin is actually on the other team, and then spend the rest of the game trying to intervene with everyone to knock his own shields off?

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    discrider wrote: »
    Seems like Guardian is true Hard Mode then. Considering of the top 4 roles, only the Elder provides alignment thingies after being hit, and one of the 4 also lies about their alignment through their clue, it's going to be tough for the Guardian to figure out which high ranking players are on their team. And the Elder pretty much self-guards anyway.

    The guardian probably has the toughest single choice, mostly since it happens early, but even then, just protecting your neighbour who showed you your team blindly is often enough. It's enough to simply cause the other team to make a mistake, so they will either have to ignore your guarded person or burn the guard anyway

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    discrider wrote: »
    Can a Guardian self-guard?

    That is, can a Guardian guard an Assassin, get Alchemised, Guard himself, find out the Assassin is actually on the other team, and then spend the rest of the game trying to intervene with everyone to knock his own shields off?

    No. That wouldn't work in multiple ways. First of all, in order to intervene you must not have revealed your rank token, and you do in order to guard. You could guard, get alchemised and then intervene though. Second, self-guarding doesn't really make any sense since what guarding does is make you un-targettable, and so is not allowed. Third, since your guarded target can't take any damage, the only alignment info that you could get would be what was reported by someone else about the start-of-game peek, and even then you wouldn't know it was the assassin unless you had a very specific distribution of roles.

    Keep in mind that even in a maximum player game, each clan has 3 missing roles

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    Um, guarding only prevents damaging abilities from being able to target the player, so it's plausible for a guarded player to become double-guarded or harlequinned (which then makes the guard player panic on -actual- role discovery).

    So, Is a self-guarded player invulnerable and immortal?

    discrider on
  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    Uh, I don't think it's meant for self-guarding to be possible. When the Guardian activates their rank ability, the Shield card should be handed off to a different player.

  • Kristmas KthulhuKristmas Kthulhu Currently Kultist Kthulhu Registered User regular
    !I do this game will break up the centuries of monotony.

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    MrBlarney wrote: »
    Uh, I don't think it's meant for self-guarding to be possible. When the Guardian activates their rank ability, the Shield card should be handed off to a different player.

    Yeah. You cannot guard yourself. And since you protect your guarded target you cant create a loop between the two guardians (which would work, if it were possible to create)

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    Also, Blarney has sent me some images for things which I will upload later and add into the OP. Thanks!

  • RendRend Registered User regular
    I take the quill, but I do not pass it!

  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    Sounds fun

  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    I'm trying this too.

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Phyphor wrote: »
    MrBlarney wrote: »
    Uh, I don't think it's meant for self-guarding to be possible. When the Guardian activates their rank ability, the Shield card should be handed off to a different player.

    Yeah. You cannot guard yourself. And since you protect your guarded target you cant create a loop between the two guardians (which would work, if it were possible to create)

    Yes you can.
    First a Guard guards the other Guard. And then the other Guard, somehow magically being top rank (highly unlikely or impossible) or otherwise noting that the other team is failing hard and deciding it's worth permanently locking the other Guard, intervenes for one of his team-mates, activates his ability and Guards the other Guard.

  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    While self-guarding isn't possible, mutual protection between Guardians certainly could be possible under your scenario, discrider. That could lead to drawn or lock games for one team, and Alchemist shenanigans could muddy things even further. It's not a likely scenario, but it's possible.

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    It's pretty unlikely.
    The Alchemist can only trigger on a player before he's been guarded as otherwise there's nothing to intervene on, and a Guard that's used his ability on another player before being guarded is unlikely to be guarded by the other Guard.
    The only scenario where this could really happen is where Guard 1 guards a high rank player for the other team accidentally, then he gets Alchemised, then the second Guard figures out what's happened, Guards the other guard so as to safeguard his own high rank, and then the first Guard, still sticking to his convictions, guards the second guard because obviously the other guy is wrong.

    discrider on
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    reserve up?

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    Ah true, he can still intervene. So you could set it up. What actually would happen is the game would keep going until one team was forced to kill the wrong person and lose

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    preemptive !stab discrider

  • CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    Blood is life.

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    9? so far I think, I'll give it a bit longer and we will probably start tomorrow

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    Haha okay I think I just broke the bbcode parser

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    edited January 2014

    Phyphor on
  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    @jdarksun, there's room, you want in?

  • crimsoncoyotecrimsoncoyote Registered User regular

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Yeah man, sounds like fun!

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    Okay let's get this underway. We have 11 players, which means there are 5 reds, 5 blues and one Inquisitor, who will randomly be assigned red or blue to show as

    Highest number will show to next highest and so on; lowest will show to highest
    Geth roll 11d1000 for table order (mrblarney, discrider, mrbody, GG, kristmas, rend, obifett, preda, jdark, capfalcon, crimsoncoyote)
    Geth roll 1d11 for starting player (mrblarney, discrider, mrbody, GG, kristmas, rend, obifett, preda, jdark, capfalcon, crimsoncoyote)

    table order (mrblarney, discrider, mrbody, GG, kristmas, rend, obifett, preda, jdark, capfalcon, crimsoncoyote):
    11d1000 6483 [11d1000=867, 44, 575, 468, 862, 238, 787, 647, 499, 847, 649]
    starting player (mrblarney, discrider, mrbody, GG, kristmas, rend, obifett, preda, jdark, capfalcon, crimsoncoyote):
    1d11 6 [1d11=6]

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