ClubPA Podcast Feed

RynolRynol ChicagoRegistered User new member
So, I love ClubPA, but I noticed that the feed address listed for the PA Staff podcast is the same one listed for the DLC podcast, but the PA Staff podcast doesn't show up in the feed at all. And I know it is the ClubPA feed, as the newest DLC podcast on it, is not available yet for non-ClubPA members.


  • BaconGreaseBaconGrease Registered User regular
    Would be nice to be able to access them on my phone (at least I haven't figured out how to do it)

  • calamityjamiecalamityjamie Corgi Wrangler Seattle, WARegistered User staff
    The PA Staff podcast RSS is still something we're looking at - it's the only item that's Club PA exclusive (not early access) so we're trying to figure out the best method of distributing it securely. Would a username/password protected RSS work with your setup?

  • donbertdonbert NYCRegistered User new member
    I'm using Downcast on ios and it supports RSS with a username/password. This would be great for the early access DLC RSS too in 6 months when I assume you'll change the link for people to sign up for ClubPA again. Rather than having a new link every 6 months you can just change the password.

  • ahoehlerahoehler Registered User new member
    Yes, having an RSS feed for the staff podcast (either password protected or via private link) would be a great addition. Currently, it's somewhat annoying to have to check the page for updates, particularly because there is no given schedule for when new episodes are coming (every 2nd Monday or whatever).

  • RynolRynol ChicagoRegistered User new member
    edited February 2014
    PA Jamie wrote: »
    The PA Staff podcast RSS is still something we're looking at - it's the only item that's Club PA exclusive (not early access) so we're trying to figure out the best method of distributing it securely. Would a username/password protected RSS work with your setup?

    Yeah, that would work for me, I'm using DoggCatcher now on Android & it supports protected RSS feeds.

    Rynol on
  • Abdiel324Abdiel324 Registered User new member
    A RSS for the Staff podcast would be awesome. Also fyi the link for the 3rd podcast is broken.

  • Abdiel324Abdiel324 Registered User new member
    It's fixed now. Thx

  • vidvid Hot Dog Wizard PDXRegistered User regular
    The need for a login/password on the Staff Podcast has me wondering: What kind of ratio are we looking at in terms of Staff Podcast listenership versus Club PA subscription numbers?

    I'm sure you can't share actual numbers, but I'd be curious to know if there's a large discrepancy one way or the other.

  • calamityjamiecalamityjamie Corgi Wrangler Seattle, WARegistered User staff
    FYI - we're working on the Staff Podcast RSS now. Don't have an ETA yet, but it will be a thing! A thing for you.

  • glampeglampe Registered User new member
    Podcast artwork would be cool too.

  • GleveGleve Registered User regular
    Any reason the newest episode of the Staff podcast isn't on the RSS feed? I can access it through the website proper, but not from RSS Feed Reader. It tells me 'The requested URL /pa/assets/podcasts/pa-staff-s01e22-tUuD33lA.mp3 was not found on this server.'

    telcus wrote: »
    !vote for Gleve that was funny that you bandwaggoned yourself mate :)
  • eddiephlasheddiephlash Registered User regular
    I've noticed that only season 2 is available on the feed. Is there a separate feed for the old stuff?

  • ASimPersonASimPerson Cold... ... and hard.Registered User regular
    On the feed I see from the DLC page when logged in I see all the episodes ever.

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