Here is a look at the staging area for PAX-East. This will turn into a small mountain next week before we start loading our box trucks. For now, you can see a few of the games we are bringing. There are some old favorites we have had in the past like Bosconian and Punchout. However, if you look close, you can see two games we have not brought before: Dragon's Lair II, and a Nintendo Red Tent running Vs. Tennis.
OMG!!!! (ok, i'm acting like a tween ACAM is the highlight of the show for me!!! I have a few requests, if possible. I loved seeing Dragons Lair, Space Ace, & Mach Storm at previous PAXes. Do you happen to have Thayer's Quest or Cliff Hanger? I love laserdisc games, and have seen Cliff Hanger once, but I have never seen Thayers Quest. I don't know if you have one, but if you do, please, please, please bring it!!!! Also, the hologram game from SEGA would be awesome as well!!!! Oh, and is there any chance that any pinball units with be there this year?
Lastly, thank you for doing this again this year. I could spend days in that room!!!
Looking forward to it ! Played the heck out of Cliffhanger when it first came out in arcades (yes I am that old). Can't wait to experience the nostalgia again .... Though no doubt my reflexes have slowed somewhat lol
Cliffhanger will be part of our Sunday panel session, so we will have it with us at the show.
Here is the post
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
OMG!!!! (ok, i'm acting like a tween ACAM is the highlight of the show for me!!! I have a few requests, if possible. I loved seeing Dragons Lair, Space Ace, & Mach Storm at previous PAXes. Do you happen to have Thayer's Quest or Cliff Hanger? I love laserdisc games, and have seen Cliff Hanger once, but I have never seen Thayers Quest. I don't know if you have one, but if you do, please, please, please bring it!!!! Also, the hologram game from SEGA would be awesome as well!!!! Oh, and is there any chance that any pinball units with be there this year?
Lastly, thank you for doing this again this year. I could spend days in that room!!!
We really don't do requests as it is just impossible to please everyone at an event as large as PAX-East. We try to bring a good mix of popular games, games with historical significance, and some rare treasures you may not have ever seen before. For example, we are intending on bringing a game called Flower, which is an ultra-uber-rare game from Komax. We only know of one other person in the world that owns Flower, and ours is the only one available on public display. Our game took three years to restore and was unveiled to the public in June of 2013.
We are bringing Cliffhanger. Our Sunday panel session is all about laser disc games with Warren Ondras from the Daphne & Dexter development team. If you like laser games, you should make a point of attending that panel. We will also have Dragon's Lair II and Space Ace.
Pinball is so tough to bring to an event like PAX-East. Pins tend not to react well to being moved. We will have some pinball there, but probably not more than two or three machines.
The Sega game you speak of is Holosseum, and sadly, we do not have one.
As soon as the show starts, I'm heading in to play Tempest. I think I've played a grand total of three games of Tempest in my life, because 90%+ of the machines I've ever encountered were out of order.
I always look forward to the ACAM, and better yet, after PAX East I'm headed up to Moultonborough with a friend. You know we'll be spending at least one evening at Fun Spot basking in the glory days of arcade gaming.
What you guys do is incredibly important. I mod a Mame and BYOAC board, and as I much as I understand the decision to do so, I see a lot of classic arcade cabs gutted and modded into home Mame machines. Whatever, it's their property, but we really need ACAM to preserve the history of the classic arcade. Entire generations will never know what it's like to play these classics in an arcade with a pocket full of quarters and music blaring. I for one would love to be able to see an original Pac-Man or reflected hologram Space Invaders 50 years from now, or show my kids what Pong or Odyssey looked like (not on YouTube or Wikipedia).
Q: "You are in the garden. You see a rose bush. You have a fishing rod. Exits are North, South and IN."
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
Sorry for the delayed opening this morning & we appreciate everyone's patience. We had some electrical issues that needed to be worked out.
It is always a challenge to take a good picture in our room as the laser lighting & video projectors tend to mess with the focus. This was the best panoramic photo I was able to take shortly after opening this morning.....
......we really need ACAM to preserve the history of the classic arcade. Entire generations will never know what it's like to play these classics in an arcade with a pocket full of quarters and music blaring. I for one would love to be able to see an original Pac-Man or reflected hologram Space Invaders 50 years from now, or show my kids what Pong or Odyssey looked like (not on YouTube or Wikipedia).
This sums up exactly how we feel, and it is one of the reasons we work for months before each PAX-East to make the room feel as much like the early 80's as possible.
Putting on this display at PAX-East is a very expensive proposition for us, and we really appreciate everyone who has dropped some cash in our donation kiosk. Saving these games for future generations & for our student groups takes a lot of time and money. Generally speaking, it costs somewhere around $1,000 to do a full restore on a complete game with no missing/broken parts. It can be double that, or more, for games with missing components. Some of the financial donations we took in during PAX-East last year went a long way to restoring the "Flower" game shown earlier in this thread. That is a game that no one has, so we wanted to bring it to PAX-East this year to show a good example of how we restore a game. We had countless people involved in that restoration including a graphic artist that recreated all of the artwork since none of it exists today.
Another PAX-East has come and gone. Wow, what a weekend!! Thanks to all who checked out our arcade exhibit and visited our panel sessions.
I'd like to thank the ACAM volunteer staff staff that kept things running smooth all weekend:
Scott Gaulin
Zach Gaulin
John Zabel
Patrick Zabel
Martin Bedard
Dane Tullock
Tom Kane
Adam Pfeifer
Chris Whiteside
Chad Macleod
Tina Gebhard
Dan Dow
Joe Rainone
Dave Nelson
Jenn Moore
John Jacobson
I would also like to thank our panelists for their wisdom and years of experience they were able to share with the attendees:
Saturday "Arcade" Panel: Steve Golson, Jonathan Hurd, Carlos Smith, Marshall Peck, Gary Vincent
Sunday "Laser Disc" Panel: Warren Ondras, Scott Gaulin, Gary Vincent
Thanks as well to Bob Lawton, Jules Lawton, Chris Ferguson & John McGray at our host facility, Funspot.
Special thanks to ACAM President Gary Vincent, the PAX-East Enforcers, the entire PAX-East staff, & especially Ryan Hartman. Ryan, it is a pleasure working with you on this event each year, and I appreciate all you do to help promote ACAM during PAX-East.
Mike Stulir, Vice President
The American Classic Arcade Museum
Your room, as it is every year, was a highlight for me. I never spend enough time in it (I really should play every cabinet!), but a few friends and I have decided that a trip to NH is in our future now.
We had a blast in the ACAM room as always. Playing the actual music videos was a nice touch. I never realized how weird some of those videos were. Like a Surgeon was a special treat. My son loved the Fix-It Felix game, he played that every chance he got. One of your staffers gave him a PAX medal and it is now one of his prized possessions.
This was the first year my father came to PAX and having some time to play Zaxxon and Crystal Castles, two of the games we played together on our Commodore 64 when I was a child, was priceless.
I've always made it a point to stop by and drop off a few dollars in the donation bin every year ACAM has been to PAX East, as far as I'm concerned it wouldn't be the same event without you. Thank you very much!
One of your staffers gave him a PAX medal and it is now one of his prized possessions.
That would have been me, I'm so glad to see that it means that much to him. I tried to hand them out to the kids I saw coming in and playing the games. I can tell from the looks on their faces how much they really enjoy the games and I just wanted to try and make it that much more memorable to all of them. Thanks for coming in, and I hope we can keep making the next generation of gamers smile that much.
The American Classic Arcade Museum Inc./, is a 501c3 non-profit corporation registered with the State of New Hampshire, which has been established to promote and preserve the history of coin-operated arcade games.
Loved it. At one point on Saturday (I believe it was Saturday) I had the 2nd highest score on the Fix-It Felix, Jr. machine. I planned to make my way back to try for the current high score (which was 39k+), but never got around to it. I really hope that machine can make it back next year. And a weird thing. The high score during the game was one score, but on the high score screen a different score (which was higher). And I felt like I hit a glitch because at one point 2 rocks fell in spots that stopped me from getting the last window repaired (there were ledges blocking me from other ways).
Anyway, this was definitely one of my highlights this year. Can't wait until 2015!
One of your staffers gave him a PAX medal and it is now one of his prized possessions.
That would have been me, I'm so glad to see that it means that much to him. I tried to hand them out to the kids I saw coming in and playing the games. I can tell from the looks on their faces how much they really enjoy the games and I just wanted to try and make it that much more memorable to all of them. Thanks for coming in, and I hope we can keep making the next generation of gamers smile that much.
Thank you so much. We go up to Funspot 2 or 3 times a year and he loves it. So many of his tokens have gone into those Star Wars games.
I want to thank everyone who attended the ACAM arcade Exhibit at PAX-East 2014.
I should take a moment and mention all of the complaints we received during the show from our visitors regarding the location change. We have heard you. Believe me, we heard you. Having us in the same area as the handheld lounge was an unmitigated disaster. Between bean bags strewn all over the aisle in front of our doors and the 8 foot tables with the face painting, access to our area was incredibly frustrating.
We will take it up with the PAX-East staff and see if we can get our old location back for next year.
Here is a photo of our room. We will have more photos posted on our web site in the coming days.
For what it's worth, I was working at tabletop with an exhibitor, so I could only come after hours, and I found it to be fine at at those hours. Awesome job as always, and being able to play Bosconian and Tempest again made it worth it! Thank you all for everything you do!
President, The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North - Laconia, NH 03246 The first 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and display of classic coin-operated amusements
thorgotthere is special providencein the fall of a sparrowRegistered Userregular
Loved it. At one point on Saturday (I believe it was Saturday) I had the 2nd highest score on the Fix-It Felix, Jr. machine. I planned to make my way back to try for the current high score (which was 39k+), but never got around to it. I really hope that machine can make it back next year. And a weird thing. The high score during the game was one score, but on the high score screen a different score (which was higher). And I felt like I hit a glitch because at one point 2 rocks fell in spots that stopped me from getting the last window repaired (there were ledges blocking me from other ways).
Anyway, this was definitely one of my highlights this year. Can't wait until 2015!
Wow, it got that high? I got the high score of 34300 when the person before me got 34100. I think this was on Friday.
ACAM volunteer Scott Gaulin stopped in to get the Pole Position II prepped for the show.
Lastly, thank you for doing this again this year. I could spend days in that room!!!
Here is the post
We really don't do requests as it is just impossible to please everyone at an event as large as PAX-East. We try to bring a good mix of popular games, games with historical significance, and some rare treasures you may not have ever seen before. For example, we are intending on bringing a game called Flower, which is an ultra-uber-rare game from Komax. We only know of one other person in the world that owns Flower, and ours is the only one available on public display. Our game took three years to restore and was unveiled to the public in June of 2013.
We are bringing Cliffhanger. Our Sunday panel session is all about laser disc games with Warren Ondras from the Daphne & Dexter development team. If you like laser games, you should make a point of attending that panel. We will also have Dragon's Lair II and Space Ace.
Pinball is so tough to bring to an event like PAX-East. Pins tend not to react well to being moved. We will have some pinball there, but probably not more than two or three machines.
The Sega game you speak of is Holosseum, and sadly, we do not have one.
Thank you, ACAM, for all you do.
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
Room 160. New location for us this year. We are in the same area as the console & handheld gaming spaces.
It is always a challenge to take a good picture in our room as the laser lighting & video projectors tend to mess with the focus. This was the best panoramic photo I was able to take shortly after opening this morning.....
This sums up exactly how we feel, and it is one of the reasons we work for months before each PAX-East to make the room feel as much like the early 80's as possible.
Putting on this display at PAX-East is a very expensive proposition for us, and we really appreciate everyone who has dropped some cash in our donation kiosk. Saving these games for future generations & for our student groups takes a lot of time and money. Generally speaking, it costs somewhere around $1,000 to do a full restore on a complete game with no missing/broken parts. It can be double that, or more, for games with missing components. Some of the financial donations we took in during PAX-East last year went a long way to restoring the "Flower" game shown earlier in this thread. That is a game that no one has, so we wanted to bring it to PAX-East this year to show a good example of how we restore a game. We had countless people involved in that restoration including a graphic artist that recreated all of the artwork since none of it exists today.
I'd like to thank the ACAM volunteer staff staff that kept things running smooth all weekend:
Scott Gaulin
Zach Gaulin
John Zabel
Patrick Zabel
Martin Bedard
Dane Tullock
Tom Kane
Adam Pfeifer
Chris Whiteside
Chad Macleod
Tina Gebhard
Dan Dow
Joe Rainone
Dave Nelson
Jenn Moore
John Jacobson
I would also like to thank our panelists for their wisdom and years of experience they were able to share with the attendees:
Saturday "Arcade" Panel: Steve Golson, Jonathan Hurd, Carlos Smith, Marshall Peck, Gary Vincent
Sunday "Laser Disc" Panel: Warren Ondras, Scott Gaulin, Gary Vincent
Thanks as well to Bob Lawton, Jules Lawton, Chris Ferguson & John McGray at our host facility, Funspot.
Special thanks to ACAM President Gary Vincent, the PAX-East Enforcers, the entire PAX-East staff, & especially Ryan Hartman. Ryan, it is a pleasure working with you on this event each year, and I appreciate all you do to help promote ACAM during PAX-East.
Mike Stulir, Vice President
The American Classic Arcade Museum
I've always made it a point to stop by and drop off a few dollars in the donation bin every year ACAM has been to PAX East, as far as I'm concerned it wouldn't be the same event without you. Thank you very much!
That would have been me, I'm so glad to see that it means that much to him. I tried to hand them out to the kids I saw coming in and playing the games. I can tell from the looks on their faces how much they really enjoy the games and I just wanted to try and make it that much more memorable to all of them. Thanks for coming in, and I hope we can keep making the next generation of gamers smile that much.
Anyway, this was definitely one of my highlights this year. Can't wait until 2015!
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
Thank you so much. We go up to Funspot 2 or 3 times a year and he loves it. So many of his tokens have gone into those Star Wars games.
I think they have something similar at Prime but its usually Ground Kontrol out of Portland, OR
Ex-Agent to the Stars, ex a lot of other things too.
Pax East 2011, 2012 Veteran. 2014 now loading.
I should take a moment and mention all of the complaints we received during the show from our visitors regarding the location change. We have heard you. Believe me, we heard you. Having us in the same area as the handheld lounge was an unmitigated disaster. Between bean bags strewn all over the aisle in front of our doors and the 8 foot tables with the face painting, access to our area was incredibly frustrating.
We will take it up with the PAX-East staff and see if we can get our old location back for next year.
Here is a photo of our room. We will have more photos posted on our web site in the coming days.
Mike Stulir, Vice President
The American Classic Arcade Museum
Then I set the high score.
Thank you, ACAM.
579 Endicott Street North - Laconia, NH 03246
The first 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and display of classic coin-operated amusements
Wow, it got that high? I got the high score of 34300 when the person before me got 34100. I think this was on Friday.