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[PokéFATE] Pokémon Academy Episode 2: Saved by the Bellsprout

Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
edited April 2014 in Critical Failures
[PokeFATE] Pokemon Academy

Its been years since Red, a young boy from Pallet Town, left on his epic journey across Kanto and became the youngest Pokemon Champion ever. Inspired by his story, more children left home on a race to Victory Road, only a few getting that far. The world proved dangerous, with wild Pokemon, Team Rocket, and other Trainers all looking to claim the title of Pokemon Champion. Finally, Kanto Elite Four Lance created the Pokemon Academy on Ryukyu Island to train young children how to live in this brave new world, teach them skills they could used to become not just Champions, but Nurses, Rangers, Scientist, Breeders, and other Pokemon related careers. Each year, hundreds of children from around the world summit applications to the Pokemon Academy but only few get accepted…

But then it happens. A Pelipper lands at the mailbox and drops off a letter. Its a letter addressed to you.

Congradulations! You have been accepted into the Pokemon Academy. Your future awaits.

This is a Pokemon game using the FATE Core system. This is a modified version of @”ArcanisTheImpotent”’s FATE of the Pokemon League so credit is due to him for most of this.
This is also kinda Alpha test phase. So expect many things to change and evolve as we go along to hopefully create a better game. Feedback is not only important but encouraged. GREATLY.
Character Creation
In this game you will be playing First Year Students at the Pokemon Academy (Age 12-13). Your character will have 4 Aspects with your High Concept covering the kind of trainer you want to be. Think of it like in the game, when you would come across Bug-Catcher Elijah or Beauty Sara. This can change (like any Aspect will) but will be linked to a Trainer Stunt explained later.
Your other Three Aspects work like any other FATE Aspect, they define you as a character. Dreams, History, Motives, ect. The best Aspects are the ones that can be used for your benefit or against you. Don’t just say “Pokemon Trainer” say “Comes from a long line of Pokemon Trainers” instead. Your family is full of trainers who when on to Victory Road. Maybe your older sibling is here at the Academy and you have a lot of pressure to become a Champion. Maybe you don’t want to be Champion but instead be a PokeBreeder (There is another Aspect there!)

Everyone starts off with 4 Refresh which are shared between Pokemon and Trainer.

Everyone has 21 skill points to place among the following skills. You can place a max of 4 point in one skill during character creation.

Alertness - General perception, initiative, investigating things
Athletics - Physical prowess, dodging
Charisma - Social magnetism, influencing others, lying
Driving - Driving cars and riding animals
Empathy - Reading people and social perception, morale stress track
Endurance - Hardiness, health stress track
Intimidation - Morale attacks, threats
Might - Physical strength, fisticuffs
Poké-Knowledge - Knowledge related to the world of Pokemon
Pokemon Training- Teaching new skill, Capturing Pokemon.
Resources - Wealth
Scholarship - Non-Pokemon related knowledge
Stealth - Sneakiness
Survival - Living in the wild
Weapons - Non-fist weapons

Stunts cost 1 refresh as normal but you get one free stunt that goes along with your High Aspect. This is your Trainer’s Stunt. Its a power you can use to boost your pokemon and normally will last 1 turn. It takes 1 FATE point to activate.

Examples- Speedy Dodge (Ninja High Aspect)- Lead Pokemon gains +1 to Speed when dodging an attack this round.

Stronger than Most (Macho Trainer High Aspect)- Lead Pokemon takes 1 less damage when hit this turn.

Healing Waves (Swimmer High Aspect)- Lead Pokemon gains 2 HP this turn.

Characters have two stress tracks, Health and Morale, that start with 2 boxes. Every point in an associated skill adds 1 stress box. So a character with a 2 in Endurance would have 4 Health boxes, so on and so forth.

Health stress is related to all physical damage; any attack that harms the body targets Health. Morale represents both social/mental conditions; both psychic assaults and social attacks target Morale. Both stress tracks have a set of consequences, a Mild (negates 2 stress) and Moderate (negates 4 stress) each.

Pokemons Creation
Like Trainers, Pokemon get 4 Aspects, but one must be nature/demeanor aspect, i.e. Impish, Stubborn, etc. Pokemon also get an Ability, some passive skill that helps them in battle. Use Bulbapedia to see what kinds of Abilities your Pokemon has and we’ll make a FATE version.

Pokemons have four attributes. Each Pokemon has by default 10 points to devote to these attributes and must place one point into each attribute (max 4).

Hardiness (General defensive/burliness, Health stress track derived from this)
Power (General offensiveness/strength; many moves derive from this attribute)
Special (Elemental power, PP track derived from this)
Speed (Agility and dexterity, used to dodge and affects initiative)

Health stress is the same for Pokemon and people; the difference is, psychic attacks affect Pokémon health (though there could be moves that target the PP track)

Health stress for Pokes start at 3 and increase by 2 for every point in Hardiness.

The PP track is for Pokemon only and is usually what measures a Pokemon’s ability to stay in the game; specific moves will always cost at least 1 PP, most of the time a lot more; this means the PP track tends to be long and take a while to fill.

The PP track defaults to 3, with each point of Special adding 3 PP boxes.

Wild Pokemon will also have a Capture Rating. This is a special meter used to show how easy it is to capture it. Pokemon start with 2 CR and gain 1 CR for every 3 Points in the Pokemon’s Attributes. So a starter Pokemon with 10 points in Attributes will have a Capture Rate of 5. When battling, Pokemon lose 1 CR for every 1 Health they lose. So a Pokémon with 4 Health and a 5 CR will have a CR of 2 when its Health is 1.

When you try to Capture a Pokemon, Roll your Pokemon Training Skill plus the bonus you gain from your Pokeball. If your roll is equal to or greater than the CR of the Pokemon, you capture it. If you take a Pokemon’s HP to 0, The Pokemon is Fainted and can not be captured.

Pokémon have 1 free move + additional move slots (each costs 1 refresh to fill)
Moves are defined by their elemental tag (such as Fire) and their action type (Attack, Block, Maneuver)

Pokemon moves have set cost. Since I’m not making up a full list of moves, as your Pokemon learns more moves we will work together to make them up. Rule of thumb will be if the move does Fair (+2) or less to a Power or Special Attack, it cost 1 PP. If a move does Good (+3) to Superb (+5) it cost 2 PP. If a move does Fantastic (+6) to Legendary (+8 ) then it cost 3 PP. And so on...

If a move causes an effect for 1 turn, it cost 1 more PP. If it causes an effect for more turns, it cost 2 more PP.

Pokémon that use moves of their type gain a +1 bonus.

All moves must have a type!


[Normal] [Attack]
Cost: 1 PP
Attribute: Power
Range: Zone 1; One Target
Opposed by: Speed or Hardiness
Effect: The Pokemon goes on the offensive, ramming its opponent! +2 Power.

Thunder Wave
[Electric] [Maneuver]
Cost: 2 PP
Attribute: Special
Range: Zone 2; One Target
Opposed by: Hardiness
Effect: The Pokemon lets out an electrical charge, briefly stunning its opponent! The target receives the aspect Paralyzed that lasts for 2 rounds.

Defense Curl
[Normal] [Block]
Cost: 2 PP
Attribute: Hardiness
Target: Self
Effect: Pulling in on itself, the Pokemon enters a defensive stance! Places Armor 1 on self for 2 rounds.

Battling is akin to other FATE systems; Pokémon battle arenas are broken into zones with different aspects and attributes that can help or hinder Pokémon of various types. And sometimes you’ll be fighting in the wild, which can bring its own set of dangers.

Pokemon battle in an abstract battleground separated by Zones. A Zone is used to tell distance in this game. Zone 1 is 0-10ft. Zone 2 is 10-30ft. and a Pokémon can travel from Zone 1 to Zone 2 and still attack. Zone 3 is 30-60ft. and it takes a whole turn to travel from Zone 1 to Zone 3. Zone 4 is 60 ft. and beyond and if a Pokémon places that much distance between them and another Pokémon then the battle is over with the retreating Pokémon declared defeated.

Typically Pokémon themselves do all the battling, but the world is dangerous and unpredictable, and wild Pokémon are the epitome of this; it’s not unheard of for wild Pokémon to catch unwary trainers in their ferocious attacks. As Pokémon tend to be quite strong and resilient, it’s generally a good idea not to join into battle with one unless it’s absolutely necessary.

During a Pokémon battle the Pokémon take center stage as the trainer stands by and directs them, offering encouragement, strategy, and battle orders - it is important to note that even tamed Pokémon are able to think on their own however! Sometimes it’s just best to let your Pokémon do what he does best. If, however, you need to intervene, you are able to do so via Items - this uses your action for the exchange as your Pokémon returns to your side and uses whatever item you’ve prepared. Most of the time this will be a Potion of some kind that removes stress taken, but there are some different kinds that remove various status ailments and even restore PP.

Type Match-Ups-

When a Pokemon is hit with an attack that is that Pokemon’s Weakness, the attack does +2 damage. When the Pokemon is strong against the attack’s type, It does -2 damage. If the attack type is strong against a both of a Pokemon’s types, then the attack does +4 damage, if the attack is weak against both of a Pokemon’s types, then it does -4 damage. If its strong against one type but weak against another, it doesn’t get any extra damage. The chart below shows the type’s strengths and weaknesses. Some Pokemon Types are immune to attack types, and do no damage nor cause effects.


Status Effects-

Some Moves cause effects other than damage. These effects are below:

Burned- Pokemon who are burned take 1 damage per turn until healed with an item.

Confused- Pokemon who are confused may hurt themselves if their attack roll is negative before bonuses are applied.

Frozen- Pokemon who are Frozen can not attack until they are defrosted. Fire Type Moves can get rid of effects but Pokemon can defrost over time too.

Flinched- Pokemon who Flinch do not act this turn.

Infatuated- Pokemon can only be Infatuated with Pokemon of opposing gender. This Pokemon will refuse to attack the other Pokemon until that Pokemon attacks it.

Paralyzed- Pokemon who are Paralyzed will not attack if their attack roll is negative before bonuses are applied.

Poisoned- Pokemon who are poisoned will take 1 damage per turn until they are healed with an item.

Sleep- Pokemon is unable to make an action until it’s attacked or wakes up after X amount of time.

Defense Up/Down- Adds +/- Armor to a Pokemon (max 3). Each rank of Armor reduces damage by 1. If a Pokemon has negative armor, then when hit, it takes 1 more damage per rank of negative armor.

Speed Up/Down- Adds +/- Speed to a Pokemon’s Speed (max 3).

Another core concept of Pokémon is that they train, get stronger over time, and eventually evolve into bigger, tougher, stronger forms with new capabilities.

It is recommended that if a Pokémon has an evolutionary path, the Pokémon should evolve when it spends two points of Refresh. This is represented by a special power:

In a bright flash of light the Pokémon evolves into its next stage, gaining new capabilities!
The Pokémon may allocate 2 points to any of its attributes. It may also change its High Concept aspect to reflect type changes or other things.

Example: Charmander has just acquired his sixth point of refresh and his player, Jeff, decides it’s time to evolve to Charmeleon. He decides to put his two new attribute points into both special and power, representing Charmeleon’s offensive hot-headed nature. He also opts to change Charmeleon’s high concept from Pugnacious Fire Lizard to Hot-Headed Flamespitter.

While the FATE of the Pokémon League says you guys can do this at any time, even in the beginning, I’ll like to avoid that since this is about new students with new Pokémon.

You can pick on basic or baby staged Pokemon as your starter, but lets be reasonable with your pick. Don’t pick legendary or hard to find pokemon, and I would suggest you pick one with at least one evolution stage as catching Pokemon won’t be as it is in the game. Hopefully by the time you guys leave first year, you’ll have 6-8 pokemon each. As of the moment, we won’t be doing Mega Evolutions but that might change as the story goes on (as in Year 5 if we get that far).

Students coming to the Pokemon Academy come by the SS Destiny, a ship that normally takes about a week to get from its final docking point on Canalave City to Ryukyu Island. As part of your character background story, include some of what you did on the ship, people you met (both good and bad), and start setting up who your new classmates are. I’ll pick the first five people who sign up.

Grunt's Ghosts on


  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    I am interested in FATE and GG games, but know nothing of Pokemon.

  • MarshmallowMarshmallow Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    I am interested in Pokemon, but know nothing of FATE and GG games.

    Clearly we should team up. With your mechanical familiarity and my setting savvy, nothing could stop us.

    Marshmallow on
  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    Pokémon: A game/manga/anime where small children enslave magical animals to force them to fight each other to prove their friendship is strong.

    FATE: A general roleplaying system by Evil Hat Productions that is available on their website for free (pay what you like). It uses FUDGE dice and is pretty easy to learn.

    GG games: Like sex, its full of foreplay and looks exotic but normally ends too soon, leaving you with a sticky mess and cab fare.

    Need to know anything else?

  • CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    I'm really interested in this, but I've always been a little shakey on FATE. Just as good a time to learn, though.

  • MarshmallowMarshmallow Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    I've actually got the FATE books around somewhere, and I've read them through a time or two, but the rules have never really stuck for any longer than it took to steal an idea for a homebrew thing.

    Never quite clicked for me as a system that would handle Pokemon well, but I'm more than willing to be proven wrong. Will have to take another read and see what I can come up with.

    Marshmallow on
  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    I've actually got the FATE books around somewhere, and I've read them through a time or two, but the rules have never really stuck for any longer than it took to steal an idea for a homebrew thing.

    Never quite clicked for me as a system that would handle Pokemon well, but I'm more than willing to be proven wrong. Will have to take another read and see what I can come up with.

    I've never played the Pokemon game that is currently played here so I won't try to do a comparison but I think this game could work more like the anime/manga style then the video games. In the manga/anime, Pokemon do crazy stuff all the time like using a Thunderbolt attack into a Water Gun attack to do a combo attack, or one time a Pelipper used Metal Wing to attack the ground right before being hit with an Electic attack, thus pushing the electricity into the ground and not effecting him at all. I could see those kinds of things happening here. Also, combat might be faster as the HP to Damage ratio is higher than the games, fights might be 3-5 rounds while the games might go 7-11 rounds per Pokemon.

  • CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    James Stone, younger brother of Jack Stone (!)
    High Concept:
    Viciously Competitive Martial Artist
    -What do you mean "Match Point?" Fine! I want a rematch!

    Holds Grudges With An Iron Fist
    -What do you mean you don't want a rematch?! I won't forget this!
    The Best Lies Are Mostly Truth
    -Just figure out what you need them to believe to get what you want and just tell them that. Some people really over-think it.
    I Don't Need Anyone's Help, Especially Not Big Bro's!
    -It's only a complex if you deny it. Anyway, it's a good thing I don't have a complex.

    Refresh: 3
    Athletics - 3
    -Big Bro always had me up at 5AM to start the day by running laps around the dojo. At least it paid off.
    Charisma - 3
    -Big Bro wasn't the sharpest tack around, but he could almost smell lies. Almost.
    Empathy - 2
    -What can I say? A bit of Stirn rubbed off on me.
    Endurance - 3
    -...And after the laps around the dojo, that's when the REAL workout started.
    Might - 4
    -As it turns out, Martial Arts makes you good at hitting things. Who knew?
    Poké-Knowledge - 2
    -Just growing in a Pokemon Gym will teach you a lot. It's not like it's rocket science.
    Pokemon Training- 3
    -Even I had to admit that Big Bro was a pretty good trainer. So, I might have, uh, "borrowed" a few ideas from him.
    Resources - 1
    -Pocket change from odd jobs around town.

    Stress and Complications
    Physical Stress - 5
    Mental Stress - 4

    Inner Calm (Martial Artist Stunt): Reduce Pokemon's Speed by one to increase Power or Hardiness by one for this round.

    Stirn (Meditite)
    Precognitive Bruiser
    I Meditate To Keep Me Relaxed (Or Else!)
    Short Fights Are Good Fights
    Tricks Are Beneath Me
    Hardiness - 3
    Power - 4
    Special - 2
    Speed - 1

    Stress Track : 9
    PP: 9
    Brick Break
    [Fighting] [Attack]
    Cost: 2 PP
    Attribute: Power
    Range: Zone 1; One Target
    Opposed by: Speed or Hardiness
    Effect: The Pokemon sharply jabs, breaking any defenses! +2 Power. If the attack succeeds, remove all Armor from the target.

    [Psychic] [Maneuver]
    Cost: 2 PP
    Attribute: Hardiness
    Target: Self
    Effect: Taking a moment to center itself, the Pokemon's muscles bulge with energy! Increase Power by 1 for 2 rounds.
    Ability and Stunts
    Pure Power: If a Power attack is successful, do an extra point of stress as damage.

    Refresh: 3

    Capfalcon on
  • Buddha73Buddha73 Registered User regular
    I too am interested in playing. I'll try to Cap's lead and create a character and Pokemon soon.

  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    @Capfalcon You have 4 Aspects all together for you Trainer, the High Aspect Class counts as one of them. And you and your Pokemon share the Refreshes. Other than that, I like it.

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Let's see how this is received....

    Gorm Birch
    High Concept:
    Complete lack of Pokemon Knowledge

    Over-eager Pokemon Trainer

    Refresh: 4

    Alertness -
    Athletics -
    Charisma -
    Driving - 2
    Empathy - 4
    Endurance - 4
    Intimidation -
    Might - 3
    Poké-Knowledge -
    Pokemon Training - 4
    Resources - 4
    Scholarship -
    Stealth -
    Survival -
    Weapons -
    Stress and Complications
    Physical Stress - 6
    Mental Stress - 6

    USE HYPER BEAM! (No Pokemon Knowledge Stunt): Have a Pokemon use any move at half damage/effect for equivalent PP

    GEODUDE (A rock)
    Hard Head

    Hardiness - 4
    Power - 1
    Special - 4
    Speed - 1

    Stress Track : 11
    PP: 15
    [Normal] [Block]
    Cost: 3 PP
    Attribute: Hardiness
    Target: Self
    Effect: The Pokemon's carapace stiffens! Places Armor 1 on self for 3 rounds.

    Rock Throw
    [Rock] [Attack]
    Cost: 2 PP
    Attribute: Power or Trainer's Might (Same zone only)
    Range: Zone 1; One Target
    Opposed by: Speed or Hardiness
    Effect: Rocks are thrown at the enemy! Increase Power by 1 for 1 round (until after next attack).
    Ability and Stunts
    (Not sure if pokemon get this pre-made but)
    Sedimentary: If hit by a rock or ground attack, regain a stress.

    Refresh: 3

  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    Gaming the system a bit but that's fine with an first run of a game to try to break it. Not liking the Use Hyper Beam Stunt, mainly because its a bit overpowered. Plus there is Mimic, which is a power that does the same thing. I'll have to look up the Pokemon abilities for Geodude but that seems fine really. And of course the player and Pokemon share Refreash (since those also dictate how many fate points you start out with, so you'd have 3.)

    You might also need to explain how you are a Pokemon Noob but have 4 in Pokemon Training. Which is possible as I see your last name is Birch, which is the Professor's name in the Third Gen games.

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Okay, I'll dial it back a bit then with the stunt:

    Gorm Birch
    High Concept:
    Over-eager Pokemon Trainer


    Refresh: 3

    Alertness -
    Athletics -
    Charisma -
    Driving - 2
    Empathy - 4
    Endurance - 4
    Intimidation -
    Might - 3
    Poké-Knowledge -
    Pokemon Training - 4
    Resources - 4
    Scholarship -
    Stealth -
    Survival -
    Weapons -
    Stress and Complications
    Physical Stress - 6
    Mental Stress - 6

    I BELIEVE IN YOU! (Over-Eager stunt): Current Pokemon can only be hit down to 1 Stress until next turn, or revive current Pokemon to 1 Stress

    discrider on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    i'll be keeping an eye on you

    go forth and shine on, you crazy diamonds

  • CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    In Fate, I thought I read something about putting skills in a pyramid so you didn't just have a few skills you're really good at.

    Or am I completely making that up?

    Also, while USE HYPER BEAM was potentially really funny, I like the new one a lot more.

  • MarshmallowMarshmallow Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Capfalcon wrote: »
    James Stone, younger brother of Jack Stone (!)

    Well that's a blast from the past. Anyway, lets see what I can work out here.

    Kuri Volkova
    High Concept:
    - Nepotism only gets one so far. To earn a place in the family business, you eventually need to walk the walk.

    Scion of a Secretive Sinnoh Oligopoly
    - A legacy of questionable morals and immense finances. Luckily, a sordid past is easily buried under a big pile of money.
    Everyone Has Their Price
    - All troubles can be turned into transactions, and cash conquers all. If it isn't, you aren't using enough of it.
    A Young Pessimist
    - If you think it's going to rain, it will. Always carry an umbrella.

    Refresh: 3

    Alertness - 2
    - Kuri does not watch nor look, she observes.
    Charisma - 2
    - In a family like this, keeping a straight face at all times is a necessary survival trait.
    Drive - 1
    - Courtesy of a Ponyta at her parents' summer ranch.
    Empathy - 4
    - Astonishingly good at picking up on subtext. Mostly used to unnerve adults.
    Poké-Knowledge - 2
    - A bit of light tutoring with a professor or two, so as not to embarrass herself at the Academy.
    Pokemon Training - 3
    - Bring your daughter/niece to work day was just about every day.
    Resources - 4
    - A modest weekly allowance, for casual purchases.
    Scholarship - 2
    - The standard childhood study regimen, with a slight focus on matters of business and finance.
    Weapon - 1
    - Fencing classes. It was either that or Ballet.
    Stress and Complications
    Physical Stress - 2
    Mental Stress - 6
    Energy Efficient (Move Tutor Stunt): The Pokemon's Moves cost two less PP to use for this round. :...:

    Uzha (Shuppet)
    Negativity is My Bread and Butter
    I'm Not "Impish", I'm Just Sewn That Way
    Pretty Strong For a Cloth Puppet
    At Home in the Shadows
    Hardiness - 2
    Power - 4
    Special - 2
    Speed - 2

    Stress Track : 7
    PP: 9
    Shadow Sneak
    [Ghost] [Attack]
    Cost: 2 PP
    Attribute: Power
    Range: Zone 1; One Target
    Opposed by: Speed or Hardiness
    Effect: Shuppet extends its shadow and attacks the enemy from behind. +2 Power. This Move always goes first, regardless of turn order.(?)

    Confuse Ray
    [Ghost] [Maneuver]
    Cost: 2 PP
    Attribute: Special
    Range: Zone 2; One Target
    Opposed by: Hardiness
    Effect: The target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion. The target receives the aspect "Confused" that lasts for 2 rounds.
    Ability and Stunts
    Insomnia: Prevents the Pokémon from falling asleep.

    Reminder that I ain't have any idea what I'm doing with FATE. Flipping through the book and looking at other people's characters only helps so much, so if I've messed up anywhere, let me know and I'll tidy it up.

    Anyway, for skills, should I be maxing out as many skills as possible, or is it safe to spread out a few points here and there for versimilitude and funsy purposes?

    I'm especially concerned about the Shuppet's various mechanical bits. I'm going for the tactics I normally do in the games which is a Status affliction user with Physical Attacks to back them up when the opponent is weakened enough to KO. Is Shadow Sneak okay or is skipping the turn order going to be annoying? It also seems like Status Moves that target other Pokemon use the Special Attribute so I did that for Confuse Ray. Is that going to cause me trouble down the road by forcing me to split my advancement in too many directions down the road or am I being silly worrying about that?

    Also Refresh. Those get spent to get new Moves for a Pokemon, so if I give one Refresh to my starter and then use it to buy a second Move, that leaves it with 0 Refresh, correct? Is that a really bad thing, such that I should consider handing over a second Refresh or is it not a big deal?

    Marshmallow on
  • CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    Since refresh is how many fate points you (as a player) have at the start of each session, I think you just have a refresh score for both you and your pokemon.

    Thus, since you have two moves, you would have a refresh of 3.

  • MarshmallowMarshmallow Registered User regular
    Okay, that makes a lot more sense, actually.

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Reminder that I ain't have any idea what I'm doing with FATE. Flipping through the book and looking at other people's characters only helps so much, so if I've messed up anywhere, let me know and I'll tidy it up.

    Anyway, for skills, should I be maxing out as many skills as possible, or is it safe to spread out a few points here and there for versimilitude and funsy purposes?

    Also Refresh. Those get spent to get new Moves for a Pokemon, so if I give one Refresh to my starter and then use it to buy a second Move, that leaves it with 0 Refresh, correct? Is that a really bad thing, such that I should consider handing over a second Refresh or is it not a big deal?

    I've not played FATE before, but I "min-maxed" so as to be as poor in as many skills as possible. It's probably a good idea to spread the points around a bit more than I have.
    Also Refresh is shared between the Pokemon and the Trainer as mentioned above.

  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    Capfalcon wrote: »
    In Fate, I thought I read something about putting skills in a pyramid so you didn't just have a few skills you're really good at.

    Or am I completely making that up?

    Also, while USE HYPER BEAM was potentially really funny, I like the new one a lot more.

    There is something about a pyramid but that's but I'm skipping that.

    Capfalcon wrote: »
    James Stone, younger brother of Jack Stone (!)

    Well that's a blast from the past. Anyway, lets see what I can work out here.

    Kuri Volkova
    High Concept:
    - Nepotism only gets one so far. To earn a place in the family business, you eventually need to walk the walk.

    Scion of a Secretive Sinnoh Oligopoly
    - A legacy of questionable morals and immense finances. Luckily, a sordid past is easily buried under a big pile of money.
    Everyone Has Their Price
    - All troubles can be turned into transactions, and cash conquers all. If it isn't, you aren't using enough of it.
    A Young Pessimist
    - If you think it's going to rain, it will. Always carry an umbrella.

    Refresh: 2

    Alertness - 2
    - Kuri does not watch nor look, she observes.
    Charisma - 2
    - In a family like this, keeping a straight face at all times is a necessary survival trait.
    Drive - 1
    - Courtesy of a Ponyta at her parents' summer ranch.
    Empathy - 4
    - Astonishingly good at picking up on subtext. Mostly used to unnerve adults.
    Poké-Knowledge - 2
    - A bit of light tutoring with a professor or two, so as not to embarrass herself at the Academy.
    Pokemon Training - 3
    - Bring your daughter/niece to work day was just about every day.
    Resources - 4
    - A modest weekly allowance, for casual purchases.
    Scholarship - 2
    - The standard childhood study regimen, with a slight focus on matters of business and finance.
    Weapon - 1
    - Fencing classes. It was either that or Ballet.
    Stress and Complications
    Physical Stress - 2
    Mental Stress - 6
    Energy Efficient (Move Tutor Stunt): The Pokemon's Moves cost two less PP to use for this round. :...:

    Uzha (Shuppet)
    Negativity is My Bread and Butter
    I'm Not "Impish", I'm Just Sewn That Way
    Pretty Strong For a Cloth Puppet
    At Home in the Shadows
    Hardiness - 2
    Power - 4
    Special - 2
    Speed - 2

    Stress Track : 7
    PP: 9
    Shadow Sneak
    [Ghost] [Attack]
    Cost: 2 PP
    Attribute: Power
    Range: Zone 1; One Target
    Opposed by: Speed or Hardiness
    Effect: Shuppet extends its shadow and attacks the enemy from behind. +2 Power. This Move always goes first, regardless of turn order.(?)

    Confuse Ray
    [Normal] [Maneuver]
    Cost: 2 PP
    Attribute: Special
    Range: Zone 2; One Target
    Opposed by: Hardiness
    Effect: The target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion. The target receives the aspect "Confused" that lasts for 2 rounds.
    Ability and Stunts
    Insomnia: Prevents the Pokémon from falling asleep.

    Refresh: 1

    Reminder that I ain't have any idea what I'm doing with FATE. Flipping through the book and looking at other people's characters only helps so much, so if I've messed up anywhere, let me know and I'll tidy it up.

    Anyway, for skills, should I be maxing out as many skills as possible, or is it safe to spread out a few points here and there for versimilitude and funsy purposes?
    The way the system works, your average roll will be +/-2 so points are important. So placing your eggs in one basket and hope you can make do with that might be the best route.
    I'm especially concerned about the Shuppet's various mechanical bits. I'm going for the tactics I normally do in the games which is a Status affliction user with Physical Attacks to back them up when the opponent is weakened enough to KO. Is Shadow Sneak okay or is skipping the turn order going to be annoying? It also seems like Status Moves that target other Pokemon use the Special Attribute so I did that for Confuse Ray. Is that going to cause me trouble down the road by forcing me to split my advancement in too many directions down the road or am I being silly worrying about that?
    Shadow Sneak is ok and you are not being silly.
    Also Refresh. Those get spent to get new Moves for a Pokemon, so if I give one Refresh to my starter and then use it to buy a second Move, that leaves it with 0 Refresh, correct? Is that a really bad thing, such that I should consider handing over a second Refresh or is it not a big deal?

    Refresh is shared between Trainers and Pokemon.

  • CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    Ok, re-edited mine and copied Marsh's format a bit more.

  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    so, as a fate expert

    Don't skip the skill pyramid

    an average roll in fate is actually 0

    Super Namicchi on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    to further explain, the skill pyramid is one of those things so you DON'T end up with characters who have two or three skills rated at 4 and everything else is at 0, that way your characters are versatile in how they can approach problems/create advantages

    Super Namicchi on
  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    The book has something about it being +/-2. If pyramids are important then we will do it then.

  • CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    All right, assuming we go with the Pyramid, here's the final version of... James Stone, younger brother of Jack Stone (!)
    High Concept:
    Viciously Competitive Martial Artist
    -What do you mean "Match Point?" Fine! I want a rematch!

    Holds Grudges With An Iron Fist
    -What do you mean you don't want a rematch?! I won't forget this!
    The Best Lies Are Mostly Truth
    -Just figure out what you need them to believe to get what you want and just tell them that. Some people really over-think it.
    I Don't Need Anyone's Help, Especially Not Big Bro's!
    -It's only a complex if you deny it. Anyway, it's a good thing I don't have a complex.

    Refresh: 3
    Might - 4
    -As it turns out, Martial Arts makes you good at hitting things. Who knew?
    Pokemon Training- 3
    -Even I had to admit that Big Bro was a pretty good trainer. So, I might have, uh, "borrowed" a few ideas from him.
    Endurance - 3
    -Big Bro always had me up at 5AM to start the day by running laps around the dojo. At least it paid off.
    Athletics - 2
    -...And after the laps around the dojo, that's when the REAL workout started.
    Charisma - 2
    -Big Bro wasn't the sharpest tack around, but he could almost smell lies. Almost.
    Empathy - 2
    -What can I say? A bit of Stirn rubbed off on me.
    Poké-Knowledge - 1
    -Just growing in a Pokemon Gym will teach you some. It's not rocket science or anything.
    Resources - 1
    -Pocket change from odd jobs around town.
    Scholarship - 1
    -Just because I hit things a lot doesn't mean I'm a moron.
    Survival - 1
    -A few weekends out of the year, Big Bro tossed me out into the wilderness and told me to fend for myself.
    ...It would have been a lot more convincing if his Hawlucha hadn't shadowed me the entire time, though.

    Alertness - 1
    -Always got to see that next punch coming.
    Stress and Complications
    Physical Stress - 5
    Mental Stress - 4

    Inner Calm (Martial Artist Stunt): Reduce Pokemon's Speed by one to increase Power or Hardiness by one for this round.

    Stirn (Meditite)
    Precognitive Bruiser
    I Meditate To Keep Me Relaxed (Or Else!)
    Short Fights Are Good Fights
    Tricks Are Beneath Me
    Hardiness - 3
    Power - 4
    Special - 2
    Speed - 1

    Stress Track : 9
    PP: 9
    Brick Break
    [Fighting] [Attack]
    Cost: 2 PP
    Attribute: Power
    Range: Zone 1; One Target
    Opposed by: Speed or Hardiness
    Effect: The Pokemon sharply jabs, breaking any defenses! +2 Power. If the attack succeeds, remove all Armor from the target.

    [Psychic] [Maneuver]
    Cost: 2 PP
    Attribute: Hardiness
    Target: Self
    Effect: Taking a moment to center itself, the Pokemon's muscles bulge with energy! Increase Power by 1 for 2 rounds.
    Ability and Stunts
    Pure Power: If a Power attack is successful, do an extra point of stress as damage.

    Refresh: 3

    Capfalcon on
  • MarshmallowMarshmallow Registered User regular
    Statistically the majority of results will be somewhere between -2 and +2, but 0 is the actual average (and most likely single result). Seems like the point of the pyramid is to serve the same function of stuff like WoD's increasing dot cost and encourage (or enforce, rather) a spread of skills of varying levels to make things more interesting. Makes sense to me.

    Skill rejiggering:
    Resources - 4
    - A modest weekly allowance, for casual purchases.
    Empathy - 3
    - Astonishingly good at picking up on subtext. Mostly used to unnerve adults.
    Pokemon Training - 3
    - Bring your daughter/niece to work day was just about every day.
    Alertness - 2
    - Kuri does not watch nor look, she observes.
    Charisma - 2
    - In a family like this, keeping a straight face at all times is a necessary survival trait.
    Poké-Knowledge - 2
    - A bit of light tutoring with a professor or two, so as not to embarrass herself at the Academy.
    Drive - 1
    - Courtesy of a Ponyta at her parents' summer ranch.
    Intimidation - 1
    - Don't mess with a Volkova.
    Scholarship - 1
    - The standard childhood study regimen, with a slight focus on matters of business and finance.
    Stealth - 1
    - Avoiding the spotlight is something of a family tradition at this point.
    Weapon - 1
    - Fencing classes. It was either that or Ballet.

  • Buddha73Buddha73 Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Lee Samberg

    High Concept:
    It’s a Sailor’s Life for Me!
    Someday I will sail the seas alongside father on the S.S. Tidal

    Day Dreamer
    Overly Friendly
    Make Father Proud

    Charisma – 4
    Alertness -3
    Athletics - 2
    Empathy - 2
    Endurance - 2
    Driving - 2
    Poké-Knowledge - 2
    Pokemon Training- 1
    Intimidation – 1
    Might - 1
    Resources – 1
    Scholarship – 1
    Stealth - 1
    Survival - 1
    Weapons - 1

    Physical Stress - 4
    Mental Stress - 4

    Stunts: Healing Waves (Swimmer High Aspect)- Lead Pokemon gains 2 HP this turn.


    Curious but Cautious
    Strong Willed
    Great Hider

    Hardiness – 1
    Power - 4
    Special - 3
    Speed - 2

    Stress Track : 5
    PP: 12

    [Normal] [Attack]
    Cost: 1 PP
    Attribute: Power
    Range: Zone 1; One Target
    Opposed by: Speed or Hardiness
    Effect: The Pokemon goes on the offensive, ramming its opponent! +2 Power.

    Water Gun
    [Water] [Attack]

    Cost 2 PP
    Attribute: Special
    Range Zone 2; One Target
    Opposed by: Speed or Hardiness
    Effect: The enemy is blasted with a forceful shot of water! +2 Special.

    I hope I got all that right.

    Buddha73 on
  • CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    Should have 12 PP and 5 Stress for the Pokemon, but I think the rest of it is good.

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    So rejigging stats:

    Gorm Birch
    High Concept:
    Over-eager Pokemon Trainer

    Family Money Sink
    Heralds from the school of Old Man Weedle
    Impervious to Outside Criticism

    Alertness - 1
    Athletics - 1
    Charisma - 0
    Driving - 1
    Empathy - 2
    Endurance - 2
    Intimidation - 0
    Might - 3
    Poké-Knowledge - 0
    Pokemon Training - 4
    Resources - 3
    Scholarship - 0
    Stealth - 1
    Survival - 0
    Weapons - 2
    Ventriloquism - 1
    Stress and Complications
    Physical Stress - 4
    Mental Stress - 4

    I BELIEVE IN YOU! (Over-Eager stunt) (1 FATE): Current Pokemon can only be hit down to 1 Stress until next turn, or revive current Pokemon to 1 Stress
    A A A A A A A A A A A (Secret Old Man Weedle Technique, Pokemon Training stunt): +1 Pokemon Training on capture attempts within the same zone as the trainer. The trainer must start the turn in this zone to use this technique.

    GEODUDE (A rock)
    Hard Head (Doesn't take damage from self-sacrificing moves)

    Lodestone (Can be compelled by Electric types, compels Steel types)
    Hardiness - 4
    Power - 2
    Special - 3
    Speed - 1

    Stress Track : 11
    PP: 12
    [Normal] [Block]
    Cost: 3 PP
    Attribute: Hardiness
    Target: Self
    Effect: The Pokemon's carapace stiffens! Places Armor 1 on self for 3 rounds.

    Rock Throw
    [Rock] [Attack]
    Cost: 2 PP
    Attribute: Power or Trainer's Might (Same zone only)
    Range: Zone 1; One Target
    Opposed by: Speed or Hardiness
    Effect: Rocks are thrown at the enemy! Increase Power by 1 for 1 round (Add to this attack, wears off after next attack).
    Ability and Stunts
    (Not sure if pokemon get this pre-made but)
    Sedimentary: If hit by a rock or ground attack, regain a stress.

    Refresh 2

    Edit: Bought an additional stunt and updated Aspects for Gorm.

    discrider on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    i wanna give my game a try! also i hope you don't mind i made Pancham a dual dark/fighting type like his evolution Pangoro even though his base type is just fighting, i figure it doesn't matter much other than flavor and the occasional typing matchup

    i'll finish Gyoza's stats when i wake up from my passout

    Mari Kotoku
    High Concept: Ninja-in-Training - Mari is a scion of the Kotoku clan, a proud line of ninjas who have served in an espionage capacity for many generations alongside their Pokémon. Surprisingly, Mari is both rather good and rather bad at being a Ninja.

    Rather Loud for Someone Who's Supposed to be Sneaky - Outspoken, thy name is Kotoku-san. Charitably referred to as boisterous, uncharitably as a loud mouth, Mari speaks her opinion before she thinks about it.

    Friends are Family - Loyal to a fault, Mari chooses her friends carefully and bonds to them like superglue.

    Who Says Ninjas Can't Have Honor!? - Never one to exploit an unfair advantage, Mari always tries to give her opposition an even playing field, even when it's to the detriment of her own best interests.

    Alertness - 2
    Athletics - 2
    Charisma - 1
    Empathy - 1
    Endurance - 1
    Might - 4
    Poké-Knowledge - 1
    Pokémon Training - 3
    Resources - 1
    Stealth - 3
    Weapons - 2

    Ninjutsu Training! (Ninja Stunt) - This stunt allows the Pokémon to apply an extra type to a move with which it shares a type. For example, Mach Punch, when using this stunt, could be come THUNDER MACH PUNCH, an electric/fighting type punch.


    Gyoza, Pancham


    High Concept: Big Hearted Brawler
    When In Doubt Get Creative
    Bold Things Come In Small Packages
    Gyoza Strongest There Is!

    Power 4
    Hardiness 3
    Special 2
    Speed 1


    Sucker Punch
    [Dark] [Attack]
    Cost: 3 PP, must be below the target in initiative
    Attribute: Power
    Target: One target
    Opposed by: Speed
    Effect: A move that goes one way, swings in from the other. Strikes with Power +4.

    Comet Punch
    [Normal] [Attack]
    Cost: 2 PP
    Attribute: Power
    Target: One target
    Opposed by: Speed or Hardiness
    Effect: The user lets loose a flurry of punches. Strikes with power +0.
    Special: If the first strike is successful the user rolls 1d4 and makes that many additional strikes at Power +0. If a strike in the sequence misses the move is over.

    Focus Energy
    [Normal] [Maneuver]
    Cost: 2 PP
    Attribute: N/A
    Target: Self
    Opposed by: N/A
    Effect: Time to get jacked! Places the aspect Pumped Up! on the user.
    Special: The Pumped Up! aspect comes with two free tags instead of one. Note the normal rules apply of using any given aspect only once per roll.

    Iron Fist - This Pokémon's punches are strong and inflict 1 extra stress.

    Super Namicchi on
  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Oh God, the original creator is here! De Pressure, De Pressure.

    Ok. @jdarksun do you still want to play? I'll take you since you where the first interested. And you seem to be a fan of my games, God knows why. :P

    The rest of you can start some background building about your character. Where is you from, what's your family like, how did you get the Pokémon you have now? Try to include some reasons for some of yours and your Pokémon's Aspects in your story. Once we have that, we can start with some small world building.

    Grunt's Ghosts on
  • MarshmallowMarshmallow Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Much of Kuri's backstory is intended to key off her Scion to a Secretive Sinnoh Oligopoly aspect. I'm thinking a generation or two ago, her ancestors set up shop on Sinnoh's Battle Zone, the hub for hyper-competitive battling, and got their start selling Move Tutor services to the hopeful Trainers of the area. After figuring out just how much money people were willing to throw for the potential edge that additional rare or unusual moves could provide, the family consolidated, cornered as much of the market as possible, and earned a fortune.

    After that, in typical Russian-oligarch-style fashion, they multiplied that fortune and amassed additional power by careful application of nepotism, property and business purchases, and being savvy, cutthroat investors.

    All this financial privateering would probably have garnered the family a mixed reputation, but they've abided by an extremely strict system of secrecy, and avoidance of the press and public eye, maintaining many investments through subsidiaries, separate companies (owned by family members), and other methods of hiding their sizable social and financial clout. Whether this is due to eccentricity, paranoia, or hiding from an actual threat, only the highest ranks of the family knows for sure.

    Into this modern day dynasty, Kuri is born. Tightly regimented schedules, harsh tutoring, and the pressures of living up to her family's name are a constant presence of her upbringing. The posted bodyguards, carefully controlled playdates, and Pokemon Training lessons do little to break up the abiding sense of loneliness, and all the trappings of wealth that might build up a sense of entitlement and arrogance in another child only drive Kuri deeper into melancholy.

    Kuri's latent misery eventually attract a young Shuppet, her feelings of isolation promising a fine meal for the negativity-devouring Pokemon. Slipping past security in the guise of a harmless doll, the Puppet Pokemon introduced itself to the troubled girl, earned her trust, and promptly began gorging itself on her bad emotions. After the Pokemon was discovered, Kuri fought tooth and nail to be allowed to keep it, her sudden assertiveness and intensity eventually persuading her parents to acquiesce.

    Since uniting with the Shuppet, now named Uzha, Kuri has been pushing for increased freedom, and opportunity to pursue her own interests and individuality. Accepted into the Pokemon Academy, and Ryukyu Island begrudgingly deemed safe enough by her family's security director, Kuri looks forward to putting some distance between herself and the strange cares of her relatives, distance she plans to use to explore her options, meet new people with new perspectives, and ultimately decide whether she wishes to accept her birthright among her privileged kin, or part ways to forge her own path.

    For ties to other characters, it seems like at least a couple of the others are related to some Pokecelebrities, so it's possible enough that, considering our characters are all the same-ish age and have rich/powerful family, they could have met and made acquaintances through those channels.

    Other than that, Kuri does have a newfound drive to seek out new perspectives and people to associate with, despite her family's warnings that anyone showing interest in being friends is only looking to put a knife in her back or a hand in her purse. Anyone willing to put up with her gloomy outlook and focus on monetary matters could find her a quick, if cautious, ally.

    Marshmallow on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    well, being a Ninja... do you think Kuri's family would have been employing the Kotoku clan as their spies?

  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    also hey, GG, I notice you modified how much health/PP pokes get... i think you may be overestimating here how much PP is really needed

    i have to step in here as Fate Expert again and maybe use the combat as written or we're going to have some ridiculous number inflation and combats that last eight years :P

    Super Namicchi on
  • MarshmallowMarshmallow Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    That could certainly be an option, considering their obsession with secrecy and desire to keep on top of both their reputation and the business world. I imagine they wouldn't be averse to having an outside force capable of running some information gathering and interference (maybe even corporate espionage) at their behest, doubly so if the Kotoku clan was primarily motivated by something as simple and understandable as money.

    More to the point, it looks like Mari and Kuri would have tremendous amounts of common ground, what with both having families they don't quite fit in with (and who likely have high expectations of them), as well as the potential fallout down the road of realizing that their families may not necessarily be nice people by the moral compasses of most.

    Plus c'mon. "Mari" and "Kuri".

    That's practically Team Rocket levels of stylish team up potential. We should just go ahead and get a motto ready, just in case.

    "To bring the world down to its knees"
    "To charge our clients with massive fees"

    See, it writes itself.

    Marshmallow on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited March 2014 here's the link to my hack if anyone doesn't have the link

    Super Namicchi on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    also: consider me part of Team Kurimari

  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    also hey, GG, I notice you modified how much health/PP pokes get... i think you may be overestimating here how much PP is really needed

    i have to step in here as Fate Expert again and maybe use the combat as written or we're going to have some ridiculous number inflation and combats that last eight years :P

    I was thinking of it running less like the Stress (i.e. You lose one stress box per hit) and doing more HP style. (If the guy does 2 shifts above your defense, you lose 2 HP.) Which goes more with the Pokémon game feel, but still leave the consequences in. I thought I had that written in on the OP but it doesn't seem to be there anymore.

    Edit: If people want to do regular FATE Stress (Page 160 in the book) then I'll change things around. But if people want to do an HP system to keep with the feel of the games then we'll try it out as is. I know it isn't straight up FATE but most things FATE aren't either.

    Grunt's Ghosts on
  • MarshmallowMarshmallow Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Speaking of PP, I'd love to see what a Spiritomb with Pressure and Spite would do to this system. I used to use one purely for the gimmick factor in online battles and it would occasionally play merry hell with an opponent's tactics when they started running out of PP for crucial moves.

    Marshmallow on
  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    From a young age, Gorm has always wanted to be a Pokemon trainer, and it's not hard to see why. As the nephew of Professor Birch, he'd often see the other kids all enter the lab and get to choose their very first pokemon, and leave to go on their grand adventures. They'd send all manner of Pokemon back to the lab for study and safekeeping, and, when they came back to town, would regale Gorm with all kinds of wondrous stories.

    So when Gorm found his first Pokemon in the back garden, there was no talking him out of it. He was going to leave immediately and discover all new kinds of pokemon and catalogue everything!
    Being 8 at the time, his parent's weren't quite ready to throw him out into the long grass, but they couldn't watch him all the time either. So instead they introduced him to the Old Man of the village, who then taught him everything he knew about catching Weedles. So long as Gorm was preoccupied with this, he wouldn't be escaping from the house all the time to charge headlong into the long grass.

    After a good two years or so of learning how to catch Weedles, it was graduation day. Finally Gorm could go to the Pokemon lab, select his first starter Pokemon and go out into the world. Professor Birch led him down to the Pokemon in the center of the room, as his parents watched on with pride. But then, when the time came to decide which Pokemon he'd start his journey with, Gorm had already made his mind up long ago. He produced his GEODUDE from his backpack and proudly proclaimed "This one!". Silence fell across the room.

    Since then, Gorm has been in earnest training. His parents, constantly flustered by his decision, have been trying everything to get him to go back and pick a better starter. But Gorm would have none of it. He and GEODUDE were best friends and he'd train him and they would travel the world together. That is, if his parents would let him leave town. But they didn't believe his Pokemon could adequately protect him in the outside world. And so he trained.
    And his parents are sick of it. It was bad enough all the broken windows and furnishings that were appearing as Rock Throw was practiced everywhere. But when the neighbours Skitty turned up bludgeoned nigh on death, something had to be done.

    So now Gorm finds himself on his way to the Pokemon Academy. It's not quite the adventure he was hoping for, but if he can graduate, maybe then he'll be able to prove that both he and GEODUDE have what it takes to go on their own escapades.

    Also @Buddha73 you have 21 points to use in skills during character creation. You have 23 there I think.

    discrider on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    well consequences kind of suck if they're just knocking damage off a total (that's what armor does!)

    it also means you don't get into wars of attrition

    but indeed, 'tis up to the vote

    Super Namicchi on
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