And so I apologize if this is in the wrong forum, I don't really know how things operate here yet.
To comment on the most recent updates to the series: Maybe drug abuse does have something to do with a rise in violent crime, but has anyone tried looking at it from the other direction? That just maybe people willing to commit the foulest of deeds are not the types to balk at more minor offenses, such as doing a drug now and again.
On the other topic: I have several games I simply love to replay. SSX3 is one, both Halos another. In those examples I had to complete the games in order to pick and choose the levels I enjoyed the most. Now when I replay again I only play the levels I liked the most, however, had they all been open from the beginning I would still have tried out each and every one of them before choosing.
A great example of this is World of Warcraft. On my first character I ran every instance, did every quest, wandered every zone, sweated it out through the the first 24 hour AVs and 6 minute WSGs. Now, when I play an alt I immediately head to the starting area I like the best. I run the instances I enjoy a few more times and the ones I dislike not at all. I skip the tedious cooking quests and many of the ones which don't have rewards I care about, or lack an intresting storyline (The Stones that Bind Us is still the best quest in WoW!) In short, the first time through I tried everything to see what I would enjoy and everytime thereafter I only do the parts that I like, which makes for a better gaming experiance. I still did it all once through because I didn't know what I would enjoy until I had tried it all, but if I had to do every bit of what I did over again with each and every character I would have a 70 priest with unlimited rested xp, because I wouldn't do it all over again. To touch on a previous example, video games are like music. You might buy the because you liked a certain radio track, but you will eventually listen to the entire cd just incase there is something else there that you enjoy.
The reward for downing that raid boss for the first time isn't really in getting to try and learn the next one. It's in hearing the other 39 people cheer at a job well done.
That's all I got for now. -21
edit: also, no one spells Dann with two ns but me, gtfo.
I had such hopes for you Dann21.
Hopes that you would succeed where the first 20 Danns had failed.
It's a bad idea to start off in a new forum without reading the rules first. Also, it's kind of a no-no to sign one's posts here, so bear that in mind if you do decide to stick around.
I'm kind of curious what series he's even talking about in that first part... TV series? Game series? Hockey playoff series?
I think he's talking about the actual comic "series" as it were.
It's his first post on the Penny-Arcade forums. I would assume that it's that he is referring to.
Whatever is more convenient for me to buy. I could give two shits about the Earth.
Locally, because global warming affects all of us.
You will be eaten by bears then.
Ah, investigation reveals that the news post is to blame. *shrug* Next time, Gadget.
Depends on what you hate more, global warming, or global terrorism.
My father in law tried to run a share garden for produce.
It was to low tech and labor intensive to pan out as a source of money.
Also - I like that my fruit salad components come from distant lands.
That is a good and honorable way to die.
After thoughtful contemplation, I put that one last.
And I want my remains air-dropped onto the whitehouse lawn.
Death by breast milk intoxication.
Preferably after I'm dead.
stout's Amazon Wishlist | my lastFM
Come to think of it, I want to be stuffed (holding my hand out).
That way I could serve drinks at my funeral. Maybe they could rig something up so my free hand will reach out and grab where someone's arm will probably be.
Oh man, the George Carlin bit on posthumous reflexes is great.
-- (Terry Pratchett,
Shoot! You're right, I probably should have read the rules. I confess, I'm a sinner.
Likewise, shouldn't everyone here have done the same? Whereas really only the title of my thread is a violation of the rules (and really only that, since I merely titled it poorly, it very much so has a subject) very nearly every reply has well violated the rules as they have gone further and further off topic.....something about bears?
As for the rest, well, Dann is my real name, unless you were born before 1981 I had it first. Second N and all. When mentioning a series, it's a safe bet that unless previously said, a reference to "the series" will mean the series that this forum is attached to. Also, bears are lightweights, hippos kill as many people every year as all other animals combined. Wrestle them.
I'm going to bed now, feel free to flame me, I'll respond in eight hours or so. (as far as signing goes) -21
p.s. shoot!, again. went off topic. making full videogame content immediately available, but managing it so that players are required to work their way up to it (either by doing all of the content, or by repeatedly doing the content they enjoy) is most likely the way to go.
Now don't be uppity when we're trying to school you in our ways.
Oh shits, I pissed someone off with that comment.
Not at the moment, unfortunately.
Also, bears are great.
No, I don't remember what my first post was, but trust it was damn good.
I don't know that I've ever made an official "first post", aside from when I started posting on back before FFVII came out.
Man, that place was fucking nuts, and taught me what the internet messageboard world is like without mods.