Hello, and welcome to the new Agents of SHIELD thread! We are starting a new thread so that I can make an important public service announcement regarding spoilers.
As you probably know if you have even a passing interest in things pertaining to this show or other MCU productions, AoS is closely tied to the events of Captain America 2. It is so closely tied, in fact, that it's very difficult to talk about the one without talking about the other. This makes the handling of spoilers somewhat... challenging.
The spoiler rules for this thread are going to carry over from the last thread. To wit, any post containing spoilers from Cap2 needs to be explicitly labeled as such in the post. Anything that doesn't have a Cap2 label on it will be assumed to have AoS spoilers in it only. Anything that doesn't have a Cap2 label on it and does have Cap2 spoilers will be infracted. Meanwhile, anything from Cap2 that doesn't directly pertain to AoS should be discussed elsewhere.
That said. There is a lot of material that rides the line between simple AoS speculation and outright Cap2 spoiler, so there is a chance that someone might say something that's borderline and gives away something from Cap2 even though it's kinda-sorta only related to stuff from AoS. (This happened once or twice in the last thread.) It is also possible someone's random guess about what might happen in AoS will accidentally contain Cap2 spoilers through sheer happenstance. So while everyone should be as considerate as possible regarding Cap2 spoilers, it is entirely possible that viewing this thread might ruin something for you if you haven't yet seen the film.
So. Post in here at your own risk.
(And if you're wondering, yes, I saw the movie. It is fucking rad. So stoked for Tuesday's episode.)
So as to facilitate discussion here - ie, so we can not have every goddamn post in spoiler tags - we are relaxing rules on Cap2 related spoilers. If you have not seen Cap2, and you don't want some key parts of it spoiled, this is not the thread for you. This also means you haven't watched AoS in at least three weeks, and so why the hell are you even in here, again? Anyway.
This doesn't mean ALL aspects of Cap2 are fair game, nor does it mean the most recent episode of the show is fair game. What's fair game? Basically, anything about Cap2 that you would know be having watched the recent episodes. SHIELD is overrun by Hydra, Nick Fury "died," but not really, and is secretly alive. Things in Cap2 that have not been mentioned or affected AoS yet? Those should still be tagged. Obvious examples of these things include
Zola is/was alive and was downloaded into a giant computer equipped with predictive algorithms that really should've been the Clairvoyant but apparently isn't grumble grumble, and the Winter Soldier is actually Bucky Barnes, brought back from near-death by Hydra.
Discussion of the most recent episode of AoS should still be spoiler tagged, as usual.
I submitted an entry to Lego Ideas, and if 10,000 people support me, it'll be turned into an actual Lego set!If you'd like to see and support my submission,
follow this link.
Please tell me if I can wiki through several episodes and then pick up at a certain point late enough in the game to appreciate the fact that show is now evidently good without slogging through fillerfillerfillershutupskyfiller
NNID: Hakkekage
The Skye character becomes interesting as who she is develops.
Some episodes, while looking like one-offs or filler, have been referenced as super-important things in later episodes.
And the last 4-5 episodes have been absolute aces, and are building from the foundation they laid earlier.
But honestly, we can't tell you what episodes are skip able because we still don't know everything that is or is not important. But what I can say is that it's a fun show and worth your time if you like the MCU.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
I suppose I can do a lot of laundry and clean my room to episodes 5-10
NNID: Hakkekage
Definitely the mid-season finale on, not sure which episode number that is
Probably. Sorry.
It's definitely not one of those 'You have to watch the first two seasons to really get it!'
The later episodes are just way better than the earlier. You can skip earlier ones if you feel like it.
I mean, we all know things are going Spy vs Spy in AOS - we've seen that already. So if the next eps of AOS just reflect that, I can watch them until Cap comes out here.
Thanks in advance!
posh i shall be your wizard in dis i got yo bak
And since we know they aren't doing that...
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
Cap2 spoilers
Which really is just the details of what we already knew was happening on the show.
We knew there was a mole, we knew things were coming from inside Shield.
If there was no Cap 2, literally the sentence "It's not just May/Triplett/Skye/Fitz/Simmons/Ward/AnyoneButCoulson who is compromised...they weren't working alone! The whole organization has been infiltrated!", will tell everyone who chose not to see Cap 2 what they need to know, really.
That's assuming that Zola is NOT the Clairvoyant. Which I think is the case.
I really don't think that people who don't see TWS will feel left out at all. They just won't know the specifics and may think "wow, a lot got glossed over there.", but they have the option to see the specifics if they desire.
We're not talking Keyser Soze or Sixth Sense stuff where knowing it will fundamentally alter your experience going in, but if you don't want major plot points spoiled, you should probably just DVR the show for awhile and catch up later.
Also, I'm thinking about allowing limited open spoilers of Cap2 after a few weeks, because it may get to a point where it's literally impossible to even discuss the show without major Cap2 spoilers, and entire threads that are locked behind spoiler tags are lame.
Cap 2 made $97ish million dollars. So a whooooooole bunch of people saw it. I know I got an Agents of SHIELD promo before the movie, I assume others did.
Will ratings be huge because it's a fantastic movie that people are eager to get more of?
Or will ratings be lower because people who watch the show haven't seen it yet, and are going to skip it?
It's going to be really, really interesting to see what this movie does to the show's viewership...
This thankfully also gives me and the gf something to watch now that we're all caught up on Archer, Venture Bros., and Doctor Who. I've been scrambling for a new show for us to start chewing on, huzzah! The best part being that both of us will be going in totally fresh whereas the others were one of us getting the other caught up on all the prior seasons. This should be fun.
I'm kind of attached to all of them, and May as a traitor feels like a head-fake, but I could see Ward dying and being replaced by Triplett.
Is it this weeks or next weeks that's going to deal with the fallout? Timing-wise, I think the movie had probably started by the end of the last ep, but it took a day or two to end, didn't it? If they just pick up from the cliffhanger, it might not reach them in time.
Also, the earlier episodes that people wrote off were in fact necessary to let us get to know the characters and how they work.
This did two things:
Gave us little one off stories that were in fact important in the grand scheme when we didn't realize they were, and also gave us insight into the characters that made this tonal shift possible. Without the earlier episodes, it would have been much harder to do what they are doing now.
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With the 'movie had probably started by the end of the last ep" as you say
show spoiler
I totally missed that - yeah, this tuesday is going to be full-bore Cap 2 fallout... oh FUCK!
Cap 2 / show theory based on spoilers
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
Cap2 Spoiler in last week show:
Also, AoS/Cap2 spoilers:
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
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Looks like I'm going to have to start watching this again... I think I dropped off somewhere around the Thor tie - in.
Cap2 talk
That's what is going to make the second season so much fun. There's a whole new world to explore after Cap 2.
Sorry but (Cap 2 stuff)
no, my money is on Secrect Warriors kinda story, where Fury restructures SHIELD into an underground organization dedicated to hunting down Hydra
Cap 2 spoilers
Additional Theories:
- May is totally reporting to Fury directly, and the reason she doesn't want to say anything is because she either suspects or knows that the Bus is bugged. This is further confirmed by Hand ordering control of the Bus only moments after Coulson asks May who the "real" Clairvoyant is; she had to be listening in.
- Hand is totally Hydra; she's the one that sent Sitwell to the Lemurian Star, and she orders control of the Bus the instant Coulson asks about the Real Clairvoyant.
C'mon tomorrow, get here faster!
This sounds like adaptations of a couple of Marvel comic storylines
While this was going on, Nick Fury went "Well, someone has to deal with Hydra while Osborn is fucking around." so he formed an underground team called the Secret Warriors to fight Hydra.
Either they'll become the
or the UN security council will be forced to revise their mandate and reform SHIELD into: