And thus we knew that Raziel was acquainted with the elder god far earlier than after his demise at the hands of Kain and his lieutentants...
"The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
Can someone let me know when PA becomes funny again so that I stop wasting my time?
That would require me to go out of my way to remember to let you know the next time I chuckle at the comic. Plus, I'd require a psychological profile to correct my response for your sense of humor. Can I expect the documents in the mail?
Seriously, guy. We don't want to hit lots of red tape here. Take a break from the comic, and check in again later when you feel like it. There's less snark and drama involved.
Ceiling_Squid on
AthenorBattle Hardened OptimistThe Skies of HiigaraRegistered Userregular
I think I've found my new comic series to introduce new roleplayers to the genre....
He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
As someone who has had to handle a baby in a game of D&D before, I can assure you that this is pretty much par for the course on player character + baby interactions.
Basically, giving players a baby is ALWAYS hilarious.
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
Steam: TimIsOnSteam TimIsOnBnet#1745
Switch: SW-7012-4788-7410
PSN: TimIsOnTheNet
That seems like it would be a waste of time for somebody else.
The door is that way --->
That would require me to go out of my way to remember to let you know the next time I chuckle at the comic. Plus, I'd require a psychological profile to correct my response for your sense of humor. Can I expect the documents in the mail?
Seriously, guy. We don't want to hit lots of red tape here. Take a break from the comic, and check in again later when you feel like it. There's less snark and drama involved.
Basically, giving players a baby is ALWAYS hilarious.
"Roll for initiative, honey.
Someone take the dice out of his mouth."